コード例 #1
ファイル: addfloor.php プロジェクト: jechiy/PHPWind
bbsSeoSettings('read', '', $foruminfo['name'], $foruminfo['topictype'][$read['type']], $read['subject'], $read['tags'], $_summary);
require_once R_P . 'require/showimg.php';
$readdb = $authorids = array();
if ($forumset['overprint']) {
    $overPrintService = L::loadclass("overprint", 'forum');
    $overprint = $overPrintService->getOverPrintIcon($read['overprint']);
if ($forumset['viewpic'] && !$winduid) {
    $viewpic = 1;
if ($read['modelid'] || $foruminfo['modelid']) {
    L::loadClass('posttopic', 'forum', false);
    $postTopic = new postTopic($read);
if ($read['special'] > 20 || $foruminfo['pcid']) {
    L::loadClass('postcate', 'forum', false);
    $postCate = new postCate($read);
if ($read['special'] == 8 || $foruminfo['actmids']) {
    L::loadClass('ActivityForBbs', 'activity', false);
    $postActForBbs = new PW_ActivityForBbs($data);
if ($read['modelid']) {
    $modelid = $read['modelid'];
    $topicvalue = $postTopic->getTopicvalue($read['modelid']);
    $initSearchHtml = $postTopic->initSearchHtml($read['modelid']);
    foreach ($postTopic->topicmodeldb as $key => $value) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: postmodify.php プロジェクト: adi00/wumaproject
    $type = $atcdb['type'];
    $special = $atcdb['special'];
    $modelid = $atcdb['modelid'];
    $pcid = $atcdb['special'] > 20 ? $atcdb['special'] - 20 : 0;
    $isCheck_hiddenPost = $atcdb['shares'] ? "checked" : "";
    $isCheck_anonymous = $atcdb['anonymous'] ? "checked" : "";
} else {
    $special = $modelid = $pcid = 0;
if ($pcid > 0 || $modelid > 0) {
    $db_forcetype = 0;
if ($modelid) {
    require_once R_P . 'lib/posttopic.class.php';
    $postTopic = new postTopic($pwpost);
    if ($postTopic) {
    $topichtml = $postTopic->getTopicHtml($modelid);
if ($pcid > 0) {
    require_once R_P . 'lib/postcate.class.php';
    $postCate = new postCate($pwpost);
    if ($postCate) {
    $topichtml = $postCate->getCateHtml($pcid);
$page = floor($article / $db_readperpage) + 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: topiccate.php プロジェクト: jechiy/PHPWind
                list($rt['name1'], $rt['name2']) = explode('{#}', $rt['name']);
                $fielddb[$rt['fieldid']] = $rt;
        include PrintEot('topiccate');
    } elseif ($step == '2') {
        S::gp(array('ifable', 'vieworder', 'ifsearch', 'ifasearch', 'threadshow', 'ifmust', 'textsize'));
        foreach ($vieworder as $key => $value) {
            $db->update("UPDATE pw_topicfield SET " . S::sqlSingle(array('ifable' => $ifable[$key], 'vieworder' => $value, 'ifsearch' => $ifsearch[$key], 'ifasearch' => $ifasearch[$key], 'threadshow' => $threadshow[$key], 'ifmust' => $ifmust[$key], 'textsize' => $textsize[$key])) . " WHERE fieldid=" . S::sqlEscape($key));
        adminmsg("operate_success", $basename . "&action=editmodel&cateid=" . $cateid . "&modelid=" . $modelid);
    } elseif ($step == '3') {
        L::loadClass('posttopic', 'forum', false);
        $pwpost = array();
        $postTopic = new postTopic($pwpost);
        $topichtml = $postTopic->getTopicHtml($modelid);
        include PrintEot('topiccate');
} elseif ($action == 'editmodelname') {
    define('AJAX', 1);
    if (empty($_POST['step'])) {
        $ajax_basename = EncodeUrl($basename . '&action=editmodelname&');
        $modeldb = getModeldbByCateid($cateid);
        include PrintEot('topiccate');
    } else {
        S::gp(array('vieworder'), 'P', 2);
コード例 #4
ファイル: preview.php プロジェクト: sherlockhouse/aliyun
!defined('P_W') && exit('Forbidden');
require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php';
S::gp(array('pcid', 'modelid'), 'P', 2);
$fielddb = array();
$data = array();
$atc_content = S::escapeChar(stripslashes(S::getGP('atc_content', 'P')));
$pcinfo = S::escapeChar(stripslashes(S::getGP('pcinfo', 'P')));
if ($modelid > 0) {
    $query = $db->query("SELECT fieldid,fieldname FROM pw_topicfield WHERE modelid=" . S::sqlEscape($modelid));
    while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $fielddb[$rt['fieldid']] = $rt['fieldname'];
    $pcdb = getPcviewdata($pcinfo, 'topic');
    L::loadClass('posttopic', 'forum', false);
    $postTopic = new postTopic($data);
    $topicvalue = $postTopic->getTopicvalue($modelid, $pcdb);
} elseif ($pcid > 0) {
    $query = $db->query("SELECT fieldid,fieldname FROM pw_pcfield WHERE pcid=" . S::sqlEscape($pcid));
    while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $fielddb[$rt['fieldname']] = $rt['fieldid'];
    $pcdb = getPcviewdata($pcinfo, 'postcate');
    L::loadClass('postcate', 'forum', false);
    $postCate = new postCate($data);
