コード例 #1
function _sed_si_inject_section_admin($page)
    global $DB, $prefs, $_sed_si_l18n, $step, $mlp;
    if (!isset($DB)) {
        $DB = new db();
    if (!isset($prefs)) {
        $prefs = get_prefs();
    $mlp = new sed_lib_mlp('sed_section_fields', $_sed_si_l18n, '', 'admin');
    $section_index = '';
    $rows = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_section', "name != 'default' order by name");
    $c = @mysql_num_rows($rows);
    if ($rows && $c > 0) {
        while ($row = nextRow($rows)) {
            $name = $row['name'];
            #$title = $row['title'];
            #$title = strtr( $title , array( "'"=>''' , '"'=>'"' ) );
            # Build the list of sections for the section-tab index
            $section_index .= '<li id="sed_section-' . $name . '"><a href="#section-' . $name . '" class="sed_si_hide_all_but_one">' . $name . '</a></li>';
        #	Insert a JS variable holding the index of sections...
        $newsection = '';
        if ($step == 'section_create' || $step == 'section_save') {
            $newsection = ps('name');
        $filter = '';
        $limit = $prefs[_sed_si_prefix_key('filter_limit')];
        if (!is_numeric($limit)) {
            $limit = 18;
        if ($c >= $limit) {
            $filter = '<label for="sed_si_section_index_filter">' . $mlp->gTxt('filter_label') . '</label><br /><input id="sed_si_section_index_filter" type="text" class="edit" />';
        $section_index = '<div id="sed_si_section_index_div">' . '<form id="sed_si_filter_form">' . $filter . '</form>' . '<ol id="sed_si_section_index" class="sed_si_section_index">' . '<li  id="sed_section-default"><a href="#section-default" class="sed_si_hide_all_but_one">default</a></li>' . $section_index . '</ol>' . '</div>';
        $section_index = str_replace('"', '\\"', $section_index);
        $r = '<script type=\'text/javascript\'> var sed_si_new_section = "#section-' . $newsection . '"; var sed_si_section_index = "' . $section_index . '";</script>';
        $f = '<script src=\'' . hu . 'textpattern/index.php?sed_resources=sed_si_section_js\' type=\'text/javascript\'></script>';
        $page = str_replace($f, $r . n . $f, $page);
    return $page;
コード例 #2
function _sed_sf_inject_section_admin($page)
    #	Inserts the name text inputs into each sections' edit controls
    # current implementation uses output buffer...
    global $DB, $prefs, $_sed_sf_l18n, $step, $mlp;
    if (!isset($DB)) {
        $DB = new db();
    if (!isset($prefs)) {
        $prefs = get_prefs();
    $mlp = new sed_lib_mlp('sed_section_fields', $_sed_sf_l18n, '', 'admin');
    $write_tab_header = $mlp->gTxt('write_tab_heading');
    $section_index = '';
    $rows = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_section', "name != 'default' order by name");
    $c = @mysql_num_rows($rows);
    if ($rows && $c > 0) {
        while ($row = nextRow($rows)) {
            $name = $row['name'];
            $title = $row['title'];
            $title = strtr($title, array("'" => '&#39;', '"' => '&#34;'));
            # Build the list of sections for the section-tab index
            $section_index .= '<li id="sed_section-' . $name . '"><a href="#section-' . $name . '" class="sed_sf_hide_all_but_one">' . $name . '</a></li>';
            $data = _sed_sf_get_data($name);
            $data_array = sed_lib_extract_name_value_pairs($data);
            $f = '<input type="text" name="name" value="' . $name . '" size="20" class="edit" tabindex="1" /></td></tr>' . n . n . '<tr><td class="noline" style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;">' . gTxt('section_longtitle') . ': </td><td class="noline"><input type="text" name="title" value="' . $title . '" size="20" class="edit" tabindex="1" /></td></tr>';
            # Insert custom field visibility controls...
            $cf_names = @$data_array['cf'];
            $r = n . n . '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $write_tab_header . '</td></tr>' . n;
            $max = _sed_sf_get_max_field_number();
            $count = 0;
            $showhideall = '';
            for ($x = 1; $x <= $max; $x++) {
                $value = $cf_names[$x - 1];
                $field_name = 'cf_' . $x . '_set';
                $global_label = $prefs['custom_' . $x . '_set'];
                $args = array('{global_label}' => $global_label, '{cfnum}' => $x);
                $label = $mlp->gTxt('hide_cf', $args);
                if (!empty($global_label)) {
                    #	Only bother showing the show/hide radio buttons if the global field label exists.
                    $count += 1;
                    $r .= '<tr><td class="noline" style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;">' . $label . '</td><td class="noline">';
                    $r .= _sed_sf_showhide_radio($name . '_cf_' . $x . '_visible', $value, '', $field_name);
                    if ($count === 2) {
                        $showhideall = '<tr><td colspan="2" class="noline" style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;">';
                        $showhideall .= '<a class="sed_sf_normal" onclick="_sed_sf_showhideall(\'' . $name . '\',\'0\')">' . $mlp->gTxt('show_all_text') . '</a> / <a class="sed_sf_normal" onclick="_sed_sf_showhideall(\'' . $name . '\',\'1\')">' . $mlp->gTxt('hide_all_text') . '</a>';
                        $showhideall .= '</td></tr>' . n;
                    $r .= '</td></tr>' . n;
            $r .= $showhideall . n . '<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>' . n;
            # Insert row to control visibility of this section in the write-tab section selector
            $ss = @$data_array['ss'];
            $r .= '<tr><td class="noline" style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;">' . $mlp->gTxt('hide_section') . '</td><td class="noline">';
            $r .= _sed_sf_showhide_radio('hide_' . $name . '_ss', $ss[0] ? $ss[0] : '0');
            $r .= '</td></tr>' . n;
            $r .= n . '<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>' . n . n;
            $page = str_replace($f, $f . $r, $page);
        #	Insert a JS variable holding the index of sections...
        $newsection = '';
        if ($step == 'section_create' || $step == 'section_save') {
            $newsection = ps('name');
        $filter = '';
        $limit = $prefs[_sed_sf_prefix_key('filter_limit')];
        if (!is_numeric($limit)) {
            $limit = 18;
        if ($c >= $limit) {
            $filter = '<label for="sed_sf_section_index_filter">' . $mlp->gTxt('filter_label') . '</label><br /><input id="sed_sf_section_index_filter" type="text" class="edit" />';
        $section_index = '<div id="sed_sf_section_index_div">' . '<form id="sed_sf_filter_form">' . $filter . '</form>' . '<ol id="sed_sf_section_index" class="sed_sf_section_index">' . '<li  id="sed_section-default"><a href="#section-default" class="sed_sf_hide_all_but_one">default</a></li>' . $section_index . '</ol>' . '</div>';
        $section_index = str_replace('"', '\\"', $section_index);
        $r = '<script type=\'text/javascript\'> var sed_sf_new_section = "#section-' . $newsection . '"; var sed_sf_section_index = "' . $section_index . '";</script>';
        $f = '<script src=\'' . hu . 'textpattern/index.php?sed_resources=sed_sf_section_js\' type=\'text/javascript\'></script>';
        $page = str_replace($f, $r . n . $f, $page);
    return $page;