protected function showPlugin($catid, $thread, &$row, $linkOnly) { // Show a simple form to allow posting to forum from the plugin $plgShowForm = $this->params->get ( 'form', 1 ); // Default is to put QuickPost at the very bottom. $formLocation = $this->params->get ( 'form_location', 0 ); // Don't repeat the CSS for each instance of this plugin in a page! if (! self::$includedCss) { $doc = JFactory::getDocument (); $doc->addStyleSheet ( KUNENA_JLIVEURL . $this->basepath .'/kunenadiscuss/discuss.css' ); self::$includedCss = true; } $subject = $row->title; $published = JFactory::getDate(isset($row->publish_up) ? $row->publish_up : 'now')->toUnix(); $now = JFactory::getDate()->toUnix(); // Find cross reference and the real topic $query = "SELECT d.content_id, d.thread_id, AS mesid, t.thread, t.time FROM #__kunenadiscuss AS d LEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages AS m ON d.thread_id = LEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages AS t ON = m.thread WHERE d.content_id = {$this->_db->quote($row->id)}"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query ); $result = $this->_db->loadObject (); CKunenaTools::checkDatabaseError (); if ( is_object($result) ) { if ($thread && $thread != $result->mesid) { // Custom Topic is not the same as cross reference, additional check needed $query = "SELECT t.thread FROM #__kunena_messages AS m LEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages AS t ON = m.thread WHERE = {$this->_db->quote($thread)}"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query ); $result->thread = $this->_db->loadResult (); CKunenaTools::checkDatabaseError (); if (!$result->thread) { $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Custom Topic does not exist, aborting" ); return ''; } $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Custom Topic points to new location {$result->thread}" ); } if ($result->thread != $result->thread_id) { // Topic has been moved, has been deleted or tag inside message has been changed $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Removing cross reference record pointing to topic {$result->thread_id}" ); $query = "DELETE FROM #__kunenadiscuss WHERE content_id={$this->_db->quote($result->content_id)}"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query ); $this->_db->query (); CKunenaTools::checkDatabaseError (); // We may need to add new cross reference or create new topic $thread = $result->thread; $result = null; } } if ( !is_object($result) && $thread) { // Find the real topic $query = "SELECT {$this->_db->quote($row->id)} AS content_id, AS thread_id, AS mesid, t.thread, t.time FROM #__kunena_messages AS m LEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages AS t ON = m.thread WHERE = {$this->_db->quote($thread)}"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query ); $result = $this->_db->loadObject (); CKunenaTools::checkDatabaseError (); if ( !is_object($result) ) { $this->createReference ( $row, $thread ); $this->debug ( "showPlugin: First hit to Custom Topic, created cross reference to topic {$thread}" ); } else { $this->debug ( "showPlugin: First hit to Custom Topic, cross reference not created to topic {$thread} because it exist already" ); } } else if (! is_object($result) ) { $thread = 0; $create = $this->params->get ( 'create', 0 ); $createTime = $this->params->get ( 'create_time', 0 )*604800; // Weeks in seconds if ($createTime && $published+$createTime < $now) { $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Topic creation time expired, cannot start new discussion anymore" ); return ''; } if ($create) { $thread = $this->createTopic ( $row, $catid, $subject ); $this->debug ( "showPlugin: First hit, created new topic {$thread} into forum" ); } } else { $thread = $result->thread_id; $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Topic {$thread} exists in the forum" ); } // Do we allow answers into the topic? $closeTime = $this->params->get ( 'close_time', 0 ) * 604800; // Weeks in seconds or 0 if ($closeTime) { $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Check if topic is closed" ); if ($result) { $closeReason = $this->params->get ( 'close_reason', 0 ); if ($closeReason) { // Close topic by last post time $query = "SELECT MAX(time) FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE thread = {$this->_db->quote($result->thread)}"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query ); $closeTime = $this->_db->loadResult () + $closeTime; CKunenaTools::checkDatabaseError (); $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Close time by last post" ); } else { // Close topic by cration time $closeTime = $result->time + $closeTime; $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Close time by topic creation" ); } } else { $closeTime = $now; } } if ($linkOnly && $thread) { $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Link only" ); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE hold=0 AND parent!=0 AND thread={$this->_db->quote($thread)}"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $sql ); $postCount = $this->_db->loadResult (); CKunenaTools::checkDatabaseError (); $linktitle = JText::sprintf ( 'PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_DISCUSS_ON_FORUMS', $postCount ); require_once (KPATH_SITE . '/lib/'); $link = CKunenaLink::GetThreadLink ( 'view', $catid, $thread, $linktitle, $linktitle ); return '<div class="kunenadiscuss">' . $link . '</div>'; } // ************************************************************************ // Process the QuickPost form $quickPost = ''; if (!$plgShowForm) { $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Form has been disabled" ); } elseif (!$closeTime || $closeTime >= $now) { $canPost = $this->canPost ( $catid, $thread ); if ($canPost && JRequest::getInt ( 'kdiscussContentId', 0, 'POST' ) == $row->id) { $this->debug ( "showPlugin: Reply topic!" ); $quickPost .= $this->replyTopic ( $row, $catid, $thread, $subject ); } else { $quickPost .= $this->showForm ( $row, $catid, $thread, $subject ); } } // This will be used all the way through to tell users how many posts are in the forum. $content = $this->showTopic ( $catid, $thread ); if (!$content && !$quickPost) { return ''; } if ($formLocation) { $content = '<div class="kunenadiscuss">' . $content . '<br />' . $quickPost . '</div>'; } else { $content = '<div class="kunenadiscuss">' . $quickPost . "<br />" . $content . '</div>'; } return $content; }
