コード例 #1
 static function addURLParameter($url, $paramName, $paramValue)
     $url_data = parse_url($url);
     if (!isset($url_data["query"])) {
         $url_data["query"] = "";
     $params = array();
     parse_str($url_data['query'], $params);
     $params[$paramName] = $paramValue;
     $url_data['query'] = http_build_query($params);
     return rhc_supe_dom_renderer::build_url($url_data);
 function sc_rhc_static_upcoming_events($atts, $content = null, $code = "")
     global $rhc_plugin;
     $uid = ++$this->uid;
     $atts = apply_filters('supe_atts', $atts, $uid);
     if (!$this->sc_output_conditions_met($atts, $content, $code)) {
         return '';
     //-- NOTE: Important! when adding parameters here, also add them to calendar_ajax::supe_get_events, also add it to the compact function below for this::get_events
     $shortcode_atts = shortcode_atts(array('uid' => $uid, 'test' => '', 'page' => '0', 'number' => '5', 'taxonomy' => '', 'terms' => '', 'template' => 'widget_upcoming_events.php', 'class' => 'rhc_supe_holder', 'prefix' => 'uew', 'parse_postmeta' => '', 'parse_taxonomy' => '0', 'parse_taxonomymeta' => '1', 'order' => 'ASC', 'date' => 'NOW', 'date_end' => '', 'horizon' => 'hour', 'allday' => '', 'no_events_message' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => '', 'author' => '', 'author_current' => '', 'do_shortcode' => '1', 'the_content' => '0', 'separator' => '', 'holder' => '1', 'dayspast' => '', 'premiere' => '0', 'auto' => '0', 'feed' => '', 'words' => '', 'render_images' => '', 'calendar_url' => '', 'loading_overlay' => '0', 'for_sidebar' => '0', 'post_id' => '', 'current_post' => '', 'rdate' => '', 'js_init_script' => '', 'vc_js_init_script' => '', 'nav' => ''), $atts);
     if ('1' == $shortcode_atts['auto']) {
         if (is_tax()) {
             $shortcode_atts['taxonomy'] = get_query_var('taxonomy');
             $shortcode_atts['terms'] = get_query_var('term');
             $atts['taxonomy'] = $shortcode_atts['taxonomy'];
             $atts['terms'] = $shortcode_atts['terms'];
         } else {
             if ($rhc_plugin->template_frontend->is_taxonomy) {
                 $shortcode_atts['taxonomy'] = $rhc_plugin->template_frontend->taxonomy;
                 $shortcode_atts['terms'] = $rhc_plugin->template_frontend->term_slug;
                 $atts['taxonomy'] = $shortcode_atts['taxonomy'];
                 $atts['terms'] = $shortcode_atts['terms'];
     $default_events_source = $rhc_plugin->get_option('rhc-api-url', '', true);
     if ('' == trim($default_events_source)) {
         $default_events_source = site_url('/?rhc_action=supe_get_events');
         //Compat fix: qtranslate plugin
         if (defined('QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION') && function_exists('qtrans_getLanguage')) {
             $default_events_source .= '&lang=' . qtrans_getLanguage();
     $shortcode_atts['ajaxurl'] = $default_events_source;
     if ('1' == $shortcode_atts['current_post']) {
         $shortcode_atts['post_id'] = get_the_ID();
     //file_put_contents( 	ABSPATH.'api.log', "post_id $post_id".print_r( $shortcode_atts,true) );
     $shortcode_atts = apply_filters('supe_shortcode_atts', $shortcode_atts, $atts);
     //'feed', 'premiere', 'loading_method', 'template', 'post_type','calendar','venue','organizer','taxonomy','terms','auto','horizon','number','showimage','words','dayspast','fcdate_format','fctime_format','calendar_url','specific_date','specific_date_end'
     $templates = array('widget_upcoming_events.php', 'widget_upcoming_events_a.php', 'widget_upcoming_events_a_end.php', 'widget_upcoming_events_a_end_range.php', 'widget_upcoming_events_a1.php', 'widget_upcoming_events_agenda_b.php', 'widget_upcoming_events_agenda_b2.php', 'json', 'php');
     if (!empty($content)) {
         if (isset($atts['custom_content_wrapper'])) {
             $content = sprintf($atts['custom_content_wrapper'], $content);
         } else {
             $content = sprintf('<div class="rhc-custom-template">%s</div>', $content);
     if (intval($author_current)) {
         $author = 'current';
     global $rhc_plugin;
     if ('0' != $rhc_plugin->get_option('original_ajax_enable', '', true)) {
         return __('This shortcode requires that the latest version of "Ajax events query version." is enabled.', 'rhc');
     $templates = apply_filters('rhc_allowed_widget_templates', $templates);
     if (false === strpos($template, 'widget_custom_') && !in_array($template, $templates)) {
         return '';
     $args = compact('page', 'number', 'parse_taxonomy', 'parse_taxonomymeta', 'order', 'date', 'date_end', 'dayspast', 'horizon', 'allday', 'post_status', 'post_type', 'author', 'premiere', 'auto', 'feed', 'post_id', 'current_post', 'rdate');
     if (!empty($taxonomy) && !empty($terms)) {
         $args['taxonomy'] = $taxonomy;
         $args['terms'] = $terms;
     if (!class_exists('rhc_supe_query')) {
         require 'class.rhc_supe_query.php';
     $events = false;
     //handle taxonomy
     //--- the following block is for supporting the same shortcodes inside a venue/organizer template page.
