コード例 #1
ファイル: xmlformat_test.php プロジェクト: Jtgadbois/Pedadida
    public function test_export_multianswer() {
        $qdata = test_question_maker::get_question_data('multianswer', 'twosubq');

        $exporter = new qformat_xml();
        $xml = $exporter->writequestion($qdata);

        $expectedxml = '<!-- question: 0  -->
  <question type="cloze">
      <text>Simple multianswer</text>
    <questiontext format="html">
      <text><![CDATA[Complete this opening line of verse: "The {1:SHORTANSWER:Dog#Wrong, silly!~=Owl#Well done!~*#Wrong answer} and the {1:MULTICHOICE:Bow-wow#You seem to have a dog obsessions!~Wiggly worm#Now you are just being ridiculous!~=Pussy-cat#Well done!} went to sea".]]></text>
    <generalfeedback format="html">
      <text><![CDATA[General feedback: It\'s from "The Owl and the Pussy-cat" by Lear: "The owl and the pussycat went to sea]]></text>
    <hint format="html">
      <text>Hint 1</text>
    <hint format="html">
      <text>Hint 2</text>

        $this->assert_same_xml($expectedxml, $xml);
コード例 #2
ファイル: testxmlformat.php プロジェクト: ravivare/moodle-1
    public function test_export_truefalse() {
        $qdata = new stdClass();
        $qdata->id = 12;
        $qdata->contextid = 0;
        $qdata->qtype = 'truefalse';
        $qdata->name = 'True false question';
        $qdata->questiontext = 'The answer is true.';
        $qdata->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
        $qdata->generalfeedback = 'General feedback: You should have chosen true.';
        $qdata->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
        $qdata->defaultmark = 1;
        $qdata->length = 1;
        $qdata->penalty = 1;
        $qdata->hidden = 0;

        $qdata->options->answers = array(
            1 => new question_answer(1, 'True', 1, 'Well done!', FORMAT_HTML),
            2 => new question_answer(2, 'False', 0, 'Doh!', FORMAT_HTML),
        $qdata->options->trueanswer = 1;
        $qdata->options->falseanswer = 2;

        $exporter = new qformat_xml();
        $xml = $exporter->writequestion($qdata);

        $expectedxml = '<!-- question: 12  -->
  <question type="truefalse">
      <text>True false question</text>
    <questiontext format="html">
      <text>The answer is true.</text>
    <generalfeedback format="html">
      <text>General feedback: You should have chosen true.</text>
    <answer fraction="100" format="plain_text">
      <feedback format="html">
        <text>Well done!</text>
    <answer fraction="0" format="plain_text">
      <feedback format="html">

