コード例 #1
 public function trigger_recovery($target_robot, $this_ability, $recovery_amount, $trigger_disabled = true, $trigger_options = array())
     // Import global variables
     $db = cms_database::get_database();
     $this_battle = rpg_battle::get_battle();
     $this_field = rpg_field::get_field();
     // Generate default trigger options if not set
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_modifiers'])) {
         $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] = $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_modifiers'] == false ? false : true;
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_type_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_type_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_weakness_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_weakness_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_weakness_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_resistance_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_resistance_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_resistance_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_affinity_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_affinity_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_affinity_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_immunity_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_immunity_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_immunity_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_core_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_core_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_field_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_field_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_position_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_position_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['apply_stat_modifiers']) || $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] == false) {
         $trigger_options['apply_stat_modifiers'] = $trigger_options['apply_modifiers'];
     if (!isset($trigger_options['referred_recovery'])) {
         $trigger_options['referred_recovery'] = false;
     if (!isset($trigger_options['referred_player'])) {
         $trigger_options['referred_player'] = false;
     if (!isset($trigger_options['referred_robot'])) {
         $trigger_options['referred_robot'] = false;
     if (!isset($trigger_options['referred_energy'])) {
         $trigger_options['referred_energy'] = false;
     if (!isset($trigger_options['referred_attack'])) {
         $trigger_options['referred_attack'] = false;
     if (!isset($trigger_options['referred_defense'])) {
         $trigger_options['referred_defense'] = false;
     if (!isset($trigger_options['referred_speed'])) {
         $trigger_options['referred_speed'] = false;
     // If the battle has already ended, return false
     if ($this_battle->battle_status == 'complete') {
         return false;
     // Backup this and the target robot's frames to revert later
     $this_robot_backup_frame = $this->robot_frame;
     $this_player_backup_frame = $this->player->player_frame;
     $target_robot_backup_frame = $target_robot->robot_frame;
     $target_player_backup_frame = $target_robot->player->player_frame;
     $this_ability_backup_frame = $this_ability->ability_frame;
     // Check if this robot is at full health before triggering
     $this_robot_energy_start = $this->robot_energy;
     $this_robot_energy_start_max = $this_robot_energy_start >= $this->robot_base_energy ? true : false;
     // If this recovery has been referred, update target variables
     if (!empty($trigger_options['referred_recovery'])) {
         // If a referred player was provided, replace the target player object
         if (!empty($trigger_options['referred_player'])) {
             $target_player = new rpg_player($trigger_options['referred_player']);
         // If a referred player and robot were provided, replace the target robot object
         if (!empty($trigger_options['referred_player']) && !empty($trigger_options['referred_robot'])) {
             $target_robot = new rpg_robot($target_player, $trigger_options['referred_robot']);
         // Collect references to referred recovery stats if they exist
         $target_robot_energy_start = !empty($trigger_options['referred_energy']) ? $trigger_options['referred_energy'] : $target_robot->robot_energy;
         $target_robot_attack_start = !empty($trigger_options['referred_attack']) ? $trigger_options['referred_attack'] : $target_robot->robot_attack;
         $target_robot_defense_start = !empty($trigger_options['referred_defense']) ? $trigger_options['referred_defense'] : $target_robot->robot_defense;
         $target_robot_speed_start = !empty($trigger_options['referred_speed']) ? $trigger_options['referred_speed'] : $target_robot->robot_speed;
     } else {
         // Collect references to the target robots stats
         $target_robot_energy_start = $target_robot->robot_energy;
         $target_robot_attack_start = $target_robot->robot_attack;
         $target_robot_defense_start = $target_robot->robot_defense;
         $target_robot_speed_start = $target_robot->robot_speed;
     // Define the event console options
     $event_options = array();
     $event_options['console_container_height'] = 1;
     $event_options['this_ability'] = $this_ability;
     $event_options['this_ability_results'] = array();
     // Empty any text from the previous ability result
     $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] = '';
     // Update the recovery to whatever was supplied in the argument
     //if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_percent'] && $recovery_amount > 100){ $recovery_amount = 100; }
     $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_amount'] = $recovery_amount;
     // Collect the recovery amount argument from the function
     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $recovery_amount;
     // DEBUG
     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | trigger_recovery |  this(' . $this->robot_id . ':' . $this->robot_token . ') vs target(' . $target_robot->robot_id . ':' . $target_robot->robot_token . ') <br /> recovery_start_amount:' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' | ' . 'percent:' . ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_percent'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ' | ' . 'kind:' . $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] . ' | type1:' . (!empty($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type']) ? $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type'] : 'none') . ' | type2:' . (!empty($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2']) ? $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'] : 'none') . '');
     // DEBUG
     $debug = array();
     foreach ($trigger_options as $key => $value) {
         $debug[] = (!$value ? '<del>' : '<span>') . preg_replace('/^apply_(.*)_modifiers$/i', '$1_modifiers', $key) . (!$value ? '</del>' : '</span>');
     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | damage_trigger_options | ' . implode(', ', $debug));
     // Only apply modifiers if they have not been disabled
     if ($trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] != false) {
         // Skip all weakness, resistance, etc. calculations if robot is targetting self
         if ($trigger_options['apply_type_modifiers'] != false && ($this->robot_id != $target_robot->robot_id || $trigger_options['referred_recovery'])) {
             // If this robot has weakness to the ability (based on type)
             if ($trigger_options['apply_weakness_modifiers'] != false && $this->has_weakness($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type']) && !$this->has_affinity($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'])) {
                 //$this_ability->ability_results['counter_weaknesses'] += 1;
                 //$this_ability->ability_results['flag_weakness'] = true;
                 return $this->trigger_damage($target_robot, $this_ability, $recovery_amount);
             } else {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_weakness'] = false;
             // If this robot has weakness to the ability (based on type2)
             if ($trigger_options['apply_weakness_modifiers'] != false && $this->has_weakness($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2']) && !$this->has_affinity($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type'])) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['counter_weaknesses'] += 1;
