コード例 #1
 function __plugins()
     		$ha    = array();
     		$net   = array();
     		$mgmt  = array();
     		$moni  = array();
     		$misc  = array();
     		$dep   = array();
     		$enter = array();
     $return = $this->response->html->div();
     $plugin = new plugin();
     $plugins = $plugin->available();
     foreach ($plugins as $k => $v) {
         $p = $plugin->get_config($v);
         $link = '';
         $hook = $this->openqrm->get('webdir') . "/plugins/" . $v . "/openqrm-" . $v . "-appliance-edit-hook.php";
         if ($this->file->exists($hook)) {
             require_once $hook;
             $function = str_replace("-", "_", 'get_' . $v . '_appliance_edit');
             if (function_exists($function)) {
                 $id = $this->apliance_id;
                 $link = $function($id, $this->openqrm, $this->response);
                 if (is_object($link)) {
                     $link->label = ucfirst($v);
                     $link->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                     $link->css = "edit";
                     $link->title = preg_replace('~(.*?)<a.*>(.*?)</a>(.*?)~i', '$1$2$3', $p['description']);
         if (isset($link) && $link !== '') {
     return $return;
     			if(isset($link) && $link !== '') {
     				switch($p['type']) {
     					case 'HA':
     						$ha[] = $link;
     					case 'monitoring':
     						$moni[] = $link;
     					case 'management':
     						$mgmt[] = $link;
     					case 'misc':
     						$misc[] = $link;
     					case 'network':
     						$net[] = $link;
     					case 'deployment':
     						$dep[] = $link;
     					case 'enterprise':
     						$enter[] = $link;
     		if(count($ha) < 1) {
     			$ha[] = $this->lang['no_plugin_available'];
     		if(count($net) < 1) {
     			$net[] = $this->lang['no_plugin_available'];
     		if(count($mgmt) < 1) {
     			$mgmt[] = $this->lang['no_plugin_available'];
     		if(count($moni) < 1) {
     			$moni[] = $this->lang['no_plugin_available'];
     		if(count($misc) < 1) {
     			$misc[] = $this->lang['no_plugin_available'];
     		if(count($dep) < 1) {
     			$dep[] = $this->lang['no_plugin_available'];
     		if(count($enter) < 1) {
     			$enter[] = $this->lang['no_plugin_available'];
     		return array(
     				'plugin_ha' => $ha,
     				'plugin_net' => $net,
     				'plugin_mgmt' => $mgmt,
     				'plugin_moni' => $moni,
     				'plugin_dep' => $dep,
     				'plugin_misc' => $misc,
     				'plugin_enter' => $enter
コード例 #2
 function select()
     $icon_started = $this->lang['action_stop'];
     $icon_stopped = $this->lang['action_start'];
     $icon_enabled = $this->lang['action_disable'];
     $icon_disabled = $this->lang['action_enable'];
     $plugin = new plugin();
     $plugins_available = $plugin->available();
     $plugins_enabled = $plugin->enabled();
     $plugins_started = $plugin->started();
     $h = array();
     $h['name']['title'] = $this->lang['table_name'];
     $h['type']['title'] = '&#160;';
     $h['type']['sortable'] = '&#160;';
     $h['type_n']['title'] = $this->lang['table_type'];
     $h['type_n']['hidden'] = true;
     $h['description']['title'] = $this->lang['table_description'];
     $h['description']['sortable'] = false;
     $h['configure']['title'] = "&#160;";
     $h['configure']['sortable'] = false;
     $h['enabled']['title'] = "&#160;";
     $h['enabled']['sortable'] = false;
     $h['enabled_n']['title'] = $this->lang['table_enabled'];
     $h['enabled_n']['hidden'] = true;
     $h['started']['title'] = "&#160;";
     $h['started']['sortable'] = false;
     $h['started_n']['title'] = $this->lang['table_started'];
     $h['started_n']['hidden'] = true;
     $table = $this->response->html->tablebuilder('plugins', $this->response->get_array($this->actions_name, 'select'));
     $table->max = count($plugins_available);
     $table->sort = 'name';
     $table->limit = 0;
     $table->order = 'ASC';
     $tps = $table->get_params();
     $tp = '';
     foreach ($tps['plugins'] as $k => $v) {
         $tp .= '&plugins[' . $k . ']=' . $v;
     $RootDir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/openqrm/base/';
     $thisfile = $this->response->html->thisfile;
     $b = array();
     $plugtype = array();
     $i = 0;
     $openqrm_version = $this->openqrm->get('config', 'SERVER_VERSION');
     foreach ($plugins_available as $index => $plugin_name) {
