コード例 #1
 protected function private_core()
     /// ¿El usuario tiene permiso para eliminar en esta página?
     $this->allow_delete = $this->user->allow_delete_on(__CLASS__);
     $eje = new ejercicio();
     $this->ejercicios = $eje->all();
     $this->serie = new serie();
     $fsvar = new fs_var();
     if (isset($_GET['num_personalizada'])) {
         $this->num_personalizada = TRUE;
         $fsvar->simple_save('numeracion_personalizada', $this->num_personalizada);
     } else {
         $this->num_personalizada = $fsvar->simple_get('numeracion_personalizada');
     if (isset($_POST['codserie'])) {
         $serie = $this->serie->get($_POST['codserie']);
         if (!$serie) {
             $serie = new serie();
             $serie->codserie = $_POST['codserie'];
         $serie->descripcion = $_POST['descripcion'];
         $serie->siniva = isset($_POST['siniva']);
         $serie->irpf = floatval($_POST['irpf']);
         if ($this->num_personalizada) {
             $serie->codejercicio = NULL;
             $serie->numfactura = 1;
             if ($_POST['codejercicio'] != '') {
                 $serie->codejercicio = $_POST['codejercicio'];
                 $serie->numfactura = intval($_POST['numfactura']);
         if ($serie->save()) {
             $this->new_message("Serie " . $serie->codserie . " guardada correctamente");
         } else {
             $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible guardar la serie!");
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
             if (!$this->user->admin) {
                 $this->new_error_msg('Sólo un administrador puede eliminar series.');
             } else {
                 $serie = $this->serie->get($_GET['delete']);
                 if ($serie) {
                     if ($serie->delete()) {
                         $this->new_message('Serie eliminada correctamente.');
                     } else {
                         $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible eliminar la serie!");
                 } else {
                     $this->new_error_msg("Serie no encontrada.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: SommaireController.php プロジェクト: GroupEsi/PSE
 public function addSerieAction(Request $request)
     // Fonction pour la modification de l'utilisateur connecté
     // Récupère les informations de l'utilisateur connecté depuis la BDD
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $newSerie = new serie();
     // Formulaire pour la modification des infos
     $form = $this->createFormBuilder()->add('titre', 'text', array('label' => 'Titre : ', 'data' => ''))->add('nbSaisons', 'text', array('label' => 'Nombre de saison : ', 'data' => ''))->add('genre', 'text', array('label' => 'Genre : ', 'data' => ''))->add('description', 'text', array('label' => 'Description : ', 'data' => ''))->add('annee', 'text', array('label' => 'Date de création : ', 'data' => '', 'required' => false))->add('urlImage', 'text', array('label' => 'Url de l\'image : ', 'data' => '', 'required' => false))->add('sauvegarder', 'submit')->getForm();
     // Se lance lorsque le formulaire est soumis
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         $serie = $form->getData();
         // Enregistre le nouveau titre dans la BDD
         // Enregistre le nouveau nbSaisons dans la BDD
         // Enregistre le nouveau genre dans la BDD
         // Enregistre le nouveau description dans la BDD
         // Enregistre le nouveau annee dans la BDD
         // Enregistre le nouveau urlImage dans la BDD
         // Applique les modifications de BDD
     // Lance la view avec le formulaire en paramètre
     return $this->render('VideoBundle:Sommaire:addSerie.html.twig', array('form' => $form->createView()));
コード例 #3
ファイル: series_list.inc.php プロジェクト: hogsim/PMB
function list_serie($cb, $empr_list, $nav_bar)
    global $serie_list_tmpl;
    $serie_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!cle!!", $cb, $serie_list_tmpl);
    $serie_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!list!!", $empr_list, $serie_list_tmpl);
    $serie_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!nav_bar!!", $nav_bar, $serie_list_tmpl);
    print pmb_bidi($serie_list_tmpl);
コード例 #4
 protected function process()
     $this->serie = new serie();
     if (isset($_POST['codserie'])) {
         $serie = $this->serie->get($_POST['codserie']);
         if (!$serie) {
             $serie = new serie();
             $serie->codserie = $_POST['codserie'];
         $serie->descripcion = $_POST['descripcion'];
         $serie->siniva = isset($_POST['siniva']);
         $serie->irpf = floatval($_POST['irpf']);
         if ($serie->save()) {
             $this->new_message("Serie " . $serie->codserie . " guardada correctamente");
         } else {
             $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible guardar la serie!");
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
             if (FS_DEMO) {
                 $this->new_error_msg('En el modo demo no puedes eliminar series. Otro usuario podría necesitarlas.');
             } else {
                 if (!$this->user->admin) {
                     $this->new_error_msg('Sólo un administrador puede eliminar series.');
                 } else {
                     $serie = $this->serie->get($_GET['delete']);
                     if ($serie) {
                         if ($serie->delete()) {
                             $this->new_message('Serie eliminada correctamente.');
                         } else {
                             $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible eliminar la serie!");
                     } else {
                         $this->new_error_msg("Serie no encontrada.");
コード例 #5
 protected function private_core()
     $this->cliente = new cliente();
     $this->ejercicio = new ejercicio();
     $this->forma_pago = new forma_pago();
     $this->proveedor = new proveedor();
     $this->regularizacion = new regularizacion_iva();
     $serie = new serie();
     $this->series = $serie->all();
     $this->opciones = array('ventas' => TRUE, 'compras' => TRUE, 'fecha' => 'hoy');
     $this->codserie = FALSE;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['codserie'])) {
         $this->codserie = $_REQUEST['codserie'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['fecha'])) {
         $this->opciones['fecha'] = $_REQUEST['fecha'];
         $this->total = 0;
         if (isset($_REQUEST['ventas'])) {
             $albaran_cli = new albaran_cliente();
             foreach ($albaran_cli->all_ptefactura(0, 'fecha ASC', $this->codserie) as $alb) {
             $this->new_message($this->total . ' ' . FS_ALBARANES . ' de cliente facturados.');
         } else {
             $this->opciones['ventas'] = FALSE;
         $this->total = 0;
         if (isset($_REQUEST['compras'])) {
             $albaran_pro = new albaran_proveedor();
             foreach ($albaran_pro->all_ptefactura(0, 'fecha ASC', $this->codserie) as $alb) {
             $this->new_message($this->total . ' ' . FS_ALBARANES . ' de proveedor facturados.');
         } else {
             $this->opciones['compras'] = FALSE;
コード例 #6
 protected function process()
     $this->serie = new serie();
     /// ¿El usuario tiene permiso para eliminar en esta página?
     $this->allow_delete = $this->user->allow_delete_on(__CLASS__);
     if (isset($_POST['codserie'])) {
         $serie = $this->serie->get($_POST['codserie']);
         if (!$serie) {
             $serie = new serie();
             $serie->codserie = $_POST['codserie'];
         $serie->descripcion = $_POST['descripcion'];
         $serie->siniva = isset($_POST['siniva']);
         $serie->irpf = floatval($_POST['irpf']);
         if ($serie->save()) {
             $this->new_message("Serie " . $serie->codserie . " guardada correctamente");
         } else {
             $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible guardar la serie!");
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
             if (!$this->user->admin) {
                 $this->new_error_msg('Sólo un administrador puede eliminar series.');
             } else {
                 $serie = $this->serie->get($_GET['delete']);
                 if ($serie) {
                     if ($serie->delete()) {
                         $this->new_message('Serie eliminada correctamente.');
                     } else {
                         $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible eliminar la serie!");
                 } else {
                     $this->new_error_msg("Serie no encontrada.");
コード例 #7
 private function modificar_serie()
     $serie = $this->serie->get($_POST['codserie']);
     if (!$serie) {
         $serie = new serie();
         $serie->codserie = $_POST['codserie'];
     $serie->descripcion = $_POST['descripcion'];
     $serie->siniva = isset($_POST['siniva']);
     $serie->irpf = floatval($_POST['irpf']);
     if ($this->num_personalizada) {
         if ($_POST['codejercicio'] != $serie->codejercicio or $_POST['numfactura'] != $serie->numfactura) {
             if ($this->user->admin) {
                 if ($this->hay_facturas_venta($serie->codserie)) {
                     $this->new_error_msg('Ya hay facturas con esta serie, no puedes cambiar la numeración inicial.');
                 } else {
                     $serie->codejercicio = NULL;
                     $serie->numfactura = 1;
                     if ($_POST['codejercicio'] != '') {
                         $serie->codejercicio = $_POST['codejercicio'];
                         $serie->numfactura = intval($_POST['numfactura']);
                         /// anotamos el cambio en el log
                         $fslog = new fs_log();
                         $fslog->alerta = TRUE;
                         $fslog->detalle = 'Se ha cambiado la numeración inicial de la serie ' . $serie->codserie . ' para el ejercicio ' . $serie->codejercicio . '. Nuevo número inicial: ' . $serie->numfactura;
                         $fslog->ip = $this->user->last_ip;
                         $fslog->usuario = $this->user->nick;
                         $fslog->tipo = 'serie';
             } else {
                 $this->new_error_msg("La numeración de facturas es una cosa delicada," . " solamente un administrador puede hacer cambios.", 'serie', TRUE);
     if ($serie->save()) {
         $this->new_message('Datos guardados correctamente.');
     } else {
         $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible guardar " . FS_SERIE . "!");
コード例 #8
ファイル: informe_errores.php プロジェクト: ramikat/ERPSISFS
 private function test_tablas()
     $recargar = FALSE;
     if ($this->informe['offset'] == 0) {
         /// comprobamos la tabla familias
         if ($this->db->table_exists('familias')) {
             $data = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM familias WHERE madre IS NOT NULL AND madre NOT IN (SELECT codfamilia FROM familias);");
             if ($data) {
                 foreach ($data as $d) {
                     $familia = new familia($d);
                     $familia->madre = NULL;
         /// comprobamos la tabla de articulos de proveedor
         if ($this->db->table_exists('articulosprov')) {
             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM articulosprov WHERE codproveedor NOT IN (SELECT codproveedor FROM proveedores);");
         $recargar = TRUE;
         $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
     } else {
         if ($this->informe['offset'] == 1) {
             /// comprobamos la tabla de articulos de proveedor
             if ($this->db->table_exists('articulosprov')) {
                 $this->db->exec("UPDATE articulosprov SET refproveedor = referencia WHERE refproveedor IS NULL;");
             $recargar = TRUE;
             $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
         } else {
             if ($this->informe['offset'] == 2) {
