<?php $tipo = $_GET['tipo']; $usuario = $_GET['usuario']; include ("validar.php"); include ("header.php"); $transaccion = $_GET['transaccion']; include("clases.class.php"); $sql=new mysql(); $f=new funciones(); $tpl=new plantilla(); function shift(){ if(strtotime(date("H:i:s")) >= strtotime("06:00:00") && strtotime(date("H:i:s")) <= strtotime("13:59:59")){ return 1; } elseif(strtotime(date("H:i:s")) >= strtotime("14:00:00") && strtotime(date("H:i:s")) <= strtotime("21:59:59")){ return 2; } else{return 3;} } if(shift()==1){ $sh="6-2"; } elseif(shift()==2){ $sh="2-10"; } else{$sh="10-6";} ?>
function getComentarios($idFoto){ $tpl= new plantilla(); //$datos=explode(",",$_COOKIE["validado"]); if(mysql::consulta("SELECT * FROM comentariosfotos WHERE idFoto='".$idFoto."' ORDER BY id DESC")){ $sql= new mysql(); $x=0; while($x < mysql::numregistros()){ $tpl->leer_plantilla("htmlfotos/comentario.html"); $idcomentario=mysql::dato_campo_consulta_ByRow("id",$x); $idUsuario=mysql::dato_campo_consulta_ByRow("idUsuario",$x); $nombre=$sql->uncampo("SELECT nombre FROM usuario WHERE id_usuario='".$idUsuario."'"); $comentario=mysql::dato_campo_consulta_ByRow("comentario",$x); $fecha=mysql::dato_campo_consulta_ByRow("fecha",$x); $rutaAvatar=$sql->uncampo("SELECT ruta FROM avatares WHERE idusuario='".$idUsuario."'"); $avatar="<img src=\"".$rutaAvatar."\" height=\"94\" width=\"94\" />"; if(!$rutaAvatar ){ $avatar="<img src=\"avatares/default.jpg\" width=\"94\" height=\"94\" title=\"Actualice su avatar en la seccion de PERFIL \">"; } $tpl->reemplazar("{idcoment}",$idcomentario); $tpl->reemplazar("{urlavatar}",$avatar); $tpl->reemplazar("{likes}",$this->cuentalikes($idcomentario)); $tpl->reemplazar("{nombre}",$nombre); $tpl->reemplazar("{comentario}",$comentario); /*$datos.="<tr><td align=\"left\">".$nombre."</td><td align=\"left\">".$fecha."</td></tr>\n"; $datos.="<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" height=\"100\">".$comentario."</td></tr>\n";*/ $datos.="<tr><td>".$tpl->deVolverContenido()."</td></tr>\n"; $x++; } $script="<script> function like(id){ $.ajax({ type: \"POST\", url: \"consutadorGaleria.php?accion=like\", cache: false, beforeSend: function(objeto){ }, data: ({usuario:$(\"#idUsuario\").val(),idcomentario:id}), dataType: \"html\", success: function(msg){ $(\"#totallikes\"+id).html(msg); } }); } </script>"; $table="<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">".$datos.$script."</table>"; return $table; } else return "No se pudieron consultar los datos"; }
<?php $tipo = $_GET['tipo']; $usuario = $_GET['usuario']; include ("validar.php"); include ("header.php"); include_once("clases.class.php"); $sql=new mysql(); $tpl=new plantilla(); $f=new funciones(); $transaccion = $_GET['transaccion']; ?> <tr> <td valign="top" background="../images/bg_table.png" style="background-repeat:repeat"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"><div class="titulostaf"></div></td> </tr> <!-- ======================================== AQUI VA TODO EL CONTENIDO DEL SITIO DIVIDIDO EN 3 COLUMNAS ======================== --> <tr> <td> <table width="1151" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <!-- primera columna, aqui va el menu de links xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --> <td width="224" valign="top" align="left"> <?php
include("qa.php"); break; case "limitado": include("limitado.php"); break; } ?> </td> <!-- segunda columna, noticias xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --> <td width="927" valign="top" style="padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px;"> <?php include_once("clases.class.php"); $gal = new galeria(); $tpl = new plantilla(); switch($_GET["transaccion"]){ default: echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td style=\"font-size:30px;\" align=\"center\">Special Events Photos</td> </tr> <tr> <td align=\"left\"> ".$gal->muestragaleriasUsers()." </td> </tr> </table>"; break; case "picsGalUsers":