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_weakness'] = true;
                 return $this->trigger_damage($target_robot, $this_ability, $recovery_amount);
             // If target robot has affinity to the ability (based on type)
             if ($trigger_options['apply_affinity_modifiers'] != false && $this->has_affinity($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type']) && !$this->has_weakness($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'])) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['counter_affinities'] += 1;
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_affinity'] = true;
             } else {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_affinity'] = false;
             // If target robot has affinity to the ability (based on type2)
             if ($trigger_options['apply_affinity_modifiers'] != false && $this->has_affinity($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2']) && !$this->has_weakness($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type'])) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['counter_affinities'] += 1;
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_affinity'] = true;
             // If target robot has resistance to the ability (based on type)
             if ($trigger_options['apply_resistance_modifiers'] != false && $this->has_resistance($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type'])) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['counter_resistances'] += 1;
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_resistance'] = true;
             } else {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_resistance'] = false;
             // If target robot has resistance to the ability (based on type2)
             if ($trigger_options['apply_resistance_modifiers'] != false && $this->has_resistance($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'])) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['counter_resistances'] += 1;
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_resistance'] = true;
             // If target robot has immunity to the ability (based on type)
             if ($trigger_options['apply_immunity_modifiers'] != false && $this->has_immunity($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type'])) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['counter_immunities'] += 1;
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_immunity'] = true;
             } else {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_immunity'] = false;
             // If target robot has immunity to the ability (based on type2)
             if ($trigger_options['apply_immunity_modifiers'] != false && $this->has_immunity($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'])) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['counter_immunities'] += 1;
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_immunity'] = true;
         // Apply position boosts if allowed to
         if ($trigger_options['apply_position_modifiers'] != false) {
             // If this robot is not in the active position
             if ($this->robot_position != 'active') {
                 // Collect the current key of the robot and apply recovery mods
                 $temp_recovery_key = $this->robot_key + 1;
                 $temp_recovery_resistor = (10 - $temp_recovery_key) / 10;
                 $new_recovery_amount = round($recovery_amount * $temp_recovery_resistor);
                 // DEBUG
                 $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | position_modifier_recovery | ' . $recovery_amount . ' = round(' . $recovery_amount . ' * ' . $temp_recovery_resistor . ') = ' . $new_recovery_amount . '');
                 $recovery_amount = $new_recovery_amount;
     // Collect the first and second ability type else "none" for multipliers
     $temp_ability_recovery_type = !empty($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type']) ? $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type'] : 'none';
     $temp_ability_recovery_type2 = !empty($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2']) ? $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'] : '';
     // Apply field multipliers preemtively if there are any
     if ($trigger_options['apply_field_modifiers'] != false && $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_modifiers'] && !empty($this->field->field_multipliers)) {
         // Collect the multipliters for easier
         $field_multipliers = $this->field->field_multipliers;
         // If there's a recovery booster, apply that first
         if (isset($field_multipliers['recovery'])) {
             $new_recovery_amount = round($recovery_amount * $field_multipliers['recovery']);
             // DEBUG
             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | field_multiplier_recovery | ' . $recovery_amount . ' = round(' . $recovery_amount . ' * ' . $field_multipliers['recovery'] . ') = ' . $new_recovery_amount . '');
             $recovery_amount = $new_recovery_amount;
         // Loop through all the other type multipliers one by one if this ability has a type
         $skip_types = array('recovery', 'damage', 'experience');
         if (true) {
             // Loop through all the other type multipliers one by one if this ability has a type
             foreach ($field_multipliers as $temp_type => $temp_multiplier) {
                 // Skip non-type and special fields for this calculation
                 if (in_array($temp_type, $skip_types)) {
                 // If this ability's type matches the multiplier, apply it
                 if ($temp_ability_recovery_type == $temp_type || $temp_ability_recovery_type2 == $temp_type) {
                     $new_recovery_amount = round($recovery_amount * $temp_multiplier);
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | field_multiplier_' . $temp_type . ' | ' . $recovery_amount . ' = round(' . $recovery_amount . ' * ' . $temp_multiplier . ') = ' . $new_recovery_amount . '');
                     $recovery_amount = $new_recovery_amount;
         if (!empty($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'])) {
             foreach ($field_multipliers as $temp_type => $temp_multiplier) {
                 // Skip non-type and special fields for this calculation
                 if (in_array($temp_type, $skip_types)) {
                 // If this ability's type matches the multiplier, apply it
                 if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'] == $temp_type) {
                     $new_recovery_amount = round($recovery_amount * $temp_multiplier);
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | field_multiplier_' . $temp_type . ' | ' . $recovery_amount . ' = round(' . $recovery_amount . ' * ' . $temp_multiplier . ') = ' . $new_recovery_amount . '');
                     $recovery_amount = $new_recovery_amount;
     // Update the ability results with the the trigger kind and recovery details
     $this_ability->ability_results['trigger_kind'] = 'recovery';
     $this_ability->ability_results['recovery_kind'] = $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'];
     $this_ability->ability_results['recovery_type'] = $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type'];
     $this_ability->ability_results['recovery_type2'] = $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_type2'];
     // If the success rate was not provided, auto-calculate
     if ($this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] == 'auto') {
         // If this robot is targetting itself, default to ability accuracy
         if ($this->robot_id == $target_robot->robot_id) {
             // Update the success rate to the ability accuracy value
             $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] = $this_ability->ability_accuracy;
         } elseif ($target_robot->robot_speed <= 0 && $this->robot_speed > 0) {
             // Hard-code the success rate at 100% accuracy
             $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] = 0;
         } elseif ($this->robot_speed <= 0 || $this_ability->ability_accuracy == 100) {
             // Hard-code the success rate at 100% accuracy
             $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] = 100;
         } else {
             // Collect this ability's accuracy stat for modification
             $this_ability_accuracy = $this_ability->ability_accuracy;