                 /// comprobamos la tabla de stock
                 if ($this->db->table_exists('stocks')) {
                     $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM stocks s WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT referencia FROM articulos a WHERE a.referencia = s.referencia);");
                 $recargar = TRUE;
                 $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
             } else {
                 if ($this->informe['offset'] == 3) {
                     /// comprobamos la tabla de regulaciones de stock
                     if ($this->db->table_exists('lineasregstocks')) {
                         $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM lineasregstocks WHERE idstock NOT IN (SELECT idstock FROM stocks);");
                     $recargar = TRUE;
                     $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->informe['offset'] == 4) {
                         /// comprobamos la tabla de subcuentas de proveedores
                         if ($this->db->table_exists('co_subcuentasprov')) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM co_subcuentasprov WHERE codproveedor NOT IN (SELECT codproveedor FROM proveedores);");
                         /// comprobamos la tabla de direcciones de proveedores
                         if ($this->db->table_exists('dirproveedores')) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM dirproveedores WHERE codproveedor NOT IN (SELECT codproveedor FROM proveedores);");
                         /// comprobamos la tabla de subcuentas de clientes
                         if ($this->db->table_exists('co_subcuentascli')) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM co_subcuentascli WHERE codcliente NOT IN (SELECT codcliente FROM clientes);");
                         /// comprobamos la tabla de direcciones de clientes
                         if ($this->db->table_exists('dirclientes')) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM dirclientes WHERE codcliente NOT IN (SELECT codcliente FROM clientes);");
                         $recargar = TRUE;
                         $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->informe['offset'] == 5) {
                             $almacen = new almacen();
                             if (!$almacen->all()) {
                             $divisa = new divisa();
                             if (!$divisa->all()) {
                             $formap = new forma_pago();
                             if (!$formap->all()) {
                             $pais = new pais();
                             if (!$pais->all()) {
                             $serie = new serie();
                             if (!$serie->all()) {
                             $recargar = TRUE;
                             $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
                         } else {
                             /// comprobamos la tabla de articulos de proveedor
                             if ($this->db->table_exists('articulosprov')) {
                                 /// buscamos duplicados
                                 $data = $this->db->select("SELECT codproveedor,refproveedor,COUNT(*) as count FROM articulosprov GROUP BY codproveedor,refproveedor HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;");
                                 if ($data) {
                                     foreach ($data as $d) {
                                         $data2 = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM articulosprov WHERE codproveedor = '" . $d['codproveedor'] . "' AND refproveedor = '" . $d['refproveedor'] . "';");
                                         if ($data2) {
                                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM articulosprov WHERE id = " . $this->empresa->var2str($data2[1]['id']) . ";");
                                     $recargar = TRUE;
                                     $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
     if (!$recargar) {
         if ($this->informe['all']) {
             $this->informe['model'] = 'asiento';
         } else {
             $this->informe['model'] = 'fin';
         $this->informe['offset'] = 0;
コード例 #9
 private function test_tablas()
     $recargar = FALSE;
     if ($this->informe['offset'] == 0) {
         /// comprobamos la tabla familias
         if ($this->db->table_exists('familias')) {
             $data = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM familias WHERE madre IS NOT NULL AND madre NOT IN (SELECT codfamilia FROM familias);");
             if ($data) {
                 foreach ($data as $d) {
                     $familia = new familia($d);
                     $familia->madre = NULL;
         /// comprobamos la tabla de articulos de proveedor
         if ($this->db->table_exists('articulosprov')) {
             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM articulosprov WHERE codproveedor NOT IN (SELECT codproveedor FROM proveedores);");
         $recargar = TRUE;
         $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
     } else {
         if ($this->informe['offset'] == 1) {
             /// comprobamos la tabla de articulos de proveedor
             if ($this->db->table_exists('articulosprov')) {
                 $this->db->exec("UPDATE articulosprov SET refproveedor = referencia WHERE refproveedor IS NULL;");
             $recargar = TRUE;
             $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
         } else {
             if ($this->informe['offset'] == 2) {
                 /// comprobamos la tabla de stock
                 if ($this->db->table_exists('stocks')) {
                      * Esta consulta produce un error si no hay datos erroneos, pero da igual
                     $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM stocks s WHERE NOT EXISTS " . "(SELECT referencia FROM articulos a WHERE a.referencia = s.referencia);");
                 $recargar = TRUE;
                 $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
             } else {
                 if ($this->informe['offset'] == 3) {
                     /// comprobamos la tabla de regulaciones de stock
                     if ($this->db->table_exists('lineasregstocks')) {
                         $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM lineasregstocks WHERE idstock NOT IN (SELECT idstock FROM stocks);");
                     $recargar = TRUE;
                     $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->informe['offset'] == 4) {
                         /// eliminamos los elementos de contabilidad que apuntan a ejercicios que no existen
                         $tablas = array('co_gruposepigrafes', 'co_epigrafes', 'co_cuentas', 'co_subcuentas');
                         foreach ($tablas as $tabla) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM " . $tabla . " WHERE codejercicio NOT IN (SELECT codejercicio FROM ejercicios);");
                         /// comprobamos la tabla de subcuentas de proveedores
                         if ($this->db->table_exists('co_subcuentasprov')) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM co_subcuentasprov WHERE codproveedor NOT IN (SELECT codproveedor FROM proveedores);");
                         /// comprobamos la tabla de direcciones de proveedores
                         if ($this->db->table_exists('dirproveedores')) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM dirproveedores WHERE codproveedor NOT IN (SELECT codproveedor FROM proveedores);");
                         /// comprobamos la tabla de subcuentas de clientes
                         if ($this->db->table_exists('co_subcuentascli')) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM co_subcuentascli WHERE codcliente NOT IN (SELECT codcliente FROM clientes);");
                         /// comprobamos la tabla de direcciones de clientes
                         if ($this->db->table_exists('dirclientes')) {
                             $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM dirclientes WHERE codcliente NOT IN (SELECT codcliente FROM clientes);");
                         $recargar = TRUE;
                         $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->informe['offset'] == 5) {
                             /// comprobamos la tabla de epigrafes
                             if ($this->db->table_exists('co_epigrafes')) {
                                 $this->db->exec("UPDATE co_epigrafes SET idgrupo = NULL WHERE idgrupo NOT IN (SELECT idgrupo FROM co_gruposepigrafes);");
                             $recargar = TRUE;
                             $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
                         } else {
                             if ($this->informe['offset'] == 6) {
                                 $almacen = new almacen();
                                 if (!$almacen->all()) {
                                 $divisa = new divisa();
                                 if (!$divisa->all()) {
                                 $formap = new forma_pago();
                                 if (!$formap->all()) {
                                 $pais = new pais();
                                 if (!$pais->all()) {
                                 $serie = new serie();
                                 if (!$serie->all()) {
                                 $recargar = TRUE;
                                 $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
                             } else {
                                 /// comprobamos la tabla de articulos de proveedor
                                 if ($this->db->table_exists('articulosprov')) {
                                     /// buscamos duplicados
                                     $data = $this->db->select("SELECT codproveedor,refproveedor,COUNT(*) as count FROM articulosprov GROUP BY codproveedor,refproveedor HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;");
                                     if ($data) {
                                         foreach ($data as $d) {
                                             $sql = "SELECT * FROM articulosprov WHERE codproveedor = " . $this->empresa->var2str($d['codproveedor']) . " AND refproveedor = " . $this->empresa->var2str($d['refproveedor']) . ";";
                                             $data2 = $this->db->select($sql);
                                             if ($data2) {
                                                 $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM articulosprov WHERE id = " . $this->empresa->var2str($data2[1]['id']) . ";");
                                         $recargar = TRUE;
                                         $this->informe['offset'] += 1;
     if (!$recargar) {
         if ($this->informe['all']) {
             $this->informe['model'] = 'asiento';
         } else {
             $this->informe['model'] = 'fin';
         $this->informe['offset'] = 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: serie.class.php プロジェクト: noble82/proyectos-ULS
 static function import($title, $statut = 1)
     global $dbh;
     // check sur la variable passée en paramètre
     if (!$title) {
         return 0;
     // tentative de récupérer l'id associée dans la base (implique que l'autorité existe)
     // préparation de la requête
     $key = addslashes($title);
     $query = "SELECT serie_id FROM series WHERE serie_name='" . rtrim(substr($key, 0, 255)) . "' LIMIT 1 ";
     $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
     if (!$result) {
         die("can't SELECT series " . $query);
     // résultat
     // récupération du résultat de la recherche
     $tserie = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
     // du résultat et récupération éventuelle de l'id
     if ($tserie->serie_id) {
         return $tserie->serie_id;
     // id non-récupérée, il faut créer la forme.
