コード例 #1
$m = new sfClassManipulator($source);
$t->is($m->wrapMethod('foo', '// code before'), $sourceWithCodeBefore, '->wrapMethod() adds code before the beginning of a method.');
$m = new sfClassManipulator($source);
$t->is($m->wrapMethod('foo', '', '// code after'), $sourceWithCodeAfter, '->wrapMethod() adds code after the end of a method.');
$t->is($m->wrapMethod('foo', '// code before'), $sourceWithCodeBeforeAndAfter, '->wrapMethod() adds code to the previously manipulated code.');
// ->getCode()
$m = new sfClassManipulator($source);
$t->is($m->getCode(), $source, '->getCode() returns the source code when no manipulations has been done');
$m->wrapMethod('foo', '', '// code after');
$t->is($m->getCode(), $sourceWithCodeAfter, '->getCode() returns the modified code');
// ->setFile() ->getFile()
$t->diag('->setFile() ->getFile()');
$m = new sfClassManipulator($source);
$t->is($m->getFile(), 'foo', '->setFile() sets the name of the file associated with the source code');
// ::fromFile()
$file = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/sf_tmp.php';
file_put_contents($file, $source);
$m = sfClassManipulator::fromFile($file);
$t->is($m->getFile(), $file, '::fromFile() sets the file internally');
// ->save()
$m = sfClassManipulator::fromFile($file);
$m->wrapMethod('foo', '', '// code after');
$t->is(file_get_contents($file), $sourceWithCodeAfter, '->save() saves the modified code if a file is associated with the instance');
// ->filterMethod()