             // If the target was faster/slower, boost/lower the ability accuracy
             if ($target_robot_speed_start > $this->robot_speed || $target_robot_speed_start < $this->robot_speed) {
                 $this_modifier = $target_robot_speed_start / $this->robot_speed;
                 //$this_ability_accuracy = ceil($this_ability_accuracy * $this_modifier);
                 $this_ability_accuracy = ceil($this_ability_accuracy * 0.95) + ceil($this_ability_accuracy * 0.05 * $this_modifier);
                 if ($this_ability_accuracy > 100) {
                     $this_ability_accuracy = 100;
                 } elseif ($this_ability_accuracy < 0) {
                     $this_ability_accuracy = 0;
             // Update the success rate to the ability accuracy value
             $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] = $this_ability_accuracy;
             //$this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= '';
     // If the failure rate was not provided, auto-calculate
     if ($this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] == 'auto') {
         // Set the failure rate to the difference of success vs failure (100% base)
         $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] = 100 - $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'];
         if ($this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] < 0) {
             $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] = 0;
     // If this robot is in speed break, increase success rate, reduce failure
     if ($this->robot_speed == 0 && $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] > 0) {
         $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] = ceil($this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] * 2);
         $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] = ceil($this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] / 2);
     } elseif ($target_robot->robot_speed == 0 && $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] > 0) {
         $this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] = ceil($this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] / 2);
         $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] = ceil($this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] * 2);
     // If success rate is at 100%, auto-set the result to success
     if ($this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] == 100) {
         // Set this ability result as a success
         $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] = 0;
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = 'success';
     } elseif ($this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'] == 0) {
         // Set this ability result as a failure
         $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate'] = 100;
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = 'failure';
     } else {
         // Calculate whether this attack was a success, based on the success vs. failure rate
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = rpg_functions::weighted_chance(array('success', 'failure'), array($this_ability->recovery_options['success_rate'], $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_rate']));
     // If this is ENERGY recovery and this robot is already at full health
     if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'energy' && $this->robot_energy >= $this->robot_base_energy) {
         // Hard code the result to failure
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = 'failure';
     } elseif ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'weapons' && $this->robot_weapons >= $this->robot_base_weapons) {
         // Hard code the result to failure
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = 'failure';
     } elseif ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'attack' && $this->robot_attack >= MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
         // Hard code the result to failure
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = 'failure';
     } elseif ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'defense' && $this->robot_defense >= MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
         // Hard code the result to failure
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = 'failure';
     } elseif ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'speed' && $this->robot_speed >= MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
         // Hard code the result to failure
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = 'failure';
     // If this robot has immunity to the ability, hard-code a failure result
     if ($this_ability->ability_results['flag_immunity']) {
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] = 'failure';
         $this->flags['triggered_immunity'] = true;
         // Generate the status text based on flags
         $this_flag_name = 'immunity_text';
         if (isset($this_ability->recovery_options[$this_flag_name])) {
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= ' ' . $this_ability->recovery_options[$this_flag_name] . '<br /> ';
     // If the attack was a success, proceed normally
     if ($this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] == 'success') {
         // Create the experience multiplier if not already set
         if (!isset($this->field->field_multipliers['experience'])) {
             $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] = 1;
         } elseif ($this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] < 0.1) {
             $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] = 0.1;
         } elseif ($this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] > 9.9) {
             $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] = 9.9;
         // If modifiers are not turned off
         if ($trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] != false) {
             // Update this robot's internal flags based on ability effects
             if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['flag_weakness'])) {
                 $this->flags['triggered_weakness'] = true;
                 if (!isset($this->counters['triggered_weakness'])) {
                     $this->counters['triggered_weakness'] = 0;
                 $this->counters['triggered_weakness'] += 1;
                 if (!isset($this->values['triggered_weaknesses'])) {
                     $this->values['triggered_weaknesses'] = array();
                 $this->values['triggered_weaknesses'][] = array('id' => $this_ability->ability_id, 'token' => $this_ability->ability_token, 'type' => $this_ability->ability_type, 'type2' => $this_ability->ability_type2);
                 if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'energy' && $this->player->player_side == 'right') {
                     $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] += 0.1;
                     $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kickback']['x'] = ceil($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kickback']['x'] * 2);
                 //elseif ($this->player->player_side == 'left'){ $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] -= 0.1; }
             if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['flag_affinity'])) {
                 $this->flags['triggered_affinity'] = true;
                 if (isset($this->counters['triggered_affinity'])) {
                     $this->counters['triggered_affinity'] += 1;
                 } else {
                     $this->counters['triggered_affinity'] = 1;
                 if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'energy' && $this->player->player_side == 'right') {
                     $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] -= 0.1;
                 //elseif ($this->player->player_side == 'left'){ $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] += 0.1; }
             if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['flag_resistance'])) {
                 $this->flags['triggered_resistance'] = true;
                 if (isset($this->counters['triggered_resistance'])) {
                     $this->counters['triggered_resistance'] += 1;
                 } else {
                     $this->counters['triggered_resistance'] = 1;
                 if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'energy' && $this->player->player_side == 'right') {
                     $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] -= 0.1;
