コード例 #1
ファイル: drop.ns.php プロジェクト: rickihastings/acorairc
 public static function drop_command($nick, $ircdata = array())
     $unick = core::get_nick(&$ircdata, 0);
     $password = $ircdata[1];
     // get the nick.
     if (trim($unick) == '' || trim($password) == '' && (!core::$nicks[$nick]['ircop'] || services::user_exists($nick, true, array('display', 'identified')) === false)) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_INVALID_SYNTAX_RE, array('help' => 'DROP'));
         return false;
     // invalid syntax
     if (services::is_root($unick) && !services::is_root($nick)) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ACCESS_DENIED);
         return false;
     // is a non-root trying to drop a root?
     if ($user = services::user_exists($unick, false, array('id', 'display', 'pass', 'salt', 'suspended'))) {
         if ($user->suspended == 1) {
             services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_SUSPEND_1, array('nick' => $user->display));
             return false;
         // are they suspended?
         if ($user->pass == sha1($password . $user->salt) || core::$nicks[$nick]['ircop'] && services::user_exists($nick, true, array('display', 'identified')) !== false) {
             database::delete('users', array('display', '=', $user->display));
             database::delete('users_flags', array('nickname', '=', $user->display));
             // delete the users record
             database::delete('chans_levels', array('target', '=', $user->display));
             // also delete this users channel access.
             core::alog(core::$config->nickserv->nick . ': ' . $user->display . ' has been dropped by ' . core::get_full_hostname($nick));
             // logchan it
             core::alog('drop_command(): ' . $user->display . ' has been dropped by ' . core::get_full_hostname($nick), 'BASIC');
             // log what we need to log.
             if (isset(core::$nicks[$user->display])) {
             // if the nick is being used unregister it, even though it shouldn't be?
             services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_NICK_DROPPED, array('nick' => $user->display));
             // let the nick know the account has been dropped.
         } else {
             services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_INVALID_PASSWORD);
             // password isn't correct
     } else {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ISNT_REGISTERED, array('nick' => $unick));
         return false;
         // doesn't even exist..
コード例 #2
ファイル: suspend.ns.php プロジェクト: rickihastings/acorairc
 public static function suspend_command($nick, $ircdata = array())
     $unick = core::get_nick(&$ircdata, 0);
     $reason = core::get_data_after(&$ircdata, 1);
     $user_info = array();
     // get the nick etc.
     if (!core::$nicks[$nick]['ircop'] || services::user_exists($nick, true, array('display', 'identified')) === false) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ACCESS_DENIED);
         return false;
     // they've gotta be identified and opered..
     if (services::is_root($unick) && !services::is_root($nick)) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ACCESS_DENIED);
         return false;
     // is a non-root trying to drop a root?
     if (trim($reason) == '') {
         $reason = 'No reason';
     // is there a reason? if not we set it to 'No Reason'
     if ($user = services::user_exists($unick, false, array('display', 'suspended'))) {
         if ($user->suspended == 1) {
             services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_SUSPEND_2, array('nick' => $unick));
             return false;
             // channel is already suspended lol
         } else {
             database::update('users', array('suspended' => 1, 'suspend_reason' => $reason), array('display', '=', $user->display));
             // channel isn't suspended, but it IS registered
     } else {
         $user_info = array('display' => $unick, 'last_timestamp' => core::$network_time, 'timestamp' => core::$network_time, 'identified' => 0, 'real_user' => 0, 'suspended' => 1, 'suspend_reason' => $reason);
         // setup the user info array.
         database::insert('users', $user_info);
         // insert it into the database.
     services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_SUSPEND_3, array('nick' => $unick, 'reason' => $reason));
     core::alog(core::$config->nickserv->nick . ': ' . $nick . ' SUSPENDED ' . $unick . ' with the reason: ' . $reason);
     ircd::globops(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick . ' SUSPENDED ' . $unick);
     if (isset(core::$nicks[$unick])) {
         $random_nick = 'Unknown' . rand(10000, 99999);
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $unick, &nickserv::$help->NS_SUSPEND_1, array('nick' => $unick));
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $unick, &nickserv::$help->NS_NICK_CHANGE, array('nick' => $random_nick));
         ircd::svsnick($unick, $random_nick, core::$network_time);
     // is the nick in use? we need to force change it.
コード例 #3
 public static function restart_command($nick, $ircdata = array())
     // we don't even need to listen for any
     // parameters, because its just a straight command
     if (services::is_root($nick)) {
         if (isset(core::$config->settings->shutdown_message) || core::$config->settings->shutdown_message != null) {
             ircd::global_notice(core::$config->global->nick, '*!*@*', core::$config->settings->shutdown_message);
         // is there a shutdown message?