public function actionPdf($id) { $factura = Facturas::model()->findByPk($id); if ($factura !== null) { $datos = array('factura.idfactura' => $factura->IdFactura, 'factura.fecha' => $factura->Fecha, 'factura.idpaciente' => $factura->IdPaciente, 'factura.numero' => $factura->Numero, 'factura.serie' => $factura->Serie, 'factura.concepto' => $factura->Concepto, 'factura.importe' => $factura->Importe, 'factura.fechacobro' => $factura->FechaCobro, 'factura.notas' => $factura->Notas, 'pacientes.nombre' => CHtml::value($factura, 'paciente.Nombre'), 'pacientes.apellidos' => CHtml::value($factura, 'paciente.Apellidos'), 'pacientes.dni_nif' => CHtml::value($factura, 'paciente.DNI_NIF'), 'pacientes.direccion' => CHtml::value($factura, 'paciente.Direccion'), 'pacientes.codpostal' => CHtml::value($factura, 'paciente.CodPostal'), 'pacientes.localidad' => CHtml::value($factura, 'paciente.Localidad'), 'pacientes.provincia' => CHtml::value($factura, 'paciente.Provincia'), 'pacientes.telfijo' => CHtml::value($factura, 'paciente.TelFijo')); plantilla::generarPlantilla('PlantillaFactura', $datos, true); } else { echo 'Factura no encontrada.'; } }
<?php require_once '9.php'; $objeto = new plantilla(); $objeto->set_x1(2); $objeto->set_x2(3); $objeto->display();
function plantHTML($object, $template, $excepciones = "") { global $sc, $mod, $pag; $users = new plantilla($template); //dataDump($object); if (gettype($object) != "object") { $data = $object; } else { $data = get_object_vars($object); } $data["sc"] = $sc; $data["mod"] = $mod; $data["pag"] = $pag; if (empty($excepciones)) { $excepciones = array(); } //dataDump($data); echo $users->plParseTemplate($data, $excepciones); return True; }
<?php include_once("clases.class.php"); $gal=new galeria(); $tpl=new plantilla(); switch($_GET["galPage"]){ default: $tpl->leer_plantilla("htmlfotos/default.html"); $tpl->reemplazar("{galerias}",$gal->muestragaleriasAdmin()); $tpl->mostrarplantilla(); break; case "optFolder": $pagina="consutadorGaleria.php?usuario=".$_GET["usuario"]."&tipo=".$_GET["tipo"]."&accion=subirImagen&idFolder=".$_GET["idFolder"].""; $tpl->leer_plantilla("htmlfotos/optFolder.html"); $tpl->reemplazar("{url}",$pagina); $tpl->reemplazar("{fotos}",$gal->muestraThumbsAdmin()); $tpl->reemplazar("{nombreFolder}",$gal->getNombreAlbum($_GET["idFolder"])); $tpl->mostrarplantilla(); break; } ?>
function listList($psObject, $campos, $template, $navigation_vars = "", $parset = 1, $plParseTemplateFunction = "plParseTemplate") { global $TOTALTIME, $SYS, $offset, $PET, $styles, $nn, $FFPATCH; $nplParseTemplateFunction = $plParseTemplateFunction; $psObject->sc = $sc; $psObject->mod = $mod; $psObject->pag = $pag; $psObject->offset = $offset; $users = new plantilla($template); $count = 0; /**************** mod_rewrite patch */ if ($SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"] == "/") { $chunk = strpos($PET, "navvars=on") !== false ? strpos($PET, "navvars=on") : strlen($PET); $navvars = $SYS["ROOT"] . "/" . substr($PET, 0, $chunk); debug("Navvars init {$navvars} POS=" . $chunk . "({$PET})", "green"); } /**************** mod_rewrite patch */ if ($navigation_vars > 0) { $navvars = base64_encode(serialize($navigation_vars)); $psObject->navvars = $navvars; } /* Paginacion */ $T = $psObject->totalPages; $W = $SYS["DEFAULTROWS"]; $N = ceil($T / $W); $P = ""; if ($FFPATCH === true) { $P = "" . $psObject->totalPages . " elementos<br /> "; } else { if ($T > $W) { $P = "Páginas "; } } /**************** mod_rewrite patch */ /**************** mod_rewrite patch */ if ($SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"] == "/") { $chunk = strpos($PET, "navvars=on") !