     $index = addslashes(strip_empty_words($title));
     $query = 'INSERT INTO series SET serie_name="' . $key . '", serie_index=" ' . $index . ' "';
     $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh);
     if (!$result) {
         die("can't INSERT into series" . $query);
     $id = pmb_mysql_insert_id($dbh);
     audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_SERIE, $id);
     //update authority informations
     $authority = new authority(0, $id, AUT_TABLE_SERIES);
     return $id;
コード例 #11
ファイル: series.inc.php プロジェクト: bouchra012/PMB
if (stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".inc.php")) {
    die("no access");
require_once "{$class_path}/serie.class.php";
// la taille d'un paquet de notices
// defini dans ./params.inc.php
// taille de la jauge pour affichage
$jauge_size = GAUGE_SIZE;
// initialisation de la borne de départ
if (!isset($start)) {
    $start = 0;
$v_state = urldecode($v_state);
print "<br /><br /><h2 align='center'>" . htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_suppr_series"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</h2>";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT serie_id from series left join notices on tparent_id=serie_id where tparent_id is null");
$affected = 0;
if ($affected = mysql_num_rows($query)) {
    while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_object($query)) {
        $serie = new serie($ligne->serie_id);
$query = mysql_query("update notices left join series on tparent_id=serie_id set tparent_id=0 where serie_id is null");
$spec = $spec - CLEAN_SERIES;
$v_state .= "<br /><img src=../../images/d.gif hspace=3>" . htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_suppr_series"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . " : ";
$v_state .= $affected . " " . htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_res_suppr_series"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset);
$opt = mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE series');
// mise à jour de l'affichage de la jauge
print "<table border='0' align='center' width='{$table_size}' cellpadding='0'><tr><td class='jauge'>\n  \t\t\t<img src='../../images/jauge.png' width='{$jauge_size}' height='16'></td></tr></table>\n \t\t\t<div align='center'>100%</div>";
print "\n\t<form class='form-{$current_module}' name='process_state' action='./clean.php' method='post'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='v_state' value=\"{$v_state}\">\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='spec' value=\"{$spec}\">\n\t</form>\n\t<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n\t\tdocument.forms['process_state'].submit();\n\t\t-->\n\t</script>";
コード例 #12
ファイル: metasMapper.class.php プロジェクト: hogsim/PMB
 protected function create_notice()
     global $pmb_keyword_sep;
     global $pmb_type_audit;
     global $webdav_current_user_name, $webdav_current_user_id;
     $ed_1 = $num_serie = 0;
     if ($this->data['publisher']) {
         $ed_1 = editeur::import(array('name' => $this->data['publisher']));
     if ($this->data['serie']) {
         $num_serie = serie::import($this->data['serie']);
     $ind_wew = $this->data['tit1'] . " " . $this->data['tit4'];
     $ind_sew = \strip_empty_words($ind_wew);
     $query = "insert into notices set\n\t\t\t\ttit1 = '" . addslashes($this->data['tit1']) . "'," . ($this->data['code'] ? "code='" . $this->data['code'] . "'," : "") . "ed1_id = '" . $ed_1 . "'," . ($this->data['tit4'] ? "tit4 = '" . addslashes($this->data['tit4']) . "'," : "") . ($this->data['npages'] ? "npages = '" . addslashes($this->data['npages']) . "'," : "") . ($this->data['index_l'] ? "index_l = '" . addslashes($this->data['index_l']) . "'," : "") . "\n\t\t\t\tyear = '" . $this->data['year'] . "',\n\t\t\t\ttparent_id = '" . $num_serie . "',\n\t\t\t\tniveau_biblio='m',\n\t\t\t\tniveau_hierar='0',\n\t\t\t\tstatut = '" . $this->config['default_statut'] . "',\n\t\t\t\tindex_wew = '" . $ind_wew . "',\n\t\t\t\tindex_sew = '" . $ind_sew . "',\n\t\t\t\tn_resume = '" . addslashes($this->data['n_resume']) . "',\n\t\t\t\tlien = '" . addslashes($url) . "',\n\t\t\t\tindex_n_resume = '" . \strip_empty_words($this->data['n_resume']) . "'," . ($this->data['thumbnail_content'] ? "thumbnail_url = 'data:image/png;base64," . base64_encode($this->data['thumbnail_content']) . "'," : "") . "create_date = " . ($this->data['create_date'] ? "'" . addslashes($this->data['create_date']) . "'" : "sysdate()") . ",\n\t\t\t\tupdate_date = sysdate()";
     $notice_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id();
     //traitement audit
     if ($pmb_type_audit) {
         $query = "INSERT INTO audit SET ";
         $query .= "type_obj='1', ";
         $query .= "object_id='{$notice_id}', ";
         $query .= "user_id='{$webdav_current_user_id}', ";
         $query .= "user_name='{$webdav_current_user_name}', ";
         $query .= "type_modif=1 ";
         $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query);
     if (count($this->data['authors'])) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($this->data['authors'] as $author) {
             $aut = array();
             if ($author['file-as']) {
                 $infos = explode(",", $author['file-as']);
                 $aut = array('name' => $infos[0], 'rejete' => $infos[1], 'type' => 70);
             if (!$aut['name']) {
                 $aut = array('name' => $author['value'], 'type' => 70);
             $aut_id = \auteur::import($aut);
             if ($aut_id) {
                 $query = "insert into responsability set\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresponsability_author = '" . $aut_id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresponsability_notice = '" . $notice_id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresponsability_type = '0'";
     if (count($this->data['co_authors'])) {
         foreach ($this->data['co_authors'] as $author) {
             $aut = array();
             if ($author['file-as']) {
                 $infos = explode(",", $author['file-as']);
                 $aut = array('name' => $infos[0], 'rejete' => $infos[1], 'type' => 70);
             if (!$aut['name']) {
                 $aut = array('name' => $author['value'], 'type' => 70);
             $aut_id = \auteur::import($aut);
             if ($aut_id) {
                 $query = "insert into responsability set\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresponsability_author = '" . $aut_id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresponsability_notice = '" . $notice_id . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresponsability_type = '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\trepsonsability_ordre = '" . $i . "'";
     if (count($this->data['cp'])) {
         foreach ($this->data['cp'] as $cp_name => $values) {
             if (is_array($values)) {
                 foreach ($values as $value) {
                     $this->import_cp($notice_id, $cp_name, $value);
             } else {
                 $this->import_cp($notice_id, $cp_name, $values);
     return $notice_id;
コード例 #13
ファイル: serie.class.php プロジェクト: hogsim/PMB
 function update($value)
     global $dbh;
     global $msg;
     global $include_path;
     global $thesaurus_concepts_active;
     if (!$value) {
         return false;
     // nettoyage de la chaîne en entrée
     $value = clean_string($value);
     $requete = "SET serie_name='" . $value . "', ";
     $requete .= "serie_index=' " . strip_empty_words($value) . " '";
     if ($this->s_id) {
         // update
         $requete = 'UPDATE series ' . $requete;
         $requete .= ' WHERE serie_id=' . $this->s_id . ' LIMIT 1;';
         if (pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) {
             $rqt_notice = "select notice_id,tit1,tit2,tit3,tit4 from notices where tparent_id=" . $this->s_id;
             $r_notice = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_notice);
             while ($r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($r_notice)) {
                 $rq_serie = "update notices, series set notices.index_serie=serie_index, notices.index_wew=concat(serie_name,' ',tit1,' ',tit2,' ',tit3,' ',tit4),notices.index_sew=concat(' ',serie_index,' ','" . addslashes(strip_empty_words($r->tit1 . " " . $r->tit2 . " " . $r->tit3 . " " . $r->tit4)) . "',' ') where notice_id=" . $r->notice_id . " and serie_id=tparent_id";
             $aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_SERIES, $this->s_id);
             $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("serie", $this->s_id);
             audit::insert_modif(AUDIT_SERIE, $this->s_id);
         } else {
             require_once "{$include_path}/user_error.inc.php";
             warning($msg[337], $msg[341]);
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         // création : s'assurer que le titre n'existe pas déjà
         $dummy = "SELECT * FROM series WHERE serie_name REGEXP '^{$value}\$' LIMIT 1 ";
         $check = pmb_mysql_query($dummy, $dbh);
         if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($check)) {
             require_once "{$include_path}/user_error.inc.php";
             warning($msg[336], $msg[340]);
             return FALSE;
         $requete = 'INSERT INTO series ' . $requete . ';';
         if (pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) {
             $this->s_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id();
             $aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_SERIES, $this->s_id);
             $aut_pperso = new aut_pperso("serie", $this->s_id);
             audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_SERIE, $this->s_id);
         } else {
             require_once "{$include_path}/user_error.inc.php";
             warning($msg[336], $msg[342]);
             return FALSE;
     // Indexation concepts
     if ($thesaurus_concepts_active == 1) {
         $index_concept = new index_concept($this->s_id, TYPE_SERIE);
     // Mise à jour des vedettes composées contenant cette autorité
     vedette_composee::update_vedettes_built_with_element($this->s_id, "serie");
     return TRUE;
コード例 #14
ファイル: series.inc.php プロジェクト: bouchra012/PMB
     		// maj de index_serie
     		$rqt = "update notices set index_serie='".$index_serie."' where tparent_id='".$id."' ";
     		mysql_query($rqt, $dbh) ;
     include './autorites/series/series_list.inc.php';
 case 'serie_form':
     // création / modification d'un titre
     if (!$id) {
         // affichage du form pour création
         $serie = new serie(0);
     } else {
         // affichage du form pour modification
         $serie = new serie($id);
 case 'serie_last':
     $last_param = 1;
     $tri_param = "order by serie_id desc ";
     $limit_param = "limit 0, {$pmb_nb_lastautorities} ";
     $clef = "";
     $nbr_lignes = 0;
     include './autorites/series/series_list.inc.php';
     // affichage du début de la liste (par défaut)
     include './autorites/series/series_list.inc.php';
コード例 #15
 function update_in_database($id_notice = 0)
     global $dbh;
     global $pmb_synchro_rdf;
     $new_notice = 2;
     $notice_retour = $id_notice;
     if (!$id_notice) {
         $retour = array(2, 0);
         return $retour;
     if ($pmb_synchro_rdf) {
         $synchro_rdf = new synchro_rdf();
         $synchro_rdf->delRdf($notice_retour, 0);
     // traitement des titres uniformes
     global $pmb_use_uniform_title;
     if ($pmb_use_uniform_title) {
         if (count($this->titres_uniformes)) {
             $ntu = new tu_notice($id_notice);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
         if ($this->editors[$i]['id']) {
             $editor_ids[$i] = $this->editors[$i]['id'];
         } else {
             $editor_ids[$i] = editeur::import($this->editors[$i]);
     if ($this->collection["id"]) {
         $collection_id = $this->collection["id"];
     } else {
         $this->collection['parent'] = $editor_ids[0];
         $collection_id = collection::import($this->collection);
     if ($this->subcollection["id"]) {
         $subcollection_id = $this->subcollection["id"];
     } else {
         $this->subcollection['coll_parent'] = $collection_id;
         $subcollection_id = subcollection::import($this->subcollection);
         $serie_id = serie::import(stripslashes($this->serie));
     /* traitement de Dewey */
     if (!$this->internal_index) {
         if (!$this->dewey["new_comment"]) {
             $this->dewey["new_comment"] = "";
         if (!$this->dewey["new_pclass"]) {
             $this->dewey["new_pclass"] = "";
         $this->internal_index = indexint::import(clean_string($this->dewey[0]), clean_string($this->dewey["new_comment"]), clean_string($this->dewey["new_pclass"]));
     $date_parution_z3950 = notice::get_date_parution($this->year);
     /* Origine de la notice */
     $this->orinot_id = origine_notice::import($this->origine_notice);
     if ($this->orinot_id == 0) {
         $this->orinot_id = 1;
     $sql_ins = "update notices set\n\t\t\ttypdoc           \t='" . $this->document_type . "',\n\t\t\tcode        \t        ='" . $this->isbn . "',\t            \n\t\t\ttit1                    ='" . $this->titles[0] . "',             \n\t\t\ttit2                    ='" . $this->titles[1] . "',             \n\t\t\ttit3                    ='" . $this->titles[2] . "',             \n\t\t\ttit4                    ='" . $this->titles[3] . "',             \n\t\t\ttparent_id              ='" . $serie_id . "',                    \n\t\t\ttnvol                   ='" . $this->nbr_in_serie . "',          \n\t\t\ted1_id                  =" . $editor_ids[0] . " ,                \n\t\t\ted2_id                  =" . $editor_ids[1] . " ,                \n\t\t\tyear                    ='" . $this->year . "',                  \n\t\t\tnpages                  ='" . $this->page_nbr . "',              \n\t\t\till                     ='" . $this->illustration . "',          \n\t\t\tsize                    ='" . $this->size . "',                  \n\t\t\taccomp                  ='" . $this->accompagnement . "',        \n\t\t\tcoll_id                 =" . $collection_id . " ,                \n\t\t\tsubcoll_id              =" . $subcollection_id . " ,             \n\t\t\tnocoll                  ='" . $this->nbr_in_collection . "',     \n\t\t\tmention_edition         ='" . $this->mention_edition . "',       \n\t\t\tn_gen                   ='" . $this->general_note . "',          \n\t\t\tn_contenu               ='" . $this->content_note . "',          \n\t\t\tn_resume                ='" . $this->abstract_note . "',         \n\t\t\tindexint                ='" . $this->internal_index . "',          \n\t\t\tstatut\t\t\t\t\t='" . $this->statut . "',\n\t\t\tcommentaire_gestion\t\t='" . $this->commentaire_gestion . "',\n\t\t\tindexation_lang\t\t\t='" . $this->indexation_lang . "',\n\t\t\tthumbnail_url\t\t\t='" . $this->thumbnail_url . "',\n\t\t\tindex_l                 ='" . clean_tags($this->free_index) . "',                \n\t\t\tniveau_biblio           ='" . $this->bibliographic_level . "',   \n\t\t\tniveau_hierar           ='" . $this->hierarchic_level . "',      \n\t\t\tlien                    ='" . $this->link_url . "',              \n\t\t\teformat                 ='" . $this->link_format . "',           \n\t\t\torigine_catalogage      ='" . $this->orinot_id . "',             \n\t\t\tprix                    ='" . $this->prix . "',\n\t\t\tdate_parution \t\t\t='" . $date_parution_z3950 . "'             \n\t\t\twhere notice_id='{$id_notice}' ";
     //echo "<pre>";
     //echo "</pre>";
     //echo $sql_ins."<br />";
     //echo "<pre>";
     //echo "</pre>";
     $sql_result_ins = pmb_mysql_query($sql_ins) or die("Couldn't update notices : " . $sql_ins);
     $notice_retour = $id_notice;
     audit::insert_modif(AUDIT_NOTICE, $id_notice);
     // purge de la base des responsabilités de la notice intégrée...