         $tmp = $plugin->get_config($plugin_name);
         $plugin_description = $tmp['description'];
         $plugin_type = $tmp['type'];
         $plugtype[] = $plugin_type;
         $plugin_version = $tmp['version'];
         $plugin_major = substr($plugin_version, 0, strpos($plugin_version, '.'));
         $plugin_minor = substr($plugin_version, strpos($plugin_version, '.') + 1);
         $plugin_minor = substr($plugin_minor, 0, strpos($plugin_minor, '.'));
         $plugin_base_version = $plugin_major . "." . $plugin_minor;
         if (!strlen($this->response->html->request()->get('plugin_filter')) || strstr($this->response->html->request()->get('plugin_filter'), $plugin_type)) {
             $b[$i] = array();
             // plugin version mismatch
             if ($openqrm_version != $plugin_base_version) {
                 $b[$i]['name'] = $plugin_name;
                 $b[$i]['type'] = '<span class="pill ' . strtolower($plugin_type) . '">' . $plugin_type . '</span>';
                 $b[$i]['type_n'] = $plugin_type;
                 $b[$i]['description'] = $plugin_description;
                 $b[$i]['enabled'] = $this->lang['version_mismatch'];
                 $b[$i]['enabled_n'] = 'b';
                 $b[$i]['started'] = '&#160;';
                 $b[$i]['started_n'] = 'c';
                 $b[$i]['configure'] = '';
             } else {
                 // plugin not enabled!
                 if (!in_array($plugin_name, $plugins_enabled)) {
                     $a = $this->response->html->a();
                     $a->label = $icon_disabled;
                     $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, "enable");
                     $a->href .= '&' . $this->identifier_name . '[]=' . $plugin_name;
                     $a->href .= '&plugin_filter=' . $this->response->html->request()->get('plugin_filter');
                     $a->href .= $tp;
                     $a->href .= '#' . $plugin_name;
                     // anchor
                     $a->name = $plugin_name;
                     $a->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                     $a->css = 'enable';
                     $a->title = sprintf($this->lang['title_enable'], $plugin_name);
                     $b[$i]['name'] = $plugin_name;
                     $b[$i]['type'] = '<span class="pill ' . strtolower($plugin_type) . '">' . $plugin_type . '</span>';
                     $b[$i]['type_n'] = $plugin_type;
                     $b[$i]['description'] = $plugin_description;
                     $b[$i]['enabled'] = $a->get_string();
                     $b[$i]['enabled_n'] = 'b';
                     $b[$i]['started'] = '&#160;';
                     $b[$i]['started_n'] = 'c';
                 } else {
                     $plugin_icon_path = "{$RootDir}/plugins/{$plugin_name}/img/plugin.png";
                     $plugin_icon = "/openqrm/base/plugins/{$plugin_name}/img/plugin.png";
                     $plugin_icon_default = "/openqrm/base/plugins/aa_plugins/img/plugin.png";
                     if ($this->file->exists($plugin_icon_path)) {
                         $plugin_icon_default = $plugin_icon;
                     $a = $this->response->html->a();
                     $a->label = $icon_enabled;
                     $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, "disable");
                     $a->href .= '&' . $this->identifier_name . '[]=' . $plugin_name;
                     $a->href .= '&plugin_filter=' . $this->response->html->request()->get('plugin_filter');
                     $a->href .= $tp;
                     $a->href .= '#' . $plugin_name;
                     // anchor
                     $a->name = $plugin_name;
                     $a->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                     $a->css = !in_array($plugin_name, $plugins_started) ? 'disable' : 'disable disabled';
                     $a->title = sprintf($this->lang['title_disable'], $plugin_name);
                     $b[$i]['name'] = $plugin_name;
                     $b[$i]['type'] = '<span class="pill ' . strtolower($plugin_type) . '">' . $plugin_type . '</span>';
                     $b[$i]['type_n'] = $plugin_type;
                     $b[$i]['description'] = $plugin_description;
                     $b[$i]['enabled'] = $a->get_string();
                     $b[$i]['enabled_n'] = 'a';
                     // started ?
