function get_rate($projectID, $personID) { // Try to get the person's rate from the following sources: // project.defaultTimeSheetRate // person.defaultTimeSheetRate // == defaultTimeSheetRate // First check the project for a rate $project = new project($projectID); $row = array('rate' => $project->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRate"), 'unit' => $project->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID")); if (imp($row['rate']) && $row['unit']) { return $row; } // Next check person, which is in global currency rather than project currency - conversion required $db = new db_alloc(); $q = prepare("SELECT defaultTimeSheetRate as rate, defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID as unit FROM person WHERE personID = %d", $personID); $db->query($q); $row = $db->row(); if (imp($row['rate']) && $row['unit']) { if ($project->get_value("currencyTypeID") != config::get_config_item("currency")) { $row['rate'] = exchangeRate::convert(config::get_config_item("currency"), $row["rate"], $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")); } return $row; } // Lowest priority: global $rate = config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetRate"); $unit = config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetUnit"); if (imp($rate) && $unit) { if (config::get_config_item("currency") && $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")) { $rate = exchangeRate::convert(config::get_config_item("currency"), $rate, $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")); } return array('rate' => $rate, 'unit' => $unit); } }
function show_timeSheetItems($template_name) { global $date_to_view; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); global $TPL; $query = prepare("SELECT * \n FROM timeSheetItem \n LEFT JOIN timeSheet ON timeSheetItem.timeSheetID = timeSheet.timeSheetID\n LEFT JOIN project ON timeSheet.projectID = project.projectID\n WHERE dateTimeSheetItem='%s'\n AND timeSheet.personID=%d", date("Y-m-d", $date_to_view), $current_user->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $timeSheetItem = new timeSheetItem(); $timeSheetItem->read_db_record($db); $timeSheetItem->set_values(); if ($timeSheetItem->get_value("unit") == "Hour") { $TPL["daily_hours_total"] += $timeSheetItem->get_value("timeSheetItemDuration"); } $project = new project(); $project->read_db_record($db); $project->set_values(); if ($project->get_value("projectShortName")) { $TPL["item_description"] = $project->get_value("projectShortName"); } else { $TPL["item_description"] = $project->get_value("projectName"); } include_template($template_name); } }
function project_stats() { // date from which a project is counted as being new. if monday then date back to friday, else the previous day $days = date("w") == 1 ? 3 : 1; $date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - $days, date("Y"))); $query = "SELECT * FROM project"; $db = new db_alloc(); $db_sub = new db_alloc(); $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $project = new project(); $project->read_db_record($db); $this->projects["total"]["total"]++; switch ($project->get_value("projectStatus")) { case "current": case "overdue": $this->projects["current"]["total"]++; break; case "archived": $this->projects["archived"]["total"]++; break; } $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM projectPerson WHERE projectID=%d", $project->get_id()); $db_sub->query($query); while ($db_sub->next_record()) { $projectPerson = new projectPerson(); $projectPerson->read_db_record($db_sub); $this->projects["total"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")]++; switch ($project->get_value("projectStatus")) { case "current": case "overdue": $this->projects["current"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")]++; break; case "archived": $this->projects["archived"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")]++; break; } if ($project->get_value("dateActualStart") != "") { if (!isset($this->projects["all"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")])) { $this->projects["all"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")] = array(); } $this->projects["all"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")][$project->get_value("dateActualStart")]++; $this->projects["all"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")]["total"]++; $this->projects["all"]["total"][$project->get_value("dateActualStart")]++; if (strcmp($date, $project->get_value("dateActualStart")) <= 0) { if (!isset($this->projects["new"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")])) { $this->projects["new"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")] = array(); } $this->projects["new"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")][$project->get_value("dateActualStart")]++; $this->projects["new"][$projectPerson->get_value("personID")]["total"]++; $this->projects["new"]["total"][$project->get_value("dateActualStart")]++; } } } } return $this->projects; }
