コード例 #1
 * delete item
 * This is a standard function that is called whenever an administrator
 * wishes to delete a current module item.  Note that this function is
 * the equivalent of both of the modify() and update() functions above as
 * it both creates a form and processes its output.  This is fine for
 * simpler functions, but for more complex operations such as creation and
 * modification it is generally easier to separate them into separate
 * functions.  There is no requirement in the PostNuke MDG to do one or the
 * other, so either or both can be used as seen appropriate by the module
 * developer
 * @param 'tid' the id of the item to be deleted
 * @param 'confirmation' confirmation that this item can be deleted
function template_admin_delete($args)
    // Get parameters from whatever input we need.  All arguments to this
    // function should be obtained from pnVarCleanFromInput(), getting them
    // from other places such as the environment is not allowed, as that makes
    // assumptions that will not hold in future versions of PostNuke
    list($tid, $objectid, $confirmation) = pnVarCleanFromInput('tid', 'objectid', 'confirmation');
    // User functions of this type can be called by other modules.  If this
    // happens then the calling module will be able to pass in arguments to
    // this function through the $args parameter.  Hence we extract these
    // arguments *after* we have obtained any form-based input through
    // pnVarCleanFromInput().
    // At this stage we check to see if we have been passed $objectid, the
    // generic item identifier.  This could have been passed in by a hook or
    // through some other function calling this as part of a larger module, but
    // if it exists it overrides $tid
    // Note that this module couuld just use $objectid everywhere to avoid all
    // of this munging of variables, but then the resultant code is less
    // descriptive, especially where multiple objects are being used.  The
    // decision of which of these ways to go is up to the module developer
    if (!empty($objectid)) {
        $tid = $objectid;
    // Load API.  Note that this is loading the user API, that is because the
    // user API contains the function to obtain item information which is the
    // first thing that we need to do.  If the API fails to load an appropriate
    // error message is posted and the function returns
    if (!pnModAPILoad('Template', 'user')) {
        return $output->GetOutput();
    // The user API function is called.  This takes the item ID which we
    // obtained from the input and gets us the information on the appropriate
    // item.  If the item does not exist we post an appropriate message and
    // return
    $item = pnModAPIFunc('Template', 'user', 'get', array('tid' => $tid));
    if ($item == false) {
        return $output->GetOutput();
    // Security check - important to do this as early as possible to avoid
    // potential security holes or just too much wasted processing.  However,
    // in this case we had to wait until we could obtain the item name to
    // complete the instance information so this is the first chance we get to
    // do the check
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Template::Item', "{$item['name']}::{$tid}", ACCESS_DELETE)) {
        return $output->GetOutput();
    // Check for confirmation.
    if (empty($confirmation)) {
        // No confirmation yet - display a suitable form to obtain confirmation
        // of this action from the user
        // Create output object - this object will store all of our output so
        // that we can return it easily when required
        $output = new pnHTML();
        // Add menu to output - it helps if all of the module pages have a
        // standard menu at their head to aid in navigation
        // Title - putting a title ad the head of each page reminds the user
        // what they are doing
        // Add confirmation to output.  Note that this uses a pnHTML helper
        // function to produce the requested confirmation in a standard
        // fashion.  This not only cuts down on code within the module but
        // allows it to be altered in future without the module developer
        // having to worry about it
        $output->ConfirmAction(_CONFIRMTEMPLATEDELETE, pnModURL('Template', 'admin', 'delete'), _CANCELTEMPLATEDELETE, pnVarPrepForDisplay(pnModURL('Template', 'admin', 'view')), array('tid' => $tid));
        // Return the output that has been generated by this function
        return $output->GetOutput();
    // If we get here it means that the user has confirmed the action
    // Confirm authorisation code.  This checks that the form had a valid
    // authorisation code attached to it.  If it did not then the function will
    // proceed no further as it is possible that this is an attempt at sending
    // in false data to the system
    if (!pnSecConfirmAuthKey()) {
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _BADAUTHKEY);
        pnRedirect(pnModURL('Template', 'admin', 'view'));
        return true;
    // Load API.  All of the actual work for the deletion of the item is done
    // within the API, so we need to load that in before before we can do
    // anything.  If the API fails to load an appropriate error message is
    // posted and the function returns
    if (!pnModAPILoad('Template', 'admin')) {
        return $output->GetOutput();
    // The API function is called.  Note that the name of the API function and
    // the name of this function are identical, this helps a lot when
    // programming more complex modules.  The arguments to the function are
    // passed in as their own arguments array.
    // The return value of the function is checked here, and if the function
    // suceeded then an appropriate message is posted.  Note that if the
    // function did not succeed then the API function should have already
    // posted a failure message so no action is required
    if (pnModAPIFunc('Template', 'admin', 'delete', array('tid' => $tid))) {
        // Success
        pnSessionSetVar('statusmsg', _TEMPLATEDELETED);
    // This function generated no output, and so now it is complete we redirect
    // the user to an appropriate page for them to carry on their work
    pnRedirect(pnModURL('Template', 'admin', 'view'));
    // Return
    return true;