                     if (!in_array($plugin_name, $plugins_started)) {
                         $a = $this->response->html->a();
                         $a->label = $icon_stopped;
                         $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, "start");
                         $a->href .= '&' . $this->identifier_name . '[]=' . $plugin_name;
                         $a->href .= '&plugin_filter=' . $this->response->html->request()->get('plugin_filter');
                         $a->href .= $tp;
                         $a->href .= '#' . $plugin_name;
                         $a->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                         $a->css = 'start';
                         $a->title = sprintf($this->lang['title_start'], $plugin_name);
                         $b[$i]['started'] = $a->get_string();
                         $b[$i]['started_n'] = 'b';
                     } else {
                         $a = $this->response->html->a();
                         $a->label = $icon_started;
                         $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, "stop");
                         $a->href .= '&' . $this->identifier_name . '[]=' . $plugin_name;
                         $a->href .= '&plugin_filter=' . $this->response->html->request()->get('plugin_filter');
                         $a->href .= $tp;
                         $a->href .= '#' . $plugin_name;
                         $a->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                         $a->css = 'stop';
                         $a->title = sprintf($this->lang['title_stop'], $plugin_name);
                         $b[$i]['started'] = $a->get_string();
                         $b[$i]['started_n'] = 'a';
                 // configure button
                 $b[$i]['configure'] = '';
                 if (isset($tmp['configurable'])) {
                     $a = $this->response->html->a();
                     $a->label = $this->lang['action_configure'];
                     $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, "configure");
                     $a->href .= '&' . $this->identifier_name . '=' . $plugin_name;
                     $a->href .= '&plugin_filter=' . $this->response->html->request()->get('plugin_filter');
                     $a->href .= $tp;
                     $a->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                     $a->css = 'manage';
                     $a->title = sprintf($this->lang['title_configure'], $plugin_name);
                     $b[$i]['configure'] = $a->get_string();
     $plugs = array();
     $plugs[] = array('', '');
     $plugtype = array_unique($plugtype);
     foreach ($plugtype as $p) {
         $plugs[] = array($p, ucfirst($p));
     $select = $this->response->html->select();
     $select->add($plugs, array(0, 1));
     $select->name = 'plugin_filter';
     $select->handler = 'onchange="wait();this.form.submit();return false;"';
     $select->selected = array($this->response->html->request()->get('plugin_filter'));
     $box = $this->response->html->box();
     $box->id = 'plugins_filter';
     $box->css = 'htmlobject_box';
     $box->label = $this->lang['lang_filter'];
     $table->id = 'Tabelle';
     $table->tr_handler = array();
     $table->css = 'htmlobject_table';
     $table->border = 1;
     $table->cellspacing = 0;
     $table->cellpadding = 3;
     $table->autosort = true;
     $table->sort_link = false;
     $table->head = $h;
     $table->body = $b;
     $table->max = count($b);
     $table->form_action = $this->response->html->thisfile;
     	$table->actions_name = $this->actions_name;
     	$table->actions = array(
     						array('enable' => $this->lang['action_enable']),
     						array('disable' => $this->lang['action_disable']),
     						array('start' => $this->lang['action_start']),
     						array('stop' => $this->lang['action_stop'])
     	$table->identifier = 'name';
     	$table->identifier_name = $this->identifier_name;
     return $table;
コード例 #3
 function action()
     $msg = '';
     $event = new event();
     $server = new openqrm_server();
     $plugin = new plugin();
     $identifier = $this->response->html->request()->get($this->identifier_name);
     $enabled = $plugin->enabled();
     if ($identifier !== '') {
         foreach ($identifier as $id) {
             if (in_array($id, $enabled)) {
                 $error = false;
                 // check dependencies
                 foreach ($enabled as $v) {
                     if ($v !== $id) {
                         $tmp = $plugin->get_dependencies($v);
                         if ($tmp !== '' && isset($tmp['dependencies']) && $tmp['dependencies'] !== '') {
                             if (strpos($tmp['dependencies'], $id) !== false) {