function show_all_exp($template) { global $TPL; global $expenseForm; global $db; global $transaction_to_edit; if ($expenseForm->get_id()) { if ($_POST["transactionID"] && ($_POST["edit"] || is_object($transaction_to_edit) && $transaction_to_edit->get_id())) { // if edit is clicked OR if we've rejected changes made to something so are still editing it $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE expenseFormID=%d AND transactionID<>%d ORDER BY transactionID DESC", $expenseForm->get_id(), $_POST["transactionID"]); } else { $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE expenseFormID=%d ORDER BY transactionID DESC", $expenseForm->get_id()); } $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $transaction = new transaction(); $transaction->read_db_record($db); $transaction->set_values(); $transaction->get_value("quantity") and $TPL["amount"] = $transaction->get_value("amount") / $transaction->get_value("quantity"); $TPL["lineTotal"] = $TPL["amount"] * $transaction->get_value("quantity"); $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transaction->get_value("fromTfID")); $tf->select(); $TPL["fromTfIDLink"] = $tf->get_link(); $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transaction->get_value("tfID")); $tf->select(); $TPL["tfIDLink"] = $tf->get_link(); $projectID = $transaction->get_value("projectID"); if ($projectID) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($transaction->get_value("projectID")); $project->select(); $TPL["projectName"] = $project->get_value("projectName"); } if ($transaction->get_value("fromTfID") == config::get_config_item("expenseFormTfID")) { $TPL['expense_class'] = "loud"; } else { $TPL['expense_class'] = ""; } include_template($template); } } }
function show_projects($template_name) { global $TPL; global $default; $_FORM = task::load_form_data($defaults); $arr = task::load_task_filter($_FORM); is_array($arr) and $TPL = array_merge($TPL, $arr); if (is_array($_FORM["projectID"])) { $projectIDs = $_FORM["projectID"]; foreach ($projectIDs as $projectID) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($projectID); $project->select(); $_FORM["projectID"] = array($projectID); $TPL["graphTitle"] = urlencode($project->get_value("projectName")); $arr = task::load_task_filter($_FORM); is_array($arr) and $TPL = array_merge($TPL, $arr); include_template($template_name); } } }
function translate_meta_tfID($tfID = "") { // The special -1 and -2 tfID's represent META TF, i.e. calculated at runtime // -1 == META: Project TF if ($tfID == -1) { if ($this->get_value("projectID")) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($this->get_value("projectID")); $project->select(); $tfID = $project->get_value("cost_centre_tfID"); } if (!$tfID) { alloc_error("Unable to use META: Project TF. Please ensure the project has a TF set, or adjust the transactions."); } // -2 == META: Salesperson TF } else { if ($tfID == -2) { if ($this->get_value("personID")) { $person = new person(); $person->set_id($this->get_value("personID")); $person->select(); $tfID = $person->get_value("preferred_tfID"); if (!$tfID) { alloc_error("Unable to use META: Salesperson TF. Please ensure the Saleperson has a Preferred Payment TF."); } } else { alloc_error("Unable to use META: Salesperson TF. No product salesperson set."); } } else { if ($tfID == -3) { $tfID = $this->get_value("tfID"); $tfID or alloc_error("Unable to use META: Sale TF not set."); } } } return $tfID; }
function export_gnome_planner($projectID) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($projectID); $project->select(); // Note: DOM_Document is a wrapper that wraps DOMDocument for PHP5 and DomDocument for PHP4 $doc = get_xml_document(); $doc->load(ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "shared" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "export_templates" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "template.planner"); // General metadata $rootNode = $doc->getElementsByTagName("project"); $rootNode = $rootNode->item(0); $rootNode->setAttribute("company", config::get_config_item("companyName")); // Get the project manager $projectManager = $project->get_project_manager(); $rootNode->setAttribute("manager", person::get_fullname($projectManager[0])); $rootNode->setAttribute("name", $project->get_value("projectName")); if ($project->get_value("dateActualStart")) { $projectStartDate = export_planner_date(planner_date_timestamp($project->get_value("dateActualStart"))); } else { $projectStartDate = export_planner_date(planner_date_timestamp($project->get_value("dateTargetStart"))); } $rootNode->setAttribute("project-start", $projectStartDate); $resourcesUsed = array(); // Export all tasks in the project $taskOptions["projectIDs"] = array($project->get_id()); $taskOptions["return"] = "array"; $taskOptions["taskView"] = "byProject"; $tasks = task::get_list($taskOptions); // We need to sort by taskID (we assume taskIDs were assigned linearly on import) otherwise Planner will get very confused with ordering foreach ($tasks as $task) { $taskIDs[] = $task['taskID']; } array_multisort($taskIDs, $tasks); $taskRootNode = $doc->getElementsByTagName("tasks"); $taskRootNode = $taskRootNode->item(0); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $taskNode = $doc->createElement("task"); // Use the alloc internal ID rather than pointlessly renumbering things $taskNode->setAttribute("id", $task["taskID"]); $taskNode->setAttribute("name", $task["taskName"]); $taskNode->setAttribute("note", $task["taskDescription"]); // Ugly date handling if (!$task["dateActualStart"]) { if (!