     if ($rhc_plugin->template_frontend->is_taxonomy) {
         $tmp_post_id = $post_id;
         if ('current' == $tmp_post_id) {
             $tmp_post_id = get_the_ID();
             if ($tmp_post_id > 0) {
                 switch ($rhc_plugin->template_frontend->taxonomy) {
                     case RHC_VENUE:
                         $option_name = 'venue_template_page_id';
                     case RHC_ORGANIZER:
                         $option_name = 'organizer_template_page_id';
                         $option_name = 'taxonomy_template_page_id';
                 $template_id = $rhc_plugin->get_option($option_name, 0, true);
                 if (empty($template_id)) {
                     //fallback to original.
                     $template_id = $rhc_plugin->get_option('taxonomy_template_page_id', 0, true);
                 if ($template_id == $tmp_post_id) {
                     //the template page is the target of this shortcode.
                     if (property_exists($rhc_plugin->template_frontend, 'term')) {
                         $tmp_taxonomy = get_taxonomy($rhc_plugin->template_frontend->taxonomy);
                         if (is_object($tmp_taxonomy)) {
                             $term = $rhc_plugin->template_frontend->term;
                             $term->meta = array();
                             global $wpdb;
                             $meta_fields = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT(meta_key) FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}taxonomymeta`;", 0);
                             $meta_fields = is_array($meta_fields) ? $meta_fields : array();
                             if (count($meta_fields) > 0) {
                                 foreach ($meta_fields as $meta_field) {
                                     $value = get_term_meta($term->term_id, $meta_field, true);
                                     if (!empty($value)) {
                                         $term->meta[$meta_field] = $value;
                             $tmp_taxonomy->terms = array();
                             $tmp_taxonomy->terms[] = $term;
                             $tmp_e = (object) array('ID' => $tmp_post_id, 'post_id' => $tmp_post_id, 'taxonomies' => array($tmp_taxonomy));
                             $events = array($tmp_e);
                             //--- flag that a custom layout is used, template_frontend will use this to skip the built in layout.
                             $rhc_plugin->template_frontend->is_custom_tax = true;
     //query regular events
     if (false === $events) {
         $supe_query = new rhc_supe_query();
         $events = $supe_query->get_events($args, $atts);
     //file_put_contents( ABSPATH.'api.log', print_r($rhc_plugin->template_frontend,true) );
     //other output handling:
     if ($template == 'json') {
         return json_encode($events);
     } else {
         if ($template == 'php') {
             return $events;
     $custom_output = apply_filters('rhc_supe_custom_render', false, $events, $atts, $content);
     if (false !== $custom_output) {
         return $custom_output;
     $do_shortcode = '1' == $do_shortcode ? true : false;
     if (empty($events)) {
         $output = sprintf('<div class="rhc-supe-no-events" data-css_clear="opacity" style="opacity:0;">%s</div>', $no_events_message);
     } else {
         if (!class_exists('rhc_supe_dom_renderer')) {
             require_once 'class.rhc_supe_dom_renderer.php';
         $re = new rhc_supe_dom_renderer();
         $output = $re->render_events($events, $atts, $content, $do_shortcode, $this->uid, $render_images);
     //$output.= $this->render_js( $atts );
     if ('1' == $the_content) {
         $output = apply_filters('the_content', $output);
     } else {
         if ($do_shortcode) {
             $output = do_shortcode($output);
     if ($separator == 'eap') {
         $holder = '';
     $custom_output = apply_filters('rhc_supe_custom_output', false, $uid, $output, $atts, $shortcode_atts, compact('class', 'uid', 'page', 'number'));
     if (false !== $custom_output) {
         return $custom_output;
     //-- wpbakery visual composer not loading when saving shortcode in frontend editor.
     if (isset($_REQUEST['vc_editable']) && !empty($vc_js_init_script)) {
     } else {
         $vc_js_init_script = '';
     $test_empty = trim($js_init_script . $vc_js_init_script);
     if (!empty($test_empty)) {
         $js_init_script = sprintf("<script type='text/javascript'>try{%s;%s;}catch(e){}</script>", $js_init_script, $vc_js_init_script);
     $class .= ' rhc-side-' . intval($for_sidebar);
     if ('1' == $holder) {
         return sprintf("<div id=\"%s_%s\" class=\"%s\" data-page=\"%s\" data-number=\"%s\" data-atts=\"%s\"><div class=\"supe-head\"></div><div class=\"supe-body\">%s<div class=\"supe-item-holder\">%s</div></div><div class=\"rhc-clear\"></div><div class=\"supe-footer\"></div></div>%s", $prefix, $uid, $class, $page, $number, $this->encoded_atts($atts, $shortcode_atts), '1' == $loading_overlay ? '<div class="uew-loading"><div class="uew-loading-1"><div class="uew-loading-2 xspinner icon-xspinner-3"></div></div></div>' : '', $output, $js_init_script);
     } else {
         return $output . $js_init_script;