     if ($notice_retour) {
         $rqt_del = "delete from responsability where responsability_notice='{$notice_retour}'";
         $sql_result_del = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_del) or die("Couldn't purge table responsability : " . $rqt_del);
     $rqt_ins = "insert into responsability (responsability_author, responsability_notice, responsability_fonction, responsability_type, responsability_ordre) VALUES ";
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->aut_array); $i++) {
         $aut['id'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['id']);
         $aut['name'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['entree']);
         $aut['rejete'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['rejete']);
         $aut['date'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['date']);
         $aut['type'] = $this->aut_array[$i]['type_auteur'];
         $aut['subdivision'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['subdivision']);
         $aut['numero'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['numero']);
         $aut['lieu'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['lieu']);
         $aut['ville'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['ville']);
         $aut['pays'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['pays']);
         $aut['web'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['web']);
         $aut['author_comment'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['author_comment']);
         $aut['authority_number'] = clean_string($this->aut_array[$i]['authority_number']);
         /* Origine de l'autorité : on reprend les infos d'origine de la notice pour les attribuées aux origines des autorités */
         $id_origine_auth = 0;
         $id_origine_auth = origin_authorities::import($this->origine_notice);
         if ($id_origine_auth == 0) {
             $id_origine_auth = 1;
         // import de l'autorité auteur si elle n'existe pas et conservation des infos sur l'origine de l'autorité
         if ($aut['authority_number'] != '' && $id_origine_auth) {
             $this->aut_array[$i]["id"] = $this->insert_authority_infos($aut['authority_number'], "author", $id_origine_auth, $aut);
         if (!$this->aut_array[$i]["id"]) {
             $this->aut_array[$i]["id"] = auteur::import($aut);
         if ($this->aut_array[$i]["id"]) {
             $rqt = $rqt_ins . " (" . $this->aut_array[$i]["id"] . "," . $notice_retour . ",'" . $this->aut_array[$i]['fonction'] . "'," . $this->aut_array[$i]['responsabilite'] . "," . $i . ") ";
             $res_ins = pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
     // traitement des categories
     if ($this->categorisation_type == "categorisation_auto") {
         traite_categories_enreg($notice_retour, $this->categories);
     } else {
         $rqt_del = "delete from notices_categories where notcateg_notice='{$notice_retour}' ";
         $res_del = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh);
         $rqt_ins = "insert into notices_categories (notcateg_notice, num_noeud, ordre_categorie) VALUES ";
         $rqt_ins_values = array();
         foreach ($this->categories as $i => $category) {
             $id_categ = $category['categ_id'];
             if ($id_categ) {
                 $rqt_ins_values[] = " ('{$notice_retour}','{$id_categ}', {$i}) ";
         $rqt_ins .= implode(",", $rqt_ins_values);
         $res_ins = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt_ins, $dbh);
     // traitement des langues
     // langues de la publication
     $rqt_del = "delete from notices_langues where num_notice='{$notice_retour}' ";
     $res_del = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_del, $dbh);
     if (is_array($this->language_code) && count($this->language_code)) {
         $rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue, ordre_langue) VALUES ";
         foreach ($this->language_code as $ordre_lang => $code_lang) {
             if ($code_lang) {
                 $rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('{$notice_retour}',0, '{$code_lang}', {$ordre_lang}) ";
                 $res_ins = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
     // langues originales
     if (is_array($this->original_language_code) && count($this->original_language_code)) {
         $rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue, ordre_langue) VALUES ";
         foreach ($this->original_language_code as $ordre_lang => $code_lang) {
             if ($code_lang) {
                 $rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('{$notice_retour}',1, '{$code_lang}', {$ordre_lang}) ";
                 $res_ins = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
     //Traitement des champs personnalisés (du formulaire !!!)
     $p_perso = new parametres_perso("notices");
     $nberrors = $p_perso->check_submited_fields();
     //Traitement import perso
     global $notice_id, $notice_org, $notice_type_org;
     if (function_exists('z_recup_noticeunimarc_suite') && function_exists('recup_noticeunimarc_suite')) {
         //Suppression des champs persos
         $requete = "delete from notices_custom_values where notices_custom_origine=" . $notice_retour;
         $notice_id = $notice_retour;
     // Mise à jour des index de la notice
     // Mise à jour de la table notices_global_index
     // Mise à jour de la table notices_mots_global_index
     //Documents numériques
     foreach ($this->doc_nums as $doc_num) {
         if (!$doc_num["a"]) {
         explnum_add_from_url($notice_retour, $this->bull_id, $doc_num["b"], $doc_num["a"], false, $this->source_id, $doc_num["f"], '', $doc_num["s"]);
     if ($pmb_synchro_rdf) {
         $synchro_rdf->addRdf($notice_retour, 0);
     $retour = array($new_notice, $notice_retour);
     return $retour;
コード例 #16
ファイル: secuencia.php プロジェクト: arielopez/temporal
 public function check()
     $eje = new ejercicio();
     $serie = new serie();
     foreach ($eje->all() as $e) {
         $secs = $this->all_from_ejercicio($e->codejercicio);
         foreach ($serie->all() as $serie) {
             $encontrada = FALSE;
             foreach ($secs as $s) {
                 if ($s->codserie == $serie->codserie) {
                     $encontrada = TRUE;
             if (!$encontrada) {
                 $aux = new secuencia_ejercicio();
                 $aux->codejercicio = $e->codejercicio;
                 $aux->codserie = $serie->codserie;
                 if (!$aux->save()) {
                     $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible crear la secuencia para el ejercicio " . $aux->codejercicio . " y la serie " . $aux->codserie . "!");
コード例 #17
ファイル: factura_cliente.php プロジェクト: Juanicos/series2
 public function new_codigo()
     $num = intval(FS_NFACTURA_CLI);
     /// definido en el config2
     // buscamos el número inicial para la serie
     $serie0 = new serie();
     if ($serie = $serie0->get($this->codserie)) {
         if ($this->codejercicio == $serie->codejercicio) {
             $num = $serie->numfactura;
     /// buscamos un hueco
     $encontrado = FALSE;
     $fecha = $this->fecha;
     $numeros = $this->db->select("SELECT " . $this->db->sql_to_int('numero') . " as numero,fecha\n         FROM " . $this->table_name . " WHERE codejercicio = " . $this->var2str($this->codejercicio) . " AND codserie = " . $this->var2str($this->codserie) . " ORDER BY numero ASC;");
     if ($numeros) {
         foreach ($numeros as $n) {
             if (intval($n['numero']) > $num) {
                 $encontrado = TRUE;
                 $fecha = Date('d-m-Y', strtotime($n['fecha']));
             } else {
     if ($encontrado) {
         $this->numero = $num;
         $this->fecha = $fecha;
     } else {
         $this->numero = $num;
         /// nos guardamos la secuencia para abanq/eneboo
         $sec = new secuencia();
         $sec = $sec->get_by_params2($this->codejercicio, $this->codserie, 'nfacturacli');
         if ($sec) {
             if ($sec->valorout <= $this->numero) {
                 $sec->valorout = 1 + $this->numero;
     if (FS_NEW_CODIGO == 'eneboo') {
         $this->codigo = $this->codejercicio . sprintf('%02s', $this->codserie) . sprintf('%06s', $this->numero);
     } else {
         $this->codigo = 'FAC' . $this->codejercicio . $this->codserie . $this->numero;
コード例 #18
ファイル: import_func.inc.php プロジェクト: bouchra012/PMB
function import_new_notice()
    global $dbh;
    global $notice_id;
    global $bulletin_ex;
    //Identifiant du bulletin
    $bulletin_ex = 0;
    global $id_unimarc;
    global $notices_crees;
    global $bulletins_crees;
    global $notices_a_creer;
    global $bulletins_a_creer;
    global $base_path;
    global $pmb_keyword_sep;
    global $link_generate;
    global $doc_type;
    global $hierarchic_level;
    global $bibliographic_level;
    global $isbn_OK;
    global $prix;
    global $prix_cd;
    global $cb;
    global $tit_200a;
    global $tit_200c;
    global $tit_200d;
    global $tit_200e;
    global $tit_200v;
    global $serie_200;
    global $editor;
    global $editeur_lieu;
    global $editeur_adr;
    global $editeur_nom;
    global $editeur_date;
    global $editeur_pays;
    global $editeur_pmbfields;
    global $no_edition;
    global $npages;
    global $ill;
    global $size;
    global $accomp;
    global $collection_225;
    global $n_contenu;
    global $n_resume;
    global $n_gen;
    global $EAN;
    global $collection_410;
    global $collection_411;
    global $tu_500;
    global $tu_500_r;
    global $tu_500_s;
    global $tu_500_j;
    global $serie;
    global $index_sujets;
    global $dewey;
    global $dewey_l;
    global $aut_700;
    global $aut_701;
    global $aut_702;
    global $aut_710;
    global $aut_711;
    global $aut_712;
    global $origine_notice;
    global $lien;
    global $eformat;
    global $analytique;
    global $statutnot;
    global $indicateur;
    global $add_explnum;
    global $info_686;
    global $authorities_notices;
    global $authorities_default_origin;
    $origin_authority = $authorities_default_origin;
    $add_explnum = FALSE;
    /* traitement des éditeurs */
    $coll_id = 0;
    $subcoll_id = 0;
    $serie_id = 0;
    $tnvol_ins = "";
    $ed1_id = 0;
    $ed2_id = 0;
    $year = "";
    $date_parution = "0000-00-00";
    //On récupère le tableau des notices créées à partir du fichier temporaire (rechargement d'iframe)
    if ($link_generate && !isset($notices_crees)) {
        $tabimport_id = file_get_contents("{$base_path}/temp/liste_id" . SESSid . ".txt");