$task["dateTargetStart"]) { // This is a reasonably bad situation $taskStartDate = time(); } else { $taskStartDate = planner_date_timestamp($task["dateTargetStart"]); } } else { $taskStartDate = planner_date_timestamp($task["dateActualStart"]); } if (!$task["dateActualCompletion"]) { if (!$task["dateTargetCompletion"]) { //The task has to last for some amount of time, so end = start (otherwise we get end = 1970) $taskEndDate = $taskStartDate; } else { $taskEndDate = planner_date_timestamp($task["dateTargetCompletion"]); } } else { $taskEndDate = planner_date_timestamp($task["dateActualCompletion"]); } // Take a stab at the duration we need to give this task $taskDuration = $taskEndDate - $taskStartDate; // That's the total number of seconds, Planner expects the number of 8-hour days worth of seconds $taskDuration = $taskDuration / 86400 * 28800; // note: the above doesn't account for weekends so there is a discrepancy between task durations in alloc and those in Planner, the solution is to make people work on the weekends $taskNode->setAttribute("work", $taskDuration); $taskNode->setAttribute("start", export_planner_date($taskStartDate)); $taskNode->setAttribute("work-start", export_planner_date($taskStartDate)); $taskNode->setAttribute("end", export_planner_date($taskEndDate)); $taskNode->setAttribute("scheduling", "fixed-work"); $constraintNode = $doc->createElement("constraint"); $constraintNode->setAttribute("type", "start-no-earlier-than"); $constraintNode->setAttribute("time", export_planner_date($taskStartDate)); $taskNode->appendChild($constraintNode); if ($task["taskTypeID"] == "Milestone") { $taskNode->setAttribute("type", "milestone"); } $resourcesUsed[$task["taskID"]] = $task['personID']; $taskRootNode->appendChild($taskNode); } // Now do the resources and their linkage to tasks $resourcesRootNode = $doc->getElementsByTagName("resources"); $resourcesRootNode = $resourcesRootNode->item(0); $allocationsRootNode = $doc->getElementsByTagName("allocations"); $allocationsRootNode = $allocationsRootNode->item(0); $resources = array(); //Store the users that need to be added to <resources> foreach ($resourcesUsed as $taskID => $resourceID) { if (isset($resources[$resourceID])) { $person = $resources[$resourceID]; } else { $person = new person(); $person->set_id($resourceID); $person->select(); $resources[$resourceID] = $person; // Add this person to <resources> $resourceNode = $doc->createElement("resource"); $resourceNode->setAttribute("id", $person->get_id()); $resourceNode->setAttribute("name", $person->get_value("firstName") . " " . $person->get_value("surname")); $resourceNode->setAttribute("short-name", $person->get_value("username")); $resourceNode->setAttribute("email", $person->get_value("emailAddress")); $resourceNode->setAttribute("units", "0"); $resourceNode->setAttribute("type", "1"); //1 means "Work" (the other option being Materials) $resourcesRootNode->appendChild($resourceNode); } //Now the actual allocation $allocationNode = $doc->createElement("allocation"); //Units means "percentage working on this" for which alloc has no analgoue $allocationNode->setAttribute("units", "100"); $allocationNode->setAttribute("task-id", $taskID); $allocationNode->setAttribute("resource-id", $resourceID); $allocationsRootNode->appendChild($allocationNode); } return $doc->saveXML(); }
if (!$row['personID']) { $name = "Unassigned"; } else { $name = $people[$row['personID']]['username']; } if ($row['field'] != "taskStatus" || array_search($row['taskStatus'], $status_types) !== FALSE) { $taskName = escape_xml($row['taskName']); $project = null; if ($show_project) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($row['projectID']); $project->select(); } if ($summary) { if ($show_project) { $projectName = $project->get_value('projectShortName'); } $el['desc'] = sprintf('%s: %d %s "%s" %s', $name, $row['taskID'], $projectName, $taskName, $row['taskStatus']); } else { if ($show_project) { $projectName = "(" . $project->get_value("projectName") . ")"; } if ($row['field'] == "taskStatus") { $el['desc'] = sprintf('Task #%d "%s" %s status changed to %s', $row['taskID'], $taskName, $projectName, $row['taskStatus']); } else { if ($row['field'] == "personID") { $el['desc'] = sprintf('Task #%d "%s" %s assigned to %s', $row['taskID'], $taskName, $projectName, $name); } else { $el['desc'] = "error!"; } }
$client = new client(); $client->read_db_record($db); $parent_names[$client->get_id()] = $client->get_value('clientName'); } } else { if ($parentType == "project") { if ($current_user->have_role("admin")) { $query = "SELECT * FROM project WHERE projectStatus != 'Archived' ORDER BY projectName"; } else { $query = prepare("SELECT * \n FROM project \n LEFT JOIN projectPerson ON project.projectID=projectPerson.projectID \n WHERE personID='%d' \n AND projectStatus != 'Archived'\n ORDER BY projectName", $personID); } $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $project = new project(); $project->read_db_record($db); $parent_names[$project->get_id()] = $project->get_value('projectName'); } } else { if ($parentType == "task") { if ($current_user->have_role("admin")) { $query = "SELECT * FROM task"; } else { $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM task WHERE personID=%d ORDER BY taskName", $personID); } $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $task = new task(); $task->read_db_record($db); if (substr($task->get_value("taskStatus"), 0, 6) != "closed") { $parent_names[$task->get_id()] = $task->get_value('taskName'); }