                                 $msg .= sprintf($this->lang['error_dependencies'], $id, $v) . '<br>';
                                 $error = true;
                 // handle plugin type
                 if ($error === false) {
                     $tmp = $plugin->get_config($id);
                     switch ($tmp['type']) {
                         case 'storage':
                             $storage = new storage();
                             $types = $storage->get_storage_types();
                             $deployment = new deployment();
                             $dep = $deployment->get_id_by_storagetype($id);
                             foreach ($dep as $val) {
                                 if (in_array($val['value'], $types)) {
                                     $msg .= sprintf($this->lang['error_in_use'], $id) . '<br>';
                                     $error = true;
                 if ($error === false) {
                     $return = $server->send_command("openqrm_server_plugin_command " . $id . " uninstall " . $GLOBALS['OPENQRM_ADMIN']->name . ' ' . $GLOBALS['OPENQRM_ADMIN']->password);
                     if ($return === true) {
                         if ($this->__check($id)) {
                             $msg .= sprintf($this->lang['msg'], $id) . '<br>';
                         } else {
                             $msg .= sprintf($this->lang['error_timeout'], $id) . '<br>';
                     } else {
                         $msg .= sprintf($this->lang['error_disable'], $id) . '<br>';
     $this->response->redirect($this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, 'select', $this->message_param, $msg));
コード例 #4
    function select()
        $d = array();
        $h = array();
        $h['appliance_state']['title'] = $this->lang['table_state'];
        $h['appliance_id']['title'] = $this->lang['table_id'];
        $h['appliance_id']['hidden'] = true;
        $h['appliance_name']['title'] = $this->lang['table_name'];
        $h['appliance_name']['hidden'] = true;
        $h['appliance_values']['title'] = '&#160;';
        $h['appliance_values']['sortable'] = false;
        $h['appliance_comment']['title'] = '&#160;';
        $h['appliance_comment']['sortable'] = false;
        $h['appliance_virtualization']['title'] = 'Type';
        $h['appliance_virtualization']['sortable'] = true;
        $h['appliance_virtualization']['hidden'] = true;
        $h['appliance_edit']['sortable'] = false;
        $appliance = new appliance();
        $params = $this->response->get_array($this->actions_name, 'select');
        $b = array();
        // unset unnecessary params
        $table = $this->response->html->tablebuilder('appliance', $params);
        $table->offset = 0;
        $table->sort = 'appliance_id';
        $table->limit = 20;
        $table->order = 'ASC';
        $table->max = $appliance->get_count();
        // handle table params
        #$tps = $table->get_params();
        $tp = '';
        #foreach($tps['appliance'] as $k => $v) {
        #	$tp .= '&appliance['.$k.']='.$v;
        $resource_filter = null;
        if ($this->response->html->request()->get('resource_filter') !== '') {
            $resource = $this->openqrm->resource();
            $resource_filter = array();
            $ar = $resource->find_resource($this->response->html->request()->get('resource_filter'));
            if (count($ar) > 0) {
                foreach ($ar as $k => $v) {
                    $resource_filter[] = $v['resource_id'];
        $disabled = array();
        $appliances = $appliance->display_overview(0, 10000, $table->sort, $table->order);
        foreach ($appliances as $index => $appliance_db) {
            $appliance = new appliance();
            $resource = new resource();
            $appliance_resources = $appliance_db["appliance_resources"];
            $kernel = new kernel();
            $image = new image();
            $virtualization = new virtualization();
            $appliance_virtualization_name = $virtualization->name;
            $virtualization_plugin_name = $virtualization->get_plugin_name();
            $resource_is_local_server = false;
            if ($this->response->html->request()->get('resource_type_filter') === '' || $this->response->html->request()->get('resource_type_filter') == $resource->vtype) {
                // Skip all resources not in $resource_filter
                if (isset($resource_filter)) {
                    if (!in_array($resource->id, $resource_filter)) {
                if ($appliance_resources >= 0) {
                    // an appliance with a pre-selected resource
                    $resource_state_icon = '<span class="pill ' . $resource->state . '">' . $resource->state . '</span>';
                    // idle ?