        if ($tabimport_id) {
            $tabimport_id = unserialize($tabimport_id);
            $notices_crees = $tabimport_id['notices_existantes'];
            $notices_a_creer = $tabimport_id['notices_a_creer'];
            $bulletins_crees = $tabimport_id['bulletins_crees'];
            $bulletins_a_creer = $tabimport_id['bulletins_a_creer'];
    if (!is_array($notices_crees)) {
        $notices_crees = array();
    //Pour le cas ou on est sur une notice (bidon) d'article juste pour les exemplaires de bulletin
    if ($bibliographic_level == "a" && $tit_200d[0] == "Article_expl_bulletin") {
        //On importe rien
    } elseif ($tit_200d[0] == "Article_expl_bulletin") {
        //Pour le cas ou on import sans les liens un fichier exporter avec les exemplaires et les liens
        $tit_200d[0] = "";
    if ($bibliographic_level != "a" && $bibliographic_level != "b") {
        //Pour les articles et les bulletins on ne garde pas les informations suivantes
        $year = clean_string($editeur_date[0]);
        $date_parution = notice::get_date_parution($year);
        //traitement des éditeurs
        $editor = array();
        foreach ($editeur_nom as $key_nom1 => $nom1) {
            foreach ($nom1 as $key_nom2 => $nom2) {
                $mon_ed = array();
                $mon_ed["c"] = $nom2;
                if ($editeur_adr[$key_nom1][$key_nom2]) {
                    $mon_ed["b"] = $editeur_adr[$key_nom1][$key_nom2];
                if ($editeur_lieu[$key_nom1][$key_nom2]) {
                    $mon_ed["a"] = $editeur_lieu[$key_nom1][$key_nom2];
                if ($editeur_pays[$key_nom1][$key_nom2]) {
                    $mon_ed["z"] = $editeur_pays[$key_nom1][$key_nom2];
                if ($editeur_pmbfields[$key_nom1][$key_nom2]) {
                    //Si j'ai ces informations c'est un export PMB donc je n'ai pas deux editeurs dans le même 210
                    foreach ($editeur_pmbfields[$key_nom1] as $val9) {
                        if (preg_match("/^(.+?):(.+)\$/", $val9, $matches)) {
                            $mon_ed[trim($matches[1])] = $matches[2];
                $editor[] = $mon_ed;
        $ed = array();
        $ed['name'] = clean_string($editor[0]['c']);
        $ed['adr'] = clean_string($editor[0]['b']);
        if ($editor[0]['adr1']) {
            $ed['adr'] = clean_string($editor[0]['adr1']);
        //Si cela vient de PMB dans $b j'ai un concat
        $ed['ville'] = clean_string($editor[0]['a']);
        $ed['adr2'] = clean_string($editor[0]['adr2']);
        $ed['cp'] = clean_string($editor[0]['cp']);
        $ed['pays'] = clean_string($editor[0]['z']);
        $ed['web'] = clean_string($editor[0]['web']);
        $ed['ed_comment'] = clean_string($editor[0]['comment']);
        $ed1_id = editeur::import($ed);
        $ed = array();
        $ed['name'] = clean_string($editor[1]['c']);
        $ed['adr'] = clean_string($editor[1]['b']);
        if ($editor[1]['adr1']) {
            $ed['adr'] = clean_string($editor[1]['adr1']);
        //Si cela vient de PMB dans $b j'ai un concat
        $ed['ville'] = clean_string($editor[1]['a']);
        $ed['adr2'] = clean_string($editor[1]['adr2']);
        $ed['cp'] = clean_string($editor[1]['cp']);
        $ed['pays'] = clean_string($editor[1]['z']);
        $ed['web'] = clean_string($editor[1]['web']);
        $ed['ed_comment'] = clean_string($editor[1]['comment']);
        $ed2_id = editeur::import($ed);
        if ($bibliographic_level != "s") {
            //Pour les periodiques on ne garde pas les informations suivantes
            /* traitement des collections */
            $coll_name = "";
            $subcoll_name = "";
            $coll_issn = "";
            $subcoll_issn = "";
            $nocoll_ins = "";
            /* traitement de 225$a, si rien alors 410$t pour la collection */
            if ($collection_225[0]['a'] != "") {
                $coll_name = $collection_225[0]['a'];
                $coll_issn = $collection_225[0]['x'];
            } elseif ($collection_410[0]['t'] != "") {
                $coll_name = $collection_410[0]['t'];
                $coll_issn = $collection_410[0]['x'];
                $coll_aut_number = $collection_410[0]['3'];
            /* traitement de 225$i, si rien alors 411$t pour la sous-collection */
            if ($collection_225[0]['i'] != "") {
                $subcoll_name = $collection_225[0]['i'];
                $subcoll_issn = $collection_225[1]['x'];
            } elseif ($collection_411[0]['t'] != "") {
                $subcoll_name = $collection_411[0]['t'];
                $subcoll_issn = $collection_411[0]['x'];
                $coll_aut_number = $collection_411[0]['3'];
            /* gaffe au nocoll, en principe en 225$v selon FL  sinon en 410$v ou 411$v*/
            if ($collection_225[0]['v'] != "") {
                $nocoll_ins = $collection_225[0]['v'];
            } elseif ($collection_410[0]['v'] != "") {
                $nocoll_ins = $collection_410[0]['v'];
            } elseif ($collection_411[0]['v'] != "") {
                $nocoll_ins = $collection_411[0]['v'];
            } else {
                $nocoll_ins = "";
            $collec['name'] = clean_string($coll_name);
            $collec['parent'] = $ed1_id;
            $collec['issn'] = clean_string($coll_issn);
            $collec['authority_number'] = $coll_aut_number;
            if ($collec['authority_number']) {
                $coll_id = keep_authority_infos($collec['authority_number'], "collection", $origin_authority, 0, $collec);
            } else {
                $coll_id = collection::import($collec);
            /* sous collection */
            $subcollec['name'] = clean_string($subcoll_name);
            $subcollec['coll_parent'] = $coll_id;
            $subcollec['issn'] = clean_string($subcoll_issn);
            $subcollec['authority_number'] = $subcoll_aut_number;
            if ($subcollec['authority_number']) {
                $subcoll_id = keep_authority_infos($subcollec['authority_number'], "subcollection", $origin_authority, 0, $subcollec);
            } else {
                $subcoll_id = collection::import($subcollec);
            $subcoll_id = subcollection::import($subcollec);
            /* traitement des séries */
            $serie_id = serie::import(clean_string($serie[0]['t']));
            $tnvol_ins = $serie[0]['v'];
            if (!$serie_id) {
                $serie_id = serie::import(clean_string($serie_200[0]['i']));
                $serie[0]['t'] = $serie_200[0]['i'];
            if (!$tnvol_ins) {
                $tnvol_ins = $serie_200[0]['h'];
    /* traitement de Dewey */
    $indexint_id = indexint::import(clean_string($dewey[0]), $dewey_l[0]);
    if (!$indexint_id and count($info_686)) {
        $indexint_id = indexint::import(clean_string($info_686[0]["a"]), $info_686[0]["l"], 99);
    /* Traitement des notes */
    $n_resume_total = "";
    $n_gen_total = "";
    $n_contenu_total = "";
    if (!$n_resume) {
        $n_resume = array();
    $n_resume_total = implode("\n", $n_resume);
    if (!$n_gen) {
        $n_gen = array();
    $n_gen_total = implode("\n", $n_gen);
    if (!$n_contenu) {
        $n_contenu = array();
    $n_contenu_total = implode("\n", $n_contenu);
    // ajout : les 464$a sont ajouté aux notes de contenu à déporter éventuellement dans func_bdp41 si besoin
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($analytique); $i++) {
        $ana = array();
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($analytique[$i]); $j++) {
            $ana[$analytique[$i][$j]["label"]][] = $analytique[$i][$j]["content"];
        if (count($ana["a"]) == 1) {
            //Selon la norme le $a n'est pas répétable dans le même champ 4XX
            $n_contenu_total .= $ana["a"][0] . (count($ana["e"]) ? " ; " . implode(" ; ", $ana["e"]) : "") . (count($ana["f"]) ? " / " . implode(" / ", $ana["f"]) : "") . (count($ana["g"]) ? " / " . implode(" / ", $ana["g"]) : "") . "\n";
        } else {
            //Au cas où
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($ana["a"]); $j++) {
                $n_contenu_total .= $ana["a"][$j] . ($ana["e"][$j] ? " ; " . $ana["e"][$j] : "") . ($ana["f"][$j] ? " / " . $ana["f"][$j] : "") . ($ana["g"][$j] ? " / " . $ana["g"][$j] : "") . "\n";
    // Préparation des titres
    $tit[0]['a'] = implode(" ; ", $tit_200a);
    if ($bibliographic_level != "a" && $bibliographic_level != "b" && $bibliographic_level != "s") {
        //Pour les articles et les bulletins on ne garde pas les informations suivantes
        $tit[0]['c'] = implode(" ; ", $tit_200c);
    } else {
        $tit[0]['c'] = "";
    $tit[0]['d'] = implode(" ; ", $tit_200d);
    $tit[0]['e'] = implode(" ; ", $tit_200e);
    if (is_array($index_sujets)) {
        $index_l = implode(' ' . $pmb_keyword_sep . ' ', $index_sujets);
    } else {
        $index_l = $index_sujets;
    // if (trim($n_resume_total)=="") $n_resume_total = $n_gen_total." ".$n_contenu_total ;
    /* Origine de la notice */
    $origine_not['nom'] = clean_string($origine_notice[0]['b']);
    $origine_not['pays'] = clean_string($origine_notice[0]['a']);
    $orinot_id = origine_notice::import($origine_not);
    if ($orinot_id == 0) {
        $orinot_id = 1;
    if ($bibliographic_level != "a" && $bibliographic_level != "s") {
        //Pour les articles et les periodiques on ne garde pas les informations suivantes
        // prix
        $price = $prix[0];
        //Pour les CDs
        if (!$price) {
            $price = $prix_cd[0];
        $illustration = implode(" : ", $ill);
        $taille = implode(" ; ", $size);
        $mat_accomp = implode(" + ", $accomp);
        if ($bibliographic_level != "b") {
            $mention_edit = implode(", ", $no_edition);
        } else {
            $mention_edit = "";
    } else {
        $illustration = "";
        $taille = "";
        $mat_accomp = "";
    if ($bibliographic_level != "s") {
        //Pour les periodiques on ne garde pas les informations suivantes
        $nbpages = implode(" - ", $npages);
    } else {
        $nbpages = "";
    /* and at least, the insertion in notices table */