$project->set_id($projectID); $project->select(); $projectManagers = $project->get_timeSheetRecipients(); if (!$projectManagers) { $TPL["managers"] = "N/A"; $TPL["timeSheet_dateSubmittedToManager"] = "N/A"; $TPL["timeSheet_approvedByManagerPersonID_username"] = "******"; } else { count($projectManagers) > 1 and $TPL["manager_plural"] = "s"; $people =& get_cached_table("person"); foreach ($projectManagers as $pID) { $TPL["managers"] .= $commar . $people[$pID]["name"]; $commar = ", "; } } $clientID = $project->get_value("clientID"); $projectID = $project->get_id(); // Get client name $client = $project->get_foreign_object("client"); $TPL["clientName"] = $client_link; $TPL["clientID"] = $clientID = $client->get_id(); $TPL["show_client_options"] = $client_link; } list($client_select, $client_link, $project_select, $project_link) = client::get_client_and_project_dropdowns_and_links($clientID, $projectID, true); $TPL["invoice_link"] = $timeSheet->get_invoice_link(); list($amount_used, $amount_allocated) = $timeSheet->get_amount_allocated(); if ($amount_allocated) { $TPL["amount_allocated_label"] = "Amount Used / Allocated:"; $TPL["amount_allocated"] = $amount_allocated; $TPL["amount_used"] = $amount_used . " / "; }
$p->set_id($_POST["copy_projectID"]); if ($p->select()) { $p2 = new project(); $p2->read_row_record($p->row()); $p2->set_id(""); $p2->set_value("projectName", $_POST["copy_project_name"]); $p2->set_value("projectShortName", ""); $p2->save(); $TPL["message_good"][] = "Project details copied successfully."; // Copy project people $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM projectPerson WHERE projectID = %d", $p->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); while ($row = $db->row()) { $projectPerson = new projectPerson(); $projectPerson->currency = $p->get_value("currencyTypeID"); $projectPerson->read_row_record($row); $projectPerson->set_id(""); $projectPerson->set_value("projectID", $p2->get_id()); $projectPerson->save(); $TPL["message_good"]["projectPeople"] = "Project people copied successfully."; } // Copy commissions $q = prepare("SELECT * FROM projectCommissionPerson WHERE projectID = %d", $p->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); while ($row = $db->row()) { $projectCommissionPerson = new projectCommissionPerson(); $projectCommissionPerson->read_row_record($row); $projectCommissionPerson->set_id(""); $projectCommissionPerson->set_value("projectID", $p2->get_id());
function add_timeSheetItem($stuff) { $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); $errstr = "Failed to record new time sheet item. "; $taskID = $stuff["taskID"]; $projectID = $stuff["projectID"]; $duration = $stuff["duration"]; $comment = $stuff["comment"]; $emailUID = $stuff["msg_uid"]; $emailMessageID = $stuff["msg_id"]; $date = $stuff["date"]; $unit = $stuff["unit"]; $multiplier = $stuff["multiplier"]; if ($taskID) { $task = new task(); $task->set_id($taskID); $task->select(); $projectID = $task->get_value("projectID"); $extra = " for task " . $taskID; } $projectID or alloc_error(sprintf($errstr . "No project found%s.", $extra)); $row_projectPerson = projectPerson::get_projectPerson_row($projectID, $current_user->get_id()); $row_projectPerson or alloc_error($errstr . "The person(" . $current_user->get_id() . ") has not been added to the project(" . $projectID . ")."); if ($row_projectPerson && $projectID) { if ($stuff["timeSheetID"]) { $q = prepare("SELECT *\n FROM timeSheet\n WHERE status = 'edit'\n AND personID = %d\n AND timeSheetID = %d\n ORDER BY dateFrom\n LIMIT 1\n ", $current_user->get_id(), $stuff["timeSheetID"]); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); $row = $db->row(); $row or alloc_error("Couldn't find an editable time sheet with that ID."); } else { $q = prepare("SELECT *\n FROM timeSheet\n WHERE status = 'edit'\n AND projectID = %d\n AND personID = %d\n ORDER BY dateFrom\n LIMIT 1\n ", $projectID, $current_user->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); $row = $db->row(); } // If no timeSheets add a new one if (!$row) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($projectID); $project->select(); $timeSheet = new timeSheet(); $timeSheet->set_value("projectID", $projectID); $timeSheet->set_value("status", "edit"); $timeSheet->set_value("personID", $current_user->get_id()); $timeSheet->set_value("recipient_tfID", $current_user->get_value("preferred_tfID")); $timeSheet->set_value("customerBilledDollars", page::money($project->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $project->get_value("customerBilledDollars"), "%mo")); $timeSheet->set_value("currencyTypeID", $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")); $timeSheet->save(); $timeSheetID = $timeSheet->get_id(); // Else use the first timesheet we found } else { $timeSheetID = $row["timeSheetID"]; } $timeSheetID or alloc_error($errstr . "Couldn't locate an existing, or create a new Time Sheet."); // Add new time sheet item if ($timeSheetID) { $timeSheet = new timeSheet(); $timeSheet->set_id($timeSheetID); $timeSheet->select(); $tsi = new timeSheetItem(); $tsi->currency = $timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"); $tsi->set_value("timeSheetID", $timeSheetID); $d = $date or $d = date("Y-m-d"); $tsi->set_value("dateTimeSheetItem", $d); $tsi->set_value("timeSheetItemDuration", $duration); $tsi->set_value("timeSheetItemDurationUnitID", $unit); if (is_object($task)) { $tsi->set_value("description", $task->get_name()); $tsi->set_value("taskID", sprintf("%d", $taskID)); $_POST["timeSheetItem_taskID"] = sprintf("%d", $taskID); // this gets used in timeSheetItem->save(); } $tsi->set_value("personID", $current_user->get_id()); $tsi->set_value("rate", page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $row_projectPerson["rate"], "%mo")); $tsi->set_value("multiplier", $multiplier); $tsi->set_value("comment", $comment); $tsi->set_value("emailUID", $emailUID); $tsi->set_value("emailMessageID", $emailMessageID); $tsi->save(); $id = $tsi->get_id(); $tsi = new timeSheetItem(); $tsi->set_id($id); $tsi->select(); $ID = $tsi->get_value("timeSheetID"); } } if ($ID) { return array("status" => "yay", "message" => $ID); } else { alloc_error($errstr . "Time not added."); } }
function get_client_and_project_dropdowns_and_links($clientID = false, $projectID = false, $onlymine = false) { // This function returns dropdown lists and links for both client and // project. The two dropdown lists are linked, in that if you change the // client, then the project dropdown dynamically updates global $TPL; $project = new project(); $project->set_id($projectID); $project->select(); if (!$clientID) { $clientID = $project->get_value("clientID"); } $client = new client(); $client->set_id($clientID); $client->select(); $options["clientStatus"] = "Current"; $ops = client::get_list($options); $ops = array_kv($ops, "clientID", "clientName"); $client->get_id() and $ops[$client->get_id()] = $client->get_value("clientName"); $client_select = "<select id=\"clientID\" name=\"clientID\" onChange=\"makeAjaxRequest('" . $TPL["url_alloc_updateProjectListByClient"] . "clientID='+\$('#clientID').attr('value')+'&onlymine=" . sprintf("%d", $onlymine) . "','projectDropdown')\"><option></option>"; $client_select .= page::select_options($ops, $clientID, 100) . "</select>"; $client_link = $client->get_link(); $project_select = '<div id="projectDropdown" style="display:inline">' . $project->get_dropdown_by_client($clientID, $onlymine) . '</div>'; $project_link = $project->get_link(); return array($client_select, $client_link, $project_select, $project_link); }
function populate_string($str, $entity, $entityID = false) { // Actually do the text substitution $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); is_object($current_user) and $swap["cu"] = person::get_fullname($current_user->get_id()); if ($entity == "timeSheet" && $entityID) { $timeSheet = new timeSheet(); $timeSheet->set_id($entityID); $timeSheet->select(); $timeSheet->load_pay_info(); foreach ($timeSheet->pay_info as $k => $v) { $swap[$k] = $v; } if ($timeSheet->get_value("approvedByManagerPersonID")) { $swap["tm"] = person::get_fullname($timeSheet->get_value("approvedByManagerPersonID")); } else { $project = $timeSheet->get_foreign_object("project"); $projectManagers = $project->get_timeSheetRecipients(); if (is_array($projectManagers) && count($projectManagers)) { $people =& get_cached_table("person"); foreach ($projectManagers as $pID) { $swap["tm"] .= $commar . $people[$pID]["name"]; $commar = ", "; } } } if ($timeSheet->get_value("approvedByAdminPersonID")) { $swap["tc"] = person::get_fullname($timeSheet->get_value("approvedByAdminPersonID")); } else { $people =& get_cached_table("person"); $timeSheetAdministrators = config::get_config_item('defaultTimeSheetAdminList'); if (count($timeSheetAdministrators)) { $swap["tc"] = ""; $comma = ""; foreach ($timeSheetAdministrators as $adminID) { $swap["tc"] .= $comma . $people[$adminID]["name"]; $comma = ", "; } } else { $swap["tc"] = 'no-one'; } } $swap["ti"] = $timeSheet->get_id(); $swap["to"] = person::get_fullname($timeSheet->get_value("personID")); $swap["ta"] = person::get_fullname($timeSheet->get_value("personID")); $swap["tf"] = $timeSheet->get_value("dateFrom"); $swap["tt"] = $timeSheet->get_value("dateTo"); $swap["ts"] = $timeSheet->get_timeSheet_status(); $swap["tu"] = config::get_config_item("allocURL") . "time/timeSheet.php?timeSheetID=" . $timeSheet->get_id(); $projectID = $timeSheet->get_value("projectID"); } if ($entity == "task" && $entityID) { $task = new task(); $task->set_id($entityID); $task->select(); $swap["ti"] = $task->get_id(); $swap["to"] = person::get_fullname($task->get_value("creatorID")); $swap["ta"] = person::get_fullname($task->get_value("personID")); $swap["tm"] = person::get_fullname($task->get_value("managerID")); $swap["tc"] = person::get_fullname($task->get_value("closerID")); $swap["tn"] = $task->get_value("taskName"); $swap["td"] = $task->get_value("taskDescription"); $swap["tu"] = config::get_config_item("allocURL") . "task/task.php?taskID=" . $task->get_id(); $swap["tp"] = $task->get_priority_label(); $swap["ts"] = $task->get_task_status("label"); $swap["teb"] = $task->get_value("timeBest"); $swap["tem"] = $task->get_value("timeExpected"); $swap["tew"] = $task->get_value("timeWorst"); $swap["tep"] = person::get_fullname($task->get_value("estimatorID")); //time estimate person, when it's implemented $projectID = $task->get_value("projectID"); } if ($entity == "project" && $entityID || $projectID) { $project = new project(); if ($projectID) { $project->set_id($projectID); } else { $project->set_id($entityID); } $project->select(); $swap["pn"] = $project->get_value("projectName"); $swap["pi"] = $project->get_id(); $clientID = $project->get_value("clientID"); } if ($entity == "client" && $entityID || $clientID) { $client = new client(); if ($clientID) { $client->set_id($clientID); } else { $client->set_id($entityID); } $client->select(); $swap["li"] = $client->get_id(); $swap["cc"] = $client->get_value("clientName"); } $swap["cd"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress"); $swap["cd"] .