function getHTML($articleid, $fieldsid, $category = false, $write = false) { global $globalreturn; //$str = fieldattach::getSelect($articleid, $fieldsid); $valor = fieldattach::getValue($articleid, $fieldsid, $category); $title = fieldattach::getName($articleid, $fieldsid, $category); $html = ""; if (!empty($valor)) { $isNull = plgfieldsattachment_select::isNull($fieldsid, $valor, $category); //echo "<br />ISNULL:".$isNull."---<br/>"; if (!$isNull) { $valorselects = fieldattach::getValueSelect($fieldsid, $valor); $html .= '<div id="cel_' . $fieldsid . '" class=" ">'; if (fieldattach::getShowTitle($fieldsid)) { $html .= '<span class="title">' . $title . ' </span>'; } $html .= '<span class="value">' . $valorselects . '</span></div>'; } else { $html = ""; } } //WRITE THE RESULT if ($write) { echo $html; } else { $globalreturn = $html; return $html; } }
function getHTML($articleid, $fieldsid, $category = false, $write = false) { global $globalreturn; //$str = fieldattach::getSelect($articleid, $fieldsid); $valor = fieldattach::getValue($articleid, $fieldsid, $category); $title = fieldattach::getName($articleid, $fieldsid, $category); $published = plgfieldsattachment_select::getPublished($fieldsid); $html = ""; if (!empty($valor) && $published) { $isNull = plgfieldsattachment_select::isNull($fieldsid, $valor, $category); //echo "<br />ISNULL:".$isNull."---<br/>"; if (!$isNull) { $valorselects = fieldattach::getValueSelect($fieldsid, $valor); $html = plgfieldsattachment_select::getTemplate($fieldsid); /* Templating Laouyt ***************************** [TITLE] - Title of field [FIELD_ID] - Field id [VALUE] - Value of input [ARTICLE_ID] - Article id */ if (fieldattach::getShowTitle($fieldsid)) { $html = str_replace("[TITLE]", $title, $html); } else { $html = str_replace("[TITLE]", "", $html); } $html = str_replace("[VALUE]", stripslashes($valorselects), $html); $html = str_replace("[FIELD_ID]", $fieldsid, $html); $html = str_replace("[ARTICLE_ID]", $articleid, $html); } else { $html = ""; } } //WRITE THE RESULT if ($write) { echo $html; } else { $globalreturn = $html; return $html; } }