== false ? strpos($PET, "navvars=on") : strlen($PET); $navvars = $SYS["ROOT"] . "/" . substr($PET, 0, $chunk); debug("Navvars init {$navvars} POS=" . $chunk . "({$PET})", "green"); } /**************** mod_rewrite patch */ /**************** mod_rewrite patch */ $navvars .= "{$SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR_I"]}navvars=on"; foreach ($SYS["NAVVARS"] as $k => $v) { $navvars .= "{$SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"]}{$v}=" . $GLOBALS[$v]; } debug("Navvars built {$navvars}", "green"); if ($N > 1) { if ($N < 7) { for ($i = 0; $i < $N; $i++) { if ($offset / $W == $i) { if ($i == 0) { $P .= "<a style=\"text-decoration:underline;text-weight:bold;\" href=\"{$SYS["FORCEDURLFORPAGING"]}{$navvars}{$SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"]}offset=" . $i * $W . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>"; } else { $P .= "·<a style=\"text-decoration:underline;text-weight:bold;\" href=\"{$SYS["FORCEDURLFORPAGING"]}{$navvars}{$SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"]}offset=" . $i * $W . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>"; } } else { if ($i == 0) { $P .= "<a style=\"text-decoration:none; text-weight:bold;\" href=\"{$SYS["FORCEDURLFORPAGING"]}{$navvars}{$SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"]}offset=" . $i * $W . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>"; } else { $P .= "·<a style=\"text-decoration:none; text-weight:bold;\" href=\"{$SYS["FORCEDURLFORPAGING"]}{$navvars}{$SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"]}offset=" . $i * $W . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>"; } } } } else { $i = $offset / $W; if ($i > 1 && $i < $N - 2) { $smart_pages = array(0, '-', $i - 1, $i, $i + 1, '-', $N - 1); } else { if ($i < 2) { $smart_pages = array(0, 1, 2, '-', $N - 2, $N - 1); } else { $smart_pages = array(0, '-', $N - 3, $N - 2, $N - 1); } } foreach ($smart_pages as $j) { if ($j === "-") { $P .= "·..."; } else { if ($offset / $W == $j) { $P .= "·<a style=\"text-decoration:underline;text-weight:bold;\" href=\"{$SYS["FORCEDURLFORPAGING"]}{$navvars}{$SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"]}offset=" . $j * $W . "\">" . ($j + 1) . "</a>"; } else { $P .= "·<a style=\"text-decoration:none; text-weight:bold;\" href=\"{$SYS["FORCEDURLFORPAGING"]}{$navvars}{$SYS["NAV_SEPARATOR"]}offset=" . $j * $W . "\">" . ($j + 1) . "</a>"; } } } } } $psObject->Pager = $P; echo $users->plParseTemplateHeader(get_object_vars($psObject)); if ($psObject->searchResults > 0) { foreach ($psObject->searchResults as $key => $object) { /* VNH */ $count++; /* SLOW CODE */ /* Child inherits parent properties */ if (is_object($object)) { $child = get_object_vars($object); $parent = get_object_vars($psObject); $diff = array_diff(array_keys($parent), array_keys($child)); foreach ($diff as $k => $v) { $object->{$v} = $psObject->{$v}; } /* If child and parent of different class, typecast */ if ($object->name != $psObject->name) { $object = typecast($object, get_class($psObject)); } /* Normalization of object*/ $object->_normalize(); /* END OF SLOW CODE */ } if ($count % $parset == 0) { $object->parset = False; //echo $parset.":".$count.":True"; } else { //echo $parset.":".