    list(, $topicvalue) = $postCate->getCatevalue($pcid, $pcdb);
$atc_content = wordsConvert($atc_content);
$atc_content = convert($atc_content, $db_windpost);
$preatc = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $atc_content);
require_once R_P . 'require/header.php';
コード例 #5
ファイル: pw_ajax.php プロジェクト: adi00/wumaproject
    if ($count > 20) {
    $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_friendtype(uid,name) VALUES(" . pwEscape($winduid) . "," . pwEscape($typename) . ")");
    $id = $db->insert_id();
    if ($id) {
        echo "success\t{$id}\t{$typename}";
    } else {
} elseif ($action == 'asearch') {
    InitGP(array('fid', 'modelid', 'pcid'));
    if ($modelid) {
        require_once R_P . 'lib/posttopic.class.php';
        $postTopic = new postTopic($pwpost);
        $query = $db->query("SELECT fieldid,name,type,rules,vieworder,textsize FROM pw_topicfield WHERE modelid = " . pwEscape($modelid) . " AND ifable='1' AND ifasearch='1' ORDER BY vieworder ASC,fieldid ASC");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            list($rt['name1'], $rt['name2']) = explode('{#}', $rt['name']);
            $rt['searchhtml'] = $postTopic->getASearchHtml($rt['type'], $rt['fieldid'], $rt['textsize'], $rt['rules']);
            $asearchdb[$rt['fieldid']] = $rt;
    } elseif ($pcid) {
        require_once R_P . 'lib/postcate.class.php';
        $postTopic = new postCate($pwpost);
        $query = $db->query("SELECT fieldid,name,type,rules,vieworder,textsize FROM pw_pcfield WHERE pcid = " . pwEscape($pcid) . " AND ifable='1' AND ifasearch='1' ORDER BY vieworder ASC,fieldid ASC");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            list($rt['name1'], $rt['name2']) = explode('{#}', $rt['name']);
            $rt['searchhtml'] = $postTopic->getASearchHtml($rt['type'], $rt['fieldid'], $rt['textsize'], $rt['rules']);
            $asearchdb[$rt['fieldid']] = $rt;
コード例 #6
ファイル: area_thread.php プロジェクト: jechiy/PHPWind
        Cookie("concle", "1", 0);
    } else {
        $concle = 1;
        $managemode = 0;
        Cookie("concle", "", 0);
    $trd_adminhide = "<form action=\"mawhole.php\" method=\"post\" name=\"mawhole\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fid\" value=\"{$fid}\">";
} else {
    $trd_adminhide = '';
$colspannum = 6;
/*分类、团购 start*/
if ($foruminfo['modelid'] || $modelid > 0) {
    L::loadClass('posttopic', 'forum', false);
    $postTopic = new postTopic($pwpost);
    $modelids = explode(",", $foruminfo['modelid']);
    if ($foruminfo['modelid']) {
        $N_allowtopicopen = true;
    } else {
        $N_allowtopicopen = false;
if ($foruminfo['pcid'] || $pcid > 0) {
    L::loadClass('postcate', 'forum', false);
    $postCate = new postCate($pwpost);
    $pcids = explode(",", $foruminfo['pcid']);
    if ($foruminfo['pcid']) {
        $N_allowpostcateopen = true;
    } else {
コード例 #7
 function getSearchvalue($field, $type, $alltidtype = false, $backtype = false)
     global $db_perpage, $page, $modelid, $fid, $basename;
     $field = unserialize(StrCode($field, 'DECODE'));
     $sqladd = '';
     $fid && ($sqladd .= " fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid));
     $fielddb = postTopic::getFieldData($modelid, $type);
     foreach ($field as $key => $value) {
         if ($value) {
             if (in_array($fielddb[$key]['type'], array('number', 'radio', 'select'))) {
                 $sqladd .= $sqladd ? " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . "=" . S::sqlEscape($value) : $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . "=" . S::sqlEscape($value);
             } elseif ($fielddb[$key]['type'] == 'checkbox') {
                 $checkboxs = '';
                 foreach ($value as $cv) {
                     $checkboxs .= $checkboxs ? ',' . $cv : $cv;
                 $value = '%,' . $checkboxs . ',%';
                 $sqladd .= $sqladd ? " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . " LIKE(" . S::sqlEscape($value) . ")" : $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . " LIKE(" . S::sqlEscape($value) . ")";
             } elseif ($fielddb[$key]['type'] == 'calendar' && ($value['start'] || $value['end'])) {
                 $value['start'] && ($value['start'] = PwStrtoTime($value['start']));
                 $value['end'] && ($value['end'] = PwStrtoTime($value['end']));
                 if ($value['start'] > $value['end'] && $value['start'] && $value['end']) {
