<?php use_class('Product'); use_class('design_draft'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('products_articles'); use_class('products_brand'); use_class('element'); use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); use_class('styles'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_pa = new products_articles(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); $class_s = new styles(); $imgsize = '80'; $net_pricer = 1 + VAT; /** * Remove products from style_has_products Table exclude grup Sub Categories (S) * @param Int $product_id Product ID * @param String $filter_1 Styles ID separated by comma * @param String $filter_2 Styles ID separated by comma * @return Delete */ function removeProducts($product_id, $filter_1 = '', $filter_2 = '') { $q = "DELETE shp.* FROM styles s"; $q .= " INNER JOIN styles_has_products shp ON shp.styles_id=s.styles_id"; $q .= " WHERE s.groups!='S' AND shp.products_id='{$product_id}'";
<?php use_class('CategoryTop'); use_class('Product'); use_class('ProductAttribute'); use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('jng_sp_catalog_params'); use_class('products_brand'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_jpc = new jng_sp_catalog_params(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); //SP SETTING salesPartnerCombo(); //AJAX ACTOIN if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { $param_code = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['tab']); $result = ''; if ($param_code == 'BL') { $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList(); $result .= '<div><table class="form" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; foreach ($brands as $b) { $param_id = $b['products_brand_id']; $param_name = $b['brand_name']; $sp_brands = $class_pb->getSPbrands($param_id); $param_value = $sp_brands[$jng_sp_id]; $checked = $param_value != '' ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td width="20"><input type="checkbox" id="param_id_' . $param_code . $param_id . '" class="param_id" value="' . $param_id . '" ' . $checked . ' /></td>'; $result .= '<td width="150"><label for="param_id_' . $param_code . $param_id . '">' . $param_name . '</label></td>'; $result .= '<td><input type="text" id="param_value_' . $param_id . '" class="input param_value" value="' . $param_value . '" /></td>'; $result .= '<td id="param_status_' . $param_code . $param_id . '"></td>';
<?php use_class('jng_sp'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); use_class('products_minierp'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); use_class('products_articles'); $class_pa = new products_articles(); //SP SETTING salesPartnerCombo(); $url_link_path = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $product_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['id']); } elseif (isset($_POST['product_id'])) { $product_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['product_id']); } //SUBMIT ACTION if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'ADDTOCATALOGUE') { $suppliers_products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['suppliers_products_id']); //sp_addProductToCatalog($jng_sp_id, $product_id, $suppliers_products_id); $class_jc->addProduct($jng_sp_id, $product_id, $suppliers_products_id); header("Location: ?open=sp-product&id={$product_id}"); exit; } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'UPDATECATALOG') { $field_id = null; $catalog_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['jng_sp_catalog_id']);
/** * get products based on filter (family, main element, symbol, color, and brand) * @param Int $product_id Products ID * @return Array Array of products ID */ function getProductsCrossSelling($product_id) { use_class('products_brand'); use_class('styles_php4'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('products_family_php4'); $class_s = new styles(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $max_products = 50; $max_products_by_family = 20; $max_products_by_main_element = 10; $max_products_by_symbol = 30; // $max_products_by_color = 5; // $max_products_by_brand = 5; $max_products_by_category = 40; $pids = array(); $p_data = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($product_id, 'p,cat'); //FAMILY $family_id = $p_data['p']['family_id']; $obj_family = new products_family(null, $product_id); $pid_family = $obj_family->retrieveMembers(); $pid_family_exclude_kill_prod = $class_pm->filterExcludeKilledProducts($pid_family); $pid_similar = $obj_family->getSimilarProducts($product_id, false, false); $pids = array_merge($pid_family_exclude_kill_prod, $pid_similar); $key = array_search($product_id, $pids); unset($pids[$key]); $pids = array_slice($pids, 0, 20); //MAIN ELEMENT $pid_family_filter = implode(",", $pids); if ($pid_family_filter == '') { if ($p_data['p']['products_brand_id'] == 14) { $pid_family_filters = "AND pue.products_id NOT IN ({$product_id}) AND p.products_brand_id = 14 "; } else { $pid_family_filters = "AND pue.products_id NOT IN ({$product_id})"; } } else { if ($p_data['p']['products_brand_id'] == 14) { $pid_family_filters = "AND pue.products_id NOT IN ({$pid_family_filter}, {$product_id}) AND p.products_brand_id = 14 "; } else { $pid_family_filters = "AND pue.products_id NOT IN ({$pid_family_filter}, {$product_id})"; } } $main_element_id = $class_pm->getMainElement($product_id); if ($main_element_id != NULL) { $pid_main_element = $class_pm->getProductsByMainElement($main_element_id, false, $pid_family_filters, "ORDER BY pl.sold_monthly_3 DESC LIMIT {$max_products_by_main_element}"); $pids = array_merge($pids, $pid_main_element); } //SYMBOL $symbol_id = $class_s->getProductStyle($product_id); $pid_main_element_filter = implode(",", $pids); if ($pid_main_element_filter == '') { if ($p_data['p']['products_brand_id'] == 14) { $pid_main_element_filters = "AND shp.products_id NOT IN ({$product_id}) AND p.products_brand_id = 14 "; } else { $pid_main_element_filters = "AND shp.products_id NOT IN ({$product_id})"; } } else { if ($p_data['p']['products_brand_id'] == 14) { $pid_main_element_filters = "AND shp.products_id NOT IN ({$pid_main_element_filter}, {$product_id}) AND p.products_brand_id = 14 "; } else { $pid_main_element_filters = "AND shp.products_id NOT IN ({$pid_main_element_filter}, {$product_id})"; } } if ($symbol_id['Symbol'] != '') { $pid_symbol = array_keys($class_s->retrieveProducts($symbol_id['Symbol'], false, $pid_main_element_filters, "ORDER BY pl.sold_monthly_3 DESC LIMIT {$max_products_by_symbol}")); $pids = array_merge($pids, $pid_symbol); } //COLOR // $color_id = $class_pm->loadColorPattern($product_id); // if ($color_id) { // $pids_symbol_filter = implode(",", $pids); // if ($pids_symbol_filter == '') { // $pid_symbol_filters = "AND ptcp.products_id NOT IN ($product_id)"; // } else { // $pid_symbol_filters = "AND ptcp.products_id NOT IN ($pids_symbol_filter, $product_id)"; // } // $pid_color = $class_pm->getProductsByColor( // $color_id[0], // false, // $pid_symbol_filters, // "ORDER BY pl.sold_monthly_3 DESC LIMIT $max_products_by_color"); // $pids = array_merge($pids, $pid_color); // } //BRAND // $brand_id = $p_data['p']['products_brand_id']; // if ($brand_id) { // $pids_color_filter = implode(",", $pids); // if ($pids_color_filter == '') { // $pid_color_filters = "AND p.products_id NOT IN ($product_id)"; // } else { // $pid_color_filters = "AND p.products_id NOT IN ($pids_color_filter, $product_id)"; // } // $pid_brand = $class_pb->getProducts( // $brand_id, // false, // $pid_color_filters, // "ORDER BY pl.sold_monthly_3 DESC LIMIT $max_products_by_brand"); // $pids = array_merge($pids, $pid_brand); // } //CATEGORY $cat_id = $p_data['categories_id']; $pids_color_filter = implode(",", $pids); if ($pids_color_filter == '') { if ($p_data['p']['products_brand_id'] == 14) { $pid_color_filters = "AND p.products_id NOT IN ({$product_id}) AND p.products_brand_id = 14 "; } else { $pid_color_filters = "AND p.products_id NOT IN ({$product_id})"; } } else { if ($p_data['p']['products_brand_id'] == 14) { $pid_color_filters = "AND p.products_id NOT IN ({$pids_color_filter}, {$product_id}) AND p.products_brand_id = 14 "; } else { $pid_color_filters = "AND p.products_id NOT IN ({$pids_color_filter}, {$product_id})"; } } $pid_cat = $class_pm->getProductsByCategory($cat_id, false, $pid_color_filters, "ORDER BY pl.sold_monthly_3 DESC LIMIT {$max_products_by_category}"); $pids = array_merge($pids, $pid_cat); //LIMIT ALL PRODUCTS BY 50 $pids = array_slice($pids, 0, $max_products); $pids_implode = implode(",", $pids); if ($p_data['p']['products_brand_id'] == 14) { $pids = $class_pb->getProducts($p_data['p']['products_brand_id'], false, "AND p.products_id IN ({$pids_implode})", "ORDER BY pl.sold_monthly_3 DESC LIMIT {$max_products}"); } return $pids; }
if ($item['products_articles_id'] == 0) { $qlength = "SELECT products_length AS length FROM products_non_configurator WHERE products_id = {$item['products_id']}"; } elseif ($item['products_articles_id'] > 0) { $qlength = "SELECT length FROM products_articles WHERE products_id = {$item['products_id']} AND products_articles_id = {$item['products_articles_id']}"; } $dlength = tep_db_query($qlength); $rlength = tep_db_fetch_array($dlength); $return_code_ypos++; $n++; $pdf->setX($cellstart); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_sml); $pdf->Cell($cell1size, $cell_height, $n, 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($cell2size, $cell_height, $item['products_model'], 1); $category = $class_o->getCategories($item['orders_products_id']); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $product_brand = $class_pb->retrieveDetail($item['products_brand_id']); $product_name = $class_pm->displayProductName($item['products_id'], 60); $pdf->Cell($cell3size, $cell_height, html_entity_decode($product_name), 1); $grosse = $rlength['length'] > 0 ? textLength($rlength['length']) : ''; $pdf->Cell($cell4size, $cell_height, $grosse, 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($cell5size, $cell_height, '', 1); $pdf->Cell($cell6size, $cell_height, '', 1, 1); $ypos += $cell_height; } $ypos += 8; /* $pdf->setXY($cellstart, $ypos); $pdf->Cell(10, 10, 'Pos.', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->MultiCell(30, 5, 'Rücksendegrund'."\n".'(2-stellig)', 1, 'C');
<?php use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); if (isset($_GET['killed'])) { $brand_id_killed = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['killed']); $brand_killed = $class_pb->retrieveDetail($brand_id_killed); $messagebox->add('Brand <strong>' . $brand_killed['brand_name'] . '</strong> has been successfully Killled!', 'green'); } $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList(); $content = ''; if (count($brands) == 0) { $content .= '<h3>No Brand found in database</h3>'; } else { $btable = array(); $bt = array(); $bt['id'] = 'ID'; $bt['logo'] = 'Brand Logo'; $bt['name'] = 'Name'; $bt['status'] = 'Active in J&G'; $bt['w100'] = 'Active Products'; $btable[] = $bt; foreach ($brands as $b) { $link = '<a href="?open=products-brand&id=' . $b['products_brand_id'] . '">%s</a>'; $logo = $b['brand_image'] == '' ? '<span class="notice">No Logo</span>' : sprintf($link, webImage($b['brand_image'], '', '50')); $bt = array(); $bt['id'] = sprintf($link, $b['products_brand_id']); $bt['logo'] = '<div style="width:100%;height:100%;padding:10px 0;background:#fff;">' . $logo . '</div>'; $bt['name'] = sprintf($link, $b['brand_name']); $status_img = 'icon-tick'; if ($b['active_status'] != '1') {
<?php ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); use_class('Product'); use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); use_class('jng_sp_upload'); use_class('products_brand'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); $class_ju = new jng_sp_upload(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); //SP SETTING salesPartnerCombo(); //SP Lazada & Zalora $sp_local_id = array('1001', '1002', '1003', '1005'); if (isset($_GET['top_cat_id']) && $_GET['top_cat_id'] != '') { $category_top_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['top_cat_id']); } $status = $class_ju->retrieveNotSetStatus($jng_sp_id, 'CAT,PRI'); if ($status !== false) { $hidemenu = $hidemenuscript == '' ? '' : '&hidemenu=true'; header("Location: ?open=sp-catalog{$hidemenu}"); exit; } if ($jng_sp_id == '1') { //NECKERMANN.DE UPLOAD PROCESS //check cron/sp-1-catalog-updater.php $content .= '<h3 class="red">' . $jng_sp_name . ': Stock Update is managed by cron</h3>'; } elseif ($jng_sp_id == '2') { //OTTO.DE UPLOAD PROCESS
