protected function render_graph_pre_init() { // Do some common work to this object $this->i['identifier_width'] = $this->max_count > 0 ? ($this->i['graph_left_end'] - $this->i['left_start']) / $this->max_count : 1; if (!$this->i['hide_graph_identifiers']) { $identifier_count = $this->test_result->test_result_buffer->get_count(); $longest_string = pts_strings::find_longest_string($this->graph_identifiers); $this->i['identifier_size'] = $this->text_size_bounds($longest_string, $this->i['identifier_size'], $this->i['min_identifier_size'], $this->i['identifier_width'] - 4); if ($this->i['identifier_size'] <= $this->i['min_identifier_size']) { list($text_width, $text_height) = pts_svg_dom::estimate_text_dimensions($longest_string, $this->i['min_identifier_size'] + 0.5); $this->i['bottom_offset'] += $text_width; $this->update_graph_dimensions($this->i['graph_width'], $this->i['graph_height'] + $text_width); if ($text_height + 4 > $this->i['identifier_width'] && $identifier_count > 3) { // Show the identifiers as frequently as they will fit $this->i['display_select_identifiers'] = ceil(($text_height + 4) / $this->i['identifier_width']); } } } $max_value = 0; foreach ($this->test_result->test_result_buffer->buffer_items as &$buffer_item) { if (!is_array($buffer_item->get_result_value())) { $max_value = max($max_value, $buffer_item->get_result_value()); } else { $max_value = max($max_value, max($buffer_item->get_result_value())); } } $max_value *= 1.25; // leave room at top of graph $this->i['graph_max_value'] = round($max_value, $max_value < 10 ? 1 : 0); }
protected function render_graph_pre_init() { // Do some common work to this object $graph_identifiers_count = count($this->graph_identifiers); if ($graph_identifiers_count > 1) { $identifier_count = $graph_identifiers_count + 1; } else { $identifier_count = 0; foreach (array_keys($this->graph_data) as $i) { $identifier_count = max(count($this->graph_data[$i]) - 1, $identifier_count); } } $this->i['identifier_width'] = $identifier_count > 0 ? ($this->i['graph_left_end'] - $this->i['left_start']) / $identifier_count : 1; $longest_string = pts_strings::find_longest_string($this->graph_identifiers); $this->i['identifier_size'] = $this->text_size_bounds($longest_string, $this->i['identifier_size'], $this->i['min_identifier_size'], $this->i['identifier_width'] - 4); if ($this->i['identifier_size'] <= $this->i['min_identifier_size']) { list($text_width, $text_height) = pts_svg_dom::estimate_text_dimensions($longest_string, $this->i['min_identifier_size'] + 0.5); $this->i['bottom_offset'] += $text_width; $this->update_graph_dimensions($this->i['graph_width'], $this->i['graph_height'] + $text_width); if ($text_height + 4 > $this->i['identifier_width'] && $graph_identifiers_count > 3) { // Show the identifiers as frequently as they will fit $this->i['display_select_identifiers'] = ceil(($text_height + 4) / $this->i['identifier_width']); } } $max_value = 0; foreach ($this->graph_data as $dataset) { $data_max = max($dataset); $max_value = $max_value > $data_max ? $max_value : $data_max; } $max_value *= 1.25; // leave room at top of graph $this->i['graph_max_value'] = round($max_value, $max_value < 10 ? 1 : 0); }
protected function render_graph_heading($with_version = true) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'], 'height' => $this->i['top_heading_height'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['main_headers'])); $this->svg_dom->add_element('image', array('xlink:href' => pts_svg_dom::embed_png_image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-77x40-white.png'), 'x' => 10, 'y' => round($this->i['top_heading_height'] / 40 + 1), 'width' => 77, 'height' => 40)); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->graph_title, array('x' => 100, 'y' => 4 + self::$c['size']['headers'], 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start')); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->i['graph_version'], array('x' => 100, 'y' => self::$c['size']['headers'] + 16, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['key'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'href' => '')); }
public function __construct($result_file) { $result_object = null; parent::__construct($result_object, $result_file); // System Identifiers if ($result_file->is_multi_way_comparison()) { // Multi way comparisons currently render the overview graph as blank $this->skip_graph = true; return; } $this->system_identifiers = $result_file->get_system_identifiers(); if (count($this->system_identifiers) < 2) { // No point in generating this when there is only one identifier $this->skip_graph = true; return; } $result_objects = array(); $test_titles = array(); foreach ($result_file->get_result_objects() as $result_object) { if ($result_object->test_profile->get_display_format() == 'BAR_GRAPH') { array_push($result_objects, $result_object); array_push($test_titles, $result_object->test_profile->get_title()); foreach ($result_object->test_result_buffer->buffer_items as &$buffer_item) { pts_arrays::unique_push($this->graph_identifiers, $buffer_item->get_result_identifier()); } } } $result_object_count = count($result_objects); if ($result_object_count < 3) { // No point in generating this if there aren't many tests $this->skip_graph = true; return; } $result_file->override_result_objects($result_objects); // Test Titles $this->i['identifier_size'] = 6.5; $this->i['graph_width'] = 1000; list($longest_title_width, $longest_title_height) = pts_svg_dom::estimate_text_dimensions(pts_strings::find_longest_string($test_titles), $this->i['identifier_size']); $this->i['left_start'] += 20; $this->graphs_per_row = min(count($this->system_identifiers) > 10 ? 