                    if ("{$resource->imageid}" == "1" && "{$resource->state}" == "active") {
                        $resource_state_icon = '<span class="pill idle">idle</span>';
                    // link to resource list
                    $virtualization_vm_action_name = $virtualization->name;
                    if (strstr($resource->capabilities, "TYPE=local-server")) {
                        $resource_is_local_server = true;
                    $appliance_resources_str = '';
                    if (strpos($virtualization->type, "-vm")) {
                        $host_resource = new resource();
                        $host_virtualization = new virtualization();
                        $host_virtualization_name = $virtualization->get_plugin_name();
                        $host_appliance = new appliance();
                        $host_appliance->get_instance_by_virtualization_and_resource($host_virtualization->id, $resource->vhostid);
                        $link = '?base=appliance&appliance_action=load_select';
                        $link .= '&aplugin=' . $virtualization_plugin_name;
                        $link .= '&amp;acontroller=' . $virtualization_plugin_name . '-vm';
                        $link .= '&amp;' . $virtualization_plugin_name . '_vm_action=update';
                        $link .= '&amp;appliance_id=' . $host_appliance->id;
                        $link .= '&amp;vm=' . $resource->hostname;
                        $appliance_resources_str = '<a href="' . $this->response->html->thisfile . $link . '" onclick="wait();">' . $resource->hostname . '</a> ' . $resource_state_icon;
                    } else {
                        $appliance_resources_str = $resource->hostname . ' ' . $resource_state_icon;
                } else {
                    // an appliance with resource auto-select enabled
                    $appliance_resources_str = "auto-select";
                // active or inactive
                $resource_icon_default = "/openqrm/base/img/appliance.png";
                $active_state_icon = '<span class="pill active">active</span>';
                $inactive_state_icon = '<span class="pill inactive">incative</span>';
                if ($appliance->stoptime == 0 || $appliance_resources == 0) {
                    $state_icon = $active_state_icon;
                } else {
                    $state_icon = $inactive_state_icon;
                // link to image edit
                if ($image->id > 0) {
                    $link = '?base=image';
                    $link .= '&amp;image_action=edit';
                    $link .= '&amp;image_id=' . $image->id;
                    $image_edit_link = '<a href="' . $this->response->html->thisfile . $link . '" onclick="wait();">' . $image->name . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $image_edit_link = $image->name;
                // release resource
                $release_resource = '';
                if ($appliance->stoptime == 0 || $appliance_resources == 0) {
                    $release_resource = '';
                } else {
                    if ($appliance->resources != -1) {
                        $a = $this->response->html->a();
                        $a->label = $this->lang['action_release'];
                        $a->title = $this->lang['resource_release'];
                        $a->css = 'enable';
                        $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, 'release') . '&appliance_id=' . $appliance->id . '' . $tp;
                        $release_resource = $a->get_string();
                $str = '<strong>' . $this->lang['table_id'] . ':</strong> ' . $appliance_db["appliance_id"] . '<br>
						<strong>' . $this->lang['table_name'] . ':</strong> ' . $appliance_db["appliance_name"] . '<br>
						<strong>Type:</strong> ' . $appliance_virtualization_name . '<br>
						<strong>Kernel:</strong> ' . $kernel->name . '<br>
						<strong>Image:</strong> ' . $image_edit_link . '<br>
						<strong>Resource:</strong> ' . $appliance_resources_str . '<br>
						<strong>IP:</strong> ' . $resource->ip;
                if (strpos($virtualization->type, "-vm") && isset($resource->vhostid) && $resource->vhostid != '') {
                    $happliance = new appliance();
