コード例 #1
ファイル: function_rex_url.php プロジェクト: alsahh/redaxo
 * Gibt eine Url zu einem Artikel zurück.
 * @param int|null $id
 * @param int|null $clang     SprachId des Artikels
 * @param array    $params    Array von Parametern
 * @param string   $separator
 * @return string
 * @package redaxo\structure
function rex_getUrl($id = null, $clang = null, array $params = [], $separator = '&')
    $id = (int) $id;
    $clang = (int) $clang;
    // ----- get id
    if ($id == 0) {
        $id = rex::getProperty('article_id');
    // ----- get clang
    // Wenn eine rexExtension vorhanden ist, immer die clang mitgeben!
    // Die rexExtension muss selbst entscheiden was sie damit macht
    if (!rex_clang::exists($clang) && (rex_clang::count() > 1 || rex_extension::isRegistered('URL_REWRITE'))) {
        $clang = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
    // ----- EXTENSION POINT
    $url = rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('URL_REWRITE', '', ['id' => $id, 'clang' => $clang, 'params' => $params, 'separator' => $separator]));
    if ($url == '') {
        if (rex_clang::count() > 1) {
            $clang = $separator . 'clang=' . $clang;
        } else {
            $clang = '';
        $params = rex_string::buildQuery($params, $separator);
        $params = $params ? $separator . $params : '';
        $url = rex_url::frontendController() . '?article_id=' . $id . $clang . $params;
    return $url;
コード例 #2
ファイル: function_rex_url.php プロジェクト: skerbis/redaxo
 * Gibt eine Url zu einem Artikel zurück.
 * @param string       $_id
 * @param int|string   $_clang  SprachId des Artikels
 * @param array|string $_params Array von Parametern
 * @param bool         $escape  Flag whether the argument separator "&" should be escaped (&)
 * @return string
 * @package redaxo\structure
function rex_getUrl($_id = '', $_clang = '', $_params = '', $escape = true)
    $id = (int) $_id;
    $clang = (int) $_clang;
    // ----- get id
    if ($id == 0) {
        $id = rex::getProperty('article_id');
    // ----- get clang
    // Wenn eine rexExtension vorhanden ist, immer die clang mitgeben!
    // Die rexExtension muss selbst entscheiden was sie damit macht
    if ($_clang === '' && (rex_clang::count() > 1 || rex_extension::isRegistered('URL_REWRITE'))) {
        $clang = rex_clang::getCurrentId();
    // ----- get params
    $param_string = rex_param_string($_params, $escape ? '&' : '&');
    $name = 'NoName';
    if ($id != 0) {
        $ooa = rex_article::get($id, $clang);
        if ($ooa) {
            $name = rex_parse_article_name($ooa->getName());
    // ----- EXTENSION POINT
    $url = rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('URL_REWRITE', '', ['id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'clang' => $clang, 'params' => $param_string, 'escape' => $escape]));
    if ($url == '') {
        $_clang = '';
        if (rex_clang::count() > 1) {
            $_clang .= ($escape ? '&' : '&') . 'clang=' . $clang;
        $url = rex_url::frontendController() . '?article_id=' . $id . $_clang . $param_string;
    return $url;
コード例 #3
ファイル: modules.modules.php プロジェクト: DECAF/redaxo
// ---------------------------- FUNKTIONEN FUER MODULE
if ($function == 'delete') {
    $del = rex_sql::factory();
    $del->setQuery('SELECT ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.article_id, ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.clang_id, ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.ctype_id, ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'module.name FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice
            LEFT JOIN ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'module ON ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.module_id=' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'module.id
            WHERE ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . "article_slice.module_id='{$module_id}' GROUP BY " . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.article_id');
    if ($del->getRows() > 0) {
        $module_in_use_message = '';
        $modulname = htmlspecialchars($del->getValue(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'module.name'));
        for ($i = 0; $i < $del->getRows(); ++$i) {
            $aid = $del->getValue(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.article_id');
            $clang_id = $del->getValue(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.clang_id');
            $ctype = $del->getValue(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'article_slice.ctype_id');
            $OOArt = rex_article::get($aid, $clang_id);
            $label = $OOArt->getName() . ' [' . $aid . ']';
            if (rex_clang::count() > 1) {
                $label = '(' . rex_i18n::translate(rex_clang::get($clang_id)->getName()) . ') ' . $label;
            $module_in_use_message .= '<li><a href="' . rex_url::backendPage('content', ['article_id' => $aid, 'clang' => $clang_id, 'ctype' => $ctype]) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($label) . '</a></li>';
        $error = rex_i18n::msg('module_cannot_be_deleted', $modulname);
        if ($module_in_use_message != '') {
            $error .= '<ul>' . $module_in_use_message . '</ul>';
    } else {
        $del->setQuery('DELETE FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . "module WHERE id='{$module_id}'");
        if ($del->getRows() > 0) {
            $del->setQuery('DELETE FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . "module_action WHERE module_id='{$module_id}'");
            $success = rex_i18n::msg('module_deleted');
        } else {
コード例 #4
ファイル: system.clangs.php プロジェクト: staabm/redaxo
