コード例 #1
  * Returns an instance of sfLucene configured for this environment.
 protected function getLuceneInstance()
     return sfLuceneToolkit::getApplicationInstance();
コード例 #2
$root = sfConfig::get('sf_data_dir') . '/index/';
// build valid indexes structure
sfLucene::getInstance('testLucene', 'en')->getLucene();
sfLucene::getInstance('testLucene', 'fr')->getLucene();
// build invalid indexes structures
file_put_contents($root . 'testLucene/en/random_file', 'r@nd()');
mkdir($root . 'testLucene/foo', 0777, true);
file_put_contents($root . 'testLucene/foo/bar', 'foo');
mkdir($root . 'badIndex/en', 0777, true);
file_put_contents($root . 'badIndex/bar', 'foo');
$dirty = sfLuceneToolkit::getDirtyIndexRemains();
$t->ok(in_array($root . 'testLucene/foo', $dirty), '::getDirtyIndexRemains() schedules valid indexes but invalid cultures for deletion');
$t->ok(in_array($root . 'badIndex', $dirty), '::getDirtyIndexRemains() schedules the entire of a bad index for deletion');
$t->ok(!in_array($root . 'testLucene', $dirty), '::getDirtyIndexRemains() did not schedule an entire valid index for deletion');
$t->ok(!in_array($root . 'testLucene/en', $dirty), '::getDirtyIndexRemains() did not schedule a valid index and valid culture for deletion');
$t->ok(!in_array($root . 'testLucene/fr', $dirty), '::getDirtyIndexRemains() did not schedule another valid index and valid culture for deletion');
$t->ok(!in_array($root . 'testLucene/en/random_file', $dirty), '::getDirtyIndexRemains() did not schedule an alien file in a valid index and valid culture for deletion');
$t->diag('testing ::getApplicationInstance');
$t->ok(sfLuceneToolkit::getApplicationInstance('en') === sfLucene::getInstance('testLucene', 'en'), '::getApplicationInstance() guesses the first index with no configuration parameter set');
sfConfig::set('app_lucene_index', 'fooLucene');
$t->ok(sfLuceneToolkit::getApplicationInstance('en') === sfLucene::getInstance('fooLucene', 'en'), '::getApplicationInstance() acknowledges manual override from app.yml');
$cswap = $app->cswap($luceneade->config_dir . '/search.yml')->write('<?php $config = array();');
try {
    $e = $t->exception('::getApplicationInstance() fails if search.yml is empty');
} catch (Exception $ex) {