6 : 10, floor(($this->i['graph_width'] - $this->i['left_start'] - $this->i['left_end_right']) / ($longest_title_width + 4))); $this->graph_item_width = floor(($this->i['graph_width'] - $this->i['left_start'] - $this->i['left_end_right']) / $this->graphs_per_row); $this->graph_row_count = ceil($result_object_count / $this->graphs_per_row); $this->i['top_start'] += 20 + count($this->system_identifiers) / 3 * $this->i['identifier_size']; $height = $this->i['top_start'] + $this->graph_row_count * ($this->graph_row_height + 15); $this->graph_title = $result_file->get_title(); $this->graph_y_title = null; $this->i['graph_proportion'] = 'HIB'; $this->i['show_background_lines'] = true; $this->update_graph_dimensions($this->i['graph_width'], $height, true); $this->result_file = $result_file; return true; }
protected function render_graph_pre_init() { $this->i['min_time'] = strtotime(min($this->test_result->test_result_buffer->get_identifiers())); $this->i['max_time'] = strtotime(max($this->test_result->test_result_buffer->get_identifiers())); $this->i['spread_time'] = $this->i['max_time'] - $this->i['min_time']; // Do some common work to this object $graph_identifiers_count = count($this->graph_identifiers); $identifier_count = $graph_identifiers_count > 1 ? $graph_identifiers_count : count($this->graph_data[0]); $this->i['identifier_width'] = ($this->i['graph_left_end'] - $this->i['left_start']) / ($identifier_count + 1); $longest_string = pts_strings::find_longest_string($this->graph_identifiers); $this->i['identifier_size'] = $this->text_size_bounds($longest_string, $this->i['identifier_size'], $this->i['min_identifier_size'], $this->i['identifier_width'] - 4); if ($this->i['identifier_size'] <= $this->i['min_identifier_size']) { list($text_width, $text_height) = pts_svg_dom::estimate_text_dimensions($longest_string, $this->i['min_identifier_size'] + 0.5); $this->i['bottom_offset'] += $text_width; $this->update_graph_dimensions($this->i['graph_width'], $this->i['graph_height'] + $text_width); if ($text_height + 4 > $this->i['identifier_width'] && $graph_identifiers_count > 3) { // Show the identifiers as frequently as they will fit $this->i['display_select_identifiers'] = ceil(($text_height + 4) / $this->i['identifier_width']); } } }
public function generate_display() { $bar_width = 580; $bar_height = 38; $heading_per_bar = 16; $title_bar_height = 35; $footer_bar_height = 14; $category_offsets = 0; $category_heights = 30; $categories = array(); $border = 3; foreach ($this->bars as &$bar) { if ($bar['test_data']['h'] != null && !in_array($bar['test_data']['h'], $categories)) { array_push($categories, $bar['test_data']['h']); } } if (empty($this->keys)) { foreach ($this->bars as &$bar_index) { foreach (array_keys($bar_index['results']) as $result_identifier) { if (!in_array($result_identifier, $this->keys)) { array_push($this->keys, $result_identifier); } } } } if (!empty($this->keys)) { list($longest_key_width, $key_line_height) = pts_svg_dom::estimate_text_dimensions(pts_strings::find_longest_string($this->keys), '', 10, true); $key_line_height += 18; $keys_per_line = max(floor($bar_width / max(1, $longest_key_width + 12)), 1); $title_key_offset = ceil(count($this->keys) / $keys_per_line) * $key_line_height; } else { $title_key_offset = 0; } $this->i['graph_width'] = $bar_width + $border * 2; $this->i['graph_height'] = ($bar_height + $heading_per_bar + $border) * count($this->bars) + $border + count($categories) * $category_heights + $title_bar_height + $title_key_offset + $footer_bar_height; $this->svg_dom = new pts_svg_dom(ceil($this->i['graph_width']), ceil($this->i['graph_height'])); $text_color = '#e12128'; $alt_text_color = '#646464'; // Setup $start_x = $border; $end_x = $start_x + $bar_width; // Title bar $this->svg_dom->add_element('image', array('xlink:href' => '', 'x' => $end_x - 190, 'y' => 10, 'width' => 183, 'height' => 32)); if (!empty($this->keys)) { $color_cache = array('e12128', '065695', '007400'); for ($i = 0, $c = count($this->keys); $i < $c; $i++) { $component_x = $border + $i % $keys_per_line * ($longest_key_width + 10); $component_y = floor($i / $keys_per_line) * $key_line_height + $title_bar_height + 3; $key_color = self::color_cache('opc', $this->keys[$i], $color_cache); //$key_color = self::color_gradient('e12128', '065695', ($i / $c)); $key_colors[$this->keys[$i]] = $key_color; $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $component_x + 1, 'y' => $component_y, 'width' => 10, 'height' => 10, 'fill' => $key_color, 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['border'], 'stroke-width' => 1)); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->keys[$i], array('x' => $component_x + 15, 'y' => $component_y + 5, 'font-size' => 10, 'fill' => $key_color, 'text-anchor' => 'start')); } } $previous_category = null; foreach ($this->bars as $i => &$hmap) { $upper_y = $i * ($bar_height + $border + $heading_per_bar) + $border + $title_bar_height + $title_key_offset + $category_offsets + $heading_per_bar; if ($hmap['test_data']['h'] != null && $hmap['test_data']['h'] != $previous_category) { $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($hmap['test_data']['h'] . ' Tests', array('x' => $start_x + $bar_width / 2, 'y' => $upper_y, 'font-size' => 16, 'fill' => $text_color, 'text-anchor' => 'middle')); $category_offsets += $category_heights; $upper_y += $category_heights; } $previous_category = $hmap['test_data']['h']; $lower_y = $upper_y + $bar_height; $value_size = $bar_width / ($hmap['max_value'] - $hmap['min_value']); $prev_color = '#ffffff'; $last_plot_x = $start_x; $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($hmap['test_data']['t'], array('x' => $start_x, 'y' => $upper_y, 'font-size' => 12, 'fill' => $text_color, 'text-anchor' => 'start')); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($hmap['test_data']['a'], array('x' => $end_x, 'y' => $upper_y, 'font-size' => 10, 'fill' => $alt_text_color, 'text-anchor' => 'end')); if ($hmap['test_data']['p'] == 'LIB') { // Invert results $new_sections = array(); foreach ($hmap['sections'] as $next_section => $next_section_value) { $new_sections[$hmap['max_value'] - $next_section] = $next_section_value; } ksort($new_sections); $hmap['sections'] = $new_sections; foreach ($hmap['draw_lines'] as &$value) { $value = $hmap['max_value'] - $value; } foreach ($hmap['results'] as &$value) { $value = $hmap['max_value'] - $value; } sort($hmap['draw_lines']); $hmap['max_value'] -= $hmap['min_value']; $hmap['min_value'] = 0; } $prev_section = $hmap['min_value']; $max_section_value = max($hmap['sections']); /* for($i = $hmap['min_value']; $i <= $hmap['max_size'] && $hmap['bin_size'] > 0; $i += $hmap['bin_size']) { } */ $color_weight = 0.61 - 0 / $max_section_value * 0.5; $background_color = self::color_gradient('#FFFFFF', '#000000', $color_weight); $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $start_x, 'y' => $upper_y, 'width' => $bar_width, 'height' => $bar_height, 'fill' => $background_color)); foreach ($hmap['sections'] as $next_section => $next_section_value) { $color_weight = 0.61 - $next_section_value / $max_section_value * 0.5; $color = self::color_gradient('#FFFFFF', '#000000', $color_weight); if ($next_section > $hmap['min_value']) { $next_section = $next_section > $hmap['max_value'] ? $hmap['max_value'] : $next_section; $plot_x = floor($last_plot_x + ($next_section - $prev_section) * $value_size); $plot_x = $plot_x > $end_x ? $end_x : $plot_x; if ($prev_color != $color || $color != $background_color) { // don't uselessly paint background color, it's already painted $this->svg_dom->draw_rectangle_gradient($last_plot_x, $upper_y, abs($plot_x - $last_plot_x), $bar_height, $prev_color, $color); } $last_plot_x = floor($plot_x - 0.6); $prev_section = $next_section; if ($next_section > $hmap['max_value']) { break; } } $prev_color = $color; } /* if($prev_color != $background_color && $plot_x < $end_x) { $plot_x = $last_plot_x + $next_section + $hmap['bin_size']; $plot_x = $plot_x > $end_x ? $end_x : $plot_x; $this->svg_dom->draw_rectangle_gradient($last_plot_x, $upper_y, ceil($plot_x - $last_plot_x), $bar_height, $prev_color, $background_color); } if($last_plot_x < $end_x) { // Fill in the blank $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $last_plot_x, 'y' => $upper_y, 'width' => ($end_x - $last_plot_x), 'height' => $bar_height, 'fill' => $prev_color)); } */ foreach ($hmap['draw_lines'] as $line_value) { $line_x = $start_x + ($line_value - $hmap['min_value']) * $value_size; $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line($line_x, $upper_y, $line_x, $lower_y, self::$c['color']['border'], 1); } foreach ($hmap['results'] as $identifier => $value) { if (!isset($key_colors[$identifier])) { continue; } $line_x = $start_x + ($value - $hmap['min_value']) * $value_size; if (false && $start_x + 10 < $line_x && $line_x < $end_x - 10) { $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line($line_x, $lower_y - 10, $line_x, $lower_y - 1, $key_colors[$identifier], 1); $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line($line_x, $lower_y + 10, $line_x, $lower_y + 1, $key_colors[$identifier], 1); } $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line($line_x, $upper_y, $line_x, $lower_y, $key_colors[$identifier], 1); } $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $start_x, 'y' => $upper_y, 'width' => $bar_width, 'height' => $bar_height, 'fill' => 'none', 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['border'], 