$uploaddir = DIR_WS_IMAGES; $product_folder = 'products_photos/'; use_class('Product'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('products_articles'); use_class('products_brand'); use_class('styles'); use_class('minierp_users'); use_class('production_instruction_manual'); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); use_class('jng_sp_catalog_params'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('elements_stock'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_pa = new products_articles(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $class_s = new styles(); $class_mu = new minierp_users(); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); $class_jcp = new jng_sp_catalog_params(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_es = new elements_stock(); $ebay_name_max_chars = 80; $ebay_language_id = '2'; function delete_extra_image($pei_id, $pei_name = '') { global $uploaddir; $deletion = false; $del_image_query = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_extra_images WHERE products_extra_images_id = {$pei_id}"); $del_image = tep_db_fetch_array($del_image_query); $check_double_query = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_extra_images WHERE products_extra_image = '{$del_image['products_extra_image']}'");
<?php use_class('jng_sp'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList(); $jng_sp_active = $class_sp->retrieveList("", "jng_sp_id"); //GET PAGE $rowperpage = ROWPERPAGE; $session_page = 'sp-products-activation'; $page = 1; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET['page']; } //SUBMIT ACTION if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'SETACTIVATION') { $jng_sp_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['jng_sp_id']); $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['products_id']); $status = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['status']); if ($jng_sp_id == '0') { //JNG ACTIVATION $sda = array('products_status' => $status); if ($status == '1') { $active_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sda['products_last_modified'] = $active_date; } tep_db_perform('products', $sda, 'update', "products_id={$products_id}"); } else { //SP ACTIVATION
function copyFromProducts($products_id_to_copied, $products_id_to_applied, $options = '*', $elements_id_to_exclude = '', $skip_same_add_length_composition = false) { use_class('products_articles'); $class_pa = new products_articles(); $have_element_to_exclude = false; if ($elements_id_to_exclude != '' && !is_array($elements_id_to_exclude)) { $elements_id_to_exclude = explode(',', $elements_id_to_exclude); $have_element_to_exclude = true; } $product = $this->retrieveDetail($products_id_to_copied, 'p,pd,pnc,cat'); $product_to_applied = $this->retrieveDetail($products_id_to_copied, 'cat'); $categories_is_same = $product['categories_id'] == $product_to_applied['categories_id']; $articles = $class_pa->retrieveList($products_id_to_copied); $articles_to_applied = $class_pa->retrieveList($products_id_to_applied); $add_length = array(); $add_length_to_applied = array(); if (isset($articles) && is_array($articles) && count($articles) > 0) { foreach ($articles as $a) { $add_length[] = $a['length']; } } if (isset($articles_to_applied) && is_array($articles_to_applied) && count($articles_to_applied) > 0) { foreach ($articles_to_applied as $ata) { $add_length_to_applied[] = $ata['length']; } } if (!is_array($products_id_to_applied)) { $products_id_to_applied = explode(',', $products_id_to_applied); } if ($options != '*') { $options = explode(',', $options); } //START UPDATE PRODUCT DETAIL TO ALL PRODUCTS WHICH PRODUCT DETAIL IS NOT FILLED foreach ($products_id_to_applied as $pid) { if ($options == '*' || in_array('cp', $options)) { //APPLY COLOR PATTERN $cps = $this->loadColorPattern($products_id_to_copied); if (count($cps) > 0) { saveColors($pid, implode(',', $cps)); } } if ($options == '*' || in_array('b', $options)) { //APPLY BRAND use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $class_pb->updateProductBrand($pid, $product['p']['products_brand_id']); } if (($options == '*' || in_array('l', $options)) && $categories_is_same) { //APPLY LENGTH $def_length = $product['pnc']['products_length']; $this->saveLength($pid, $def_length, $add_length); } if ($options == '*' || in_array('eu', $options)) { //TODO: CHECK HOW TO ALSO COPY ELEMENTS IF OTHER PRODUCTS STILL DOESN'T HAVE ANY //APPLY ELEMENT USED & QTY $el_used = $this->retrieveElementsUsage($products_id_to_copied); if (count($el_used) > 0) { $elids = array(); $elqtys = array(); foreach ($el_used as $elid => $el_data) { if ($have_element_to_exclude) { $check_key = array_search($elid, $elements_id_to_exclude); if ($check_key !== false) { continue; } } $elids[] = $elid; $elqtys[] = $el_data['quantity']; } $this->addElementToProducts($pid, $elids, $elqtys); } //APPLY OVERRIDE ELEMENTS (IF EXISTS) AND HAVE SAME ADDITIONAL LENGTH COMPOSITION if (count($add_length) > 0 && $categories_is_same) { $have_same_add_length_composition = true; if (count($add_length) == count($add_length_to_applied)) { foreach ($add_length as $al) { if (!in_array($al, $add_length_to_applied)) { $have_same_add_length_composition = false; break; } } } else { $have_same_add_length_composition = false; } if ($have_same_add_length_composition || $skip_same_add_length_composition) { foreach ($add_length as $length) { $dbq_o = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_articles WHERE products_id = {$products_id_to_copied} AND length = {$length}"); $dbq_c = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_articles WHERE products_id = {$pid} AND length = {$length}"); if (tep_db_num_rows($dbq_o) > 0 && tep_db_num_rows($dbq_c) > 0) { $r_o = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_o); $r_c = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_c); $products_articles_id = $r_c['products_articles_id']; $dbq_ovr = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_articles_use_elements WHERE products_articles_id = {$r_o['products_articles_id']}"); while ($r_ovr = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_ovr)) { $ovr_elid = $r_ovr['elements_id']; $dbq_pue_o = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_use_elements WHERE products_use_elements_id = {$r_ovr['products_use_elements_id']}"); $r_pue_o = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_pue_o); $dbq_pue_c = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_use_elements WHERE products_id = {$pid} AND elements_id = {$r_pue_o['elements_id']}"); $r_pue_c = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_pue_c); $products_use_elements_id = $r_pue_c['products_use_elements_id']; $ovr_data = array(); if ($have_element_to_exclude) { $check_key = array_search($r_ovr['elements_id'], $elements_id_to_exclude); if ($check_key !