コード例 #1
ファイル: query_bbw.php プロジェクト: aldridged/gtg-gts
function mtPublicIP($host)
    // Instanciate MT API call
    $API = new routeros_api();
    $API->debug = false;
    // Set a default value to return if connection to MT fails
    $ipaddr = "";
    // Query Mikrotik
    if ($API->connect($host, 'admin', 'DataCom')) {
        $ARRAY = $API->read();
        $ipaddr = substr($ARRAY['0']['address'], 0, -3);
        if ($ipaddr == "") {
            $API->connect($host, 'admin', 'DataCom');
            $ARRAY = $API->read();
            foreach ($ARRAY as $addr) {
                if ($addr['interface'] == "ether1") {
                    $ipaddr = substr($addr['address'], 0, -3);
    return $ipaddr;
コード例 #2
ファイル: query_ppp.php プロジェクト: aldridged/gtg-gts

// Email Alerts Function
function email_alert($message, $subject)
    system("echo '{$message}' | mail -s '{$subject}' trouble@getdatacom.com -- -f alerts@mydatacomgts.com");
// Read old states from file
$oldstate = parse_ini_file("/root/oldstatefile.txt");
// Get current states from Mikrotik
require '/usr/local/gts/routeros_api.class.php';
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
// Query Mikrotik
if ($API->connect('', 'admin', 'd@t@c0m#')) {
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
    foreach ($ARRAY as $item) {
        $currentstate[$item['name']] = $item['caller-id'];
    $savefile = "";
    foreach ($currentstate as $name => $ip) {
        $savefile .= $name . "=" . $ip . "\n";
    file_put_contents("/root/oldstatefile.txt", $savefile);
// Compare old to new arrays
$newchange = array_diff_assoc($currentstate, $oldstate);
$oldchange = array_diff_assoc($oldstate, $currentstate);
// Figure out changed IPs and Tunnel Ups
コード例 #3

require 'routeros_api.class.php';

$API = new routeros_api();
$IP = $_SESSION['ip'];
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$password = $_SESSION['password'];
//Comprobamos conexion API
if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
    //Comprobamos interfaces
    $Ports = $API->comm("/interface/ethernet/print");
    $numPorts = count($Ports);
    $modeloCom = $API->comm("/system/routerboard/print");
    $modelo = $modeloCom[0]['model'];
    //Estado Link
    $valoresPar = json_encode(range(0, $numPorts - 1));
    $valores = substr($valoresPar, 1, -1);
    $switches = $API->comm("/interface/ethernet/switch/print");
    $numSwitches = count($switches);
    //Ports Switch
    $portsSwitch = $API->comm("/interface/ethernet/switch/port/print");
    $numPortsSwitch = count($portsSwitch);
    //puerto Trunk CR
    $estadoTrunkCR = $API->comm("/interface/ethernet/switch/egress-vlan-tag/print");
コード例 #4
                <!-- PAGE TITLE -->
                <div class="page-title">                    
                    <h2><span class="fa fa-arrow-circle-o-left"></span> Listado Usuarios Activos Hotspot</h2>
                <!-- END PAGE TITLE -->                
                <!-- PAGE CONTENT WRAPPER -->
                <div class="page-content-wrap">
                    <div class="row">
                    <!-- empieza IF-->
if ($API->connect(IP_MIKROTIK, USER, PASS)) {
                        <div class="col-md-12">
                            <!-- START DATATABLE EXPORT -->
                            <div class="panel panel-default">
                                <div class="panel-heading">
                                    <h3 class="panel-title">Usuarios Creados</h3>
                                    <div class="btn-group pull-right">
                                        <button class="btn btn-danger dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i> Exportar Info</button>
                                        <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                                            <li><a href="#" onClick ="$('#customers2').tableExport({type:'xml',escape:'false'});"><img src='../img/icons/xml.png' width="24"/> XML</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#" onClick ="$('#customers2').tableExport({type:'sql'});"><img src='../img/icons/sql.png' width="24"/> SQL</a></li>
                                            <li class="divider"></li>
                                            <li><a href="#" onClick ="$('#customers2').tableExport({type:'csv',escape:'false'});"><img src='../img/icons/csv.png' width="24"/> CSV</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#" onClick ="$('#customers2').tableExport({type:'txt',escape:'false'});"><img src='../img/icons/txt.png' width="24"/> TXT</a></li>
                                            <li class="divider"></li>
コード例 #5
ファイル: query_ppp.php プロジェクト: aldridged/gtg-gts-bhp

