public function savesfGuardUserGroupList($con = null) { if (!$this->isValid()) { throw $this->getErrorSchema(); } if (!isset($this->widgetSchema['sf_guard_user_group_list'])) { // somebody has unset this widget return; } if (is_null($con)) { $con = $this->getConnection(); } $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(sfGuardUserGroupPeer::GROUP_ID, $this->object->getPrimaryKey()); sfGuardUserGroupPeer::doDelete($c, $con); $values = $this->getValue('sf_guard_user_group_list'); if (is_array($values)) { foreach ($values as $value) { $obj = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $obj->setGroupId($this->object->getPrimaryKey()); $obj->setUserId($value); $obj->save(); } } }
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) { // if ($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) { // $this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', 'You are already registered and signed in!'); // $this->redirect('@homepage'); // } $this->forward404Unless($sf_guard_user = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfGuardUser')->find(array($this->getUser()->getUserId())), sprintf('Object sf_guard_user does not exist (%s).', $this->getUser()->getUserId())); $this->form = new sfGuardRegisterForm(array(), array('currentUser' => $sf_guard_user)); $this->form->setDefault('genero', $sf_guard_user->getGenero()); $this->form->setDefault('email_address', "no_mail" . rand(1, 9999) . ""); $this->form->setDefault('movil', str_repeat(rand(0, 9), sfConfig::get('app_digitos_telefono') + 1)); $grupo = new sfGuardUserGroup(); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $this->form->bind($request->getParameter($this->form->getName()), $request->getFiles($this->form->getName())); if ($this->form->isValid()) { $user = $this->form->save(); $grupo->asignarGrupo($user->getId(), 1); $nombre_foto = $user->getFotografia(); if ($nombre_foto != "") { Utilitarios::cambiarFoto($nombre_foto); } $this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', 'Discípulo registrado exitosamente', FALSE); $this->redirect('discipulos'); } } }
public function addGroupByName($name, $con = null) { $group = Doctrine::getTable('sfGuardGroup')->findOneByName($name); if (!$group) { throw new Exception(sprintf('The group "%s" does not exist.', $name)); } $ug = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $ug->setsfGuardUser($this); $ug->setsfGuardGroup($group); $ug->save($con); }
public function saveusersList($con = null) { if (!$this->isValid()) { throw $this->getErrorSchema(); } if (!isset($this->widgetSchema['users_list'])) { // somebody has unset this widget return; } if (is_null($con)) { $con = $this->getConnection(); } $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->delete()->from('sfGuardUserGroup r')->where('r.group_id = ?', current($this->object->identifier()))->execute(); $values = $this->getValue('users_list'); if (is_array($values)) { foreach ($values as $value) { $obj = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $obj->group_id = current($this->object->identifier()); $obj->user_id = $value; $obj->save(); } } }
/** * Filter the query by a related sfGuardUserGroup object * * @param sfGuardUserGroup $sfGuardUserGroup the related object to use as filter * @param string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL * * @return sfGuardUserQuery The current query, for fluid interface */ public function filterBysfGuardUserGroup($sfGuardUserGroup, $comparison = null) { if ($sfGuardUserGroup instanceof sfGuardUserGroup) { return $this->addUsingAlias(sfGuardUserPeer::ID, $sfGuardUserGroup->getUserId(), $comparison); } elseif ($sfGuardUserGroup instanceof PropelCollection) { return $this->usesfGuardUserGroupQuery()->filterByPrimaryKeys($sfGuardUserGroup->getPrimaryKeys())->endUse(); } else { throw new PropelException('filterBysfGuardUserGroup() only accepts arguments of type sfGuardUserGroup or PropelCollection'); } }
/** * Filter the query by a related sfGuardUserGroup object * * @param sfGuardUserGroup $sfGuardUserGroup the related object to use as filter * @param string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL * * @return sfGuardGroupQuery The current query, for fluid interface */ public function filterBysfGuardUserGroup($sfGuardUserGroup, $comparison = null) { return $this->addUsingAlias(sfGuardGroupPeer::ID, $sfGuardUserGroup->getGroupId(), $comparison); }
/** * Adds an object to the instance pool. * * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved * from the database. In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*() * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*() * and retrieveByPK*() calls. * * @param sfGuardUserGroup $value A sfGuardUserGroup object. * @param string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally). */ public static function addInstanceToPool(sfGuardUserGroup $obj, $key = null) { if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) { if ($key === null) { $key = serialize(array((string) $obj->getUserId(), (string) $obj->getGroupId())); } // if key === null self::$instances[$key] = $obj; } }