/** * @param int $catid * @param int $topic_id * @param object $row * @param bool $linkOnly * * @return mixed|string */ protected function showPlugin($catid, $topic_id, &$row, $linkOnly) { // Show a simple form to allow posting to forum from the plugin $plgShowForm = $this->params->get('form', 1); // Default is to put QuickPost at the very bottom. $formLocation = $this->params->get('form_location', 0); // Don't repeat the CSS for each instance of this plugin in a page! if (!self::$includedCss) { $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet(JUri::root(true) . "/plugins/content/kunenadiscuss/css/discuss.css"); self::$includedCss = true; } // Find cross reference and the real topic $db = $this->db; $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select($db->quoteName('thread_id'))->from('#__kunenadiscuss')->where("content_id = {$db->quote($row->id)}"); $this->db->setQuery($query); $result = $this->db->loadResult(); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); if ($topic_id) { // Custom topic found $this->debug("showPlugin: Loading Custom Topic {$topic_id}"); $id = $topic_id; } elseif ($result) { // Reference found $this->debug("showPlugin: Loading Stored Topic {$result}"); $id = $result; } else { // No topic exists $this->debug("showPlugin: No topic found"); $id = 0; } $topic = KunenaForumTopicHelper::get($id); // If topic has been moved, find the real topic while ($topic->moved_id) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic {$topic->id} has been moved to {$topic->moved_id}"); $topic = KunenaForumTopicHelper::get($topic->moved_id); } if ($result) { if (!$topic->exists()) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic does not exist, removing reference to {$result}"); $this->deleteReference($row); } elseif ($topic->id != $id) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic has been moved or changed, updating reference to {$topic->id}"); $this->updateReference($row, $topic->id); } } elseif ($topic_id && $topic->exists()) { $this->debug("showPlugin: First hit to Custom Topic, created reference to topic {$topic_id}"); $this->createReference($row, $topic_id); } // Initialise some variables $subject = $row->title; if (isset($row->publish_up) && $row->publish_up != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $published = JFactory::getDate($row->publish_up)->toUnix(); // take start publishing date } else { $published = JFactory::getDate($row->created)->toUnix(); // or created date if publish_up is empty } $now = JFactory::getDate()->toUnix(); if ($topic->exists()) { // If current user doesn't have authorisation to read existing topic, we are done if ($id && !$topic->authorise('read')) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic said {$topic->getError()}"); return ''; } $category = $topic->getCategory(); } else { $this->debug("showPlugin: Let's see what we can do.."); // If current user doesn't have authorisation to read category, we are done $category = KunenaForumCategoryHelper::get($catid); if (!$category->authorise('read')) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Category {$catid} said {$category->getError()}"); return ''; } $create = $this->params->get('create', 0); $createTime = $this->params->get('create_time', 0) * 604800; // Weeks in seconds if ($createTime && $published + $createTime < $now) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Topic creation time expired, cannot start new discussion anymore"); return ''; } if ($create) { $this->debug("showPlugin: First hit, created new topic {$topic_id} into forum"); $topic = $this->createTopic($row, $category, $subject); if ($topic === false) { return ''; } } } // Do we allow answers into the topic? $closeTime = $this->params->get('close_time', 0) * 604800; // Weeks in seconds or 0 (forever) if ($closeTime && $topic->exists()) { $closeReason = $this->params->get('close_reason', 0); if ($closeReason) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Close time by last post"); $closeTime += $topic->last_post_time; } else { $this->debug("showPlugin: Close time by topic creation"); $closeTime += $topic->first_post_time; } } else { // Topic has not yet been created or will kept open forever $closeTime = $now + 1; } $linktopic = ''; if ($topic->exists() && $linkOnly) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Displaying only link to the topic"); $linktitle = JText::sprintf('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_DISCUSS_ON_FORUMS', $topic->getReplies()); return JHtml::_('', $topic->getUri($category), $linktitle, $linktitle); } elseif ($topic->exists() && !$plgShowForm) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Displaying link to the topic because the form is disabled"); $linktitle = JText::sprintf('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_DISCUSS_ON_FORUMS', $topic->getReplies()); $linktopic = JHtml::_('', $topic->getUri($category), $linktitle, $linktitle); } elseif (!$topic->exists() && !$plgShowForm) { $linktopic = JText::_('PLG_KUNENADISCUSS_NEW_TOPIC_NOT_CREATED'); } // ************************************************************************ // Process the QuickPost form $quickPost = ''; $canPost = $this->canPost($category, $topic); if ($canPost && $plgShowForm && (!$closeTime || $closeTime >= $now)) { if (JFactory::getUser()->get('guest')) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Guest can post: this feature doesn't work well if Joomla caching or Cache Plugin is enabled!"); } if (JRequest::getInt('kdiscussContentId', -1, 'POST') == $row->id) { $this->debug("showPlugin: Reply topic!"); $quickPost .= $this->replyTopic($row, $category, $topic, $subject); } else { $this->debug("showPlugin: Displaying form"); $quickPost .= $this->showForm($row, $category, $topic, $subject); } } // This will be used all the way through to tell users how many posts are in the forum. $content = $this->showTopic($category, $topic, $linktopic); if (!$content && !$quickPost) { return $linktopic; } if ($formLocation) { $content = '<div class="kunenadiscuss">' . $content . '<br />' . $quickPost . '</div>'; } else { $content = '<div class="kunenadiscuss">' . $quickPost . "<br />" . $content . '</div>'; } return $content; }