'stroke-width' => 1)); } // Footer $this->draw_arrow($start_x + 8, $lower_y + 8, $start_x + 1, $lower_y + 8, $alt_text_color, self::$c['color']['border'], 1); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element('Percentile Rank' . ($this->last_updated != null ? '; Data As Of ' . pts_strings::time_stamp_to_string($this->last_updated, 'j F Y') . ' For Trailing 200 Days' : null), array('x' => $start_x + 13, 'y' => $lower_y + 8, 'font-size' => 7, 'fill' => $alt_text_color, 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'dominant-baseline' => 'middle')); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element(' Performance Classification', array('x' => $end_x, 'y' => $lower_y + 8, 'font-size' => 7, 'fill' => $alt_text_color, 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'dominant-baseline' => 'middle')); return $this->svg_dom; }
public static function xsl_results_viewer_graph_template() { $raw_xsl = file_get_contents(PTS_RESULTS_VIEWER_PATH . 'pts-results-viewer.xsl'); // System Tables $conversions = array('systems', 'detailed_component', 'radar', 'overview', 'visualize'); foreach ($conversions as $convert) { $graph_string = pts_svg_dom::html_embed_code('result-graphs/' . $convert . '.BILDE_EXTENSION', 'SVG', array('width' => 'auto', 'height' => 'auto'), true); $raw_xsl = str_replace('<!-- ' . strtoupper($convert) . ' TAG -->', $graph_string, $raw_xsl); } // Result Graphs $graph_string = pts_svg_dom::html_embed_code('result-graphs/<xsl:number value="position()" />.BILDE_EXTENSION', 'SVG', array('width' => 'auto', 'height' => 'auto'), true); $raw_xsl = str_replace('<!-- GRAPH TAG -->', $graph_string, $raw_xsl); return $raw_xsl; }
protected function text_string_height($string, $size) { $dimensions = pts_svg_dom::estimate_text_dimensions($string, $size); return $dimensions[1]; }
public function render_graph_start() { // Needs to be at least 86px wide for the PTS logo $this->i['left_start'] = ceil(max(86, $this->text_string_width($this->longest_row_identifier, $this->i['identifier_size']) * 1.09 + 8)); // Needs to be at least 46px tall for the PTS logo $top_identifier_height = max($this->text_string_height($this->longest_column_identifier, $this->i['identifier_size']) + 8, 48); $this->i['top_heading_height'] = 1; if ($this->graph_title != null) { $this->i['top_heading_height'] += round(self::$c['size']['headers'] + count($this->graph_sub_titles) * (self::$c['size']['sub_headers'] + 4)); } $column_widths = array(); $row_heights = array_fill(0, count($this->rows), ceil($this->i['identifier_size'] * 2.2)); foreach ($this->columns as $i => $column) { $column_width = strlen($column); $column_index = -1; // See if any of the contained values in that column are longer than the column title itself foreach ($this->table_data[$i] as $row => &$column_data) { if (isset($column_data[$column_width])) { $column = $column_data; $column_width = strlen($column_data); $column_index = $row; } if (strlen($column_data) > 64) { // If it's too long break it into multiple rows $row_heights[$row] = ceil($this->i['identifier_size'] * ceil(strlen($column_data) / 64)) + 18; $column = substr($column, 0, 64); } } $column_widths[$i] = ceil($this->text_string_width($column, $this->i['identifier_size']) * 1.02) + 14; } $table_width = $this->longest_row_identifier + array_sum($column_widths); $table_height = array_sum($row_heights); $table_proper_height = $this->i['top_heading_height'] + $table_height + $top_identifier_height; $this->i['graph_width'] = $table_width + $this->i['left_start'] + 1; $this->i['graph_height'] = round($table_proper_height + 16); if (!empty($this->i['notes'])) { $this->i['graph_height'] += $this->note_display_height(); } // Do the actual work $this->render_graph_pre_init(); $this->render_graph_init(); $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 1, 'y' => 1, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'] - 1, 'height' => $this->i['graph_height'] - 1, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['border'], 'stroke-width' => 1)); // Start drawing if ($this->i['left_start'] >= 170 && $top_identifier_height >= 90) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('image', array('http_link' => '', 'xlink:href' => pts_svg_dom::embed_png_image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-160x83.png'), 'x' => round($this->i['left_start'] / 2 - 80), 'y' => round($top_identifier_height / 2 - 41.5 + $this->i['top_heading_height']), 'width' => 160, 'height' => 83)); } else { $this->svg_dom->add_element('image', array('http_link' => '', 'xlink:href' => pts_svg_dom::embed_png_image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-80x42.png'), 'x' => round($this->i['left_start'] / 2 - 40), 'y' => round($top_identifier_height / 2 - 21 + $this->i['top_heading_height']), 'width' => 80, 'height' => 42)); } // Draw the vertical table lines $v = round(($top_identifier_height + $table_height) / 2 + $this->i['top_heading_height']); // Heading if ($this->graph_title != null) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 1, 'y' => 1, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'] - 2, 'height' => $this->i['top_heading_height'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['main_headers'])); foreach ($this->graph_sub_titles as $i => $sub_title) { $vertical_offset = 16 + self::$c['size']['headers'] + $i * self::$c['size']['sub_headers']; $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($sub_title, array('x' => 5, 'y' => $vertical_offset, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['sub_headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start')); } $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line(1, $this->i['top_heading_height'], $this->i['graph_width'] - 1, $this->i['top_heading_height'], self::$c['color']['border'], 1); } // Write the rows $horizontal_offset = $top_identifier_height + $this->i['top_heading_height']; foreach ($this->rows as $i => $row_string) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 1, 'y' => $horizontal_offset, 'width' => $this->i['left_start'], 'height' => $row_heights[$i], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['body_light'], 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['border'], 'stroke-width' => 1)); } $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($row_string, array('x' => $this->i['left_start'] - 4, 'y' => $horizontal_offset + 16, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'font-weight' => 'bold', 'text-anchor' => 'end')); $horizontal_offset += $row_heights[$i]; } // Write the columns $y = $this->i['top_heading_height'] + $top_identifier_height / 2 - 6; $column_width_offset = $this->i['left_start']; foreach ($this->columns as $i => $col_string) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $column_width_offset, 'y' => $this->i['top_heading_height'], 'width' => $column_widths[$i], 'height' => $top_identifier_height, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['body_light'], 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['border'], 'stroke-width' => 1)); } $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($col_string, array('x' => $column_width_offset + round($column_widths[$i] / 2), 'y' => $y, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'font-weight' => 'bold', 'text-anchor' => 'middle', 'dominant-baseline' => 'text-before-edge')); $column_width_offset += $column_widths[$i]; } // Write the values $column_width_offset = $this->i['left_start']; $column_count = 0; foreach ($this->table_data as $column => &$column_data) { $x = $column_width_offset + round($column_widths[$column_count] / 2); $row_count = 0; $row_offset = $top_identifier_height + $this->i['top_heading_height']; foreach ($column_data as $row => &$value) { if (true || $column % 2 == 0 || $row % 2 != 1) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $column_width_offset, 'y' => $row_offset, 'width' => $column_widths[$column_count], 'height' => $row_heights[$row], 'fill' => self::$c['color'][$row % 2 == 0 ? 'body' : 'body_light'], 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['border'], 'stroke-width' => 1)); } if (isset($value[64])) { // If it's a long string that needs to be broken to multiple linesd we need textarea to do automatic word wrapping $this->svg_dom->add_textarea_element($value, array('x' => $x, 'y' => $row_offset + 16, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'middle', 'width' => $column_widths[$column_count] - 8)); } else { $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($value, array('x' => $x, 'y' => $row_offset + 16, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'middle')); } $row_count++; $row_offset += $row_heights[$row]; } $column_width_offset += $column_widths[$column_count]; $column_count++; } // Bottom part $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 0, 'y' => $table_proper_height, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'], 'height' => $this->i['graph_height'] - $table_proper_height, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['headers'])); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element(self::$c['text']['watermark'], array('x' => $this->i['graph_width'] - 2, 'y' => $this->i['graph_height'] - 3, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['body_text'], 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => self::$c['text']['watermark_url'])); if (!empty($this->i['notes'])) { $estimated_height = 0; $previous_section = null; foreach ($this->i['notes'] as $i => $note_r) { if ($note_r['section'] != null && $note_r['section'] !== $previous_section) { $estimated_height += 2; $this->svg_dom->add_textarea_element($note_r['section'] . ' Details', array('x' => 6, 'y' => $table_proper_height + 14 + $estimated_height, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['key'] - 1, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:title' => $note_r['hover-title'], 'style' => 'font-weight: bold'), $estimated_height); $estimated_height += 2; $previous_section = $note_r['section']; } $this->svg_dom->add_textarea_element('- ' . $note_r['note'], array('x' => 6, 'y' => $table_proper_height + 14 + $estimated_height, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['key'] - 1, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:title' => $note_r['hover-title']), $estimated_height); } } }