== false) { continue; } } $ovr_data['elements_id'] = $r_ovr['elements_id']; $ovr_data['quantity'] = $r_ovr['quantity']; $ovr_data['products_articles_id'] = $products_articles_id; $ovr_data['products_use_elements_id'] = $products_use_elements_id; $class_pa->overrideElement($products_articles_id, $products_use_elements_id, $ovr_data); } } } } } } if ($options == '*' || in_array('mp', $options)) { //APPLY MANUAL PI $dbqmp = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_non_configurator pnc WHERE pnc.products_id={$products_id_to_copied}"); $mpi = tep_db_fetch_array($dbqmp); saveManualPI($pid, $mpi['products_instruction']); } if ($options == '*' || in_array('pl', $options)) { //APPLY PRODUCTS LINKING use_class('products_linking'); $class_pl = new products_linking(); $dbqpl = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_linking WHERE products_id={$products_id_to_copied}"); while ($r = tep_db_fetch_array($dbqpl)) { $links_id = $r['links_id']; $type = $r['type']; $class_pl->add($pid, $type, $links_id, true); } } if ($options == '*' || in_array('ni', $options)) { //APPLY NAVID's use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); $dbq = tep_db_query("SELECT jng_sp_id, navigation, navigation2, navigation3 FROM jng_sp_catalog WHERE products_id={$products_id_to_copied} ORDER BY jng_sp_id"); while ($r = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq)) { $nav = $r['navigation']; $nav2 = $r['navigation2']; $nav3 = $r['navigation3']; $class_jc->addProduct($r['jng_sp_id'], $pid); $p_cat = $class_jc->retrieveCatalog($r['jng_sp_id'], "jc.products_id = '{$pid}'"); saveCatalog($p_cat[0]['jng_sp_catalog_id'], 'navigation', $nav); saveCatalog($p_cat[0]['jng_sp_catalog_id'], 'navigation2', $nav2); saveCatalog($p_cat[0]['jng_sp_catalog_id'], 'navigation3', $nav3); } } } }
<?php /** * Description of scorecardproductsmanagement * * @author IT TEAM BONOFACTUM * @created Jul 8, 2013 3:28:10 PM */ use_class('products_brand'); use_class('scorecard'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $brandlist = $class_pb->retrieveList(); $year_period = date('Y'); $year_previous = strval(intval($year_period) - 1); $current_month = date('m'); $categories_active = load_config('products-categories-sorting'); if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADTABLES') { $def_col_width = ' w080'; $classname_label = 'label w150'; $periods = array(); $periods_plan = array(); for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) { $year = $year_previous; $month = str_pad($m, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $p = $year . $month; $periods[] = $p; $periods_name[$p] = date('My', strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-01')); } for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) { $year = $year_period;
<?php use_class('jng_sp'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); use_class('products_minierp'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); //SP SETTING salesPartnerCombo(true); //GET PAGE $session_page = 'sp-products-manage'; $page = 1; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET['page']; } $is_all_sp = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? true : false; //FILTER OPTIONS $keywords = ''; $filter_query = " WHERE " . ($is_all_sp ? "" : "jc.jng_sp_id={$jng_sp_id} AND") . " jc.active_status='1'"; if (isset($_POST['nav-filter'])) { $navfiltered = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['nav-filter']); if ($navfiltered != '') { $_SESSION[$session_page]['nav-filter'] = $navfiltered; } else { unset($_SESSION[$session_page]['nav-filter']); } } elseif (isset($_SESSION[$session_page]['nav-filter'])) { $navfiltered = $_SESSION[$session_page]['nav-filter'];
function getEANReturnResult($partner_type, $products_data, $sp_id = '0') { use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('orders'); use_class('jng_sp_orders'); use_class('Product'); use_class('products_ean'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('products_articles'); use_class('products_brand'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_orders = new orders(); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $class_pean = new products_ean(); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_pa = new products_articles(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $result = "no data"; $product_id = $products_data["products_id"]; $product_article_id = $products_data["products_articles_id"]; if ($product_article_id > 0) { $articles_data = $class_pa->retrieveDetail($product_article_id); } $p_ean = $class_pean->getEAN($product_id, $product_article_id); $p = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($product_id, 'p,pd,cat,pnc'); //GETTING BRAND NAME $p_brand_id = $p['p']['products_brand_id']; $brand_data = $class_pb->retrieveDetail($p_brand_id); $brand_name = strtoupper(trim($brand_data['brand_name'])); $p_brand = $brand_name == '' ? 'JULIE & GRACE' : $brand_name; $p_code = $p['p']['products_model']; $p_category = mb_strtoupper($class_pm->retrieveCategoryName($p['categories_id'], 2)); //$p_shortname = "925 SILBER"; //it was $label_material //$p_shortname = ($sp_id=='5') ? strtoupper($p['pd']['2']['products_short_name']) : "925 SILBER"; $sp_used_am_logistic = array_keys(getSalesPartnerUseAmazonLogistic()); if (in_array($sp_id, $sp_used_am_logistic)) { $p_shortname = strtoupper($p['pd']['2']['products_short_name']); } else { $obj_product = new product($product_id); $metal_stamp_code = $obj_product->metal_stamp_code; $metal_stamp_info = $metal_stamp_code == 925 ? 'SILBER' : $obj_product->metal_stamp_info; $metal_stamp_info = $this->convertToGermanHex($metal_stamp_info); $p_shortname = strtoupper("{$metal_stamp_code} {$metal_stamp_info}"); } $p_length = $product_article_id > 0 ? $articles_data['length'] : $p['pnc']['products_length']; $p_length = $p_length > 0 ? strtoupper(str_replace(' ', '', textLength($p_length))) : ''; $p_targetaudience = strtoupper(LABEL_TARGET_AUDIENCE); //FOR TEMPORARY WE USING ONLY DAMEN if ($partner_type == 'sp') { $order_qty = intval($products_data["order_quantity"]); $p_price = $products_data['price']; } elseif ($partner_type == 'jg') { $order_qty = $products_data["products_quantity"]; $p_price = $products_data['final_price']; } elseif ($partner_type == 'dp') { $order_qty = $products_data["quantity"]; $p_price = '0'; } else { $order_qty = ''; $p_price = ''; } if ($p_ean != '') { $return_label = $p_ean . ";" . $p_category . ";" . $p_shortname . ";" . $p_price . " EUR;{$order_qty};{$sp_id};{$p_code};{$p_brand};{$p_length};{$p_targetaudience};{$p_brand_id}"; $result = $return_label; } return $result; }
