コード例 #1
    function getArticle($curctype = -1)
        global $module_id, $REX_USER, $REX, $I18N;
        $this->ctype = $curctype;
        $sliceLimit = '';
        if ($this->getSlice) {
            //$REX['GG'] = 0;
            $sliceLimit = " AND " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice.id = '" . $this->getSlice . "' ";
        // ----- start: article caching
        if ($REX['GG'] && !$this->viasql && !$this->getSlice) {
            if ($this->article_id != 0) {
                $this->contents = '';
                $article_content_file = $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/generated/articles/' . $this->article_id . '.' . $this->clang . '.content';
                if ($cont = rex_get_file_contents($article_content_file)) {
                    $this->contents = $cont;
        } else {
            if ($this->article_id != 0) {
                // ---------- alle teile/slices eines artikels auswaehlen
                $sql = "SELECT " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "module.id, " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "module.name, " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "module.ausgabe, " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "module.eingabe, " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice.*, " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article.re_id\r\n          FROM\r\n            " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice\r\n          LEFT JOIN " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "module ON " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice.modultyp_id=" . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "module.id\r\n          LEFT JOIN " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article ON " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice.article_id=" . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article.id\r\n          WHERE\r\n            " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice.article_id='" . $this->article_id . "' AND\r\n            " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice.clang='" . $this->clang . "' AND\r\n            " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article.clang='" . $this->clang . "'\r\n            " . $sliceLimit . "\r\n            ORDER BY " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice.re_article_slice_id";
                $this->CONT = new rex_sql();
                $this->CONT->debugsql = 0;
                $RE_CONTS = array();
                $RE_CONTS_CTYPE = array();
                $RE_MODUL_OUT = array();
                $RE_MODUL_IN = array();
                $RE_MODUL_ID = array();
                $RE_MODUL_NAME = array();
                $RE_C = array();
                // ---------- SLICE IDS/MODUL SETZEN - speichern der daten
                for ($i = 0; $i < $this->CONT->getRows(); $i++) {
                    $RE_CONTS[$this->CONT->getValue('re_article_slice_id')] = $this->CONT->getValue($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article_slice.id');
                    $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$this->CONT->getValue('re_article_slice_id')] = $this->CONT->getValue($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article_slice.ctype');
                    $RE_MODUL_IN[$this->CONT->getValue('re_article_slice_id')] = $this->CONT->getValue($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'module.eingabe');
                    $RE_MODUL_OUT[$this->CONT->getValue('re_article_slice_id')] = $this->CONT->getValue($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'module.ausgabe');
                    $RE_MODUL_ID[$this->CONT->getValue('re_article_slice_id')] = $this->CONT->getValue($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'module.id');
                    $RE_MODUL_NAME[$this->CONT->getValue('re_article_slice_id')] = $this->CONT->getValue($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'module.name');
                    $RE_C[$this->CONT->getValue('re_article_slice_id')] = $i;
                // ---------- moduleselect: nur module nehmen auf die der user rechte hat
                if ($this->mode == 'edit') {
                    $MODULE = new rex_sql();
                    $MODULE->setQuery('select * from ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'module order by name');
                    $MODULESELECT = new rex_select();
                    $MODULESELECT->setAttribute('onchange', 'this.form.submit();');
                    $MODULESELECT->addOption('----------------------------  ' . $I18N->msg('add_block'), '');
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $MODULE->getRows(); $i++) {
                        if ($REX_USER->hasPerm('module[' . $MODULE->getValue('id') . ']') || $REX_USER->hasPerm('admin[]')) {