public function render_graph_start() { // Needs to be at least 86px wide for the PTS logo $this->i['left_start'] = ceil(max(86, $this->text_string_width($this->longest_row_identifier, $this->i['identifier_size']) * 1.1 + 12)); if ($this->column_heading_vertical) { $top_identifier_height = round($this->text_string_width($this->longest_column_identifier, $this->i['identifier_size']) * 1.1) + 12; $table_identifier_width = $this->text_string_height($this->longest_column_identifier, $this->i['identifier_size']); } else { $top_identifier_height = $this->text_string_height($this->longest_column_identifier, $this->i['identifier_size']) + 8; $table_identifier_width = round($this->text_string_width($this->longest_column_identifier, $this->i['identifier_size']) * 1.1) + 8; } // Needs to be at least 46px tall for the PTS logo $top_identifier_height = max($top_identifier_height, 48); if (defined('PHOROMATIC_TRACKER') || $this->is_multi_way) { $extra_heading_height = round($this->text_string_height($this->longest_column_identifier, self::$c['size']['headers']) * 1.25); $top_identifier_height += 6 + $extra_heading_height; } $this->i['top_heading_height'] = 8; if ($this->graph_title != null) { $this->i['top_heading_height'] += round(self::$c['size']['headers'] + count($this->graph_sub_titles) * (self::$c['size']['sub_headers'] + 4)); } $table_max_value_width = ceil($this->text_string_width($this->i['graph_max_value'], $this->i['identifier_size']) * 1.02) + 2; $table_item_width = max($table_max_value_width, $table_identifier_width) + 2; $table_width = max($table_item_width * count($this->columns), floor($this->text_string_width($this->graph_title, 12) / $table_item_width) * $table_item_width); //$table_width = $table_item_width * count($this->columns); $table_line_height = round($this->text_string_height($this->i['graph_max_value'], $this->i['identifier_size']) + 8); $table_line_height_half = round($table_line_height / 2); $table_height = $table_line_height * count($this->rows); $table_proper_height = $this->i['top_heading_height'] + $table_height + $top_identifier_height; $this->i['graph_width'] = $table_width + $this->i['left_start']; $this->i['graph_height'] = round($table_proper_height + $table_line_height); if (!empty($this->i['notes'])) { $this->i['graph_height'] += $this->note_display_height(); } // Do the actual work $this->render_graph_pre_init(); $this->render_graph_init(); $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 1, 'y' => 1, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'] - 1, 'height' => $this->i['graph_height'] - 1, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['border'], 'stroke-width' => 1)); // Start drawing if ($this->i['left_start'] >= 170 && $top_identifier_height >= 90) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('image', array('http_link' => '', 'xlink:href' => pts_svg_dom::embed_png_image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-160x83.png'), 'x' => round($this->i['left_start'] / 2 - 80), 'y' => round($top_identifier_height / 2 - 41.5 + $this->i['top_heading_height']), 'width' => 160, 'height' => 83)); } else { $this->svg_dom->add_element('image', array('http_link' => '', 'xlink:href' => pts_svg_dom::embed_png_image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-80x42.png'), 'x' => round($this->i['left_start'] / 2 - 40), 'y' => round($top_identifier_height / 2 - 21 + $this->i['top_heading_height']), 'width' => 80, 'height' => 42)); } // Draw the vertical table lines $v = round(($top_identifier_height + $table_height) / 2 + $this->i['top_heading_height']); $table_columns_end = $this->i['left_start'] + $table_item_width * count($this->columns); $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line($this->i['left_start'], $v, $table_columns_end, $v, self::$c['color']['body'], $table_height + $top_identifier_height, array('stroke-dasharray' => $table_item_width . ',' . $table_item_width)); if ($table_columns_end < $this->i['graph_width']) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $table_columns_end, 'y' => $this->i['top_heading_height'], 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'] - $table_columns_end, 'height' => $table_height + $top_identifier_height, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['body_light'])); } // Background horizontal $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line(round($table_columns_end / 2), $top_identifier_height + $this->i['top_heading_height'], round($table_columns_end / 2), $table_proper_height, self::$c['color']['body_light'], $table_columns_end, array('stroke-dasharray' => $table_line_height . ',' . $table_line_height)); // Draw the borders $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line($this->i['left_start'], $v, $table_columns_end + ($table_columns_end < $this->i['graph_width'] ? $table_item_width : 0), $v, self::$c['color']['border'], $table_height + $top_identifier_height, array('stroke-dasharray' => '1,' . ($table_item_width - 1))); // Heading if ($this->graph_title != null) { $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 1, 'y' => 1, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'] - 2, 'height' => $this->i['top_heading_height'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['main_headers'])); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->graph_title, array('x' => 5, 'y' => self::$c['size']['headers'] + 2, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start')); foreach ($this->graph_sub_titles as $i => $sub_title) { $vertical_offset = 16 + self::$c['size']['headers'] + $i * self::$c['size']['sub_headers']; $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($sub_title, array('x' => 5, 'y' => $vertical_offset, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['sub_headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start')); } $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line(1, $this->i['top_heading_height'], $this->i['graph_width'] - 1, $this->i['top_heading_height'], self::$c['color']['border'], 1); } // Write the rows $row = 1; foreach ($this->rows as $i => $row_string) { if ($row_string instanceof pts_graph_ir_value == false) { $row_string = new pts_graph_ir_value($row_string); } $text_color = $row_string->get_attribute('alert') ? self::$c['color']['alert'] : self::$c['color']['text']; $v = round($top_identifier_height + $this->i['top_heading_height'] + $row * $table_line_height - 4); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($row_string, array('x' => $this->i['left_start'] - 2, 'y' => $v, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => $text_color, 'font-weight' => 'bold', 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'xlink:href' => $row_string->get_attribute('href'))); $row++; } // Write the identifiers if (defined('PHOROMATIC_TRACKER') || $this->is_multi_way) { $last_identifier = null; $last_changed_col = 0; $show_keys = array_keys($this->table_data); array_push($show_keys, 'Temp: Temp'); foreach ($show_keys as $current_col => $system_identifier) { $identifier = pts_strings::colon_explode($system_identifier); if (isset($identifier[0]) && $identifier[0] != $last_identifier) { if ($current_col == $last_changed_col) { $last_identifier = $identifier[0]; continue; } $paint_color = $this->get_paint_color($identifier[0]); if ($this->i['top_heading_height'] > 0) { $extra_heading_height = $this->i['top_heading_height']; } $x = $this->i['left_start'] + 1 + $last_changed_col * $table_item_width; $x_end = $this->i['left_start'] + $last_changed_col * $table_item_width + $table_item_width * ($current_col - $last_changed_col); $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $x, 'y' => 0, 'width' => $table_item_width * ($current_col - $last_changed_col) - 2, 'height' => $extra_heading_height, 'fill' => $paint_color)); if ($identifier[0] != 'Temp') { $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line($this->i['left_start'] + $current_col * $table_item_width + 1, 1, $this->i['left_start'] + $current_col * $table_item_width + 1, $table_proper_height, $paint_color, 1); } //$x = $this->i['left_start'] + ($last_changed_col * $table_item_width) + ($this->i['left_start'] + ($current_col * $table_item_width) - $this->i['left_start'] + ($last_changed_col * $table_item_width)); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($last_identifier, array('x' => round($x + ($x_end - $x) / 2), 'y' => self::$c['size']['axis_headers'] + 4, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['axis_headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'font-weight' => 'bold', 'text-anchor' => 'middle')); $last_identifier = $identifier[0]; $last_changed_col = $current_col; } } } $table_identifier_offset = $table_item_width / 2 + $table_identifier_width / 2 - 1; foreach ($this->columns as $i => $col_string) { if ($this->column_heading_vertical) { $x = $this->i['left_start'] + $i * $table_item_width + $table_identifier_offset; $y = $this->i['top_heading_height'] + $top_identifier_height - 4; $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($col_string, array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'font-weight' => 'bold', 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'transform' => 'rotate(90 ' . $x . ' ' . $y . ')')); } else { $x = $this->i['left_start'] + $i * $table_item_width + $table_item_width / 2; $y = $this->i['top_heading_height'] + $top_identifier_height / 2; $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($col_string, array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'font-weight' => 'bold', 'text-anchor' => 'middle', 'dominant-baseline' => 'text-before-edge')); } } // Write the columns foreach ($this->table_data as $index => &$table_values) { if (!is_array($table_values)) { // TODO: determine why sometimes $table_values is empty or not an array continue; } if ($this->is_multi_way && ($c = strpos($index, ':')) !