コード例 #1
    $text .= $parts[1];
$converted = templateParser::parse_template($text, $object_arr);
$header = templateParser::parse_template($header, $object_arr);
$footer = templateParser::parse_template($footer, $object_arr);
$printable = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $converted);
if ($task == 'pdf' || $task == 'emailpdf') {
    $file_name = $mod_strings['LBL_PDF_NAME'] . "_" . str_replace(" ", "_", $module->name) . ".pdf";
    try {
        $pdf = new mPDF('en', 'A4', '', 'DejaVuSansCondensed', 15, 15, 16, 16, 8, 8);
        if ($task == 'pdf') {
            $pdf->Output($file_name, "D");
        } else {
            $fp = fopen($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . 'attachfile.pdf', 'wb');
            $pdf->Output($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . 'attachfile.pdf', 'F');
            sendEmail::send_email($module, $module_type, '', $file_name, true);
    } catch (mPDF_exception $e) {
        echo $e;
} else {
    if ($task == 'email') {
        sendEmail::send_email($module, $module_type, $printable, '', false);
コード例 #2

use Utils\Database\OcDb;
$rootpath = __DIR__ . '/../';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/common.inc.php';
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    print 'no hacking please!';
$logDateTime = str_replace('_', ' ', $_REQUEST['datetime']);
$q = '
    UPDATE `PowerTrail_comments`
    SET `commentText`=:1,
        `id` =:3 AND
        `PowerTrailId` = :4 AND
        `userId` =:5
$text = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['text']);
$db = OcDb::instance();
$db->multiVariableQuery($q, $text, $logDateTime, $_REQUEST['commentId'], $_REQUEST['ptId'], $_REQUEST['callingUser']);
sendEmail::emailOwners($_REQUEST['ptId'], '', $logDateTime, $text, 'editComment');
コード例 #3

$rootpath = __DIR__ . '/../';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/common.inc.php';
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    print 'no hacking please! F**k You!';
$text = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['text']);
$dateTime = new DateTime($_REQUEST['datetime']);
$user = new lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => (int) $usr['userid']));
$powerTrail = new lib\Objects\PowerTrail\PowerTrail(array('id' => (int) $_REQUEST['projectId']));
$log = new lib\Objects\PowerTrail\Log();
$result = $log->setPowerTrail($powerTrail)->setDateTime($dateTime)->setUser($user)->setType((int) $_REQUEST['type'])->setText($text)->storeInDb();
if ($result) {
    sendEmail::emailOwners($powerTrail->getId(), $log->getType(), $dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i'), $text, 'newComment');
$resultArray = array('result' => $result);
echo json_encode($resultArray);
コード例 #4
// cek password
if (isset($_POST['lupapassword'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['email'])) {
        $emailpost = addslashes($_POST['email']);
        $inputdata = " `nama`,`email` ";
        $wheres = " `email` = '" . $emailpost . "' limit 1 ";
        $cekquery = $i->ambilDetail($inputdata, 'user', $wheres);
        if (!empty($cekquery[0]->email)) {
            $email = $cekquery[0]->email;
            $f = new fungsi();
            $random = $f->random_text();
            $bodyemail = $cekquery[0]->nama . " Anda meminta reset password untuk akun anda pada " . WEBSITE . "<br> silakan klik link berikut atau copy paste pada browser kode untuk mereset password anda. <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\thttp://" . SITE_URL . "?reset=" . $random . "<br> <br> Bila anda tidak merasa melakukan reset password abaikan email ini <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<br>Terima Kasih <br> Admin";
            $e = new sendEmail();
            $kirimP = $e->setToEmail($email);
            $kirimP = $e->setFromName("Admin hiluniplo.com");
            $kirimP = $e->setFromEmail("*****@*****.**");
            $kirimP = $e->setEmailSubject("Konfirmasi Reset Password " . $cekquery[0]->email . " pada " . WEBSITE);
            $kirimP = $e->setEmailBody($bodyemail);
            $kirimP = $e->send();
            //echo $kirimP;
            $ndbase = " user ";
            $tdbase = " resetpasswd = '{$random}' ";
            $wheres = " email = '{$email}' ";
            $hasil = $i->updateDB($tdbase, $ndbase, $wheres);
        } else {
            $helpers->setAlert('alert-danger', ' Email Tidak terdaftar  !! ');
            //echo 'Email Tidak terdaftar.';
コード例 #5