= " " . config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2"); $swap["cd"] .= " " . config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3"); $swap["cd"] .= "\nP: " . config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone"); $swap["cd"] .= "\nF: " . config::get_config_item("companyContactFax"); $swap["cd"] .= "\nE: " . config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail"); $swap["cd"] .= "\nW: " . config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage"); $swap["cn"] = config::get_config_item("companyName"); $swap["c1"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress"); $swap["c2"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2"); $swap["c3"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3"); $swap["ce"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail"); $swap["cp"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone"); $swap["cf"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactFax"); $swap["cw"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage"); foreach ($swap as $k => $v) { $str = str_replace("%" . $k, $v, $str); } return $str; }
function is_alive() { $type = $this->get_value('reminderType'); if ($type == "project") { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($this->get_value('reminderLinkID')); if ($project->select() == false || $project->get_value('projectStatus') == "Archived") { return false; } } else { if ($type == "task") { $task = new task(); $task->set_id($this->get_value('reminderLinkID')); if ($task->select() == false || substr($task->get_value("taskStatus"), 0, 6) == 'closed') { return false; } } else { if ($type == "client") { $client = new client(); $client->set_id($this->get_value('reminderLinkID')); if ($client->select() == false || $client->get_value('clientStatus') == "Archived") { return false; } } } } return true; }
function get_printable_timeSheet_file($timeSheetID, $timeSheetPrintMode, $printDesc, $format) { global $TPL; $TPL["timeSheetID"] = $timeSheetID; $TPL["timeSheetPrintMode"] = $timeSheetPrintMode; $TPL["printDesc"] = $printDesc; $TPL["format"] = $format; $db = new db_alloc(); if ($timeSheetID) { $timeSheet = new timeSheet(); $timeSheet->set_id($timeSheetID); $timeSheet->select(); $timeSheet->set_tpl_values(); $person = $timeSheet->get_foreign_object("person"); $TPL["timeSheet_personName"] = $person->get_name(); $timeSheet->set_tpl_values("timeSheet_"); // Display the project name. $project = new project(); $project->set_id($timeSheet->get_value("projectID")); $project->select(); $TPL["timeSheet_projectName"] = $project->get_value("projectName", DST_HTML_DISPLAY); // Get client name $client = $project->get_foreign_object("client"); $client->set_tpl_values(); $TPL["clientName"] = $client->get_value("clientName", DST_HTML_DISPLAY); $TPL["companyName"] = config::get_config_item("companyName"); $TPL["companyNos1"] = config::get_config_item("companyACN"); $TPL["companyNos2"] = config::get_config_item("companyABN"); unset($br); $phone = config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone"); $fax = config::get_config_item("companyContactFax"); $phone and $TPL["phone"] = "Ph: " . $phone; $fax and $TPL["fax"] = "Fax: " . $fax; $timeSheet->load_pay_info(); $db->query(prepare("SELECT max(dateTimeSheetItem) AS maxDate\n ,min(dateTimeSheetItem) AS minDate\n ,count(timeSheetItemID) as count\n FROM timeSheetItem \n WHERE timeSheetID=%d ", $timeSheetID)); $db->next_record(); $timeSheet->set_id($timeSheetID); $timeSheet->select() || alloc_error("Unable to select time sheet, trying to use id: " . $timeSheetID); $TPL["period"] = format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $db->f("minDate")) . " to " . format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $db->f("maxDate")); $TPL["img"] = config::get_config_item("companyImage"); $TPL["companyContactAddress"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress"); $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2"); $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3"); $email = config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail"); $email and $TPL["companyContactEmail"] = "Email: " . $email; $web = config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage"); $web and $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] = "Web: " . $web; $TPL["footer"] = config::get_config_item("timeSheetPrintFooter"); $TPL["taxName"] = config::get_config_item("taxName"); $default_header = "Time Sheet"; $default_id_label = "Time Sheet ID"; $default_contractor_label = "Contractor"; $default_total_label = "TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE"; if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "money") { $default_header = "Tax Invoice"; $default_id_label = "Invoice Number"; } if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") { $default_header = "Estimate"; $default_id_label = "Estimate Number"; $default_contractor_label = "Issued By"; $default_total_label = "TOTAL AMOUNT ESTIMATED"; } if ($format != "html") { // Build PDF document $font1 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica.afm"; $font2 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica-Oblique.afm"; $pdf_table_options = array("showLines" => 0, "shaded" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "xPos" => "left", "xOrientation" => "right", "fontSize" => 10, "rowGap" => 0, "fontSize" => 10); $cols = array("one" => "", "two" => "", "three" => "", "four" => ""); $cols3 = array("one" => "", "two" => ""); $cols_settings["one"] = array("justification" => "right"); $cols_settings["three"] = array("justification" => "right"); $pdf_table_options2 = array("showLines" => 0, "shaded" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "width" => 400, "fontSize" => 10, "xPos" => "center", "xOrientation" => "center", "cols" => $cols_settings); $cols_settings2["gst"] = array("justification" => "right"); $cols_settings2["money"] = array("justification" => "right"); $pdf_table_options3 = array("showLines" => 2, "shaded" => 0, "width" => 400, "xPos" => "center", "fontSize" => 10, "cols" => $cols_settings2, "lineCol" => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), "splitRows" => 1, "protectRows" => 0); $cols_settings["two"] = array("justification" => "right", "width" => 80); $pdf_table_options4 = array("showLines" => 2, "shaded" => 0, "width" => 400, "showHeadings" => 0, "fontSize" => 10, "xPos" => "center", "cols" => $cols_settings, "lineCol" => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)); $pdf = new Cezpdf(); $pdf->ezSetMargins(90, 90, 90, 90); $pdf->selectFont($font1); $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(436, 80, 10, 'right', 'Page {PAGENUM} of {TOTALPAGENUM}'); $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(200, 80, 10, 'left', '<b>' . $default_id_label . ': </b>' . $TPL["timeSheetID"]); $pdf->ezSetY(775); $TPL["companyName"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyName"]); $TPL["companyContactAddress"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress"]); $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress2"]); $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress3"]); $TPL["companyContactEmail"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactEmail"]); $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactHomePage"]); $TPL["phone"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["phone"]); $TPL["fax"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["fax"]); $pdf->selectFont($font2); $y = $pdf->ezTable($contact_info, false, "", $pdf_table_options); $pdf->selectFont($font1); $line_y = $y - 10; $pdf->setLineStyle(1, "round"); $pdf->line(90, $line_y, 510, $line_y); $pdf->ezSetY(782); $image_jpg = ALLOC_LOGO; if (file_exists($image_jpg)) { $pdf->ezImage($image_jpg, 0, sprintf("%d", config::get_config_item("logoScaleX")), 'none'); $y = 700; } else { $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyName"], 27, array("justification" => "right")); } $nos_y = $line_y + 22; $TPL["companyNos2"] and $nos_y = $line_y + 34; $pdf->ezSetY($nos_y); $TPL["companyNos1"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos1"], 10, array("justification" => "right")); $TPL["companyNos2"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos2"], 10, array("justification" => "right")); $pdf->ezSetY($line_y - 20); $y = $pdf->ezText($default_header, 20, array("justification" => "center")); $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20); $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_id_label . ":</b>", "two" => $TPL["timeSheetID"], "three" => "<b>Date Issued:</b>", "four" => date("d/m/Y")); $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>Client:</b>", "two" => $TPL["clientName"], "three" => "<b>Project:</b>", "four" => $TPL["timeSheet_projectName"]); $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_contractor_label . ":</b>", "two" => $TPL["timeSheet_personName"], "three" => "<b>Billing Period:</b>", "four" => $TPL["period"]); if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") { // This line needs to be glued to the above line $temp = array_pop($ts_info); $temp["three"] = ""; // Nuke Billing Period for the Estimate version of the pdf. $temp["four"] = ""; // Nuke Billing Period for the Estimate version of the pdf. $ts_info[] = $temp; } $y = $pdf->ezTable($ts_info, $cols, "", $pdf_table_options2); $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20); if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "money" || $timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") { list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_money($TPL["timeSheetID"]); $cols2 = array("desc" => "Description", "units" => "Units", "money" => "Charges", "gst" => $TPL["taxName"]); $taxPercent = config::get_config_item("taxPercent"); if ($taxPercent === '') { unset($cols2["gst"]); } $rows[] = array("desc" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => $info["total_units"], "money" => $info["total"], "gst" => $info["total_gst"]); $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3); $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20); if ($taxPercent !