                 //elseif ($this->player->player_side == 'left'){ $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] += 0.1; }
             if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['flag_critical'])) {
                 $this->flags['triggered_critical'] = true;
                 if (isset($this->counters['triggered_critical'])) {
                     $this->counters['triggered_critical'] += 1;
                 } else {
                     $this->counters['triggered_critical'] = 1;
                 if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'energy' && $this->player->player_side == 'right') {
                     $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] += 0.1;
                     $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kickback']['x'] = ceil($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kickback']['x'] * 2);
                 //elseif ($this->player->player_side == 'left'){ $this->field->field_multipliers['experience'] -= 0.1; }
         // Update the field session with any changes
         // Update this robot's frame based on recovery type
         $this->robot_frame = $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_frame'];
         $this->player->set_frame($this->robot_id != $target_robot->robot_id || $trigger_options['referred_recovery'] ? 'taunt' : 'base');
         $this_ability->ability_frame = $this_ability->recovery_options['ability_success_frame'];
         $this_ability->ability_frame_offset = $this_ability->recovery_options['ability_success_frame_offset'];
         // Display the success text, if text has been provided
         if (!empty($this_ability->recovery_options['success_text'])) {
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= $this_ability->recovery_options['success_text'];
         // Collect the recovery amount argument from the function
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $recovery_amount;
         // If we're not dealing with a percentage-based amount, apply stat mods
         if ($trigger_options['apply_stat_modifiers'] != false && !$this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_percent']) {
             // Only apply ATTACK/DEFENSE mods if this robot is not targetting itself and it's ENERGY based recovery
             if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'energy' && ($this->robot_id != $target_robot->robot_id || $trigger_options['referred_recovery'])) {
                 // Backup the current ammount before stat multipliers
                 $temp_amount_backup = $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'];
                 // If this robot's defense is at absolute zero, and the target's attack isnt, OHKO
                 if ($this->robot_defense <= 0 && $target_robot_attack_start >= 1) {
                     // Set the new recovery amount to OHKO this robot
                     $temp_new_amount = $this->robot_base_energy;
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | ' . $this->robot_token . '_defense_break | D:' . $this->robot_defense . ' | ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                     // Update the amount with the new calculation
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                 } elseif ($target_robot_attack_start <= 0 && $this->robot_defense >= 1) {
                     // Set the new recovery amount to NOKO this robot
                     $temp_new_amount = 0;
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | ' . $target_robot->robot_token . '_attack_break | A:' . $target_robot->robot_attack . ' | ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                     // Update the amount with the new calculation
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                 } elseif ($this->robot_defense <= 0 && $target_robot_attack_start <= 0) {
                     // Set the new recovery amount to NOKO this robot
                     $temp_new_amount = 0;
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | ' . $target_robot->robot_token . '_attack_break and ' . $this->robot_token . '_defense_break | A:' . $target_robot->robot_attack . ' D:' . $this->robot_defense . ' | ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                     // Update the amount with the new calculation
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                 } else {
                     // Check to make sure starforce is enabled right now
                     $temp_starforce_enabled = true;
                     if (!empty($this->player->counters['dark_elements'])) {
                         $temp_starforce_enabled = false;
                     if (!empty($target_robot->player->counters['dark_elements'])) {
                         $temp_starforce_enabled = false;
                     if (empty($target_robot->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type]) && empty($target_robot->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type2])) {
                         $temp_starforce_enabled = false;
                     // Collect the target's attack stat and this robot's defense values
                     $target_robot_attack = $target_robot_attack_start;
                     $this_robot_defense = $this->robot_defense;
                     if (MMRPG_CONFIG_DEBUG_MODE && $temp_starforce_enabled) {
                         $this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG_' . __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | attack_vs_defense | before_starforce |  A:' . $target_robot_attack . ' vs. D:' . $this_robot_defense . ' ');
                     // If the target player has any starforce for type1, apply it to the attack
                     if ($temp_starforce_enabled && !empty($target_robot->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type])) {
                         $temp_attack_boost = $target_robot->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type] * MMRPG_SETTINGS_STARS_ATTACKBOOST;
                         $temp_new_attack = $target_robot_attack + $temp_attack_boost;
                         $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | target_starforce | ' . $temp_ability_recovery_type . '_boost = ' . $temp_attack_boost . ' | robot_attack = round(' . $target_robot_attack . ' + ' . $temp_attack_boost . ') = ' . $temp_new_attack . '');
                         $target_robot_attack = $temp_new_attack;
                         // If the target player has any starforce for type2, apply it to the attack
                         if (!empty($target_robot->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type2])) {
                             $temp_attack_boost = $target_robot->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type2] * MMRPG_SETTINGS_STARS_ATTACKBOOST;
                             $temp_new_attack = $target_robot_attack + $temp_attack_boost;
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | target_starforce | ' . $temp_ability_recovery_type2 . '_boost = ' . $temp_attack_boost . ' | robot_attack = round(' . $target_robot_attack . ' + ' . $temp_attack_boost . ') = ' . $temp_new_attack . '');
                             $target_robot_attack = $temp_new_attack;
                     // If this player has any starforce for type2, apply it to the defense
                     if ($temp_starforce_enabled && !empty($this->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type])) {
                         $temp_defense_boost = $this->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type] * MMRPG_SETTINGS_STARS_DEFENSEBOOST;
                         $temp_new_defense = $this_robot_defense + $temp_defense_boost;
                         $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | this_starforce | ' . $temp_ability_recovery_type . '_boost = ' . $temp_defense_boost . ' | robot_defense = round(' . $this_robot_defense . ' + ' . $temp_defense_boost . ') = ' . $temp_new_defense . '');
                         $this_robot_defense = $temp_new_defense;
                         // If the target player has any starforce for type2, apply it to the defense
                         if (!empty($this->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type2])) {
                             $temp_defense_boost = $this->player->player_starforce[$temp_ability_recovery_type2] * MMRPG_SETTINGS_STARS_DEFENSEBOOST;
                             $temp_new_defense = $this_robot_defense + $temp_defense_boost;
