public function initialize()
     if (class_exists('sfPlop')) {
         sfPlop::loadPlugin(array('slots' => array('GoogleMaps' => 'GoogleMaps map', 'GoogleMapsFilter' => 'GoogleMaps filter', 'GoogleMapsPosition' => 'GoogleMaps position')));
     sfConfig::set('sf_plop_googlemaps_zooms', array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15));
 function initialize()
     if (class_exists('sfPlop')) {
         sfPlop::loadPlugin(array('modules' => array('sfGuardUser' => array('name' => 'Users', 'route' => '@sf_guard_user'), 'sfGuardGroup' => array('name' => 'Groups', 'route' => '@sf_guard_group'))));
 function initialize()
     if (class_exists('sfPlop')) {
         sfPlop::loadPlugin(array('modules' => array('sfAssetLibrary' => array('name' => 'Media library', 'route' => '@sf_asset_library_root'), 'sfAssetGallery' => array('name' => 'Media galleries', 'route' => '@sfAssetGallery')), 'slots' => array('Asset' => 'Asset', 'AssetGallery' => 'Asset gallery', 'CustomGalleryAsset' => 'Custom gallery asset', 'AssetGalleryNavigation' => 'Asset galleries list')));
 public function initialize()
     if (class_exists('sfPlop')) {
         sfPlop::loadPlugin(array('modules' => array('sf_extranet_dashboard' => array('name' => 'Extranet dashboard', 'route' => '@sf_extranet_dashboard'), 'sf_extranet_event' => array('name' => 'Extranet events', 'route' => '@sf_extranet_event'), 'sf_extranet_document' => array('name' => 'Extranet documents', 'route' => '@sf_extranet_document'))));
     sfConfig::add(array('extranet_dashboard_pagination' => 10, 'extranet_anonymous_name' => 'Anonymous', 'extranet_event_fields' => array('title', 'description', 'date', 'is_published'), 'extranet_document_fields' => array('title', 'category', 'file', 'is_published')));
コード例 #5
 public function initialize()
     $this->dispatcher->connect('plop.messaging', array('sfPlopListeners', 'listenToMessagingEvent'));
     // CONFIG
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_version' => '2', 'sf_plop_website_description' => 'Plop CMS - a fully customizable CMS', 'sf_plop_website_keywords' => 'plop, cms', 'sf_plop_use_custom_page_title' => true, 'sf_plop_website_title' => 'Plop CMS', 'sf_plop_website_title_position' => 'after', 'sf_plop_website_title_prefix' => '-', 'sf_plop_website_title_suffix' => '', 'sf_plop_use_title_in_seo_description' => true, 'sf_plop_default_culture' => 'fr', 'sf_plop_cultures' => array('fr', 'en'), 'sf_plop_use_country_flags' => true, 'sf_plop_country_flags_path' => '/sfPlopPlugin/vendor/famfamfam/flags/', 'sf_plop_loaded_admin_themes' => array('admin' => array('name' => 'admin', 'description' => 'Default admin theme', 'color' => '#444'), 'admin-theme-light' => array('name' => 'admin-theme-light', 'description' => 'Light version of the default admin theme', 'color' => '#eee')), 'sf_plop_admin_theme' => 'admin', 'sf_plop_loaded_themes' => array('none' => false, 'victor' => array('name' => 'victor', 'description' => 'Victor grey', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/victor/', 'css' => array('/sfPlopPlugin/themes/victor/css/theme.css', ''), 'subthemes' => array('victor victor-black' => 'Victor black', 'victor victor-blue' => 'Victor blue')), 'dark' => array('name' => 'dark', 'description' => 'Dark', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/dark/', 'css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/dark/css/theme.css'), 'florentine' => array('name' => 'florentine', 'description' => 'Florentine', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/florentine/', 'css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/florentine/css/theme.css'), 'metal' => array('name' => 'metal', 'description' => 'Metal', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/metal/', 'css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/metal/css/theme.css'), 'canvas' => array('name' => 'mfgallery', 'description' => 'Canvas', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/canvas/', 