                    <th class="rex-table-priority">' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_priority') . '</th>
                    <th class="rex-table-action" colspan="2">' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_function') . '</th>
// Add form
if ($func == 'addclang') {
    //ggf wiederanzeige des add forms, falls ungueltige id uebermittelt
    $content .= '
                <tr class="mark">
                    <td class="rex-table-icon"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-language"></i></td>
                    <td class="rex-table-id" data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('id') . '">–</td>
                    <td data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_code') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-code" name="clang_code" value="' . htmlspecialchars($clang_code) . '" autofocus /></td>
                    <td data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_name') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-name" name="clang_name" value="' . htmlspecialchars($clang_name) . '" /></td>
                    <td class="rex-table-priority" data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_priority') . '"><input class="form-control" type="text" id="rex-form-clang-prio" name="clang_prio" value="' . ($clang_prio ?: rex_clang::count() + 1) . '" /></td>
                    <td class="rex-table-action" colspan="2"><button class="btn btn-save" type="submit" name="add_clang_save"' . rex::getAccesskey(rex_i18n::msg('clang_add'), 'save') . ' value="1">' . rex_i18n::msg('clang_add') . '</button></td>
foreach (rex_clang::getAll() as $lang_id => $lang) {
    $add_td = '<td class="rex-table-id" data-title="' . rex_i18n::msg('id') . '">' . $lang_id . '</td>';
    $delLink = rex_i18n::msg('delete');
    if ($lang_id == rex_clang::getStartId()) {
        $delLink = '<span class="text-muted"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-delete"></i> ' . $delLink . '</span>';
    } else {
        $delLink = '<a href="' . rex_url::currentBackendPage(['func' => 'deleteclang', 'clang_id' => $lang_id]) . '" data-confirm="' . rex_i18n::msg('delete') . ' ?"><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-delete"></i> ' . $delLink . '</a>';
    // Edit form
    if ($func == 'editclang' && $clang_id == $lang_id) {
        $content .= '
コード例 #5
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: DECAF/redaxo
  * Returns a clang switch.
  * @param rex_context $context
  * @return string
 public static function clangSwitchAsDropdown(rex_context $context)
     if (rex_clang::count() == 1) {
         return '';
     $button_label = '';
     $items = [];
     foreach (rex_clang::getAll() as $id => $clang) {
         if (rex::getUser()->getComplexPerm('clang')->hasPerm($id)) {
             $item = [];
             $item['title'] = rex_i18n::translate($clang->getName());
             $item['href'] = $context->getUrl(['clang' => $id]);
             if ($id == $context->getParam('clang')) {
                 $item['active'] = true;
                 $button_label = rex_i18n::translate($clang->getName());
             $items[] = $item;
     $fragment = new rex_fragment();
     $fragment->setVar('class', 'rex-language');
     $fragment->setVar('button_prefix', rex_i18n::msg('language'));
     $fragment->setVar('button_label', $button_label);
     $fragment->setVar('header', rex_i18n::msg('clang_select'));
     $fragment->setVar('items', $items, false);
     if (rex::getUser()->isAdmin()) {
         $fragment->setVar('footer', '<a href="' . rex_url::backendPage('system/lang') . '"><i class="fa fa-flag"></i> ' . rex_i18n::msg('languages_edit') . '</a>', false);
     return $fragment->parse('core/dropdowns/dropdown.php');
コード例 #6
ファイル: domains.php プロジェクト: VIEWSION/redaxo_yrewrite
 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . rex::getTable('yrewrite_domain') . ' where alias_domain = ""';
 $list = rex_list::factory($sql, 100);
 $list->setColumnFormat('id', 'Id');
 $list->addParam('page', 'yrewrite/domains');
 $tdIcon = '<i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i>';
 $thIcon = '<a href="' . $list->getUrl(['func' => 'add']) . '"' . rex::getAccesskey($this->i18n('add_domain'), 'add') . '><i class="rex-icon rex-icon-add"></i></a>';
 $list->addColumn($thIcon, $tdIcon, 0, ['<th class="rex-table-icon">###VALUE###</th>', '<td class="rex-table-icon">###VALUE###</td>']);
 $list->setColumnParams($thIcon, ['func' => 'edit', 'data_id' => '###id###']);
 $list->setColumnParams('id', ['data_id' => '###id###', 'func' => 'edit']);
 $list->setColumnLabel('domain', $this->i18n('domain'));
 $list->setColumnLabel('mount_id', $this->i18n('mount_id'));
 $list->setColumnLabel('start_id', $this->i18n('start_id'));
 $list->setColumnLabel('notfound_id', $this->i18n('notfound_id'));
 if (rex_clang::count() > 0) {
     $list->setColumnLabel('clangs', $this->i18n('clangs'));
     $list->setColumnFormat('clangs', 'custom', function ($params) {
         $clangs = $params['subject'];
         if ($clangs == '') {
             $return = $this->i18n('alllangs');
         } else {
             $return = [];
             foreach (explode(',', $clangs) as $clang) {
                 $return[] = rex_clang::get($clang)->getName();
             if (count($return) > 1) {
                 $return = implode(',', $return) . '<br />' . $this->i18n('clang_start') . ': ' . rex_clang::get($params['list']->getValue('clang_start'))->getName();
             } else {
                 $return = implode(',', $return);
コード例 #7
ファイル: perm.php プロジェクト: staabm/redaxo
 public function count()
     return $this->hasAll() ? rex_clang::count() : count($this->perms);