$rootpath = __DIR__ . '/../';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/common.inc.php';
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    print 'no hacking please!';
$powerTrailId = (int) $_REQUEST['ptId'];
$commentId = (int) $_REQUEST['commentId'];
$callingUser = (int) $_REQUEST['callingUser'];
if ($callingUser != $_SESSION['user_id']) {
    print 'wrong user!';
//get selected comment and check if it is $callingUser comment.
$commentDbRow = powerTrailBase::getSingleComment($commentId);
// check if user is owner of selected power Trail
if (powerTrailBase::checkIfUserIsPowerTrailOwner($_SESSION['user_id'], $powerTrailId) == 1 || $commentDbRow['userId'] == $callingUser) {
    $query = 'UPDATE `PowerTrail_comments` SET `deleted` = 1 WHERE `id` = :1';
    $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
    $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $commentId);
    if ($commentDbRow['commentType'] == 2) {
        print '2';
        $q = 'UPDATE `PowerTrail` SET `PowerTrail`.`conquestedCount`= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `PowerTrail_comments` WHERE `PowerTrail_comments`.`PowerTrailId` = :1 AND `PowerTrail_comments`.`commentType` = 2 AND `PowerTrail_comments`.`deleted` = 0 ) WHERE `PowerTrail`.`id` = :1 ';
        $db->multiVariableQuery($q, $powerTrailId);
    sendEmail::emailOwners($powerTrailId, $commentDbRow['commentType'], $commentDbRow['logDateTime'], $commentDbRow['commentText'], 'delComment', $commentDbRow['userId'], $_REQUEST['delReason']);
コード例 #6
        if ($task == 'pdf') {
            $pdf->Output($file_name, "D");
        } else {
            $fp = fopen($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . 'attachfile.pdf', 'wb');
            $pdf->Output($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . 'attachfile.pdf', 'F');
            $sendEmail = new sendEmail();
            $sendEmail->send_email($bean, $bean->module_dir, '', $file_name, true);
    } catch (mPDF_exception $e) {
        echo $e;
} elseif ($task == 'email') {
    $sendEmail = new sendEmail();
    $sendEmail->send_email($bean, $bean->module_dir, $printable, '', false);
function populate_group_lines($text, $lineItemsGroups, $lineItems, $element = 'table')
    $firstValue = '';
    $firstNum = 0;
    $lastValue = '';
    $lastNum = 0;
    $startElement = '<' . $element;
    $endElement = '</' . $element . '>';
    $groups = new AOS_Line_Item_Groups();
    foreach ($groups->field_defs as $name => $arr) {
        if (!(isset($arr['dbType']) && strtolower($arr['dbType']) == 'id' || $arr['type'] == 'id' || $arr['type'] == 'link')) {
            $curNum = strpos($text, '$aos_line_item_groups_' . $name);
            if ($curNum) {
コード例 #7
ファイル: placeOrder.php プロジェクト: Stuskoski/appDev
 echo "Last Name = " . $_POST['lastNameOrder'] . "\n";
 echo "Email = " . $_POST['emailOrder'] . "\n";
 echo "Phone = " . $_POST['phoneNumberOrder'] . "\n";
 echo "Order Notes = " . $_POST['orderNotes'] . "\n";
 echo "Items: \n";
 $numArray = array_count_values($_SESSION['cart']);
 //Get the carts contents
 getUserData::convertIdToItem($numArray, false);
 //Echo the total of the order
 echo "Total = \$" . $_SESSION['cartTotal'];
 //Get all the contents from the output buffer
 $output = ob_get_clean();
 //Sanitize the string just in case
 $output = filter_var($output, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
 //Email the customer
 sendEmail::EmailCustomer($_POST['emailOrder'], "Order Confirmation", $output);
  * This next segment of code creates the order in the database.  The order in
  * the database will be handled through an Admin console which I will eventually
  * build.  Orders are for record keeping and such.  Save inventory decrementing to 
  * the admin console just in case an order is not picked up.
 //get connection
 $dbh = Database::getDB();
 //prepare statement
 $order = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO orders(firstName, lastName, email, notes, phoneNumber, status, customerID, orderTotal)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (:firstName, :lastName, :email, :notes, :phoneNumber, :status, :customerID, :orderTotal)");
 //create customerID if they are logged in and it exists
 $customerID = null;
 if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
     $customerID = $_SESSION['user_id'];
コード例 #8
ファイル: posting.php プロジェクト: aboen/hiluniplo_dot_com
     $_POST['update'] = 'false';
     $id = "";
     $tgl = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
 $token = $_POST['tokenedit'];
 $inputdata = array('editid' => $id, 'tglpost' => $tgl, 'user' => $_SESSION['ID'], 'judul' => $judul, 'konten' => $konten, 'token' => $token, 'kategori' => $_POST['kategori'], 'approve' => $approve);
 #simpan data user ke db
 $i->simpan($inputdata, 'berita');
 #kirim email notifikasi ke Admin
 if ($_POST['update'] == 'false') {
     $utdbase = " nama, email ";
     $undbase = " user ";
     $udetailquery = "  WHERE hak <= 22";
     $uemail = $i->ambil($utdbase, $undbase, $udetailquery);
     $e = new sendEmail();
     foreach ($uemail as $key => $value) {
         echo $value->email;
         $bodyemail = " Dear Admin {$value->nama}, <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAda artikel baru yang di Posting oleh " . $_POST['userposting'] . ", <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdengan Judul {$judul} <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdan memerlukan persetujuan Admin untuk hal tersebut.<br>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSilakan login dan approve posting tersebut pada link <br>" . SITE_URL . "?l=posting&s=listpost\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTerima Kasih.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
         $kirimE = $e->setToEmail($value->email);
         $kirimE = $e->setFromName("Admin hiluniplo.com");
         $kirimE = $e->setFromEmail("*****@*****.**");
         $kirimE = $e->setEmailSubject("Ada artikel baru yang perlu persetujuan pada " . WEBSITE);
         $kirimE = $e->setEmailBody($bodyemail);
         $kirimE = $e->send();
         //echo $kirimE;
 if ($_SESSION['HAK'] <= 22) {
     $helpers->setAlert('alert-success', 'Posting Berhasil');
 } else {