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | this_starforce | ' . $temp_ability_recovery_type2 . '_boost = ' . $temp_defense_boost . ' | robot_defense = round(' . $this_robot_defense . ' + ' . $temp_defense_boost . ') = ' . $temp_new_defense . '');
                             $this_robot_defense = $temp_new_defense;
                     if (MMRPG_CONFIG_DEBUG_MODE && $temp_starforce_enabled) {
                         $this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG_' . __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | attack_vs_defense | after_starforce | A:' . $target_robot_attack . ' vs. D:' . $this_robot_defense . ' ');
                     // Set the new recovery amount relative to this robot's defense and the target robot's attack
                     $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * ($target_robot_attack / $this_robot_defense));
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | normal_recovery | A:' . $target_robot_attack . ' vs. D:' . $this_robot_defense . ' | ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * (' . $target_robot_attack . ' / ' . $this_robot_defense . ')) = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                     // Update the amount with the new calculation
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                 // If this robot started out above zero but is now absolute zero, round up
                 if ($temp_amount_backup > 0 && $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] == 0) {
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = 1;
             // If this is a critical hit (lucky, based on turn and level)
             $temp_flag_critical = $target_robot->robot_class != 'mecha' ? rpg_functions::critical_turn($this_battle->counters['battle_turn'], $target_robot->robot_level, $target_robot->robot_item) : false;
             if ($temp_flag_critical) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $this_ability->recovery_options['critical_multiplier'];
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_critical'] = true;
                 // DEBUG
                 $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | flag_critical | x ' . $this_ability->recovery_options['critical_multiplier'] . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . '');
             } else {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['flag_critical'] = false;
         // Only apply weakness, resistance, etc. if allowed to
         if ($trigger_options['apply_type_modifiers'] != false) {
             // If this robot has an affinity to the ability (based on type)
             if ($this_ability->ability_results['flag_affinity']) {
                 $loop_count = $this_ability->ability_results['counter_affinities'] / ($this_ability->ability_results['total_strikes'] + 1);
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $loop_count; $i++) {
                     $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $this_ability->recovery_options['affinity_multiplier']);
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | flag_affinity (' . $i . '/' . $loop_count . ') | ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $this_ability->recovery_options['affinity_multiplier'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
             // If target robot resists the ability (based on type)
             if ($this_ability->ability_results['flag_resistance']) {
                 $loop_count = $this_ability->ability_results['counter_resistances'] / ($this_ability->ability_results['total_strikes'] + 1);
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $loop_count; $i++) {
                     $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $this_ability->recovery_options['resistance_multiplier']);
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | flag_resistance (' . $i . '/' . $loop_count . ') | ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $this_ability->recovery_options['resistance_multiplier'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
             // If target robot is immune to the ability (based on type)
             if ($this_ability->ability_results['flag_immunity']) {
                 $loop_count = $this_ability->ability_results['counter_immunities'] / ($this_ability->ability_results['total_strikes'] + 1);
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $loop_count; $i++) {
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $this_ability->recovery_options['immunity_multiplier']);
                     // DEBUG
                     $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | flag_immunity (' . $i . '/' . $loop_count . ') | ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $this_ability->recovery_options['immunity_multiplier'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
         // Only apply other modifiers if allowed to
         if ($trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] != false) {
             // If this robot has an attachment with a recovery multiplier
             if (!empty($this->robot_attachments)) {
                 foreach ($this->robot_attachments as $temp_token => $temp_info) {
                     $temp_token_debug = str_replace('ability_', 'attachment_', $temp_token);
                     // First check to see if any basic boosters or breakers have been created for this robot
                     if (true) {
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker'])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker']);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_breaker = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster'])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster']);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_booster = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery input breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker'])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker']);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_input_breaker = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery input booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster'])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster']);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_input_booster = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                     // Next check to see if any boosters or breakers for either of this ability's types
                     if (!empty($this_ability->ability_type)) {
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_input_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_input_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                     // Next check to see if any boosters or breakers for either of this ability's types
                     if (!empty($this_ability->ability_type2)) {
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2 . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2 . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_input_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2 . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_input_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2 . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_input_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
             // If this robot has an attachment with a recovery multiplier
             if (!empty($target_robot->robot_attachments)) {
                 foreach ($target_robot->robot_attachments as $temp_token => $temp_info) {
                     $temp_token_debug = str_replace('ability_', 'attachment_', $temp_token);
                     // First check to see if any basic boosters or breakers have been created for this robot
                     if (true) {
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker'])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker']);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_breaker = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster'])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster']);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_booster = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery output breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker'])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker']);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_output_breaker = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery output booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster'])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster']);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_output_booster = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster'] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                     // Next check to see if any boosters or breakers for either of this ability's types