                            $MODULESELECT->addOption(rex_translate($MODULE->getValue('name'), NULL, FALSE), $MODULE->getValue('id'));
                // ---------- SLICE IDS SORTIEREN UND AUSGEBEN
                $I_ID = 0;
                $PRE_ID = 0;
                $LCTSL_ID = 0;
                $this->article_content = "";
                for ($i = 0; $i < $this->CONT->getRows(); $i++) {
                    // ----- ctype unterscheidung
                    if ($this->mode != "edit" && $i == 0) {
                        $this->article_content = "<?php if (\$this->ctype == '" . $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$I_ID] . "' || (\$this->ctype == '-1')) { ?>";
                    // ------------- EINZELNER SLICE - AUSGABE
                    $this->CONT->counter = $RE_C[$I_ID];
                    $slice_content = "";
                    $SLICE_SHOW = TRUE;
                    if ($this->mode == "edit") {
                        $form_url = 'index.php';
                        if ($this->setanker) {
                            $form_url .= '#addslice';
                        $this->ViewSliceId = $RE_CONTS[$I_ID];
                        // ----- add select box einbauen
                        if ($this->function == "add" && $this->slice_id == $I_ID) {
                            $slice_content = $this->addSlice($I_ID, $module_id);
                        } else {
                            // ----- BLOCKAUSWAHL - SELECT
                            $MODULESELECT->setId("module_id" . $I_ID);
                            $slice_content = '
              <form action="' . $form_url . '" method="get" id="slice' . $RE_CONTS[$I_ID] . '">
                  <legend class="rex-lgnd"><span class="rex-hide">' . $I18N->msg("add_block") . '</span></legend>
                  <input type="hidden" name="article_id" value="' . $this->article_id . '" />
                  <input type="hidden" name="page" value="content" />
                  <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="' . $this->mode . '" />
                  <input type="hidden" name="slice_id" value="' . $I_ID . '" />
                  <input type="hidden" name="function" value="add" />
                  <input type="hidden" name="clang" value="' . $this->clang . '" />
                  <input type="hidden" name="ctype" value="' . $this->ctype . '" />

                  <p class="rex-slct">
                    ' . $MODULESELECT->get() . '
                    <noscript><input type="submit" class="rex-sbmt" name="btn_add" value="' . $I18N->msg("add_block") . '" /></noscript>

                        // ----- EDIT/DELETE BLOCK - Wenn Rechte vorhanden
                        if ($REX_USER->hasPerm("module[" . $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID] . "]") || $REX_USER->hasPerm("admin[]")) {
                            $msg = '';
                            if ($this->slice_id == $RE_CONTS[$I_ID] && $this->message != '') {
                                $msg = rex_warning($this->message);
                            $sliceUrl = 'index.php?page=content&amp;article_id=' . $this->article_id . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;slice_id=' . $RE_CONTS[$I_ID] . '&amp;clang=' . $this->clang . '&amp;ctype=' . $this->ctype . '%s#slice' . $RE_CONTS[$I_ID];
                            $listElements = array();
                            $listElements[] = '<a href="' . sprintf($sliceUrl, '&amp;function=edit') . '" class="rex-clr-grn">' . $I18N->msg('edit') . ' <span class="rex-hide">' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></a>';
                            $listElements[] = '<a href="' . sprintf($sliceUrl, '&amp;function=delete&amp;save=1') . '" class="rex-clr-red" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $I18N->msg('delete') . ' ?\')">' . $I18N->msg('delete') . ' <span class="rex-hide">' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></a>';
                            if ($REX_USER->hasPerm('moveSlice[]')) {
                                $moveUp = $I18N->msg('move_slice_up');
                                $moveDown = $I18N->msg('move_slice_down');
                                // upd stamp übergeben, da sonst ein block nicht mehrfach hintereindander verschoben werden kann
                                // (Links wären sonst gleich und der Browser lässt das klicken auf den gleichen Link nicht zu)
                                $listElements[] = '<a href="' . sprintf($sliceUrl, '&amp;upd=' . time() . '&amp;function=moveup') . '" title="' . $moveUp . '"><img src="media/file_up.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="' . $moveUp . '" /> <span class="rex-hide">' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></a>';