    $sql_ins = "insert into notices (\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttypdoc\t\t\t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcode        \t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstatut\t\t\t,\n\t\t                tit1            ,\n\t\t                tit2            ,\n\t\t                tit3            ,\n\t\t                tit4            ,\n\t\t                tparent_id      ,\n\t\t                tnvol           ,\n\t\t                ed1_id          ,\n\t\t                ed2_id          ,\n\t\t                year            ,\n\t\t                npages          ,\n\t\t                ill             ,\n\t\t                size            ,\n\t\t                accomp          ,\n\t\t                coll_id         ,\n\t\t                subcoll_id      ,\n\t\t                nocoll          ,\n\t\t                mention_edition\t,\n\t\t                n_gen           ,\n\t\t                n_contenu       ,\n\t\t                n_resume        ,\n\t\t                index_l,\n\t\t                indexint,\n\t\t                niveau_biblio,\n\t\t                niveau_hierar,\n\t\t                lien,\n\t\t                eformat,\n\t\t                origine_catalogage,\n\t\t                prix,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcreate_date,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdate_parution\n\t\t\t\t) values (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $doc_type . "',\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . addslashes($isbn_OK) . "',\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $statutnot . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes(clean_string($tit[0]['a'])) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes(clean_string($tit[0]['c'])) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes(clean_string($tit[0]['d'])) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes(clean_string($tit[0]['e'])) . "',\n\t\t                '" . $serie_id . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($tnvol_ins) . "',\n\t\t                 " . $ed1_id . " ,\n\t\t                 " . $ed2_id . " ,\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($year) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($nbpages) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($illustration) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($taille) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($mat_accomp) . "',\n\t\t                 " . $coll_id . " ,\n\t\t                 " . $subcoll_id . " ,\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($nocoll_ins) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($mention_edit) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($n_gen_total) . "',\n\t\t             \t'" . addslashes($n_contenu_total) . "',\n\t\t             \t'" . addslashes($n_resume_total) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($index_l) . "',\n\t\t                '" . $indexint_id . "',\n\t\t                '" . $bibliographic_level . "',\n\t\t                '" . $hierarchic_level . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($lien[0]) . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($eformat[0]) . "',\n\t\t                '" . $orinot_id . "',\n\t\t                '" . addslashes($price) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsysdate(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . addslashes($date_parution) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
    mysql_query($sql_ins, $dbh) or die("Couldn't insert into notices ! = " . $sql_ins);
    $notice_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh);
    audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_NOTICE, $notice_id);
    //calcul des droits d'accès s'ils sont activés
    // on devait attendre que la notice soit intégrée pour faire l'association avec la notice..;
    if ($collec['authority_number']) {
        keep_authority_infos($collec['authority_number'], "scollection", $origin_authority, $notice_id, $collec);
    if ($subcollec['authority_number']) {
        keep_authority_infos($subcollec['authority_number'], "subcollection", $origin_authority, $notice_id, $subcollec);
    /* INSERT de la notice OK, on va traiter les auteurs
    		70# : personnal : type auteur 70                71# : collectivités : type auteur 71
    		1 seul en 700                                   idem pour les déclinaisons          
    		n en 701 n en 702
    		les 7#0 tombent en auteur principal : responsability_type = 0
    		les 7#1 tombent en autre auteur : responsability_type = 1
    		les 7#2 tombent en auteur secondaire : responsability_type = 2
    $aut_array = array();
    /* on compte tout de suite le nbre d'enreg dans les répétables */
    $nb_repet_701 = sizeof($aut_701);
    $nb_repet_711 = sizeof($aut_711);
    $nb_repet_702 = sizeof($aut_702);
    $nb_repet_712 = sizeof($aut_712);
    /* renseignement de aut0 */
    if ($aut_700[0][a] != "") {
        /* auteur principal en 700 ? */
        $aut_array[] = array("entree" => $aut_700[0]['a'], "rejete" => $aut_700[0]['b'], "author_comment" => $aut_700[0]['c'] . " " . $aut_700[0]['d'], "date" => $aut_700[0]['f'], "type_auteur" => "70", "fonction" => $aut_700[0][4], "id" => 0, "responsabilite" => 0, "ordre" => 0, 'authority_number' => $aut_700[0][3]);
    } elseif ($aut_710[0]['a'] != "") {
        /* auteur principal en 710 ? */
        if (substr($indicateur["710"][0], 0, 1) == "1") {
            $type_auteur = "72";
        } else {
            $type_auteur = "71";
        $lieu = $aut_710[0]['e'];
        if (!$lieu) {
            $lieu = $aut_710[0]['k'];
        $aut_array[] = array("entree" => $aut_710[0]['a'], "rejete" => $aut_710[0]['g'], "subdivision" => $aut_710[0]['b'], "author_comment" => $aut_710[0]['c'], "numero" => $aut_710[0]['d'], "lieu" => $lieu, "ville" => $aut_710[0]['l'], "pays" => $aut_710[0]['m'], "web" => $aut_710[0]['n'], "date" => $aut_710[0]['f'], "type_auteur" => $type_auteur, "fonction" => $aut_710[0][4], "id" => 0, "responsabilite" => 0, "ordre" => 0, 'authority_number' => $aut_710[0][3]);
    /* renseignement de aut1 */
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_repet_701; $i++) {
        $aut_array[] = array("entree" => $aut_701[$i]['a'], "rejete" => $aut_701[$i]['b'], "author_comment" => $aut_701[$i]['c'] . " " . $aut_701[$i]['d'], "date" => $aut_701[$i]['f'], "type_auteur" => "70", "fonction" => $aut_701[$i][4], "id" => 0, "responsabilite" => 1, "ordre" => $i + 1, 'authority_number' => $aut_701[$i][3]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_repet_711; $i++) {
        if (substr($indicateur["711"][$i], 0, 1) == "1") {
            $type_auteur = "72";
        } else {
            $type_auteur = "71";
        $lieu = $aut_711[$i]['e'];
        if (!$lieu) {
            $lieu = $aut_711[$i]['k'];
        $aut_array[] = array("entree" => $aut_711[$i]['a'], "rejete" => $aut_711[$i]['g'], "subdivision" => $aut_711[$i]['b'], "author_comment" => $aut_711[$i]['c'], "numero" => $aut_711[$i]['d'], "lieu" => $lieu, "ville" => $aut_711[$i]['l'], "pays" => $aut_711[$i]['m'], "web" => $aut_711[$i]['n'], "date" => $aut_711[$i]['f'], "type_auteur" => $type_auteur, "fonction" => $aut_711[$i][4], "id" => 0, "responsabilite" => 1, "ordre" => $i + 1, 'authority_number' => $aut_711[$i][3]);
    /* renseignement de aut2 */
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_repet_702; $i++) {
        $aut_array[] = array("entree" => $aut_702[$i]['a'], "rejete" => $aut_702[$i]['b'], "author_comment" => $aut_702[$i]['c'] . " " . $aut_702[$i]['d'], "date" => $aut_702[$i]['f'], "type_auteur" => "70", "fonction" => $aut_702[$i][4], "id" => 0, "responsabilite" => 2, "ordre" => $i + 1, 'authority_number' => $aut_702[$i][3]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_repet_712; $i++) {
        if (substr($indicateur["712"][$i], 0, 1) == "1") {
            $type_auteur = "72";
        } else {
            $type_auteur = "71";
        $lieu = $aut_712[$i]['e'];
        if (!$lieu) {
            $lieu = $aut_712[$i]['k'];
        $aut_array[] = array("entree" => $aut_712[$i]['a'], "rejete" => $aut_712[$i]['g'], "subdivision" => $aut_712[$i]['b'], "author_comment" => $aut_712[$i]['c'], "numero" => $aut_712[$i]['d'], "lieu" => $lieu, "ville" => $aut_712[$i]['l'], "pays" => $aut_712[$i]['m'], "web" => $aut_712[$i]['n'], "date" => $aut_712[$i]['f'], "type_auteur" => $type_auteur, "fonction" => $aut_712[$i][4], "id" => 0, "responsabilite" => 2, "ordre" => $i + 1, 'authority_number' => $aut_712[$i][3]);
    // récup des infos auteurs et mise en tableau :
    // appel de la fonction membre d'importation et insertion en table
    $rqt_ins = "insert into responsability (responsability_author, responsability_notice, responsability_fonction, responsability_type, responsability_ordre) VALUES ";
    $values = "";
    if (count($aut_array)) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($aut_array); $i++) {
            $aut = array();
            $aut['name'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['entree']);
            $aut['rejete'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['rejete']);
            $aut['type'] = $aut_array[$i]['type_auteur'];
            $aut['date'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['date']);
            $aut['subdivision'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['subdivision']);
            $aut['numero'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['numero']);
            $aut['lieu'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['lieu']);
            $aut['ville'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['ville']);
            $aut['pays'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['pays']);
            $aut['web'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['web']);
            $aut['author_comment'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['author_comment']);
            $aut['authority_number'] = clean_string($aut_array[$i]['authority_number']);
            //si on à demander la prise en compte des numéro d'autorités
            if ($authorities_notices && $aut['authority_number'] != "") {
                $aut_array[$i]["id"] = keep_authority_infos($aut['authority_number'], "author", $origin_authority, $notice_id, $aut);
            if (!$aut_array[$i]["id"]) {
                $aut_array[$i]["id"] = auteur::import($aut);
            $aut_array[$i]['fonction'] = trim($aut_array[$i]['fonction']);
            if ($aut_array[$i]["id"]) {
                if ($values != "") {
                    $values .= ",";
                $values .= " ('" . $aut_array[$i]["id"] . "','" . $notice_id . "','" . addslashes($aut_array[$i]['fonction']) . "','" . $aut_array[$i]['responsabilite'] . "','" . $aut_array[$i]['ordre'] . "') ";
                //				$rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('".$aut_array[$i]["id"]."','".$notice_id."','".addslashes($aut_array[$i]['fonction'])."','".$aut_array[$i]['responsabilite']."','".$aut_array[$i]['ordre']."') " ;