         // save logs.
         ircd::shutdown('shutdown command from ' . $nick, false);
         // exit the server
         // close the socket first.
         if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) != 'Windows') {
             if (core::$debug) {
                 system('php ' . BASEPATH . '/services.php debug');
             } else {
                 exec('php ' . BASEPATH . '/services.php > /dev/null &');
             // reboot if we're running anything but windows
             // if debug we send the output back to the screen, else we send it to /dev/null
         } else {
             if (!isset(core::$config->settings->php_dir) || core::$config->settings->php_dir == '') {
                 define('PHPDIR', 'C:\\php\\php.exe');
             } else {
                 define('PHPDIR', core::$config->settings->php_dir);
             // define where the php binary is located.
             exec('@cd ' . BASEPATH);
             // cd to the basedir
             if (core::$debug) {
                 system('@' . PHPDIR . ' services.php debug');
             } else {
                 exec('@' . PHPDIR . ' services.php');
             // if we run windows we do a different method of reboot
             // again if we debug we send it to the screen, if not.. we don't
         // exit the program
     } else {
         services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_ACCESS_DENIED);
コード例 #4
ファイル: operserv.php プロジェクト: rickihastings/acorairc
 public static function override_command($nick, $ircdata = array())
     $mode = strtolower($ircdata[0]);
     if (services::is_root($nick)) {
         if (trim($mode) == '' || !in_array($mode, array('on', 'off'))) {
             services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_INVALID_SYNTAX_RE, array('help' => 'OVERRIDE'));
             return false;
         // is the format correct?
         if ($mode == 'on') {
             if (core::$nicks[$nick]['override']) {
                 services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_OVERRIDE_IS_ON);
                 return false;
             // override is already on..
             services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_OVERRIDE_ON);
             core::alog('override_command(): ' . $nick . ' is now using override mode.', 'BASIC');
             ircd::globops(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick . ' is now using override mode.');
             // log and stuff
             core::$nicks[$nick]['override'] = true;
             return false;
         // set override on
         if ($mode == 'off') {
             if (!core::$nicks[$nick]['override']) {
                 services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_OVERRIDE_IS_OFF);
                 return false;
             // override isnt even on..
             services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_OVERRIDE_OFF);
             core::alog('override_command(): ' . $nick . ' has turned override mode off.', 'BASIC');
             ircd::globops(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick . ' has turned override mode off.');
             // log and stuff
             core::$nicks[$nick]['override'] = false;
             return false;
         // set override off
     } else {
         services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_ACCESS_DENIED);
     // are they root?
コード例 #5
ファイル: module.os.php プロジェクト: rickihastings/acorairc
 public function modunload_command($nick, $ircdata = array())
     $module = $ircdata[0];
     // get the module thats been requested.
     if (services::is_root($nick)) {
         if (trim($module) == '') {
             services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_INVALID_SYNTAX_RE, array('help' => 'MODUNLOAD'));
             // wrong syntax
             return false;
         if (!isset(modules::$list[$module])) {
             services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_MODUNLOAD_1, array('name' => $module));
             return false;
         if (modules::$list[$module]['extra'] == 'static') {
             services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_MODUNLOAD_2, array('name' => $module));
             core::alog(core::$config->operserv->nick . ': unable to unload static module ' . $module);
             core::alog('modunload_command(): unable to unload static module ' . $module . ' (cannot be unloaded)', 'BASIC');
             // log what we need to log.
             return false;
         if (!class_exists($module)) {
             services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_MODUNLOAD_2, array('name' => $module));
             core::alog(core::$config->operserv->nick . ': unable to unload module ' . $module);
             core::alog('modunload_command(): unable to unload module ' . $module . ' (not booted)', 'BASIC');
             // log what we need to log.
             return false;
         if (is_callable(array($module, 'modunload'), true) && method_exists($module, 'modunload')) {
         // if the module has an unload method, call it now before we destroy the class.
         // unset the module
         // unset the modules help docs etc.
         services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_MODUNLOAD_3, array('name' => $module));
         core::alog(core::$config->operserv->nick . ': unloaded module ' . $module);
         ircd::globops(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick . ' unloaded module ' . $module);
         // let everyone know :D
     } else {
         services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_ACCESS_DENIED);
コード例 #6
 public static function sapass_command($nick, $ircdata = array())
     $unick = core::get_nick(&$ircdata, 0);
     $new_pass = $ircdata[1];
     $conf_pass = $ircdata[2];
     // new password.
     if (!($user = services::user_exists($unick, false, array('display', 'id', 'identified', 'salt')))) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ISNT_REGISTERED, array('nick' => $unick));
         return false;
     // find out if our user is registered
     if (services::is_root($unick) && !services::is_root($nick)) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ACCESS_DENIED);
         return false;
     // is a non-root trying to change a root's password?
     if (!core::$nicks[$nick]['ircop'] || services::user_exists($nick, true, array('display', 'identified')) === false) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ACCESS_DENIED);
         return false;
     // do we have access to do this?
     if (strtolower($new_pass) == strtolower($unick)) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_PASSWORD_NICK_U);
         return false;
     // are they using a reasonable password, eg. != their nick, lol.
     if ($new_pass != $conf_pass) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_PASSWORD_DIFF);
         return false;
     // the passwords are different
     database::update('users', array('pass' => sha1($new_pass . $user->salt)), array('display', '=', $unick));
     // we update the password here, with the users salt.