                                $listElements[] = '<a href="' . sprintf($sliceUrl, '&amp;upd=' . time() . '&amp;function=movedown') . '" title="' . $moveDown . '"><img src="media/file_down.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="' . $moveDown . '" /> <span class="rex-hide">' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></a>';
                            // ----- EXTENSION POINT
                            $listElements = rex_register_extension_point('ART_SLICE_MENU', $listElements, array('article_id' => $this->article_id, 'clang' => $this->clang, 'ctype' => $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$I_ID], 'module_id' => $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID], 'slice_id' => $RE_CONTS[$I_ID]));
                            $mne = $msg . '
			       	<div class="rex-cnt-editmode-slc">
                <p class="rex-flLeft">' . htmlspecialchars($RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID]) . '</p>
                <ul class="rex-flRight" id="rex-slc-mnu">
                            foreach ($listElements as $listElement) {
                                $mne .= '<li>' . $listElement . '</li>';
                            $mne .= '</ul></div>';
                            $slice_content .= $mne;
                            if ($this->function == "edit" && $this->slice_id == $RE_CONTS[$I_ID]) {
                                // **************** Aktueller Slice
                                // ----- PRE VIEW ACTION [EDIT]
                                $REX_ACTION = array();
                                // nach klick auf den übernehmen button,
                                // die POST werte übernehmen
                                if (rex_var::isEditEvent()) {
                                    foreach ($REX['VARIABLES'] as $obj) {
                                        $REX_ACTION = $obj->getACRequestValues($REX_ACTION);
                                } else {
                                    foreach ($REX['VARIABLES'] as $obj) {
                                        $REX_ACTION = $obj->getACDatabaseValues($REX_ACTION, $this->CONT);
                                // TODO: PreviewActions gibts nur im EditMode...?
                                if ($this->function == 'edit') {
                                    $modebit = '2';
                                } elseif ($this->function == 'delete') {
                                    $modebit = '4';
                                } else {
                                    $modebit = '1';
                                // pre-action and add
                                $ga = new rex_sql();
                                $ga->debugsql = 0;
                                $ga->setQuery('SELECT preview FROM ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'module_action ma,' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'action a WHERE preview != "" AND ma.action_id=a.id AND module_id=' . $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID] . ' AND ((a.previewmode & ' . $modebit . ') = ' . $modebit . ')');
                                for ($t = 0; $t < $ga->getRows(); $t++) {
                                    $iaction = $ga->getValue('preview');
                                    // ****************** VARIABLEN ERSETZEN
                                    foreach ($REX['VARIABLES'] as $obj) {
                                        $iaction = $obj->getACOutput($REX_ACTION, $iaction);
                                    eval('?>' . $iaction);
                                    // ****************** SPEICHERN FALLS NOETIG
                                    foreach ($REX['VARIABLES'] as $obj) {
                                        $obj->setACValues($this->CONT, $REX_ACTION);
                                // ----- / PRE VIEW ACTION
                                $slice_content .= $this->editSlice($RE_CONTS[$I_ID], $RE_MODUL_IN[$I_ID], $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$I_ID], $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID]);
                            } else {
                                // Modulinhalt ausgeben
                                $slice_content .= '
                <!-- *** OUTPUT OF MODULE-OUTPUT - START *** -->
                <div class="rex-cnt-slc-otp"><div class="rex-cnt-slc-otp2">
                  ' . $RE_MODUL_OUT[$I_ID] . '
                <!-- *** OUTPUT OF MODULE-OUTPUT - END *** -->
                                $slice_content = $this->replaceVars($this->CONT, $slice_content);
                        } else {
                            // ----- hat keine rechte an diesem modul
                            $mne = '
			  	<div class="rex-cnt-editmode-slc">