private function renderFilter() { use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('products_brand'); use_class('CategoryTop'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $sp_datas = $class_sp->retrieveList(); $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList("active_status='1'"); //FILTER Order Type $order_type_selected = self::getSession(self::FILTER_ORDER_TYPE); $order_types = array(self::ORDER_TYPE_ALL => 'All Orders', self::ORDER_TYPE_JG => 'JG Orders'); $order_type_groups['SP Orders'][self::ORDER_TYPE_SP] = 'All SP Orders'; foreach ($sp_datas as $sp_id => $sp_data) { $order_type_groups['SP Orders'][$sp_id] = $sp_data['name']; } $order_type_groups['Depot Orders'] = $this->DP_ORDER_TYPES; $filter_order_type = '<select name="' . self::FILTER_ORDER_TYPE . '" class="cbo_filters">' . loadComboListFromArray($order_types, null, $order_type_selected, true, $order_type_groups) . '</select>'; /* Filter SP now merged into Filter Order Type array_unshift($sp_datas, array(self::FILTER_SP_ID => '0', 'name' => 'All Sales Partners')); $filter_sp = $class_sp->drawCombo($sp_datas, $this->filters_sp_id, '', self::FILTER_SP_ID, 'cbo_filters'); */ //FILTER Brand $brand_options = array(); $brand_options[0] = 'Show All Brands'; foreach ($brands as $b) { $brand_options[$b['products_brand_id']] = $b['brand_name']; } $filter_brand = '<select name="' . self::FILTER_BRAND_ID . '" class="cbo_filters">' . loadComboListFromArray($brand_options, null, $this->filters_brand_id, false) . '</select>'; //FILTER Category $category_selected = self::getSession(self::FILTER_CAT_ID); $categories = array('' => 'Show All Categories'); $category_groups = array(); while ($ct = CategoryTop::getOneByOneAsObject()) { if ($ct->getCategoriesTotalCount() > 0) { while ($cat = $ct->getCategoriesOneByOneAsObject()) { if ($cat->getProductCodePrefix() != "") { $category_groups[$ct->name][$cat->id] = $cat->getName(1); } } } } $filter_category = '<select name="' . self::FILTER_CAT_ID . '" class="cbo_filters">' . loadComboListFromArray($categories, null, $category_selected, true, $category_groups) . '</select>'; /* $filter_category = comboProductsCategory( self::FILTER_CAT_ID , self::FILTER_CAT_ID , $this->filters_cat_id , 'cbo_filters' , '' , 'Show All Category'); */ //FILTER Product ID/EAN $filter_prod_search = '<input type="text" name="' . self::FILTER_LIST_EAN . '" class="txt_filters input" value="' . $this->filters_list_ean . '" />'; //FILTER Order No. $filter_orders_no = '<input type="text" name="' . self::FILTER_LIST_ORDERS_NO . '" class="txt_filters" value="' . $this->filters_list_orders_no . '" />'; //FILTER Lead Time Start Date $filter_leadtime = '<input name="' . self::FILTER_LEADTIME_START_DATE . '" class="date_picker" value="' . $this->filters_leadtime_date_start . '"/>' . ' to <input name="' . self::FILTER_LEADTIME_END_DATE . '" class="date_picker" value="' . $this->filters_leadtime_date_end . '"/>' . ' <input type="button" value="Go" class="btn_filters_leadtime_go" ' . 'title="Apply lead time start date filter" />' . ' <input type="button" value="Clear" class="date_range_clear" ' . 'title="Clear lead time start date filter" />'; $enter_info = '<span class="notice smallText" style="font-weight:normal;">' . '(press <em>Enter</em> to filter)</span>'; $result .= '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">'; $result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Order Type</td>'; //$result .= '<td class="bold">Sales Partner</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Brand</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Category</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Product ID/EAN ' . $enter_info . '</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Order No. ' . $enter_info . '</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Lead Time Start Date</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr>' . '<td>' . $filter_order_type . '</td>' . '<td>' . $filter_brand . '</td>' . '<td>' . $filter_category . '</td>' . '<td>' . $filter_prod_search . '</td>' . '<td>' . $filter_orders_no . '</td>' . '<td>' . $filter_leadtime . '</td>' . '</tr>'; $result .= '</table></div>'; return $result; }
<?php use_class('products_minierp'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); //AJAX ACTION if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'PRODUCTSLINKADD') { $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['products_id']); $type = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['link_type']); $links_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['links_id']); use_class('products_linking'); $class_pl = new products_linking(); $added = $class_pl->add($products_id, $type, $links_id, true); if (count($added) == 0) { $links_id = '!' . $links_id; } echo utf8_encode($links_id); exit; } } //GET PAGE $session_page = 'sp-products-links-popup'; $page = 1; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET['page']; } //START TEMPLATE
/** * Add products to a family * @param Int $products_id * @return Boolean */ function addToFamily($products_id) { if (!is_array($products_id)) { $products_id = explode(',', $products_id); } if ($this->id != '') { use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $p_added = array(); //Avoid : //1) added product which color is same with product member of a family //2) added product which brand is different with family brand foreach ($products_id as $pid) { $cpids = $class_pm->loadColorPattern($pid); $new_product_brand_id = $class_pb->retrieveProductBrand($pid); $brand_ok = $new_product_brand_id == $this->brand_id; foreach ($cpids as $cpid) { if ($brand_ok && !in_array($cpid, $this->colors)) { $p_added[] = $pid; } } } if (count($p_added) > 0) { tep_db_query("UPDATE products SET family_id = '" . $this->id . "' WHERE products_id IN (" . implode(',', $p_added) . ")"); $this->recalcTotalMembers(); return true; } } return false; }