'css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/canvas/css/theme.css'), 'kerbi' => array('name' => 'kerbi', 'description' => 'Kerbi', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/kerbi/', 'css' => array('/sfPlopPlugin/themes/kerbi/css/theme.css', '')), 'architect' => array('name' => 'architect', 'description' => 'Architect', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/architect/', 'css' => array('/sfPlopPlugin/themes/architect/css/theme.css', ''))), 'sf_plop_theme' => 'victor', 'sf_plop_custom_css' => null, 'sf_plop_custom_js' => null, 'sf_plop_custom_favicon' => '/sfPlopPlugin/images/favicon.ico', 'sf_plop_custom_webapp_favicon' => '/sfPlopPlugin/images/apple-touch-icon.png', 'sf_plop_use_html5' => true, 'sf_plop_use_image_zoom' => false, 'sf_plop_use_ajax' => false, 'sf_plop_form_help_format' => '<div class="widget-form-help">%help%</div>', 'sf_plop_use_statistics' => false, 'sf_plop_statistics_code' => '', 'sf_plop_slots_class_prefix' => 'sfPlopSlot', 'sf_plop_allow_registration' => false, 'sf_plop_private_access' => false, 'sf_plop_menu_items' => array('icon' => 'icon', 'title' => 'title', 'subtitle' => 'subtitle'), 'sf_plop_slot_layouts' => array('l' => 'left', 'c' => 'center', 'r' => 'right', 'lc' => 'left + center', 'cr' => 'center + right', 'ml' => 'midleft', 'mr' => 'midright', 'lcr' => 'left + center + right'), 'sf_plop_loaded_slots' => array('RichText' => 'Rich text', 'Text' => 'Simple text', 'PageTitle' => 'Page title', 'Area' => 'Blocks area', 'PageHeader' => 'Page header', 'PageFooter' => 'Page footer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'SecondNavigation' => 'Second navigation', 'LocaleNavigation' => 'Localization navigation', 'LoginLinks' => 'Login links', 'Breadcrumb' => 'Breadcrumb trail', 'SiteMap' => 'Site map', 'ContactForm' => 'Contact form', 'LoginForm' => 'Login form', 'RegisterForm' => 'Register form', 'Code' => 'Code block', 'XmlFeed' => 'Xml feed', 'Date' => 'Date', 'PoweredByPlopCMS' => 'Powered by Plop CMS', 'ThemeSwitcher' => 'Theme switcher', 'DistantGallery' => 'Distant gallery'), 'sf_plop_loaded_modules' => array('sf_plop_cms' => array('name' => 'Contents', 'route' => '@sf_plop_homepage', 'culture' => 'default'), 'sf_plop_dashboard' => array('name' => 'Dashboard', 'route' => '@sf_plop_dashboard')), 'sf_plop_loaded_links' => array('sf_plop_homepage' => array('name' => 'Homepage', 'route' => '@sf_plop_homepage', 'culture' => 'default')), 'sf_plop_cache_lifetime' => 86400, 'sf_plop_uncached_slots' => array('Date', 'ContactForm', 'LoginForm', 'RegisterForm'), 'sf_plop_richtext_editors' => array('aloha-editor'), 'sf_plop_richtext_editor' => 'aloha-editor', 'sf_plop_richtext_editor_aloha-editor_bridge' => '/sfPlopPlugin/js/admin.aloha.js', 'sf_plop_richtext_editor_aloha-editor_css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/vendor/aloha-editor/src/css/aloha.css', 'sf_plop_richtext_editor_aloha-editor_script' => array('src' => '/sfPlopPlugin/vendor/aloha-editor/src/lib/aloha.js', 'data-aloha-plugins' => 'common/format,common/table,common/list,common/link,common/undo,common/paste,common/contenthandler,common/characterpicker,common/image,common/align,plopcms/plopcms,aloha-editor-extra-plugins/hr/hr')));
     // Enabled slots and modules for sfPlopCMS
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_enabled_slots' => array('RichText', 'Text', 'PageTitle', 'Area', 'PageHeader', 'PageFooter', 'MainNavigation', 'SecondNavigation', 'LocaleNavigation', 'LoginLinks', 'Breadcrumb', 'SiteMap', 'ContactForm', 'LoginForm', 'RegisterForm', 'Code', 'Date', 'XmlFeed', 'ThemeSwitcher', 'PoweredByPlopCMS', 'DistantGallery', 'Asset', 'AssetGallery', 'CustomGalleryAsset', 'AssetGalleryNavigation', 'GoogleMaps', 'GoogleMapsFilter', 'GoogleMapsPosition'), 'sf_plop_enabled_modules' => array('sf_plop_cms', 'sf_plop_dashboard', 'sfAssetLibrary', 'sfAssetGallery'), 'sf_plop_enabled_links' => array('sf_plop_homepage')));
     // Configuration for sfPlopDashoard
