コード例 #1
$t->is($ph->has('bar'), false, '->has() returns false if the key does not exist');
$t->is($ph->has('myfoo'), false, '->has() returns false if the key exists but in another namespace');
$t->is($ph->has('myfoo', 'symfony/mynamespace'), true, '->has() returns true if the key exists in the namespace given as its second argument');
$ph = new sfParameterHolder();
$ph->add(array('foo' => array('bar' => array('baz' => 'foo bar'), 'bars' => array('foo', 'bar'))));
$t->is($ph->has('foo[bar][baz]'), true, '->has() can takes a multi-array key');
$t->is($ph->get('foo[bars][1]'), true, '->has() can takes a multi-array key');
$t->is($ph->get('foo[bars][2]'), false, '->has() returns null is the key does not exist');
$t->is($ph->has('foo[bars][]'), true, '->has() returns true if an array exists');
$t->is($ph->get('foo[bars][]'), $ph->has('foo[bars]'), '->has() returns true for an array even if you omit the []');
// ->hasNamespace()
$ph = new sfParameterHolder();
$ph->set('foo', 'bar');
$ph->set('myfoo', 'bar', 'symfony/mynamespace');
$t->is($ph->hasNamespace($ph->getDefaultNamespace()), true, '->hasNamespace() returns true for the default namespace');
$t->is($ph->hasNamespace('symfony/mynamespace'), true, '->hasNamespace() returns true if the namespace exists');
$t->is($ph->hasNamespace('symfony/nonexistant'), false, '->hasNamespace() returns false if the namespace does not exist');
// ->remove()
$ph = new sfParameterHolder();
$ph->set('foo', 'bar');
$ph->set('myfoo', 'bar');
$ph->set('myfoo', 'bar', 'symfony/mynamespace');
$t->is($ph->has('foo'), false, '->remove() removes the key from parameters');
$t->is($ph->has('myfoo'), false, '->remove() removes the key from parameters');
$t->is($ph->has('myfoo', 'symfony/mynamespace'), true, '->remove() removes the key from parameters for a given namespace');
$ph->remove('myfoo', 'symfony/mynamespace');
$t->is($ph->has('myfoo', 'symfony/mynamespace'), false, '->remove() takes a namespace as its second argument');