<?php use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); use_class('jng_sp'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : ''; if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'SAVEPRODUCTSBRAND') { $image_uploaded = false; $brand_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['brand_id']); $active_status = isset($_POST['active_status']) && $_POST['active_status'] == '1' ? '1' : '0'; $brand_name = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['brand_name']); $brand_description = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['brand_description'], true); $seo_text = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['seo_text'], true); $need_repackaging = isset($_POST['need_repackaging']) && $_POST['need_repackaging'] == '1' ? 1 : 0; if (isset($_FILES['brand_image']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['brand_image']['tmp_name'])) { $brand_folder = 'products_brand'; $brand_image_file = $brand_folder . '/' . $_FILES['brand_image']['name']; $brand_image_path = DIR_WS_IMAGES . $brand_image_file; if ($brand_id != '' && $brand['brand_image'] != '') { $brand = $class_pb->retrieveDetail($brand_id); if ($brand_image_file != $brand['brand_image'] && file_exists(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $brand['brand_image'])) { unlink(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $brand['brand_image']); } } if (!file_exists(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $brand_folder)) { mkdir(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $brand_folder, 0755); } $image_uploaded = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['brand_image']['tmp_name'], $brand_image_path); if ($image_uploaded) {
<?php /** * Description of tempamvdproductspricesfrompo * * @author IT TEAM BONOFACTUM * @created Nov 20, 2013 4:54:03 PM */ global $db; require_once '../confy.php'; require_once '../functions.php'; require_once '../functions-2.php'; require_once DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php'; tep_db_connect(); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $brand_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['brand_id']); if ($brand_id == '') { $brand_id = '24'; } $category_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['category_id']); $category_id_link = $category_id == 0 ? '' : '&category_id=' . $category_id; $hide_images = $_GET['hide_images'] == 'yes'; $hide_images_link = !$hide_images ? '' : '&hide_images=yes'; //RETRIEVE PRODUCT CATEGORIES $product_categories_name = array(); $catq = tep_db_query("SELECT c.categories_id, cd.categories_name FROM categories c INNER JOIN categories_description cd ON cd.categories_id=c.categories_id AND cd.language_id=1 WHERE c.parent_id=0"); while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($catq)) { $product_categories_name[$row['categories_id']] = $row['categories_name']; } $categories = load_config('products-categories-sorting');
function manageOrderList_drawFilter($dpo_option = 'ALL', $dpo_group = '', $ean_list = null, $date_start = null, $date_end = null, $brand_id = null, $cat_id = null) { $dpo_options = array(); $dpo_options['ALL'] = 'All Depot Orders'; $dpo_options['MMO'] = 'Missing Mixed Orders'; $dpo_options['MAN'] = 'Manual Refill Orders'; $dpo_options['OUT'] = 'Outsourcing Refill Orders'; $dpo_options['REF'] = 'Auto Refill Orders (ALL)'; $dpo_options['RFD'] = 'Auto Refill Orders (Daily)'; $dpo_options['RFZ'] = 'Auto Refill Orders (Zalando)'; $dpo_options['NRA'] = 'Non-Refill Orders (ALL)'; $dpo_options['NRI'] = 'Non-Refill Orders (Internal)'; $dpo_options['NRO'] = 'Non-Refill Orders (Outsourcing)'; $dpo_options['GRP'] = 'Specific Name'; $dpo_grp_options = array(); $dpo_grp_options = $this->retrieveGroupNameList(); if (count($dpo_grp_options) == 0) { $dpo_grp_options[] = 'No Specific Name found, please use other filter'; } else { array_unshift($dpo_grp_options, 'Select a name from the list'); } $show_group = array('NRA', 'NRI', 'NRO', 'GRP'); $show_group_combo = in_array($dpo_option, $show_group) ? '' : ' style="display:none;"'; use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList("active_status='1'"); $brand_options = array(); $brand_options[0] = 'Show All Brands'; foreach ($brands as $b) { $brand_options[$b['products_brand_id']] = $b['brand_name']; } $filter_dpo = '<select class="orders-dpoo">' . loadComboListFromArray($dpo_options, null, $dpo_option, false) . '</select>'; $filter_dpo .= '<select class="orders-dpoo-group"' . $show_group_combo . '>' . loadComboListFromArray($dpo_grp_options, $dpo_group, null, false) . '</select>'; $filter_brand = '<select name="brand_id">' . loadComboListFromArray($brand_options, null, $brand_id, false) . '</select>'; $filter_category = comboProductsCategory('cat_id', 'cat_id', $cat_id, '', '', 'Show All Category'); $filter_prod_search = '<input type="text" name="ean_list" class="product-id input2" value="' . $ean_list . '" />'; $filter_range_date = '<input name="date_range_start" class="date_picker" value="' . $date_start . '"/>'; $filter_range_date .= ' to '; $filter_range_date .= '<input name="date_range_end" class="date_picker" value="' . $date_end . '"/>'; $filter_range_date .= ' <input type="button" value="Go" class="date_range_go" title="Apply lead time start date filter" />'; $filter_range_date .= ' <input type="button" value="Clear" class="date_range_clear" title="Clear lead time start date filter" />'; $result .= '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">'; $result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td rowspan="2" class="w080 bold" style="v-align:middle;">Filter by:</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Depot Order Type</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Brand</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Category</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Product ID/EAN <span class="notice smallText" style="font-weight:normal;">(press <em>Enter</em> to filter)</span></td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Lead Time Start Date</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr><td>' . $filter_dpo . '</td><td>' . $filter_brand . '</td><td>' . $filter_category . '</td><td>' . $filter_prod_search . '</td><td>' . $filter_range_date . '</td></tr>'; $result .= '</table></div>'; return $result; }