                     if (!empty($this_ability->ability_type)) {
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_output_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_output_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                     // Next check to see if any boosters or breakers for either of this ability's types
                     if (!empty($this_ability->ability_type2)) {
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2 . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2 . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery breaker value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_output_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2 . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_breaker_' . $this_ability->ability_type2] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
                         // If this robot's attachment has a recovery booster value set
                         if (isset($temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2])) {
                             // Apply the recovery breaker multiplier to the current recovery amount
                             $temp_new_amount = round($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] * $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2]);
                             // DEBUG
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'ability_' . $this_ability->ability_token . ' vs. ' . $temp_token_debug . ' <br /> attachment_recovery_output_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2 . ' = ' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' = round(' . $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] . ' * ' . $temp_info['attachment_recovery_output_booster_' . $this_ability->ability_type2] . ') = ' . $temp_new_amount . '');
                             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $temp_new_amount;
         // Generate the flag string for easier parsing
         $this_flag_string = array();
         if ($this_ability->ability_results['flag_immunity']) {
             $this_flag_string[] = 'immunity';
         } elseif ($trigger_options['apply_type_modifiers'] != false) {
             if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['flag_weakness'])) {
                 $this_flag_string[] = 'weakness';
             if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['flag_affinity'])) {
                 $this_flag_string[] = 'affinity';
             if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['flag_resistance'])) {
                 $this_flag_string[] = 'resistance';
             if ($trigger_options['apply_modifiers'] != false && !$this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_percent']) {
                 if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['flag_critical'])) {
                     $this_flag_string[] = 'critical';
         $this_flag_name = (!empty($this_flag_string) ? implode('_', $this_flag_string) . '_' : '') . 'text';
         // Generate the status text based on flags
         if (isset($this_ability->recovery_options[$this_flag_name])) {
             //$event_options['console_container_height'] = 2;
             //$this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= '<br />';
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= ' ' . $this_ability->recovery_options[$this_flag_name];
         // Display a break before the recovery amount if other text was generated
         if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['this_text'])) {
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= '<br />';
         // Ensure the recovery amount is always at least one, unless absolute zero
         if ($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] < 1 && $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] > 0) {
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = 1;
         // Reference the requested recovery kind with a shorter variable
         $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] = strtolower($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind']);
         $recovery_stat_name = 'robot_' . $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'];
         // Inflict the approiate recovery type based on the recovery options
         switch ($recovery_stat_name) {
             // If this is an ATTACK type recovery trigger
             case 'robot_attack':
                 // Inflict attack recovery on the target's internal stat
                 $this->robot_attack = $this->robot_attack + $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'];
                 // If the recovery put the robot's attack above 9999
                 if ($this->robot_attack > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                     // Calculate the overkill amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'] = (MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $this->robot_attack) * -1;
                     // Calculate the actual recovery amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] - $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'];
                     // Max out the robots attack
                     $this->robot_attack = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX;
                 // Break from the ATTACK case
                 // If this is an DEFENSE type recovery trigger
             // If this is an DEFENSE type recovery trigger
             case 'robot_defense':
                 // Inflict defense recovery on the target's internal stat
                 $this->robot_defense = $this->robot_defense + $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'];
                 // If the recovery put the robot's defense above 9999
                 if ($this->robot_defense > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                     // Calculate the overkill amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'] = (MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $this->robot_defense) * -1;
                     // Calculate the actual recovery amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] - $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'];
                     // Max out the robots defense
                     $this->robot_defense = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX;
                 // Break from the DEFENSE case
                 // If this is an SPEED type recovery trigger
             // If this is an SPEED type recovery trigger
             case 'robot_speed':
                 // Inflict speed recovery on the target's internal stat
                 $this->robot_speed = $this->robot_speed + $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'];
                 // If the recovery put the robot's speed above 9999
                 if ($this->robot_speed > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX) {
                     // Calculate the overkill amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'] = (MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX - $this->robot_speed) * -1;
                     // Calculate the actual recovery amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] - $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'];
                     // Max out the robots speed
                     $this->robot_speed = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX;
                 // Break from the SPEED case
                 // If this is a WEAPONS type recovery trigger
             // If this is a WEAPONS type recovery trigger
             case 'robot_weapons':
                 // Inflict weapon recovery on the target's internal stat
                 $this->robot_weapons = $this->robot_weapons + $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'];
                 // If the recovery put the robot's weapons above the base
                 if ($this->robot_weapons > $this->robot_base_weapons) {
                     // Calculate the overcure amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'] = ($this->robot_base_weapons - $this->robot_weapons) * -1;
                     // Calculate the actual recovery amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] - $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'];