     services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_NEW_PASSWORD_U, array('nick' => $unick, 'pass' => $new_pass));
     // let them know
     core::alog(core::$config->nickserv->nick . ': ' . core::get_full_hostname($nick) . ' changed the password for ' . $unick);
     // logchan
コード例 #7
ファイル: ignore.os.php プロジェクト: rickihastings/acorairc
 public static function _add_user($nick, $who)
     $check_nick_q = database::select('ignored_users', array('who'), array('who', '=', $who));
     if (services::is_root($who) && !services::is_root($nick)) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->NS_ACCESS_DENIED);
         return false;
     // is a non-root trying to drop a root?
     if (database::num_rows($check_nick_q) == 0) {
         if (strpos($who, '@') !== false && strpos($who, '!') === false) {
             $who = '*!' . $who;
         // we need to check if it's a hostmask thats been written properly.
         database::insert('ignored_users', array('who' => $who, 'time' => core::$network_time));
         services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_IGNORE_ADD, array('nick' => $who));
         core::alog(core::$config->operserv->nick . ': ' . $nick . ' added ' . $who . ' to services ignore list');
         // as simple, as.
     } else {
         services::communicate(core::$config->operserv->nick, $nick, &operserv::$help->OS_IGNORE_EXISTS, array('nick' => $who));
         // already being ignored? :O NEVER!
コード例 #8
ファイル: flags.ns.php プロジェクト: rickihastings/acorairc
 public static function saflags_command($nick, $ircdata = array())
     $unick = core::get_nick(&$ircdata, 0);
     $flags = $ircdata[1];
     $param = core::get_data_after(&$ircdata, 2);
     $rparams = explode('||', $param);
     // get the channel.
     if (!($user = services::user_exists($unick, false, array('display', 'id', 'identified', 'salt')))) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ISNT_REGISTERED, array('nick' => $unick));
         return false;
     // find out if our user is registered
     if (services::is_root($unick) && !services::is_root($nick)) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ACCESS_DENIED);
         return false;
     // is a non-root trying to change a root's password?
     if (!core::$nicks[$nick]['ircop'] || services::user_exists($nick, true, array('display', 'identified')) === false) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ACCESS_DENIED);
         return false;
     // do we have access to do this?
     $flag_a = array();
     foreach (str_split($flags) as $flag) {
         if (strpos(self::$flags, $flag) === false) {
             services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_FLAGS_UNKNOWN, array('flag' => $flag));
             return false;
         // flag is invalid.
         // plus
         if ($flag_a[$flag] > 1 || $flag != '-' && $flag != '+') {
         // check for dupes
     // check if the flag is valid
     $flags = '';
     foreach ($flag_a as $flag => $count) {
         $flags .= $flag;
     // reconstruct the flags
     $flag_array = mode::sort_modes($flags, false);
     // sort our flags up
     foreach (str_split(self::$p_flags) as $flag) {
         $param_num = strpos($flag_array['plus'], $flag);
         if ($param_num !== false) {
             $params[$flag] = trim($rparams[$param_num]);
         // we do!
     // check if we have any paramtized flags, eg +me
     foreach (str_split($flag_array['plus']) as $flag) {
         // paramtized flags (lowercase) ones come first
         // ----------- +e ----------- //
         if ($flag == 'e') {
             self::set_flag($nick, $unick, '+e', $params['e']);
             // +e the target in question
         } elseif ($flag == 'u') {
             self::set_flag($nick, $unick, '+u', $params['u']);
             // +u the target in question
         } elseif ($flag == 'S') {
             self::set_flag($nick, $unick, '+S', '');
             // +S the target in question
         } elseif ($flag == 'P') {
             self::set_flag($nick, $unick, '+P', '');
             // +P the target in question
         // ----------- +P ----------- //
     foreach (str_split($flag_array['minus']) as $flag) {
         // paramtized flags (lowercase) ones come first
         // ----------- -e ----------- //
         if ($flag == 'e') {
             self::set_flag($nick, $unick, '-e', $params['e']);
             // -e the target in question
         } elseif ($flag == 'u') {
             self::set_flag($nick, $unick, '-u', $params['u']);
             // -u the target in question
         } elseif ($flag == 'S') {
             self::set_flag($nick, $unick, '-S', '');
             // -S the target in question
         } elseif ($flag == 'P') {
             self::set_flag($nick, $unick, '-P', '');
             // -P the target in question
         // ----------- -P ----------- //
     if (isset(self::$set[$unick])) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_FLAGS_SET, array('flag' => self::$set[$unick], 'target' => $unick));
     // send back the target stuff..
     if (isset(self::$already_set[$unick])) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_FLAGS_ALREADY_SET, array('flag' => self::$already_set[$unick], 'target' => $unick));
     // send back the target stuff..
     if (isset(self::$not_set[$unick])) {
         services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_FLAGS_NOT_SET, array('flag' => self::$not_set[$unick], 'target' => $unick));
     // send back the target stuff..