public function addGroupByName($name, $con = null) { $group = sfGuardGroupPeer::retrieveByName($name); if (!$group) { throw new Exception(sprintf('The group "%s" does not exist.', $name)); } $ug = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $ug->setsfGuardUser($this); $ug->setGroupId($group->getId()); $ug->save($con); }
/** * Exclude object from result * * @param sfGuardUserGroup $sfGuardUserGroup Object to remove from the list of results * * @return sfGuardUserGroupQuery The current query, for fluid interface */ public function prune($sfGuardUserGroup = null) { if ($sfGuardUserGroup) { $this->addCond('pruneCond0', $this->getAliasedColName(sfGuardUserGroupPeer::USER_ID), $sfGuardUserGroup->getUserId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); $this->addCond('pruneCond1', $this->getAliasedColName(sfGuardUserGroupPeer::GROUP_ID), $sfGuardUserGroup->getGroupId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); $this->combine(array('pruneCond0', 'pruneCond1'), Criteria::LOGICAL_OR); } return $this; }
/** * @param sfGuardUserGroup $sfGuardUserGroup The sfGuardUserGroup object to add. */ protected function doAddsfGuardUserGroup($sfGuardUserGroup) { $this->collsfGuardUserGroups[] = $sfGuardUserGroup; $sfGuardUserGroup->setsfGuardGroup($this); }
/** * Executes apply action * * @param sfRequest $request A request object */ public function executeApply(sfRequest $request) { $this->form = $this->newForm('sfApplyApplyForm'); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $parameter = $request->getParameter('sfApplyApply'); $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('sfApplyApply')); if ($this->form->isValid()) { $guid = "n" . self::createGuid(); $this->form->setValidate($guid); $this->form->save(); // Generate unique token based on random time list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $rand_num = substr(sha1((int) ($usec * 1000000 * ($sec / 1000000))), 0, 20); // Retrieve current user $user = $this->form->getObject(); $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // Create new entry into sfGuardUserProfile table $profileObject = new sfGuardUserProfile(); $profileObject->setUserId($user->getId()); $profileObject->setToken($rand_num); $profileObject->setSecurityLevel(sfConfig::get('app_security_level_new_user')); $userPermission = Doctrine_Core::getTable("sfGuardPermission")->findOneByName(sfConfig::get('app_permission_new_user')); if (empty($userPermission)) { return; } // Create new entry into sfGuardUserPermission table $permissionObject = new sfGuardUserPermission(); $permissionObject->setUserId($user->getId()); $permissionObject->setPermissionId($userPermission->getId()); $permissionObject->setCreatedAt($now); $permissionObject->setUpdatedAt($now); $userGroup = Doctrine_Core::getTable("sfGuardGroup")->findOneByName(sfConfig::get('app_project_group')); if (empty($userGroup)) { return; } // Create new entry into sfGuardUserGroup table $groupObject = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $groupObject->setUserId($user->getId()); $groupObject->setGroupId($userGroup->getId()); $groupObject->setCreatedAt($now); $groupObject->setUpdatedAt($now); try { // Send mail $this->sendVerificationMail($user); // Save tables entries $profileObject->save(); $permissionObject->save(); $groupObject->save(); return 'After'; } catch (Exception $e) { $groupObject->delete(); $permissionObject->delete(); $profileObject->delete(); $user->delete(); throw $e; // You could re-throw $e here if you want to // make it available for debugging purposes return 'MailerError'; } } } }
public function addsfGuardUserGroup(sfGuardUserGroup $l) { $this->collsfGuardUserGroups[] = $l; $l->setsfGuardUser($this); }
/** * Adds the user a new group from its name. * * @param string $name The group name * @param Doctrine_Connection $con A Doctrine_Connection object * @throws sfException */ public function addGroupByName($name, $con = null) { $group = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfGuardGroup')->findOneByName($name); if (!$group) { throw new sfException(sprintf('The group "%s" does not exist.', $name)); } $ug = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $ug->setUser($this); $ug->setGroup($group); $ug->save($con); // add group and permissions to local vars $this->_groups[$group->getName()] = $group; foreach ($group->getPermissions() as $permission) { $this->_allPermissions[$permission->getName()] = $permission; } }