                     // Max out the robots weapons
                     $this->robot_weapons = $this->robot_base_weapons;
                 // Break from the WEAPONS case
                 // If this is an ENERGY type recovery trigger
             // If this is an ENERGY type recovery trigger
             case 'robot_energy':
                 // Inflict the actual recovery on the robot
                 $this->robot_energy = $this->robot_energy + $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'];
                 // If the recovery put the robot into overboost, recalculate the recovery
                 if ($this->robot_energy > $this->robot_base_energy) {
                     // Calculate the overcure amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_overboost'] = ($this->robot_base_energy - $this->robot_energy) * -1;
                     if ($this_ability->ability_results['this_overboost'] > $this->robot_base_energy) {
                         $this_ability->ability_results['this_overboost'] = $this->robot_base_energy;
                     // Calculate the actual recovery amount
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] - $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'];
                     // Max out the robots energy
                     $this->robot_energy = $this->robot_base_energy;
                 // If the robot's energy has dropped to zero, disable them
                 if ($this->robot_energy == 0) {
                     // Change the status to disabled
                     $this->robot_status = 'disabled';
                     // Remove any attachments this robot has
                     if (!empty($this->robot_attachments)) {
                         foreach ($this->robot_attachments as $token => $info) {
                             if (empty($info['sticky'])) {
                 // Break from the ENERGY case
         // Define the print variables to return
         $this_ability->ability_results['print_strikes'] = '<span class="recovery_strikes">' . (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['total_strikes']) ? $this_ability->ability_results['total_strikes'] : 0) . '</span>';
         $this_ability->ability_results['print_misses'] = '<span class="recovery_misses">' . (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['total_misses']) ? $this_ability->ability_results['total_misses'] : 0) . '</span>';
         $this_ability->ability_results['print_result'] = '<span class="recovery_result">' . (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['total_result']) ? $this_ability->ability_results['total_result'] : 0) . '</span>';
         $this_ability->ability_results['print_amount'] = '<span class="recovery_amount">' . (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount']) ? $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] : 0) . '</span>';
         $this_ability->ability_results['print_overkill'] = '<span class="recovery_overkill">' . (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill']) ? $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'] : 0) . '</span>';
         // Add the final recovery text showing the amount based on life energy recovery
         if ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'energy') {
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= "{$this->print_name()} recovers {$this_ability->ability_results['print_amount']} life energy";
             //$this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= ($this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'] > 0 ? " and {$this_ability->ability_results['print_overkill']} overkill" : '');
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= '!<br />';
         } elseif ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'weapons') {
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= "{$this->print_name()} recovers {$this_ability->ability_results['print_amount']} weapon energy";
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= '!<br />';
         } elseif ($this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'attack' || $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'defense' || $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'speed') {
             // Print the result based on if the stat will go any lower
             if ($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] > 0) {
                 $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= "{$this->print_name()}&#39;s {$this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind']} rose by {$this_ability->ability_results['print_amount']}";
                 $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= '!<br />';
             } else {
                 // Update this robot's frame based on recovery type
                 $this_ability->ability_frame = $this_ability->recovery_options['ability_failure_frame'];
                 $this_ability->ability_frame_span = $this_ability->recovery_options['ability_failure_frame_span'];
                 $this_ability->ability_frame_offset = $this_ability->recovery_options['ability_failure_frame_offset'];
                 // Display the failure text, if text has been provided
                 if (!empty($this_ability->recovery_options['failure_text'])) {
                     $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_text'] . ' ';
     } else {
         // Update this robot's frame based on recovery type
         $this_ability->ability_frame = $this_ability->recovery_options['ability_failure_frame'];
         $this_ability->ability_frame_span = $this_ability->recovery_options['ability_failure_frame_span'];
         $this_ability->ability_frame_offset = $this_ability->recovery_options['ability_failure_frame_offset'];
         // Update the recovery and overkilll amounts to reflect zero recovery
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] = 0;
         $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'] = 0;
         // Display the failure text, if text has been provided
         if (!$this_ability->ability_results['flag_immunity'] && !empty($this_ability->recovery_options['failure_text'])) {
             $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'] .= $this_ability->recovery_options['failure_text'] . ' ';
     // Update this robot's history with the triggered recovery amount
     $this->history['triggered_recovery'][] = $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'];
     // Update the robot's history with the triggered recovery types
     if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['recovery_type'])) {
         $temp_types = array();
         $temp_types[] = $this_ability->ability_results['recovery_type'];
         if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['recovery_type2'])) {
             $temp_types[] = $this_ability->ability_results['recovery_type2'];
         $this->history['triggered_recovery_types'][] = $temp_types;
     } else {
         $this->history['triggered_recovery_types'][] = array();
     // Update this robot's history with the overboost if applicable
     if (!empty($this_ability->ability_results['this_overboost'])) {
         $this->counters['assist_overboost'] = isset($this->counters['assist_overboost']) ? $this->counters['assist_overboost'] + $this_ability->ability_results['this_overboost'] : $this_ability->ability_results['this_overboost'];
     // Update the recovery result total variables
     $this_ability->ability_results['total_amount'] += !empty($this_ability->ability_results['this_amount']) ? $this_ability->ability_results['this_amount'] : 0;
     $this_ability->ability_results['total_overkill'] += !empty($this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill']) ? $this_ability->ability_results['this_overkill'] : 0;
     if ($this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] == 'success') {
     } else {
     $this_ability->ability_results['total_actions'] = $this_ability->ability_results['total_strikes'] + $this_ability->ability_results['total_misses'];
     if ($this_ability->ability_results['total_result'] != 'success') {
         $this_ability->ability_results['total_result'] = $this_ability->ability_results['this_result'];
     $event_options['this_ability_results'] = $this_ability->ability_results;
     // Update internal variables
     // If this robot was at full energy but is now at zero, it's a OHKO
     $this_robot_energy_ohko = false;
     if ($this->robot_energy <= 0 && $this_robot_energy_start_max) {
         // DEBUG