require_once DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php'; tep_db_connect(); use_class('logger'); $logger = new logger('cron', 'print-pi'); //$logger->write('DEBUGGING MODE, NO PI IS REALLY PRINTED!'); //load settings for red paper $pi_settings = load_config('production-instruction-settings'); $sp_using_red_paper = explode(',', $pi_settings['red-paper-sp-id']); $brand_using_red_paper = explode(',', $pi_settings['red-paper-brand-id']); $type = isset($_POST['type']) ? tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['type']) : '*'; $mode = isset($_POST['mode']) ? tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['mode']) : '*'; $executer = isset($_POST['excecuter']) ? tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['excecuter']) : 'auto'; $logger->write("EXECUTED BY {$executer}"); use_class('production_instruction_pdf'); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); //inital settings $output = 'F'; $add_to_daily_statistic = true; $ignoreStockStatusDepot = false; $max_item_per_pi = 30; $pi_created = 0; $queue_w = array(); //white paper queue $queue_r = array(); //red paper queue //Get all ready for pi printed orders 1st time (notes: orders with item cancel requested is still included here, also outsourcing is excluded) $q = "SELECT * FROM"; $q .= " ("; $q_sp = ''; if ($type == '*' || $type == 'SP') {
function retrieveListProductOverview_drawFilter($ean_list = null, $date_start = null, $date_end = null, $brand_id = null, $cat_id = null) { use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList("active_status='1'"); $brand_options = array(); $brand_options[0] = 'Show All Brands'; foreach ($brands as $b) { $brand_options[$b['products_brand_id']] = $b['brand_name']; } $filter_brand = '<select name="brand_id">' . loadComboListFromArray($brand_options, null, $brand_id, false) . '</select>'; $filter_category = comboProductsCategory('cat_id', 'cat_id', $cat_id, '', '', 'Show All Category'); $filter_prod_search = '<input type="text" name="ean_list" class="product-id input2" value="' . $ean_list . '" />'; $filter_range_date = '<input name="date_range_start" class="date_picker" value="' . $date_start . '"/>'; $filter_range_date .= ' to '; $filter_range_date .= '<input name="date_range_end" class="date_picker" value="' . $date_end . '"/>'; $filter_range_date .= ' <input type="button" value="Go" class="date_range_go" title="Apply lead time start date filter" />'; $filter_range_date .= ' <input type="button" value="Clear" class="date_range_clear" title="Clear lead time start date filter" />'; $result .= '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">'; $result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td rowspan="2" class="w080 bold" style="v-align:middle;">Filter by:</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Brand</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Category</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Product ID/EAN <span class="notice smallText" style="font-weight:normal;">(press <em>Enter</em> to filter)</span></td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Lead Time Start Date</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr><td>' . $filter_brand . '</td><td>' . $filter_category . '</td><td>' . $filter_prod_search . '</td><td>' . $filter_range_date . '</td></tr>'; $result .= '</table></div>'; return $result; }
<?php use_class('jng_sp'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); //SP SETTING salesPartnerCombo(); //GET PAGE $session_page = 'analysis-vc'; $page = 1; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET['page']; } //FILTER OPTIONS $keywords = ''; $filter_query = " WHERE jc.jng_sp_id={$jng_sp_id} AND jc.active_date!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'"; if (isset($_POST['nav-filter'])) { $navfiltered = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['nav-filter']); if ($navfiltered != '') { $_SESSION[$session_page]['nav-filter'] = $navfiltered; } else { unset($_SESSION[$session_page]['nav-filter']); } } elseif (isset($_SESSION[$session_page]['nav-filter'])) { $navfiltered = $_SESSION[$session_page]['nav-filter']; } if ($navfiltered != '') { $filter_query .= " AND (jc.navigation='{$navfiltered}' OR jc.navigation2 LIKE '%{$navfiltered}%')";
<?php ######################################### # Author : D3W4 & SAHAT # # Created : Mar 18, 2011 2:11:13 PM # ######################################### use_class('logger'); use_class('products_search'); use_class('products_brand'); $class_ps = new products_search($session_userinfo); $class_pb = new products_brand(); if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'UPDATEBRAND') { $pids = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['pids']); $new_brand_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['new_brand_id']); $new_brand_name = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['new_brand_name']); $n_request = count(explode(',', $pids)); $n_updated = 0; if ($pids != "" && $n_request > 0) { $n_updated = $class_pb->updateProductBrand($pids, $new_brand_id); } $result = array(); $result['total_request'] = $n_request; $result['total_updated'] = $n_updated; $result['new_brand_name'] = $new_brand_name; ajaxReturn($result); } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'UPDATEPROMONAME') { $pids = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['pids']); $new_promoname = tep_db_prepare_input(utf8_decode($_POST['new_promoname'])); $n_updated = count(explode(',', $pids)); if ($pids != "" && $n_updated > 0) {
