* run sessions after update happens */ $roster->session = new Session(); } } /** * Assign initial template vars */ $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_SEO_URL' => $roster->config['seo_url'], 'S_HEADER_LOGO' => !empty($roster->config['logo']) ? true : false, 'U_MAKELINK' => makelink(), 'U_LINKFORM' => linkform(), 'ROSTER_URL' => ROSTER_URL, 'ROSTER_PATH' => ROSTER_PATH, 'WEBSITE_ADDRESS' => $roster->config['website_address'], 'HEADER_LOGO' => $roster->config['logo'], 'IMG_URL' => $roster->config['img_url'], 'INTERFACE_URL' => $roster->config['interface_url'], 'IMG_SUFFIX' => $roster->config['img_suffix'], 'ROSTER_VERSION' => $roster->config['version'], 'ROSTER_CREDITS' => sprintf($roster->locale->act['roster_credits'], makelink('credits')), 'XML_LANG' => substr($roster->config['locale'], 0, 2), 'T_BORDER_WHITE' => border('swhite', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_GRAY' => border('sgray', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_GOLD' => border('sgold', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_RED' => border('sred', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_ORANGE' => border('sorange', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_YELLOW' => border('syellow', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_GREEN' => border('sgreen', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_PURPLE' => border('spurple', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_BLUE' => border('sblue', 'start'), 'T_BORDER_END' => border('sgray', 'end'), 'ROSTER_SCOPE' => 'util', 'PAGE_TITLE' => 'WoWRoster', 'ROSTER_HEAD' => '', 'ROSTER_HEAD_JS' => '', 'ROSTER_HEAD_CSS' => '', 'ROSTER_BODY' => '', 'ROSTER_ONLOAD' => '', 'ROSTER_TOP' => '')); /** * Set db->error_die off, our framework is good to go... hopefully */ $roster->db->error_die(false); /** * If the db version doesn't match our constant, redirect to upgrader */ if ((empty($roster->config['version']) || version_compare($roster->config['version'], ROSTER_VERSION, '<')) && ROSTER_PAGE_NAME != 'realmstatus') { require ROSTER_PAGES . 'upgrade.php'; die; } /** * Cache plugin data * putting this here untill release..... */ $roster->get_plugin_data(); /** * If the install directory or files exist, die() */ if (file_exists(ROSTER_BASE . 'install.php') && !file_exists(ROSTER_BASE . 'version_match.php')) { roster_die($roster->locale->act['remove_install_files_text'], $roster->locale->act['remove_install_files'], 'sred'); }