public function executeAddUser($request) { $this->checkGroup($request); $this->checkUser($request); $this->checkOwner(); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { if (!($userId = $request->getParameter('user_id'))) { $this->forward('error', 'invalid'); } //add user if not already group member $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('sfGuardUserGroup ug')->where('ug.group_id = ? AND ug.user_id = ?', array($this->group->id, $userId)); if (!$q->count()) { $ug = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $ug->group_id = $this->group->id; $ug->user_id = $userId; $ug->save(); } $this->clearCache($this->group); $this->redirect($this->group->getInternalUrl('members')); } if ($terms = $request->getParameter('q')) { $q = sfGuardUserTable::getPublicNameSearchQuery($terms); $this->result_pager = new LsDoctrinePager($q, $page = 1, $num = 20); } }
public function executeJoin($request) { $userParams = $request->getParameter('user'); $this->is_invited = false; $this->group = $request->getParameter('group'); if ($this->group && $this->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) { $this->redirect('@groupView?name=' . $this->group); } //if there's an invitation code supplied, it should match an invitation generated by an invite if ($code = $request->getParameter('code')) { $profile = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('sfGuardUserProfile p')->where('p.invitation_code = ?', $code)->fetchOne(); if ($profile) { $this->is_invited = true; } } if (!$this->is_invited) { $profile = new sfGuardUserProfile(); } //if a network name is supplied if ($network_name = $request->getParameter('network')) { if ($network = LsListTable::getNetworkByDisplayName($network_name)) { $profile->home_network_id = $network["id"]; } } $this->user_form = new UserJoinForm($profile); $this->profile = $profile; //if form is posted, validate if ($request->isMethod('post')) { //bind request params to form $captcha = array('recaptcha_challenge_field' => $request->getParameter('recaptcha_challenge_field'), 'recaptcha_response_field' => $request->getParameter('recaptcha_response_field')); $userParams = array_merge($userParams, array('captcha' => $captcha)); $this->user_form->bind($userParams); //if public_name is valid, check that it's unique $errors = $this->user_form->getErrorSchema()->getErrors(); if (!isset($errors['public_name'])) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('sfGuardUserProfile p')->where('p.public_name LIKE ?', $userParams['public_name']); if (in_array($userParams['public_name'], sfGuardUserProfileTable::$prohibitedPublicNames) || $q->count()) { $validatorSchema = $this->user_form->getValidatorSchema(); $validatorSchema['public_name']->setMessage('invalid', 'Sorry, the public name you chose is already taken!'); $this->user_form->getErrorSchema()->addError(new sfValidatorError($validatorSchema['public_name'], 'invalid'), 'public_name'); } } //look for user with duplicate email $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('sfGuardUserProfile p')->where('REPLACE(, \'.\', \'\') = REPLACE(?, \'.\', \'\')', $userParams['email']); //if user was invited, the duplicate user shouldn't have the same code //if ($code) //{ // $q->addWhere('p.invitation_code <> ?', $code); //} if ($q->count()) { $request->setError('email', 'There is already a user with that email'); } //proceed if there are no errors if ($this->user_form->isValid() && !$request->hasErrors()) { //if user is invited, consider user confirmed if ($this->is_invited) { $user = $profile->User; $user->is_active = true; $profile->invitation_code = null; $profile->is_visible = true; $profile->is_confirmed = true; } else { $user = new sfGuardUser(); //auto-approve? $user->is_active = sfConfig::get('app_accounts_auto_approve') ? true : false; } $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); try { $db->beginTransaction(); //save submitted email as password $user->username = $userParams['email']; $user->algorithm = 'sha1'; $user->setPassword($userParams['password1']); if (!$user->hasPermission('contributor')) { $user->addPermissionByName('contributor'); } if (!$user->hasPermission('editor')) { $user->addPermissionByName('editor'); } $user->save(); //save submitted profile fields $profile->user_id = $user->id; $profile->name_first = $userParams['name_first']; $profile->name_last = $userParams['name_last']; $profile->email = $userParams['email']; $profile->reason = $userParams['reason']; $profile->analyst_reason = $userParams['analyst_reason']; $profile->public_name = $userParams['public_name']; $profile->home_network_id = $userParams['home_network_id']; //if not invited, generate code for email confirmation if (!$this->is_invited) { $code = substr(sha1($profile->email . time()), 0, 20); $profile->confirmation_code = $code; } $profile->save(); //add user to group, if requested if ($this->group) { $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM sf_guard_group WHERE name = ?'; $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->group)); if ($groupId = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) { $ug = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $ug->user_id = $user->id; $ug->group_id = $groupId; $ug->is_owner = 0; $ug->save(); } } //send email to notify administrator of new account creation $mailBody = $this->getPartial('accountcreatenotify', array('user' => $user, 'analyst' => $userParams['analyst_reason'], 'group' => $this->group)); if ($this->is_invited) { $subject = 'LittleSis account invitation accepted by ' . $userParams['name_first'] . ' ' . $userParams['name_last']; } else { $subject = 'LittleSis account ' . ($user->is_active ? 