        $this->assert_same_xml($expectedxml, $xml);
コード例 #3
ファイル: xmlformat_test.php プロジェクト: evltuma/moodle
    public function test_export_multianswer_withdollars()
        $qdata = test_question_maker::get_question_data('multianswer', 'dollarsigns');
        $exporter = new qformat_xml();
        $xml = $exporter->writequestion($qdata);
        $expectedxml = '<!-- question: 0  -->
  <question type="cloze">
      <text>Multianswer with $s</text>
    <questiontext format="html">
      <text>Which is the right order? {1:MULTICHOICE:=y,y,$3~$3,y,y}</text>
    <generalfeedback format="html">
        $this->assert_same_xml($expectedxml, $xml);
コード例 #4
    public function test_xml_export()
        $qdata = new stdClass();
        $qdata->id = 123;
        $qdata->contextid = 0;
        $qdata->qtype = 'ddwtos';
        $qdata->name = 'A drag-and-drop question';
        $qdata->questiontext = 'Put these in order: [[1]], [[2]], [[3]].';
        $qdata->questiontextformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
        $qdata->generalfeedback = 'The answer is Alpha, Beta, Gamma.';
        $qdata->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
        $qdata->defaultmark = 3;
        $qdata->length = 1;
        $qdata->penalty = 0.3333333;
        $qdata->hidden = 0;
        $qdata->options = new stdClass();
        $qdata->options->shuffleanswers = 1;
        $qdata->options->correctfeedback = '<p>Your answer is correct.</p>';
        $qdata->options->correctfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
        $qdata->options->partiallycorrectfeedback = '<p>Your answer is partially correct.</p>';
        $qdata->options->partiallycorrectfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
        $qdata->options->shownumcorrect = 1;
        $qdata->options->incorrectfeedback = '<p>Your answer is incorrect.</p>';
        $qdata->options->incorrectfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
        $qdata->options->answers = array(13 => new question_answer(13, 'Alpha', 0, 'O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:9:"draggroup";s:1:"1";s:8:"infinite";b:0;}', FORMAT_MOODLE), 14 => new question_answer(14, 'Beta', 0, 'O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:9:"draggroup";s:1:"1";s:8:"infinite";b:0;}', FORMAT_MOODLE), 15 => new question_answer(15, 'Gamma', 0, 'O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:9:"draggroup";s:1:"1";s:8:"infinite";b:1;}', FORMAT_MOODLE));
        $qdata->hints = array(1 => new question_hint_with_parts(1, 'Try again.', FORMAT_MOODLE, true, false), 2 => new question_hint_with_parts(2, 'These are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.', FORMAT_MOODLE, true, true));
        $exporter = new qformat_xml();
        $xml = $exporter->writequestion($qdata);
        $expectedxml = '<!-- question: 123  -->
  <question type="ddwtos">
      <text>A drag-and-drop question</text>
    <questiontext format="moodle_auto_format">
      <text>Put these in order: [[1]], [[2]], [[3]].</text>
    <generalfeedback format="moodle_auto_format">
      <text>The answer is Alpha, Beta, Gamma.</text>
    <correctfeedback format="moodle_auto_format">
      <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is correct.</p>]]></text>
    <partiallycorrectfeedback format="moodle_auto_format">
      <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is partially correct.</p>]]></text>
    <incorrectfeedback format="moodle_auto_format">
      <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is incorrect.</p>]]></text>
    <hint format="moodle_auto_format">
      <text>Try again.</text>
    <hint format="moodle_auto_format">
      <text>These are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.</text>
        $this->assert_same_xml($expectedxml, $xml);
コード例 #5
    public function test_xml_export()
        $qdata = test_question_maker::get_question_data('stack', 'test0');
        $exporter = new qformat_xml();
        $xml = $exporter->writequestion($qdata);
        $expectedxml = '<!-- question: 0  -->
  <question type="stack">
    <questiontext format="html">
      <text>What is $1+1$? [[input:ans1]]
    <generalfeedback format="html">
    <specificfeedback format="html">
    <prtcorrect format="html">
      <text><![CDATA[<p>Correct answer, well done.</p>]]></text>
    <prtpartiallycorrect format="html">
      <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is partially correct.</p>]]></text>
    <prtincorrect format="html">
      <text><![CDATA[<p>Incorrect answer.</p>]]></text>
        <truefeedback format="html">
        <falsefeedback format="html">
        $this->assert_same_xml($expectedxml, $xml);
コード例 #6
ファイル: prototype_test.php プロジェクト: pac/CodeRunner
    public function test_export()
        $q = $this->make_parent_and_child();
        $q->qtype = $q->qtype->name();
        // TODO: Why does qformat_xml expect this field to be a string?!
        $exporter = new qformat_xml();
        $xml = $exporter->writequestion($q);
        $bits = preg_split("/<!-- question: [0-9]*  -->/", $xml);
        $xml_no_line1 = $bits[1];
        $expectedxml = '
  <question type="coderunner">
      <text>Program to test prototype</text>
    <questiontext format="html">
      <text>Answer should (somehow) produce the expected answer below</text>
    <generalfeedback format="html">
      <text>No feedback available for coderunner questions.</text>
      <testcase useasexample="0" hiderestiffail="0" mark="1.0000000" >
                <text>This is data
Line 2</text>
        $this->assert_same_xml($expectedxml, $xml_no_line1);