                //				@mysql_query($rqt, $dbh);
        @mysql_query($rqt_ins . $values);
    // Titres uniformes
    global $pmb_use_uniform_title;
    if ($pmb_use_uniform_title) {
        $nb_tu = sizeof($tu_500);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_tu; $i++) {
            $value_tu[$i]['name'] = $tu_500[$i]['a'];
            $value_tu[$i]['tonalite'] = $tu_500[$i]['u'];
            $value_tu[$i]['comment'] = $tu_500[$i]['n'];
            $value_tu[$i]['authority_number'] = $tu_500[$i]['3'];
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($tu_500_r[$i]); $j++) {
                $value_tu[$i]['distrib'][$j] = $tu_500_r[$i][$j];
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($tu_500_s[$i]); $j++) {
                $value_tu[$i]['ref'][$j] = $tu_500_s[$i][$j];
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($tu_500_j[$i]); $j++) {
                $value_tu[$i]['subdiv'][$j] = $tu_500_j[$i][$j];
            if ($authorities_notices && $aut['authority_number'] != "") {
                $tu_id = keep_authority_infos($value_tu[$i]['authority_number'], "uniform_title", $origin_authority, $notice_id, $value_tu[$i]);
            } else {
                $tu_id = titre_uniforme::import($value_tu[$i]);
            if ($tu_id) {
                $requete = "INSERT INTO notices_titres_uniformes SET \n\t\t\t\t\tntu_num_notice='{$notice_id}', \n\t\t\t\t\tntu_num_tu='{$tu_id}', \n\t\t\t\t\tntu_titre='" . addslashes($tu_500[$i]['i']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tntu_date='" . addslashes($tu_500[$i]['k']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tntu_sous_vedette='" . addslashes($tu_500[$i]['l']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tntu_langue='" . addslashes($tu_500[$i]['m']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tntu_version='" . addslashes($tu_500[$i]['q']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tntu_mention='" . addslashes($tu_500[$i]['w']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tntu_ordre={$i} \t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t";
                mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
    global $lang_code;
    global $org_lang_code;
    $rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue, ordre_langue) VALUES ";
    $values = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($lang_code); $i++) {
        $lang_code[$i] = trim($lang_code[$i]);
        if ($values != "") {
            $values .= ",";
        $values .= "('{$notice_id}',0, '" . addslashes($lang_code[$i]) . "','{$i}') ";
        //$rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue) VALUES ('$notice_id',0, '".addslashes($lang_code[$i])."') " ;
        //@mysql_query($rqt_ins, $dbh);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($org_lang_code); $i++) {
        $org_lang_code[$i] = trim($org_lang_code[$i]);
        if ($values != "") {
            $values .= ",";
        $values .= "('{$notice_id}',1, '" . addslashes($org_lang_code[$i]) . "','" . $i . "') ";
        //$rqt_ins = "insert into notices_langues (num_notice, type_langue, code_langue) VALUES ('$notice_id',1, '".addslashes($org_lang_code[$i])."') " ;
        // 			@mysql_query($rqt_ins, $dbh);
    @mysql_query($rqt_ins . $values, $dbh);
    //Import des catégories
    //Calcule de la signature
    $sign = new notice_doublon();
    $val = $sign->gen_signature($notice_id);
    mysql_query("update notices set signature='{$val}' where notice_id=" . $notice_id, $dbh);
    //Si on a un id de notice et qu'il n'est pas dans le tableau des notices créées, on l'ajoute
    if ($link_generate && trim($id_unimarc) !== "" && !$notices_crees[$id_unimarc]) {
        $notices_crees[$id_unimarc] = $notice_id;
    } elseif ($link_generate && trim($id_unimarc) !== "" && $notices_crees[$id_unimarc]) {
        //Si la notice a déjà été créé (Export des liens dans les notices liées) on remplace celle précédemment par celle en cour de traitement
        $niveau_biblio = $bibliographic_level . $hierarchic_level;
        switch ($niveau_biblio) {
            case 'm0':
                //On a une notice de monographie
                $notice_a_supp = $notices_crees[$id_unimarc];
                //On garde les liens
                $requete = "UPDATE notices_relations SET num_notice='" . $notice_id . "' WHERE num_notice='" . $notice_a_supp . "' ";
                @mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
                $requete = "UPDATE notices_relations SET linked_notice='" . $notice_id . "' WHERE linked_notice='" . $notice_a_supp . "' ";
                @mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
                $ma_notice = new notice($notice_a_supp);
            case 's1':
                //On a une notice de periodique
                $notice_a_supp = $notices_crees[$id_unimarc];
                $ma_notice = new serial($notice_a_supp);
            case 'b2':
                //On a une notice de bulletin
                $notice_a_supp = $notices_crees[$id_unimarc];
                //Dans les bulletins
                $requete = "update bulletins set num_notice='" . $notice_id . "' where num_notice='" . $notice_a_supp . "' ";
                mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
                //Dans les relations entre notice
                $requete = "update notices_relations set num_notice='" . $notice_id . "' where num_notice='" . $notice_a_supp . "'";
                mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
                $requete = "update notices_relations set linked_notice='" . $notice_id . "' where linked_notice='" . $notice_a_supp . "'";
                mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
            case 'a2':
                //On a une notice d'article
                $notice_a_supp = $notices_crees[$id_unimarc];
                //Dans les bulletins
                $requete = "update analysis set analysis_notice='" . $notice_id . "' where analysis_notice='" . $notice_a_supp . "' ";
                mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
                //Dans les relations entre notice
                $requete = "update notices_relations set num_notice='" . $notice_id . "' where num_notice='" . $notice_a_supp . "'";
                mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
                $requete = "update notices_relations set linked_notice='" . $notice_id . "' where linked_notice='" . $notice_a_supp . "'";
                mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
        $notices_crees[$id_unimarc] = $notice_id;
コード例 #19
ファイル: serie.inc.php プロジェクト: noble82/proyectos-ULS
if ($bt_ajouter == "no") {
    $bouton_ajouter = "";
} else {
    $bouton_ajouter = "<input type='button' class='bouton_small' onclick=\"document.location='{$base_url}&action=add&deb_rech='+this.form.f_user_input.value+'&no_display={$no_display}'\" value='{$msg['339']}' />";
switch ($action) {
    case 'add':
        $serie_form = str_replace("!!deb_saisie!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($f_user_input), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $serie_form);
        print $serie_form;
    case 'update':
        $value = $serie_nom;
        require_once "{$class_path}/serie.class.php";
        $serie = new serie(0);
        $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!bouton_ajouter!!", $bouton_ajouter, $sel_search_form);
        $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!deb_rech!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($f_user_input), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $sel_search_form);
        print $sel_search_form;
        print $jscript;
        show_results($dbh, $serie_nom, 0, 0, $serie->id);
        $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!bouton_ajouter!!", $bouton_ajouter, $sel_search_form);
        $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!deb_rech!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($f_user_input), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $sel_search_form);
        print $sel_search_form;
        print $jscript;
        show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes, $page);
コード例 #20
 public function huecos()
     $error = TRUE;
     $huecolist = $this->cache->get_array2('factura_cliente_huecos', $error, TRUE);
     if ($error) {
         $ejercicio = new ejercicio();
         $serie = new serie();
         foreach ($ejercicio->all_abiertos() as $eje) {
             $codserie = '';
             $num = 1;
             $data = $this->db->select("SELECT codserie," . $this->db->sql_to_int('numero') . " as numero,fecha,hora\n               FROM " . $this->table_name . " WHERE codejercicio = " . $this->var2str($eje->codejercicio) . " ORDER BY codserie ASC, numero ASC;");
             if ($data) {
                 foreach ($data as $d) {
                     if ($d['codserie'] != $codserie) {
                         $codserie = $d['codserie'];
                         $num = 1;
                         if (defined('FS_NFACTURA_CLI')) {
                             /// mantenemos compatibilidad con versiones anteriores
                             $num = intval(FS_NFACTURA_CLI);
                         $se = $serie->get($codserie);
                         if ($se) {
                             /// ¿Se ha definido un nº inicial de factura para esta serie y ejercicio?
                             if ($eje->codejercicio == $se->codejercicio) {
                                 $num = $se->numfactura;
                     if (intval($d['numero']) < $num) {
                          * El número de la factura es menor que el inicial.
                          * El usuario ha cambiado el número inicial después de hacer
                          * facturas.
                     } else {
                         if (intval($d['numero']) == $num) {
                             /// el número es correcto, avanzamos
                         } else {
                             /// Hemos encontrado un hueco y debemos usar el número y la fecha.
                             while ($num < intval($d['numero'])) {
                                 $huecolist[] = array('codigo' => $eje->codejercicio . sprintf('%02s', $codserie) . sprintf('%06s', $num), 'fecha' => Date('d-m-Y', strtotime($d['fecha'])), 'hora' => $d['hora']);
                             /// avanzamos uno más
         $this->cache->set('factura_cliente_huecos', $huecolist, 3600, TRUE);
     return $huecolist;
コード例 #21
  * Devuelve un array con los huecos en la numeración.