         $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this_ability->ability_token . ' | damage_result_OHKO! | Start:' . $this_robot_energy_start . ' ' . ($this_robot_energy_start_max ? '(MAX!)' : '-') . ' | Finish:' . $this->robot_energy);
         // Ensure the attacking player was a human
         if ($this->player->player_side == 'right') {
             $this_robot_energy_ohko = true;
             // Increment the field multipliers for items
             //if (!isset($this->field->field_multipliers['items'])){ $this->field->field_multipliers['items'] = 1; }
             //$this->field->field_multipliers['items'] += 0.1;
     // Generate an event with the collected recovery results based on recovery type
     if ($this->robot_id == $target_robot->robot_id) {
         //$this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_kind'] == 'energy'
         $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
         $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $target_robot->robot_id . '_' . $target_robot->robot_token;
         $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
         $this_battle->events_create($target_robot, $this, $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_header'], $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'], $event_options);
     } else {
         $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
         $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $target_robot->robot_id . '_' . $target_robot->robot_token;
         $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
         $this_battle->events_create($this, $target_robot, $this_ability->recovery_options['recovery_header'], $this_ability->ability_results['this_text'], $event_options);
     // If this robot was an unlockable and hit with an element, remove it
     $temp_robot_rewards = $this_battle->get_robot_rewards();
     if ($this_ability->ability_class != 'item' && $this->player->player_id != $target_robot->player->player_id && !empty($temp_robot_rewards) && (!empty($this_ability->ability_type) || !empty($this_ability->ability_type2))) {
         foreach ($temp_robot_rewards as $key => $reward) {
             if ($reward['token'] == $this->robot_token) {
                 $event_options['console_show_target'] = false;
                 $event_options['this_ability_user'] = $target_robot->robot_id . '_' . $target_robot->robot_token;
                 $event_options['this_ability_target'] = $this->robot_id . '_' . $this->robot_token;
                 $this_battle->events_create($this, $target_robot, 'Master Core Data Damaged', $this->print_name() . '\'s core was corrupted by the repair!<br /> ' . 'The robot can\'t be unlocked anymore!', $event_options);
                 $temp_robot_rewards = array_values($temp_robot_rewards);
     // Restore this and the target robot's frames to their backed up state
     $this->robot_frame = $this_robot_backup_frame;
     $target_robot->robot_frame = $target_robot_backup_frame;
     $this_ability->ability_frame = $this_ability_backup_frame;
     // Update internal variables
     // If this robot has been disabled, add a defeat attachment
     if ($this->robot_status == 'disabled') {
         // Define this ability's attachment token
         $temp_frames = array(0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8, 5, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
         $this_attachment_token = 'ability_attachment-defeat';
         $this_attachment_info = array('class' => 'ability', 'ability_token' => 'attachment-defeat', 'attachment_flag_defeat' => true, 'ability_frame' => 0, 'ability_frame_animate' => $temp_frames, 'ability_frame_offset' => array('x' => 0, 'y' => -10, 'z' => -10));
         // If the attachment doesn't already exists, add it to the robot
         if (!isset($this->robot_attachments[$this_attachment_token])) {
             $this->robot_attachments[$this_attachment_token] = $this_attachment_info;
     // If this robot was disabled, process experience for the target
     if ($this->robot_status == 'disabled' && $trigger_disabled) {
         $trigger_options = array();
         if ($this_robot_energy_ohko) {
             $trigger_options['item_multiplier'] = 2.0;
         $this->trigger_disabled($target_robot, $this_ability, $trigger_options);
     } elseif ($this->robot_status != 'disabled') {
         // -- CHECK ATTACHMENTS -- //
         // Ensure the ability was a success before checking attachments
         if ($this_ability->ability_results['this_result'] == 'success') {
             // If this robot has any attachments, loop through them
             if (!empty($this->robot_attachments)) {
                 $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->robot_token . ' | has_attachments | ' . implode(', ', array_keys($this->robot_attachments)));
                 foreach ($this->robot_attachments as $attachment_token => $attachment_info) {
                     // Ensure this ability has a type before checking weaknesses, resistances, etc.
                     if (!empty($this_ability->ability_type)) {
                         // If this attachment has weaknesses defined and this ability is a match
                         if (!empty($attachment_info['attachment_weaknesses']) && (in_array($this_ability->ability_type, $attachment_info['attachment_weaknesses']) || in_array($this_ability->ability_type2, $attachment_info['attachment_weaknesses']))) {
                             $this_battle->events_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'checkpoint weaknesses');
                             // Remove this attachment and inflict damage on the robot
                             if ($attachment_info['attachment_destroy'] !== false) {
                                 $temp_info = array('ability_id' => MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEABILITIES_PERROBOT_MAX + $attachment_key + 100, 'ability_token' => $attachment_info['ability_token']);
                                 $temp_attachment = new rpg_ability($this->player, $this, $temp_info);
                                 $temp_trigger_type = !empty($attachment_info['attachment_destroy']['trigger']) ? $attachment_info['attachment_destroy']['trigger'] : 'damage';
                                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'checkpoint has attachments '.$attachment_token.' trigger '.$temp_trigger_type.'!');
                                 //$this_battle->events_create(false, false, 'DEBUG', 'checkpoint has attachments '.$attachment_token.' trigger '.$temp_trigger_type.' info:<br />'.preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', htmlentities(print_r($attachment_info['attachment_destroy'], true), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', true)));
                                 if ($temp_trigger_type == 'damage') {
                                     $temp_damage_kind = $attachment_info['attachment_destroy']['kind'];
                                     if (isset($attachment_info['attachment_' . $temp_damage_kind])) {
                                         $temp_damage_amount = $attachment_info['attachment_' . $temp_damage_kind];
                                         $temp_trigger_options = array('apply_modifiers' => false);
                                         $this->trigger_damage($target_robot, $temp_attachment, $temp_damage_amount, false, $temp_trigger_options);
                                 } elseif ($temp_trigger_type == 'recovery') {
                                     $temp_recovery_kind = $attachment_info['attachment_destroy']['kind'];
                                     if (isset($attachment_info['attachment_' . $temp_recovery_kind])) {
                                         $temp_recovery_amount = $attachment_info['attachment_' . $temp_recovery_kind];
                                         $temp_trigger_options = array('apply_modifiers' => false);
                                         $this->trigger_recovery($target_robot, $temp_attachment, $temp_recovery_amount, false, $temp_trigger_options);
                                 } elseif ($temp_trigger_type == 'special') {
                                     $this->trigger_target($target_robot, $temp_attachment, array('canvas_show_this_ability' => false, 'prevent_default_text' => true));
                             // If this robot was disabled, process experience for the target
                             if ($this->robot_status == 'disabled') {
     // Return the final recovery results
     return $this_ability->ability_results;