                 $sqladd .= $sqladd ? " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . ">=" . S::sqlEscape($value['start']) . " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . "<=" . S::sqlEscape($value['end']) : $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . ">=" . S::sqlEscape($value['start']) . " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . "<=" . S::sqlEscape($value['end']);
             } elseif (in_array($fielddb[$key]['type'], array('text', 'url', 'email', 'textarea'))) {
                 $value = '%' . $value . '%';
                 $sqladd .= $sqladd ? " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . " LIKE(" . S::sqlEscape($value) . ")" : $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . " LIKE(" . S::sqlEscape($value) . ")";
             } elseif ($fielddb[$key]['type'] == 'range' && $value['min'] && $value['max']) {
                 $sqladd .= $sqladd ? " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . ">=" . S::sqlEscape($value['min']) . " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . "<=" . S::sqlEscape($value['max']) : $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . ">=" . S::sqlEscape($value['min']) . " AND " . $fielddb[$key]['fieldname'] . "<=" . S::sqlEscape($value['max']);
             } else {
                 $sqladd .= '';
     if ($sqladd) {
         !$page && ($page = 1);
         $start = ($page - 1) * $db_perpage;
         $limit = S::sqlLimit($start, $db_perpage);
         $tablename = GetTopcitable($modelid);
         $sqladd .= $sqladd ? " AND ifrecycle=0" : " ifrecycle=0";
         $count = $this->db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {$tablename} WHERE {$sqladd}");
         $query = $this->db->query("SELECT tid FROM {$tablename} WHERE {$sqladd} {$limit}");
         while ($rt = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) {
             $tiddb[] = $rt['tid'];
         if ($alltidtype) {
             $query = $this->db->query("SELECT tid FROM {$tablename} WHERE {$sqladd}");
             while ($rt = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) {
                 $alltiddb[] = $rt['tid'];
         !$count && ($count = -1);
     } else {
         if ($backtype) {
             adminmsg('topic_search_none', "{$basename}&action=topic&modelid={$modelid}");
     return array($count, $tiddb, $alltiddb);
コード例 #8
ファイル: topiccate.php プロジェクト: adi00/wumaproject
             $asearchhtml .= getSearchHtml($rt);
     $searchhtml .= '</span>';
     $asearchhtml .= '</span>';
     if (strpos($searchhtml, '</span></span>') !== false) {
         $searchhtml = str_replace('</span></span>', '</span>', $searchhtml);
     if (strpos($asearchhtml, '</span></span>') !== false) {
         $asearchhtml = str_replace('</span></span>', '</span>', $asearchhtml);
     $tablename = GetTopcitable($modelid);
 if ($step == 'search') {
     require_once R_P . 'lib/posttopic.class.php';
     $searchTopic = new postTopic($field);
     if (!$newfield) {
         $newfield = StrCode(serialize($field));
     list($count, $tiddb, $alltiddb) = $searchTopic->getSearchvalue($newfield, 'one', true, true);
     is_array($tiddb) && ($sql .= " AND tv.tid IN(" . pwImplode($tiddb) . ")");
     is_array($alltiddb) && ($alltids = implode(',', $alltiddb));
 if ($step != 'search' || !$count) {
     $alltiddb = $threadb = $newtiddb = array();
     $query = $db->query("SELECT tid FROM {$tablename} WHERE ifrecycle=0");
     while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
         $alltiddb[] = $rt['tid'];
     if ($alltiddb) {
         $query = $db->query("SELECT tid FROM pw_threads WHERE tid IN(" . pwImplode($alltiddb) . ")");
コード例 #9
ファイル: thread.php プロジェクト: jechiy/PHPWind
        $trd_adminhide = "<form action=\"mawhole.php?{$viewbbs}\" method=\"post\" name=\"mawhole\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fid\" value=\"{$fid}\">";
} else {
    $trd_adminhide = '';
$colspannum = 6;
if ($foruminfo['allowtype'] && ($foruminfo['allowtype'] & 1 || $foruminfo['allowtype'] & 2 && $_G['allownewvote'] || $foruminfo['allowtype'] & 4 && $_G['allowactive'] || $foruminfo['allowtype'] & 8 && $_G['allowreward'] || $foruminfo['allowtype'] & 16 || $foruminfo['allowtype'] & 32 && $_G['allowdebate'])) {
    $N_allowtypeopen = true;
} else {
    $N_allowtypeopen = false;
/*分类、团购、活动 start*/
if ($foruminfo['modelid'] || $modelid > 0) {
    L::loadClass('posttopic', 'forum', false);
    $postTopic = new postTopic($pwpost);
    $modelids = explode(",", $foruminfo['modelid']);
    if ($foruminfo['modelid']) {
        $N_allowtypeopen = true;
if ($foruminfo['pcid'] || $pcid > 0) {
    L::loadClass('postcate', 'forum', false);
    $postCate = new postCate($pwpost);
    $pcids = explode(",", $foruminfo['pcid']);
    if ($foruminfo['pcid']) {
        $N_allowtypeopen = true;