'created' : 'requested') . ' by ' . $userParams['name_first'] . ' ' . $userParams['name_last']; } $mailer = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_NativeMail()); $message = new Swift_Message($subject, $mailBody, 'text/plain'); $address = new Swift_Address(sfConfig::get('app_mail_join_sender_address'), sfConfig::get('app_mail_join_sender_name')); $mailer->send($message, sfConfig::get('app_mail_join_sender_address'), $address); $mailer->disconnect(); //notify user that the account has been created/requested $subject = $user->is_active ? 'Welcome to LittleSis!' : 'Your request to become a LittleSis analyst'; $mailBody = $this->getPartial($user->is_active ? 'accountcreatereceipt' : 'accountrequestreceipt', array('user' => $user, 'password' => $userParams['password1'], 'is_invited' => $this->is_invited)); $mailer = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_NativeMail()); $message = new Swift_Message('Welcome to LittleSis!', $mailBody, 'text/plain'); $address = new Swift_Address(sfConfig::get('app_mail_join_sender_address'), sfConfig::get('app_mail_join_sender_name')); $mailer->send($message, $profile->email, $address); $mailer->disconnect(); //if invited, sign in user and record login time if ($this->is_invited) { // signin user $this->getUser()->setAttribute('user_id', $user->id, 'sfGuardSecurityUser'); $this->getUser()->setAuthenticated(true); $this->getUser()->clearCredentials(); $this->getUser()->addCredentials($user->getAllPermissionNames()); // save last login $user->last_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $user->save(); } //commit changes $db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); throw $e; } //redirect to requested or joined page if ($user->is_active) { $this->redirect('home/joined' . ($this->is_invited ? '?conf=1' : '')); } else { $this->redirect('home/requested'); } } } }
/** * * @param sfWebRequest $request * @param LdapForm $form */ protected function processLdap(sfWebRequest $request, LdapForm $form) { $form->bind($request->getParameter('signin')); if ($form->isValid()) { $values = $form->getValues(); // Check if user already exists in the DB $user = Doctrine::getTable('sfGuardUser')->findOneByUsername($values["username"]); // If not, create an account for him if (empty($user)) { $datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // Create entry in sfGuardUser $sfGuardUser = new sfGuardUser(); $sfGuardUser->setEmailAddress($values["username"]); $sfGuardUser->setUsername($values["username"]); $sfGuardUser->setFirstName($values["firstname"]); $sfGuardUser->setLastName($values["lastname"]); $sfGuardUser->setCreatedAt($datetime); $sfGuardUser->setUpdatedAt($datetime); $sfGuardUser->save(); // Additional informations for user's profile $sfGuardUserProfile = new sfGuardUserProfile(); $sfGuardUserProfile->setUserId($sfGuardUser->getId()); $sfGuardUserProfile->setToken(MiscUtils::generateToken()); $sfGuardUserProfile->setSecurityLevel(sfConfig::get("app_security_level_new_user", 0)); $sfGuardUserProfile->save(); $permission = Doctrine_Core::getTable("sfGuardPermission")->findOneByName(sfConfig::get("app_permission_new_user", "User")); if (!$permission) { $this->getUser()->setFlash("error", "Unable to set permissions for this account! Contact your administrator."); $sfGuardUserProfile->delete(); $sfGuardUser->delete(); return; } // Give basic permissions for user $sfGuardPermission = new sfGuardUserPermission(); $sfGuardPermission->setUserId($sfGuardUser->getId()); $sfGuardPermission->setPermissionId($permission->getId()); $sfGuardPermission->setCreatedAt($datetime); $sfGuardPermission->setUpdatedAt($datetime); $sfGuardPermission->save(); $userGroup = Doctrine_Core::getTable("sfGuardGroup")->findOneByName(sfConfig::get("app_project_group")); if (!$userGroup) { $this->getUser()->setFlash("error", "Unable to set project group for this account! Contact your administrator."); $sfGuardUserProfile->delete(); $sfGuardUser->delete(); $sfGuardPermission->delete(); return; } // Create new entry into sfGuardUserGroup table $sfGuardGroup = new sfGuardUserGroup(); $sfGuardGroup->setUserId($sfGuardUser->getId()); $sfGuardGroup->setGroupId($userGroup->getId()); $sfGuardGroup->setCreatedAt($datetime); $sfGuardGroup->setUpdatedAt($datetime); $sfGuardGroup->save(); $user = $sfGuardUser; } $this->getUser()->signIn($user, array_key_exists('remember', $values) ? $values['remember'] : false); // Set the tow previous referer to the same value for: // 1) redirect to previous user's location // 2) avoid redirect loop in signin $this->getUser()->setReferer($this->getUser()->getReferer()); // Redirect to referer return $this->redirect($this->getUser()->getReferer()); } }