                <p class="rex-flLeft" id="slice' . $RE_CONTS[$I_ID] . '">' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</p>
                <ul class="rex-flRight">
                  <li>' . $I18N->msg('no_editing_rights') . ' <span class="rex-hide">' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></li>
                            $slice_content .= $mne . $RE_MODUL_OUT[$I_ID];
                            $slice_content = $this->replaceVars($this->CONT, $slice_content);
                    } else {
                        // ----- wenn mode nicht edit
                        if ($this->getSlice) {
                            while (list($k, $v) = each($RE_CONTS)) {
                                $I_ID = $k;
                        $slice_content .= $RE_MODUL_OUT[$I_ID];
                        $slice_content = $this->replaceVars($this->CONT, $slice_content);
                    // --------------- ENDE EINZELNER SLICE
                    // --------------- EP: SLICE_SHOW
                    $slice_content = rex_register_extension_point('SLICE_SHOW', $slice_content, array('article_id' => $this->article_id, 'clang' => $this->clang, 'ctype' => $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$I_ID], 'module_id' => $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID], 'slice_id' => $RE_CONTS[$I_ID], 'function' => $this->function, 'function_slice_id' => $this->slice_id));
                    // ---------- slice in ausgabe speichern wenn ctype richtig
                    if ($this->ctype == -1 or $this->ctype == $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$I_ID]) {
                        $this->article_content .= $slice_content;
                        // last content type slice id
                        $LCTSL_ID = $RE_CONTS[$I_ID];
                    // ----- zwischenstand: ctype .. wenn ctype neu dann if
                    if ($this->mode != "edit" && isset($RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$RE_CONTS[$I_ID]]) && $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$I_ID] != $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$RE_CONTS[$I_ID]] && $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$RE_CONTS[$I_ID]] != "") {
                        $this->article_content .= "<?php } if(\$this->ctype == '" . $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$RE_CONTS[$I_ID]] . "' || \$this->ctype == '-1'){ ?>";
                    // zum nachsten slice
                    $I_ID = $RE_CONTS[$I_ID];
                    $PRE_ID = $I_ID;
                // ----- end: ctype unterscheidung
                if ($this->mode != "edit" && $i > 0) {
                    $this->article_content .= "<?php } ?>";
                // ----- add module im edit mode
                if ($this->mode == "edit") {
                    $form_url = 'index.php';
                    if ($this->setanker) {
                        $form_url .= '#addslice';
                    if ($this->function == "add" && $this->slice_id == $LCTSL_ID) {
                        $slice_content = $this->addSlice($LCTSL_ID, $module_id);
                    } else {
                        // ----- BLOCKAUSWAHL - SELECT
                        $MODULESELECT->setId("module_id" . $LCTSL_ID);
                        // $slice_content = $add_select_box;
                        $slice_content = '
            <form action="' . $form_url . '" method="get">
                <legend class="rex-lgnd"><span class="rex-hide">' . $I18N->msg("add_block") . '</span></legend>
                <input type="hidden" name="article_id" value="' . $this->article_id . '" />
                <input type="hidden" name="page" value="content" />
                <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="' . $this->mode . '" />
                <input type="hidden" name="slice_id" value="' . $LCTSL_ID . '" />
                <input type="hidden" name="function" value="add" />
                <input type="hidden" name="clang" value="' . $this->clang . '" />
                <input type="hidden" name="ctype" value="' . $this->ctype . '" />

                <p class="rex-slct">
                  ' . $MODULESELECT->get() . '
                  <noscript><input type="submit" class="rex-sbmt" name="btn_add" value="' . $I18N->msg("add_block") . '" /></noscript>

                    $this->article_content .= $slice_content;
                // -------------------------- schreibe content
                if ($this->mode == "generate" || $this->viasql) {
                    echo $this->replaceLinks($this->article_content);
                } else {
                    eval("?>" . $this->article_content);
            } else {
                echo $I18N->msg('no_article_available');
        // ----- end: article caching
        $CONTENT = ob_get_contents();