  * @return type
 public function huecos()
     $error = TRUE;
     $huecolist = $this->cache->get_array2('factura_cliente_huecos', $error);
     if ($error) {
         $ejercicio = new ejercicio();
         $serie = new serie();
         foreach ($ejercicio->all_abiertos() as $eje) {
             $codserie = '';
             $num = 1;
             $data = $this->db->select("SELECT codserie," . $this->db->sql_to_int('numero') . " as numero,fecha,hora\n               FROM " . $this->table_name . " WHERE codejercicio = " . $this->var2str($eje->codejercicio) . " ORDER BY codserie ASC, numero ASC;");
             if ($data) {
                 foreach ($data as $d) {
                     if ($d['codserie'] != $codserie) {
                         $codserie = $d['codserie'];
                         $num = 1;
                         $se = $serie->get($codserie);
                         if ($se) {
                             /// ¿Se ha definido un nº inicial de factura para esta serie y ejercicio?
                             if ($eje->codejercicio == $se->codejercicio) {
                                 $num = $se->numfactura;
                     if (intval($d['numero']) < $num) {
                          * El número de la factura es menor que el inicial.
                          * El usuario ha cambiado el número inicial después de hacer
                          * facturas.
                     } else {
                         if (intval($d['numero']) == $num) {
                             /// el número es correcto, avanzamos
                         } else {
                              * Hemos encontrado un hueco y debemos usar el número y la fecha.
                              * La variable pasos permite dejar de añadir huecos al llegar a 100,
                              * así evitamos agotar la memoria en caso de error grave.
                             $pasos = 0;
                             while ($num < intval($d['numero']) and $pasos < 100) {
                                 $huecolist[] = array('codigo' => $eje->codejercicio . sprintf('%02s', $codserie) . sprintf('%06s', $num), 'fecha' => Date('d-m-Y', strtotime($d['fecha'])), 'hora' => $d['hora']);
                             /// avanzamos uno más
         $this->cache->set('factura_cliente_huecos', $huecolist, 3600);
     return $huecolist;
コード例 #22
 private function sync()
     $continuar = TRUE;
     $art0 = new articulo();
     $ej0 = new ejercicio();
     $serie0 = new serie();
     $div0 = new divisa();
     foreach (array_reverse($this->pedidos) as $ped) {
         $data = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM albaranescli WHERE numero2 = " . $art0->var2str($this->order_numero2($ped->order_number)) . ";");
         if (!$data and $continuar and $ped->status == 'completed') {
             $albaran = new albaran_cliente();
             $albaran->numero2 = $this->order_numero2($ped->order_number);
             $albaran->fecha = Date('d-m-Y', strtotime($ped->created_at));
             $albaran->hora = Date('H:i:s', strtotime($ped->created_at));
             $albaran->observaciones = 'Este pedido ha sido importado con la demo de woocommerce, por eso no se ha asignado el cliente.';
             $albaran->cifnif = '';
             $albaran->direccion = '';
             $ejercicio = $ej0->get_by_fecha($albaran->fecha);
             if ($ejercicio) {
                 $albaran->codejercicio = $ejercicio->codejercicio;
                 $serie = $serie0->get($this->setup['wooc_serie']);
                 if ($serie) {
                     $albaran->codserie = $serie->codserie;
                     $albaran->irpf = $serie->irpf;
                     $albaran->codalmacen = $this->setup['wooc_alm'];
                     $divisa = $div0->get($this->empresa->coddivisa);
                     if ($divisa) {
                         $albaran->coddivisa = $divisa->coddivisa;
                         $albaran->tasaconv = $divisa->tasaconv;
                     $albaran->codpago = $this->empresa->codpago;
                     if ($albaran->save()) {
                         foreach ($ped->line_items as $l) {
                             $linea = new linea_albaran_cliente();
                             $linea->idalbaran = $albaran->idalbaran;
                             $linea->referencia = $l->sku;
                             $linea->descripcion = $l->name;
                             $linea->cantidad = $l->quantity;
                             $linea->irpf = $albaran->irpf;
                             $articulo = $art0->get($l->sku);
                             if ($articulo and !$serie->siniva and $cliente->regimeniva != 'Exento') {
                                 $linea->codimpuesto = $articulo->codimpuesto;
                                 $linea->iva = $articulo->get_iva();
                             $linea->pvpunitario = 100 * $l->total / $l->quantity / (100 + $linea->iva);
                             $linea->pvptotal = $linea->pvpsindto = $linea->pvpunitario * $linea->cantidad;
                             if ($linea->save()) {
                                 /// descontamos del stock
                                 if ($articulo) {
                                     $articulo->sum_stock($albaran->codalmacen, 0 - $linea->cantidad);
                                 $albaran->neto += $linea->pvptotal;
                                 $albaran->totaliva += $linea->pvptotal * $linea->iva / 100;
                                 $albaran->totalirpf += $linea->pvptotal * $linea->irpf / 100;
                                 $albaran->totalrecargo += $linea->pvptotal * $linea->recargo / 100;
                             } else {
                                 $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible guardar la linea con referencia: " . $linea->referencia);
                                 $continuar = FALSE;
                         /// cupones
                         foreach ($ped->coupon_lines as $l) {
                             $linea = new linea_albaran_cliente();
                             $linea->idalbaran = $albaran->idalbaran;
                             $linea->descripcion = 'Cupón: ' . $l->code;
                             $linea->cantidad = -1;
                             $linea->irpf = $albaran->irpf;
                             if (!$serie->siniva and $cliente->regimeniva != 'Exento') {
                                 $impuesto = $this->impuesto->get($this->setup['wooc_imp']);
                                 if ($impuesto) {
                                     $linea->codimpuesto = $impuesto->codimpuesto;
                                     $linea->iva = $impuesto->iva;
                             $linea->pvpunitario = 100 * floatval($l->amount) / (100 + $linea->iva);
                             $linea->pvptotal = $linea->pvpsindto = $linea->pvpunitario * $linea->cantidad;
                             if ($linea->save()) {
                                 $albaran->neto += $linea->pvptotal;
                                 $albaran->totaliva += $linea->pvptotal * $linea->iva / 100;
                                 $albaran->totalirpf += $linea->pvptotal * $linea->irpf / 100;
                                 $albaran->totalrecargo += $linea->pvptotal * $linea->recargo / 100;
                             } else {
                                 $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible guardar la linea del cupón: " . $l->code);
                                 $continuar = FALSE;
                         if ($continuar) {
                             /// redondeamos
                             $albaran->neto = round($albaran->neto, FS_NF0);
                             $albaran->totaliva = round($albaran->totaliva, FS_NF0);
                             $albaran->totalirpf = round($albaran->totalirpf, FS_NF0);
                             $albaran->totalrecargo = round($albaran->totalrecargo, FS_NF0);
                             $albaran->total = $albaran->neto + $albaran->totaliva - $albaran->totalirpf + $albaran->totalrecargo;
                             if ($albaran->save()) {
                                 $this->new_message("<a href='" . $albaran->url() . "'>" . ucfirst(FS_ALBARAN) . "</a> guardado correctamente.");
                                 $this->new_change(ucfirst(FS_ALBARAN) . ' Cliente ' . $albaran->codigo, $albaran->url(), TRUE);
                             } else {
                                 $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible actualizar el <a href='" . $albaran->url() . "'>" . FS_ALBARAN . "</a>!");
                                 $continuar = FALSE;
                         } else {
                             if ($albaran->delete()) {
                                 $this->new_message(ucfirst(FS_ALBARAN) . " eliminado correctamente.");
                             } else {
                                 $this->new_error_msg("¡Imposible eliminar el <a href='" . $albaran->url() . "'>" . FS_ALBARAN . "</a>!");
                                 $continuar = FALSE;
                     } else {
                         $this->new_error_msg('Error al guardar los datos del ' . FS_ALBARAN . ' ' . $ped->order_number);
                         $continuar = FALSE;
                 } else {
                     $this->new_error_msg('Imposible encontrar una serie para el ' . FS_ALBARAN . ' ' . $ped->order_number);
                     $continuar = FALSE;
             } else {
                 $this->new_error_msg('Imposible encontrar un ejercicio para el ' . FS_ALBARAN . ' ' . $ped->order_number);
                 $continuar = FALSE;
     $this->new_advice('Esto es una demo. La versión completa importa todos los pedidos completados, incluyendo clientes y artículos. &nbsp; ' . '<a href="https://www.facturascripts.com/store/producto/plugin-woocommerce/" target="_blank">' . '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart"></span> comprar la versión completa</a>');
コード例 #23
 public function stats_series($tabla = 'facturasprov')
     $stats = array();
     $serie0 = new serie();
     $sql = "select codserie,sum(totaleuros) as total from " . $tabla . " group by codserie order by total desc;";
     $data = $this->db->select($sql);
     if ($data) {
         foreach ($data as $d) {
             $serie = $serie0->get($d['codserie']);
             if ($serie) {
                 $stats[] = array('txt' => $serie->descripcion, 'total' => round(abs($this->euro_convert(floatval($d['total']))), FS_NF0));
             } else {
                 $stats[] = array('txt' => $d['codserie'], 'total' => round(abs($this->euro_convert(floatval($d['total']))), FS_NF0));
     return $stats;
コード例 #24
ファイル: serie_see.inc.php プロジェクト: bouchra012/PMB
    $acces_j = $dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], 4, 'notice_id');
if ($acces_j) {
    $statut_j = '';
    $statut_r = '';
} else {
    $statut_j = ',notice_statut';
    $statut_r = "and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)" . ($_SESSION["user_code"] ? " or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)" : "") . ")";
print "<div id='aut_details'>\n\n\t\t<h3><span>" . $msg["serie_see_title"] . "</span></h3>\n";
print "<div id='aut_details_container'>\n";
if ($id) {
    $id += 0;
    // affichage des informations sur l'éditeur
    print "<div id='aut_see'>\n";
    $ourSerie = new serie($id);
    print pmb_bidi($ourSerie->print_resume());
    $aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_SERIES, $id);
    print pmb_bidi($aut_link->get_display());
    print "</div><!-- fermeture #aut_see -->\n";
    // affichage des notices associées
    print "\t<div id='aut_details_liste'>\n\n\t\t\t<h3>{$msg['doc_serie_title']}</h3>\n";
    // comptage des notices associées
    if (!$nbr_lignes) {
        //$requete = "SELECT COUNT(notice_id) FROM notices, notice_statut ";
        //$requete .= " where tparent_id='$id' and (statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)".($_SESSION["user_code"]?" or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)":"")."))";
        $requete = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notices {$acces_j} {$statut_j} where tparent_id={$id} {$statut_r} ";
        $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
        $nbr_lignes = @mysql_result($res, 0, 0);
        //Recherche des types doc
        //$requete="select distinct notices.typdoc FROM notices, notice_statut ";