                    $hresource = $happliance->get_ids_per_resource($resource->vhostid);
                    if (isset($hresource[0]['appliance_id'])) {
                        $link = '?base=appliance';
                        $link .= '&amp;appliance_action=edit';
                        $link .= '&amp;appliance_id=' . $happliance->id;
                        $href = '<a href="' . $this->response->html->thisfile . $link . '" onclick="wait();">' . $happliance->name . '</a>';
                        $str .= '<br><strong>Host:</strong> ' . $href;
                // appliance edit
                $a = $this->response->html->a();
                $a->title = $this->lang['action_edit'];
                $a->label = $this->lang['action_edit'];
                $a->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                $a->css = 'edit';
                $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, 'edit') . '&appliance_id=' . $appliance->id . '' . $tp;
                $strEdit = $a->get_string();
                // appliance start
                $strStart = '';
                if ($appliance_resources !== '0') {
                    $a = $this->response->html->a();
                    $a->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                    if ($appliance->stoptime == 0) {
                        $a->title = $this->lang['action_stop'];
                        $a->label = $this->lang['action_stop'];
                        $a->css = 'disable';
                        $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, 'stop') . '&' . $this->identifier_name . '[]=' . $appliance->id . '' . $tp;
                    } else {
                        $a->title = $this->lang['action_start'];
                        $a->label = $this->lang['action_start'];
                        $a->css = 'enable';
                        $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, 'start') . '&' . $this->identifier_name . '[]=' . $appliance->id . '' . $tp;
                    $strStart = $a->get_string();
                // build the plugin link section
                $appliance_link_section = '';
                // add link to continue if appliance has unfinished wizard
                $disabled = array();
                if (isset($appliance->wizard) && strpos($appliance->wizard, 'wizard') !== false) {
                    $params = explode(',', $appliance->wizard);
                    $wizard_step = explode('=', $params[0]);
                    $wizard_user = explode('=', $params[1]);
                    if ($wizard_user[1] === $this->user->name) {
                        // continue button
                        $a = $this->response->html->a();
                        $a->title = $this->lang['action_continue'];
                        $a->label = $this->lang['action_continue'];
                        $a->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
                        $a->css = 'badge continue';
                        $a->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, $wizard_step[1]) . '&appliance_wizard_id=' . $appliance->id . '' . $tp;
                        $appliance_comment = $a->get_string();
                    } else {
                        $appliance_comment = sprintf($this->lang['appliance_create_in_progress'], $wizard_user[1]);
                    // disable all buttons
                    $disabled[] = $appliance->id;
                    $strEdit = '';
                    $strStart = '';
                    $strStop = '';
                    $release_resource = '';
                } else {
                    $plugin = new plugin();
                    $enabled_plugins = $plugin->enabled();
                    foreach ($enabled_plugins as $index => $plugin_name) {
                        $plugin_appliance_link_section_hook = $this->openqrm->get('webdir') . "/plugins/" . $plugin_name . "/openqrm-" . $plugin_name . "-appliance-link-hook.php";
                        if (file_exists($plugin_appliance_link_section_hook)) {
                            require_once "{$plugin_appliance_link_section_hook}";
                            $appliance_get_link_function = str_replace("-", "_", "get_" . "{$plugin_name}" . "_appliance_link");