== '') { $totals[] = array("one" => "TOTAL " . $TPL["taxName"], "two" => $info["total_gst"]); } $totals[] = array("one" => "TOTAL CHARGES", "two" => $info["total"]); $totals[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_total_label . "</b>", "two" => "<b>" . $info["total_inc_gst"] . "</b>"); $y = $pdf->ezTable($totals, $cols3, "", $pdf_table_options4); } else { if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "units") { list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_units($TPL["timeSheetID"]); $cols2 = array("desc" => "Description", "units" => "Units"); $rows[] = array("desc" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => "<b>" . $info["total"] . "</b>"); $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3); } else { if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "items") { list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_items($TPL["timeSheetID"]); $cols2 = array("date" => "Date", "units" => "Units", "multiplier_string" => "Multiplier", "desc" => "Description"); $rows[] = array("date" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => "<b>" . $info["total"] . "</b>"); $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3); } } } $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20); $pdf->ezText(str_replace(array("<br>", "<br/>", "<br />"), "\n", $TPL["footer"]), 10); $pdf->ezStream(array("Content-Disposition" => "timeSheet_" . $timeSheetID . ".pdf")); // Else HTML format } else { if (file_exists(ALLOC_LOGO)) { $TPL["companyName"] = '<img alt="Company logo" src="' . $TPL["url_alloc_logo"] . '" />'; } $TPL["this_tsp"] = $this; $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Time Sheet - " . APPLICATION_NAME; include_template(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../templates/timeSheetPrintM.tpl"); } } }
<?php /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Alex Lance, Clancy Malcolm, Cyber IT Solutions * Pty. Ltd. * * This file is part of the allocPSA application <*****@*****.**>. * * allocPSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * allocPSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with allocPSA. If not, see <>. */ define("NO_REDIRECT", 1); require_once "../alloc.php"; if ($_GET["project"] && $_GET["person"]) { $rate = projectPerson::get_rate($_GET["project"], $_GET["person"]); $project = new project($_GET["project"]); $currency = $project->get_value("currencyTypeID") or $currency = config::get_config_item("currency"); $rate['rate'] = page::money($currency, $rate['rate'], '%mo'); echo alloc_json_encode($rate); }
if (!$productSale->get_id()) { $TPL["message_help"][] = "To create a new Sale, optionally select a Client and/or Project and click the Create Sale button."; } else { if ($productSale->get_value("status") == "edit") { $TPL["message_help"][] = "Add as many Sale Items as you like by clicking the 'New' link multiple times, and then clicking the\n Save Items button.<br><br>When you are done adding Sale Items click the 'Allocate -->' button\n to setup the resulting transactions from this Sale."; } else { if ($productSale->get_value("status") == "allocate") { $TPL["message_help"][] = "If necessary, adjust the transactions below. When you're done, submit this Sale\n to the Adminstrator, you will no longer be able to edit this Sale.\n\n <br><br>Generally, the transactions for the Sale Items will add up correctly if the\n <b>Sell Price</b> is equal to <b>Transactions Incoming</b>, and the <b>Margin</b> is\n equal to <b>Transactions Other</b>."; } else { if ($productSale->get_value("status") == "admin" && $productSale->have_perm(PERM_APPROVE_PRODUCT_TRANSACTIONS)) { $TPL["message_help"][] = "Please review the Sale Transactions carefully. If accurate <b>approve</b> and save the transactions,\n then move this Sale to status 'Completed'."; } else { if ($productSale->get_value("status") == "admin") { $TPL["message_help"][] = "This Sale is awaiting approval from the Administrator."; } } } } } if ($productSale->get_value("projectID")) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($productSale->get_value("projectID")); $project->select(); $ptf = $project->get_value("cost_centre_tfID"); $ptf and $TPL["project_tfID"] = " (TF: " . tf::get_name($ptf) . ")"; $ptf or $TPL["project_tfID"] = " (No project TF)"; } $TPL["taxName"] = config::get_config_item("taxName"); $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Sale - " . APPLICATION_NAME; $productSale->get_id() and $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Sale " . $productSale->get_id() . " - " . APPLICATION_NAME; include_template("templates/productSaleM.tpl");
/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Alex Lance, Clancy Malcolm, Cyber IT Solutions * Pty. Ltd. * * This file is part of the allocPSA application <*****@*****.**>. * * allocPSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * allocPSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with allocPSA. If not, see <>. */ define("NO_REDIRECT", 1); require_once "../alloc.php"; if ($_GET["projectID"]) { usleep(300000); $project = new project(); $project->set_id($_GET["projectID"]); $project->select(); $tf_sel = $project->get_value("cost_centre_tfID") or $tf_sel = config::get_config_item("mainTfID"); $tf = new tf(); $options = page::select_options($tf->get_assoc_array("tfID", "tfName"), $tf_sel); echo "<select id=\"tfID\" name=\"tfID\">" . $options . "</select>"; }