$content .= ' <div style="float:left;">'; $content .= ' <h2>Antitarnish Liquid Usage</h2>'; $content .= ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $content .= ' <tr><th style="width:150px;">Configuration</th><th colspan="2" style="width:150px;">Value</th></tr>'; $content .= ' <tr class="o"><td>Silver Usage</td><td>' . $input72 . '</td><td>gram</td></tr>'; $content .= ' <tr class="e"><td>Antitarnish Usage</td><td>' . $input73 . '</td><td>liter</td></tr>'; $content .= ' </table>'; $content .= ' </div>'; $content .= '</div>'; //#production .draw-table // //Production Instruction Settings Form use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('products_brand'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $sps = $class_sp->retrieveList(); $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList('active_status=1'); $content .= '<div id="production-instruction" class="draw-table" style="clear:both;padding-top:20px;">'; $content .= ' <div style="float:left;">'; $content .= ' <h2>Production Instruction (PI) Using Red Paper</h2>'; $content .= ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $content .= ' <tr><th style="width:150px;">Configuration</th><th style="width:550px;">Value</th></tr>'; $content .= ' <tr class="o"><td>Sales Partner</td><td>'; $checked = in_array('0', $sp_using_red_paper) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $cbid = 'set-pi-red-sp-0'; $content .= '<div class="float-left w080 tal" style="margin:2px 0;"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $cbid . '" name="' . $cbid . '" value="0" ' . $checked . '/><label for="' . $cbid . '"> JG.DE</label></div>'; foreach ($sps as $sp_id => $dt) { $cbid = 'set-pi-red-sp-' . $sp_id; $checked = in_array($sp_id, $sp_using_red_paper) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $content .= '<div class="float-left w080 tal" style="margin:2px 0;"><input type="checkbox" id="' . $cbid . '" name="' . $cbid . '" value="' . $sp_id . '" ' . $checked . '/><label for="' . $cbid . '"> ' . $dt['package_prefix'] . '</label></div>';
<?php use_class('jng_sp'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); use_class('products_linking'); $class_pl = new products_linking(); $maxlinks = array('C' => 5, 'U' => 1, 'A' => 3, 'D' => 3); $maxlinks_js = 'var maxlink = new Object;'; foreach ($maxlinks as $type => $maxnum) { $maxlinks_js .= "\t\t" . "maxlink.{$type} = {$maxnum};\n"; } //SP SETTING salesPartnerCombo(); //GET PAGE $session_page = 'sp-products-links'; $page = 1; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET['page']; } //AJAX ACTION if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADPRODUCTLINKS') { function drawThumbs($links, $type, $addlink) { global $maxlinks; $results = ''; if (is_array($links[$type]) && count($links[$type]) > 0) {
function comboProductsBrand($id, $name = '', $value = '', $class = '', $html_params = '', $filter = '') { use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList($filter, 'brand_name'); $navoptions = '<select id="' . $id . '"'; if ($name != '') { $navoptions .= ' name="' . $name . '"'; } if ($class != '') { $navoptions .= ' class="' . $class . '"'; } if ($html_params != '') { $navoptions .= ' ' . $html_params; } $navoptions .= '>'; $selected = $value == '' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $navoptions .= '<option value="" ' . $selected . '>Please select a brand...</option>'; $navoptions .= '<option value="0" ' . ($value == '0' ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>No Special Brand</option>'; //$navoptions .= loadComboList('products_brand', 'products_brand_id', 'brand_name', $value, "active_status = '1'"); foreach ($brands as $brand_id => $brand_data) { $navoptions .= '<option value="' . $brand_id . '" ' . ($value == $brand_id ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $brand_data['brand_name'] . '</option>'; } $navoptions .= '</select>'; return $navoptions; }
function manageOrderList_drawFilter($jng_sp_id, $ean_list = null, $date_start = null, $date_end = null, $brand_id = null, $cat_id = null, $orders_no = '') { use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('products_brand'); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $spdata = $class_sp->retrieveList(); $brands = $class_pb->retrieveList("active_status='1'"); array_unshift($spdata, array('jng_sp_id' => '0', 'name' => 'All Sales Partners')); $filter_sp = $class_sp->drawCombo($spdata, $jng_sp_id, '', 'jng_sp_id', 'orders-spid'); $brand_options = array(); $brand_options[0] = 'Show All Brands'; foreach ($brands as $b) { $brand_options[$b['products_brand_id']] = $b['brand_name']; } $filter_brand = '<select name="brand_id">' . loadComboListFromArray($brand_options, null, $brand_id, false) . '</select>'; $filter_category = comboProductsCategory('cat_id', 'cat_id', $cat_id, '', '', 'Show All Category'); $filter_prod_search = '<input type="text" name="ean_list" class="product-id input" value="' . $ean_list . '" />'; $filter_range_date = '<input name="date_range_start" class="date_picker" value="' . $date_start . '"/>'; $filter_range_date .= ' to <input name="date_range_end" class="date_picker" value="' . $date_end . '"/>'; $filter_range_date .= ' <input type="button" value="Go" class="date_range_go" title="Apply lead time start date filter" />'; $filter_range_date .= ' <input type="button" value="Clear" class="date_range_clear" title="Clear lead time start date filter" />'; $filter_orders_no = '<input type="text" name="orders_no" class="orders-no" value="' . (is_array($orders_no) ? implode(",", $orders_no) : $orders_no) . '" />'; $enter_info = '<span class="notice smallText" style="font-weight:normal;">(press <em>Enter</em> to filter)</span>'; $result .= '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">'; $result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $result .= '<tr>'; $result .= '<td rowspan="2" class="w080 bold" style="v-align:middle;">Filter by:</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Sales Partner</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Brand</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Category</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Product ID/EAN ' . $enter_info . '</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Order No. ' . $enter_info . '</td>'; $result .= '<td class="bold">Lead Time Start Date</td>'; $result .= '</tr>'; $result .= '<tr><td>' . $filter_sp . '</td><td>' . $filter_brand . '</td><td>' . $filter_category . '</td><td>' . $filter_prod_search . '</td><td>' . $filter_orders_no . '</td><td>' . $filter_range_date . '</td></tr>'; $result .= '</table></div>'; return $result; }