                            if (function_exists($appliance_get_link_function)) {
                                $p = $plugin->get_config($plugin_name);
                                $alink = $appliance_get_link_function($appliance->id);
                                if (is_object($alink)) {
                                    //	$alink->handler = $alink->handler.' onclick="wait();"';
                                    $alink->css = 'enable';
                                    $alink->title = preg_replace('~(.*?)<a.*>(.*?)</a>(.*?)~i', '$1$2$3', $p['description']);
                                    $alink = $alink->get_string();
                                $appliance_link_section .= $alink;
                    if ($appliance_db["appliance_comment"] !== '') {
                        $appliance_comment = $appliance_db["appliance_comment"];
                        $appliance_comment .= "<hr>";
                        $appliance_comment .= $appliance_link_section;
                    } else {
                        $appliance_comment = $appliance_link_section;
                $b[] = array('appliance_state' => $state_icon, 'appliance_id' => $appliance_db["appliance_id"], 'appliance_name' => $appliance_db["appliance_name"], 'appliance_values' => $str, 'appliance_comment' => $appliance_comment, 'appliance_virtualization' => $appliance_db["appliance_virtualization"], 'appliance_edit' => $strEdit . '' . $strStart . '' . $release_resource);
        // Filter
        $virtulization_types = new virtualization();
        $list = $virtulization_types->get_list();
        $filter = array();
        $filter[] = array('', '');
        foreach ($list as $l) {
            $filter[] = array($l['label'], $l['value']);
        $select = $this->response->html->select();
        $select->add($filter, array(1, 0));
        $select->name = 'resource_type_filter';
        $select->handler = 'onchange="wait();this.form.submit();return false;"';
        $select->selected = array($this->response->html->request()->get('resource_type_filter'));
        $box1 = $this->response->html->box();
        $box1->id = 'resource_type_filter';
        $box1->css = 'htmlobject_box';
        $box1->label = $this->lang['lang_type_filter'];
        // Resource Filter
        $input = $this->response->html->input();
        $input->name = 'resource_filter';
        $input->value = $this->response->html->request()->get('resource_filter');
        $input->title = $this->lang['lang_filter_title'];
        $box2 = $this->response->html->box();
        $box2->id = 'resource_filter';
        $box2->css = 'htmlobject_box';
        $box2->label = $this->lang['lang_filter'];
        $add = $this->response->html->a();
        $add->title = $this->lang['action_add'];
        $add->label = $this->lang['action_add'];
        $add->handler = 'onclick="wait();"';
        $add->css = 'add';
        $add->href = $this->response->get_url($this->actions_name, "step1") . '' . $tp;
        $table->id = 'Tabelle';
        $table->css = 'htmlobject_table';
        $table->border = 1;
        $table->cellspacing = 0;
        $table->cellpadding = 3;
        $table->autosort = true;
        $table->sort_link = false;
        $table->max = count($b);
        $table->head = $h;
        $table->body = $b;
        #$table->form_action = $this->response->html->thisfile;
        $table->actions_name = $this->actions_name;
        $table->actions = array(array('start' => $this->lang['action_start']), array('stop' => $this->lang['action_stop']), array('remove' => $this->lang['action_remove']));
        $table->identifier = 'appliance_id';
        $table->identifier_name = $this->identifier_name;
        $table->identifier_disabled = $disabled;
        #$table->limit_select = array(
        #	array("value" => 10, "text" => 10),
        #	array("value" => 20, "text" => 20),
        #	array("value" => 30, "text" => 30),
        #	array("value" => 50, "text" => 50),
        #	array("value" => 100, "text" => 100),
        $d['form'] = $this->response->get_form($this->actions_name, 'select', false)->get_elements();
        $d['add'] = $add->get_string();
        $d['table'] = $table;
        $d['resource_type_filter'] = $box1->get_string();
        $d['resource_filter'] = $box2->get_string();
        return $d;