== false) { $index = substr($index, $c + 1); } $col = array_search(strval($index), $this->columns); if ($col === false) { continue; } else { // unset this since it shouldn't be needed anymore and will then wipe out it from where multiple results have same name unset($this->columns[$col]); } foreach ($table_values as $i => &$result_table_value) { $row = $i - 1; // if using $row, the alignment may be off sometimes $hover = array(); $text_color = self::$c['color']['text']; $bold = false; if ($result_table_value == null) { continue; } if ($result_table_value instanceof pts_graph_ir_value) { if (($t = $result_table_value->get_attribute('std_percent')) > 0) { array_push($hover, 'STD Dev: ' . $t . '%'); } if (($t = $result_table_value->get_attribute('std_error')) != 0) { array_push($hover, ' STD Error: ' . $t); } if (defined('PHOROMATIC_TRACKER') && ($t = $result_table_value->get_attribute('delta')) != 0) { $bold = true; $text_color = $t < 0 ? self::$c['color']['alert'] : self::$c['color']['headers']; array_push($hover, ' Change: ' . pts_math::set_precision(100 * $t, 2) . '%'); } else { if ($result_table_value->get_attribute('highlight') == true) { $text_color = self::$c['color']['highlight']; } else { if ($result_table_value->get_attribute('alert') == true) { $text_color = self::$c['color']['alert']; } } } $value = $result_table_value->get_value(); $spans_col = $result_table_value->get_attribute('spans_col'); } else { $value = $result_table_value; $spans_col = 1; } $left_bounds = $this->i['left_start'] + $col * $table_item_width; $right_bounds = $this->i['left_start'] + ($col + max(1, $spans_col)) * $table_item_width; if ($spans_col > 1) { if ($col == 1) { $background_paint = $i % 2 == 1 ? self::$c['color']['background'] : self::$c['color']['body']; } else { $background_paint = $i % 2 == 0 ? self::$c['color']['body_light'] : self::$c['color']['body']; } $y = round($this->i['top_heading_height'] + $top_identifier_height + ($row + 1) * $table_line_height); $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $left_bounds, 'y' => $y + 1, 'width' => $right_bounds - $left_bounds, 'height' => $table_line_height, 'fill' => $background_paint)); } $x = $left_bounds + ($right_bounds - $left_bounds) / 2; $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($result_table_value, array('x' => $x, 'y' => round($this->i['top_heading_height'] + $top_identifier_height + ($row + 2) * $table_line_height - 3), 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => $text_color, 'text-anchor' => 'middle', 'xlink:title' => implode('; ', $hover), 'xlink:href' => $result_table_value->get_attribute('href'))); //$row++; } } //$this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line(($table_columns_end / 2), ($top_identifier_height + $this->i['top_heading_height']), round($table_columns_end / 2), $this->i['graph_height'], self::$c['color']['border'], $table_columns_end, array('stroke-dasharray' => '1,' . ($table_line_height - 1))); $this->svg_dom->draw_svg_line(round($table_columns_end / 2), $top_identifier_height + $this->i['top_heading_height'], round($table_columns_end / 2), $table_proper_height, self::$c['color']['body_light'], $table_columns_end, array('stroke-dasharray' => 1 . ',' . ($table_line_height - 1))); // Bottom part $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 0, 'y' => $table_proper_height, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'], 'height' => $this->i['graph_height'] - $table_proper_height, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['headers'])); $this->svg_dom->add_text_element(self::$c['text']['watermark'], array('x' => $this->i['graph_width'] - 2, 'y' => $this->i['graph_height'] - 3, 'font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['body_text'], 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => self::$c['text']['watermark_url'])); if (isset($this->d['link_alternate_view']) && $this->d['link_alternate_view']) { $this->svg_dom->add_text_element(0, array('x' => 6, 'y' => $this->i['graph_height'] - 3, 'font-size' => 7, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => $this->d['link_alternate_view'], 'show' => 'replace', 'font-weight' => 'bold')); } if (!empty($this->i['notes'])) { $estimated_height = 0; $previous_section = null; foreach ($this->i['notes'] as $i => $note_r) { if ($note_r['section'] != null && $note_r['section'] !== $previous_section) { $estimated_height += 2; $this->svg_dom->add_textarea_element($note_r['section'] . ' Details', array('x' => 6, 'y' => $table_proper_height + $table_line_height + $estimated_height, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['key'] - 1, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:title' => $note_r['hover-title'], 'style' => 'font-weight: bold'), $estimated_height); $estimated_height += 2; $previous_section = $note_r['section']; } $this->svg_dom->add_textarea_element('- ' . $note_r['note'], array('x' => 6, 'y' => $table_proper_height + $table_line_height + $estimated_height, 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['key'] - 1, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:title' => $note_r['hover-title']), $estimated_height); } } $this->rendered_rows = $row; }