        return $CONTENT;
コード例 #2
    function outputSlice($artDataSql, $module_id, $I_ID, $RE_CONTS, $RE_CONTS_CTYPE, $RE_MODUL_IN, $RE_MODUL_OUT, $RE_MODUL_ID, $RE_MODUL_NAME, $RE_C)
        global $REX, $I18N;
        if ($this->mode == 'edit') {
            $form_url = 'index.php#addslice';
            // ----- add select box einbauen
            if ($this->function == 'add' && $this->slice_id == $I_ID) {
                $slice_content = $this->addSlice($I_ID, $module_id);
            } else {
                // ----- BLOCKAUSWAHL - SELECT
                $this->MODULESELECT[$this->ctype]->setId('module_id' . $I_ID);
                $slice_content = '
                            <div class="rex-form rex-form-content-editmode">
                            <form action="' . $form_url . '" method="get" id="slice' . $RE_CONTS[$I_ID] . '">
                                <fieldset class="rex-form-col-1">
                                    <legend><span>' . $I18N->msg('add_block') . '</span></legend>
                                    <input type="hidden" name="article_id" value="' . $this->article_id . '" />
                                    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="content" />
                                    <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="' . $this->mode . '" />
                                    <input type="hidden" name="slice_id" value="' . $I_ID . '" />
                                    <input type="hidden" name="function" value="add" />
                                    <input type="hidden" name="clang" value="' . $this->clang . '" />
                                    <input type="hidden" name="ctype" value="' . $this->ctype . '" />

                                    <div class="rex-form-wrapper">
                                        <div class="rex-form-row">
                                            <p class="rex-form-col-a rex-form-select">
                                                ' . $this->MODULESELECT[$this->ctype]->get() . '
                                                <noscript><input class="rex-form-submit" type="submit" name="btn_add" value="' . $I18N->msg('add_block') . '" /></noscript>
            // ----- Slicemenue
            $sliceUrl = 'index.php?page=content&amp;article_id=' . $this->article_id . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;slice_id=' . $RE_CONTS[$I_ID] . '&amp;clang=' . $this->clang . '&amp;ctype=' . $this->ctype . '%s#slice' . $RE_CONTS[$I_ID];
            $listElements = array();
            if ($REX['USER']->isAdmin() || $REX['USER']->hasPerm('module[' . $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID] . ']')) {
                $templateHasModule = rex_template::hasModule($this->template_attributes, $this->ctype, $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID]);
                if ($templateHasModule) {
                    $listElements[] = '<a href="' . sprintf($sliceUrl, '&amp;function=edit') . '" class="rex-tx3">' . $I18N->msg('edit') . ' <span>' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></a>';
                $listElements[] = '<a href="' . sprintf($sliceUrl, '&amp;function=delete&amp;save=1') . '" class="rex-tx2" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $I18N->msg('delete') . ' ?\')">' . $I18N->msg('delete') . ' <span>' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></a>';
                if ($templateHasModule && $REX['USER']->hasPerm('moveSlice[]')) {
                    $moveUp = $I18N->msg('move_slice_up');
                    $moveDown = $I18N->msg('move_slice_down');
                    // upd stamp uebergeben, da sonst ein block nicht mehrfach hintereindander verschoben werden kann
                    // (Links waeren sonst gleich und der Browser laesst das klicken auf den gleichen Link nicht zu)
                    $listElements[] = '<a href="' . sprintf($sliceUrl, '&amp;upd=' . time() . '&amp;function=moveup') . '" title="' . $moveUp . '" class="rex-slice-move-up"><span>' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></a>';
                    $listElements[] = '<a href="' . sprintf($sliceUrl, '&amp;upd=' . time() . '&amp;function=movedown') . '" title="' . $moveDown . '" class="rex-slice-move-down"><span>' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></a>';
            } else {
                $listElements[] = '<b class="rex-tx2">' . $I18N->msg('no_editing_rights') . ' <span>' . $RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID] . '</span></b>';
            // ----- EXTENSION POINT
