<?php require "init.php"; import("models.database"); import("models.settings"); import("models.products"); import("lib.postget"); import("lib.external.minecraft"); # Check if required vars exist if (!postget::has("get", "gateway", "products", "player")) { echo "Bad request"; exit; } # Check if the gateway exists $gateway = $_GET["gateway"]; if (!import("gateways", $gateway)) { echo "Non-existing gateway D:"; exit; } # If it does, create a class of it $class = ucfirst($gateway) . "Gateway"; $gw = new $class(); # Get the products $product_ids = explode(",", $_GET["products"]); $products = new Products($product_ids); # Calculate the total price and make a csv $price = $products->price(); $csv = $products->CSV(); $player = $_GET["player"]; # Verify the username is a payed minecraft user if (!Minecraft::verifyUsername($player)) {
import("models.admin"); import("lib.postget"); # Load the settings $settings = Settings::get(); #=================================== # Create a new admin, which will # either check the users post details # against the database or check # the users session details #=================================== # Checks if required variables are present. if (!postget::has("post", "email", "password")) { die("Username and password required"); } # Gets optional vairables, and uses the default if not present $additional = postget::get($_POST, array("remember" => false, "ipchange" => false)); $admin = new admin($_POST['email'], $_POST['password'], $additional['remember'], $additional['ipchange']); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <!-- Echo title from the database --> <title><?php echo $settings['storetitle']; ?> | Admin Panel</title> <!-- Import Bootstrap --> <?php HTMLA::css("../static/css/bootstrap.min.css"); ?>
<?php require "init.php"; import("lib.less"); import("lib.postget"); header("Content-type: text/css"); header("X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff"); if (!postget::has("get", "template", "name")) { header("Status: 404 Not Found"); die("/* I need a template and a name! */"); } $template = $_GET["template"]; $name = $_GET["name"]; function loadcssfile($file, $cacheFile) { // load the cache if (file_exists($cacheFile)) { $cache = unserialize(file_get_contents($cacheFile)); } else { $cache = $file; } $less = new lessc(); $less->setFormatter("compressed"); $less->setImportDir(array(__ROOT__ . DS . ".." . DS . "style" . DS . "less")); $newCache = $less->cachedCompile($cache); if (!is_array($cache) || $newCache["updated"] > $cache["updated"]) { @file_put_contents($cacheFile, serialize($newCache)); } return $newCache['compiled']; } $lesswrapper = function ($template, $name) {