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_dashboard_show_welcome_message' => true, 'sf_plop_dashboard_show_browser_recommandations' => true, 'sf_plop_dashboard_show_news' => false, 'sf_plop_dashboard_show_stats' => false));
     // Configuration for sfPlopDashoard / non-overridable settings
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_dashboard_settings_tabs' => array('seo' => 'SEO', 'pluginModules' => 'Modules manager', 'pluginSlots' => 'Content blocks manager', 'statistics' => 'Statistics', 'culture' => 'Content languages', 'messaging' => 'Messaging', 'appearance' => 'Appearance', 'access' => 'Public access')));
     // Configuration for sfPlopMessaging
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_messaging_from_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'sf_plop_messaging_from_name' => 'Anon YMOUS', 'sf_plop_messaging_to_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'sf_plop_messaging_to_name' => 'Anon YMOUS', 'sf_plop_messaging_subject' => 'Your plop website has a message for you', 'sf_plop_messaging_message' => 'Message from your plop website'));
     // Load dynamic config
     sfPlop::loadPlugin(array('slots' => sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_slots', true), 'modules' => sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_modules', true), 'themes' => sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_themes', true), 'links' => sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_links', true)));
     // CSS values
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_css_background-repeat' => array('no-repeat' => 'No repetition', 'repeat' => 'Repetition', 'repeat-x' => 'Horizontal repetition', 'repeat-y' => 'Vertical repetition'), 'sf_plop_css_background-position-x' => array('left' => 'Left', 'center' => 'Center', 'right' => 'Right'), 'sf_plop_css_background-position-y' => array('top' => 'Top', 'center' => 'Middle', 'bottom' => 'Bottom'), 'sf_plop_css_border-style' => array('solid' => 'Solid', 'dashed' => 'Dashed', 'dotted' => 'Dotted'), 'sf_plop_css_font-family' => array('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' => 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' => 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', 'Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif' => 'Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif', '"Times New Roman", Times, serif' => '"Times New Roman", Times, serif', '"Courier New", Courier, mono' => '"Courier New", Courier, mono'), 'sf_plop_css_font-size' => array('.75em' => '1 (75%)', '1em' => '2 (100%)', '1.2em' => '3 (120%)', '1.4em' => '4 (140%)', '1.6em' => '5 (160%)'), 'sf_plop_css_border-width' => array('0px' => '0px', '1px' => '1px', '2px' => '2px', '3px' => '3px', '4px' => '4px', '5px' => '5px', '6px' => '6px', '7px' => '7px', '8px' => '8px', '9px' => '9px', '10px' => '10px'), 'sf_plop_css_website-width' => array('100%' => 'Fluid layout (100%)', '1000px' => 'Screen resolution of 1280x1024 (1000px)', '960px' => 'Screen resolution of 1024x768 (960px)', '750px' => 'Screen resolution of 800x600 (750px)', '320px' => 'Mobile (320px)')));
 public function initialize()
     if (class_exists('sfPlop')) {
         sfPlop::loadPlugin(array('slots' => array('WebsiteOffers' => 'Website offers list'), 'modules' => array('sf_plop_shop_product' => array('name' => 'Shop products', 'route' => '@sf_plop_shop_product'), 'sf_plop_shop_category' => array('name' => 'Shop categories', 'route' => '@sf_plop_shop_category'), 'sf_plop_shop_order' => array('name' => 'Shop orders', 'route' => '@sf_plop_shop_order'), 'sf_plop_shop_tax' => array('name' => 'Shop taxes', 'route' => '@sf_plop_shop_tax'), 'sf_plop_shop_duration' => array('name' => 'Shop durations', 'route' => '@sf_plop_shop_duration'), 'sf_plop_shop_currency' => array('name' => 'Shop currencies', 'route' => '@sf_plop_shop_currency'), 'sf_plop_shop_company' => array('name' => 'Shop company', 'route' => '@sf_plop_shop_company'))));