// Email Alerts Function
function email_alert($message, $subject)
    system("echo '{$message}' | mail -s '{$subject}' trouble@getdatacom.com -- -f alerts@mydatacomgts.com");
// Read old states from file
$oldstate = parse_ini_file("/root/oldstatefile.txt");
// Get current states from Mikrotik
require '/usr/local/gts/routeros_api.class.php';
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
// Query Mikrotik
if ($API->connect('', 'admin', 'd@t@c0m#')) {
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
    foreach ($ARRAY as $item) {
        $currentstate[$item['name']] = $item['caller-id'];
    $savefile = "";
    foreach ($currentstate as $name => $ip) {
        $savefile .= $name . "=" . $ip . "\n";
    file_put_contents("/root/oldstatefile.txt", $savefile);
// Compare old to new arrays
$newchange = array_diff_assoc($currentstate, $oldstate);
$oldchange = array_diff_assoc($oldstate, $currentstate);
// Figure out changed IPs and Tunnel Ups
コード例 #6

require '/usr/local/gts/routeros_api.class.php';
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
//Query Botruc-41
if ($API->connect('', 'admin', 'P@55w0rd!')) {
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
    $cleanlat = explode(" ", $ARRAY[0]['latitude']);
    $cleanlong = explode(" ", $ARRAY[0]['longitude']);
    $botruc41['latitude'] = $cleanlat[1] + trim($cleanlat[2], "'") / 60 + trim(trim($cleanlat[3], "'"), "'") / 3600;
    $botruc41['longitude'] = 0 - $cleanlong[1] - trim($cleanlong[2], "'") / 60 - trim(trim($cleanlong[3], "'"), "'") / 3600;
//Query Botruc-40
if ($API->connect('', 'admin', 'P@55w0rd!')) {
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
    $cleanlat = explode(" ", $ARRAY[0]['latitude']);
    $cleanlong = explode(" ", $ARRAY[0]['longitude']);
    $botruc40['latitude'] = $cleanlat[1] + trim($cleanlat[2], "'") / 60 + trim(trim($cleanlat[3], "'"), "'") / 3600;
    $botruc40['longitude'] = 0 - $cleanlong[1] - trim($cleanlong[2], "'") / 60 - trim(trim($cleanlong[3], "'"), "'") / 3600;
//Build device insert query
$insertquery[0] = "INSERT INTO Device (accountID,deviceID,groupID,equipmentType,vehicleID,uniqueID,displayName,description,isActive,lastUpdateTime,lastInputState) VALUES ('gtg','Botruc40','lmbotruc','netmodem','Botruc40','Botruc40','Botruc40','Botruc40',1," . time() . ",40000) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE groupID=VALUES(groupID),lastUpdateTime=VALUES(lastUpdateTime),displayName=VALUES(displayName),description=VALUES(description);";
コード例 #7
ファイル: lms-monitoring.php プロジェクト: Kliwer/lms
 if ($nastype === 1 || $nastype === 15) {
     $hostek = $nd_list[$i]['ipaddr'];
     if (!empty($nd_list['port'])) {
         $hostek .= ':' . $nd_list[$i]['port'];
     $result = $LMS->WIFI_GetAllSignal($hostek, $nd_list[$i]['login']);
     if ($result) {
         $data = $result;
     } else {
         $data = array();
 if ($nastype === 14) {
     $MT->debug = false;
     $MT->port = $nd_list[$i]['port'];
     if ($connect = $MT->connect($nd_list[$i]['ipaddr'], $nd_list[$i]['login'], $nd_list[$i]['passwd'])) {
         $result = $MT->read();
         if ($result) {
             for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($result); $k++) {
                 if (isset($result[$k]['signal-strength']) && !empty($result[$k]['signal-strength'])) {
                     $tab[$k]['rx_signal'] = substr($result[$k]['signal-strength'], 0, strpos($result[$k]['signal-strength'], "dBm"));
                 } else {
                     $tab[$k]['rx_signal'] = 0;
                 if (isset($result[$k]['tx-signal-strength']) && !empty($result[$k]['tx-signal-strength'])) {
                     $tab[$k]['tx_signal'] = $result[$k]['tx-signal-strength'];
                 } else {
                     $tab[$k]['tx_signal'] = 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ping-test.php プロジェクト: aldridged/gtg-gts-bhp
// Load Mikrotik API Class
require '/usr/local/gts/routeros_api.class.php';
$host = "";
// Convert results to integer MS
function convertms($resulttime)
    $result1 = explode(":", $resulttime);
    $result2 = explode(".", $result1[2]);
    $msval = $result1[0] * 60 * 60 * 1000 + $result1[1] * 60 * 1000 + $result2[0] * 1000 + $result2[1];
    return $msval;
// Instanciate MT API call
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
// Query Mikrotik
if ($API->connect($host, 'admin', 'DataCom')) {
    $TARGET = $API->read();
    $tunuser = $TARGET[0]['user'];
    $pingtargarr = explode(':', $TARGET[0]['connect-to']);
    $pingtarg = $pingtargarr[0];
    echo "Ping Target: " . $pingtarg . "\n";
    $API->write('/ping', false);
    $API->write('=address=' . $pingtarg, false);
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
// Query Tunnel End point for real public ip
if ($API->connect($pingtarg, 'admin', 'D@t@c0m#')) {