            $listElements = rex_register_extension_point('ART_SLICE_MENU', $listElements, array('article_id' => $this->article_id, 'clang' => $this->clang, 'ctype' => $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$I_ID], 'module_id' => $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID], 'slice_id' => $RE_CONTS[$I_ID], 'perm' => $REX['USER']->isAdmin() || $REX['USER']->hasPerm('module[' . $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID] . ']')));
            $mne = '';
            if ($this->function == 'edit' && $this->slice_id == $RE_CONTS[$I_ID]) {
                $mne .= '<div class="rex-content-editmode-module-name rex-form-content-editmode-edit-slice">';
            } else {
                $mne .= '<div class="rex-content-editmode-module-name">';
            $mne .= '
                            <h3 class="rex-hl4">' . rex_translate($RE_MODUL_NAME[$I_ID]) . '</h3>
                            <div class="rex-navi-slice">
            $listElementFlag = true;
            foreach ($listElements as $listElement) {
                $class = '';
                if ($listElementFlag) {
                    $class = ' class="rex-navi-first"';
                    if (count($listElements) == 1) {
                        $class = ' class="rex-navi-first rex-navi-onlyone"';
                    $listElementFlag = false;
                $mne .= '<li' . $class . '>' . $listElement . '</li>';
            $mne .= '</ul></div></div>';
            // ----- EDIT/DELETE BLOCK - Wenn Rechte vorhanden
            if ($REX['USER']->isAdmin() || $REX['USER']->hasPerm('module[' . $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID] . ']')) {
                $msg = '';
                if ($this->function != 'add' && $this->slice_id == $RE_CONTS[$I_ID]) {
                    if ($this->warning != '') {
                        $msg .= rex_warning($this->warning);
                    if ($this->info != '') {
                        $msg .= rex_info($this->info);
                $slice_content .= $msg . $mne;
                if ($this->function == 'edit' && $this->slice_id == $RE_CONTS[$I_ID]) {
                    // **************** Aktueller Slice
                    $REX_ACTION = array();
                    // nach klick auf den übernehmen button,
                    // die POST werte übernehmen
                    if (rex_request_method() == 'post' && rex_var::isEditEvent()) {
                        foreach ($REX['VARIABLES'] as $obj) {
                            $REX_ACTION = $obj->getACRequestValues($REX_ACTION);
                    } else {
                        foreach ($REX['VARIABLES'] as $obj) {
                            $REX_ACTION = $obj->getACDatabaseValues($REX_ACTION, $artDataSql);
                    // ----- PRE VIEW ACTION [EDIT]
                    $REX_ACTION = rex_execPreViewAction($RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID], 'edit', $REX_ACTION);
                    // ----- / PRE VIEW ACTION
                    // ****************** Action Werte in SQL-Objekt uebernehmen
                    foreach ($REX['VARIABLES'] as $obj) {
                        $obj->setACValues($artDataSql, $REX_ACTION);
                    $slice_content .= $this->editSlice($RE_CONTS[$I_ID], $RE_MODUL_IN[$I_ID], $RE_CONTS_CTYPE[$I_ID], $RE_MODUL_ID[$I_ID]);
                    $slice_content = $this->replaceVars($artDataSql, $slice_content);
                } else {
                    // Modulinhalt ausgeben
                    $slice_content .= '
                                <!-- *** OUTPUT OF MODULE-OUTPUT - START *** -->
                                <div class="rex-content-editmode-slice-output">
                                    <div class="rex-content-editmode-slice-output-2">
                                        ' . $RE_MODUL_OUT[$I_ID] . '
                                <!-- *** OUTPUT OF MODULE-OUTPUT - END *** -->
                    $slice_content = $this->replaceVars($artDataSql, $slice_content);
            } else {
                // ----- hat keine rechte an diesem modul
                $slice_content .= $mne;
                // Modulinhalt ausgeben
                $slice_content .= '
                                <!-- *** OUTPUT OF MODULE-OUTPUT - START *** -->
                                <div class="rex-content-editmode-slice-output">
                                    <div class="rex-content-editmode-slice-output-2">
                                        ' . $RE_MODUL_OUT[$I_ID] . '
                                <!-- *** OUTPUT OF MODULE-OUTPUT - END *** -->
                // $slice_content .= $mne. $RE_MODUL_OUT[$I_ID];
                $slice_content = $this->replaceVars($artDataSql, $slice_content);
        } else {
            // ----- wenn mode nicht edit
            $slice_content = parent::outputSlice($artDataSql, $module_id, $I_ID, $RE_CONTS, $RE_CONTS_CTYPE, $RE_MODUL_IN, $RE_MODUL_OUT, $RE_MODUL_ID, $RE_MODUL_NAME, $RE_C);
        return $slice_content;