$count.":False"; $object->parset = True; } foreach ($campos as $fld => $type) { $multitype = explode("#", $type); switch ($multitype[0]) { case "texto": $object->{$fld} = substr(strip_tags($object->f($fld)), 0, $multitype[1]) . " ...."; break; case "parrafo": $object->{$fld} = nl2br(strip_tags($object->f($fld), "<br>")); break; case "fecha": if ($object->{$fld} == 0) { $object->{$fld} = ""; } else { $object->{$fld} = strftime("%d/%m/%Y", $object->f($fld)); } break; case "ref": $obj = explode("|", $multitype[1]); $class = $obj[0]; $field = $obj[1]; $nfield = $obj[2]; $void = newObject($class, $object->f($fld)); if (empty($nfield)) { $object->{$fld} = $void->f($field); } else { $object->{$nfield} = $void->f($field); } break; case "xref": $obj = explode("|", $multitype[1]); $class = $obj[0]; $field = $obj[2]; $xid = $obj[1]; if (is_object($object)) { $void = newObject($class, $object->f($xid)); $object->{$fld} = $void->f($field); } else { $void = newObject($class, $object["{$xid}"]); $object["{$fld}"] = $void->f($field); } break; case "xxref": $obj = explode("@", $multitype[1]); $class = $obj[0]; $field = $obj[2]; $xid = $obj[1]; if (is_object($object)) { $void = newObject($class, $object->f($xid)); $object->{$fld} = $void->f($field); } else { $void = newObject($class, $object["{$xid}"]); $object["{$fld}"] = $void->f($field); } break; case "fref": $obj = explode("|", $multitype[1]); $class = $obj[0]; $field = $obj[2]; $xid = $obj[1]; $void = newObject($class, $object->f($xid)); $object->{$fld} = $void->{$field}(); break; case "hora": $object->{$fld} = strftime("%H:%M", $object->f($fld)); break; case "guided": $object->{$fld} = $multitype[1]; break; case "code": //dataDump(get_class_methods($object)); //echo ' Antes: '.$object->$fld; debug(" Code " . $multitype[1] . $multitype[2], "red"); $aux = eval($multitype[1] . $multitype[2]); //echo " Despues: ".$aux; $object->{$fld} = $aux; break; case "select": $external[$fld] = eval("return array(" . $multitype[1] . ");"); //echo $multitype[1]; //dataDump($external); break; } } if (is_object($object)) { echo $users->{$plParseTemplateFunction}(get_object_vars($object), $external); } else { echo $users->{$plParseTemplateFunction}($object, $external); } } } else { $vars["error"] .= '<center><b>No hubo resultados</b></center>'; } unset($styles); unset($nn); echo $users->plParseTemplateFooter(get_object_vars($psObject)); return True; }
public function actionPlantilla() { echo plantilla::obtenerPlantilla('PlantillaPrueba'); }
<?php $tipo = $_GET['tipo']; $usuario = $_GET['usuario']; include ("validar.php"); include ("header.php"); $transaccion = $_GET['transaccion']; include_once("clases.class.php"); $sql=new mysql(); $f=new funciones(); $tpl=new plantilla(); ?> <tr> <td valign="top" background="../images/bg_table.png" style="background-repeat:repeat"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"><div class="titulostaf"></div></td> </tr> <!-- ======================================== AQUI VA TODO EL CONTENIDO DEL SITIO DIVIDIDO EN 3 COLUMNAS ======================== --> <tr> <td> <table width="1151" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <!-- primera columna, aqui va el menu de links xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --> <td width="224" valign="top" align="left"> <?php switch($tipo_usuario){ case "administrador": include("administrador.php"); break;
static function main() { /* $core = new stdClass(); $core->config = $parametro; $core->parametro = $param; $core->logs = $logs; $core->conexion = $conexion; $core->curl = $curl; $core->plantilla = $plantilla; */ include_once ETC . "router.inc.php"; if (isset($_GET['route'])) { $_route = $_GET['route']; if (array_key_exists($_route, $route)) { $_route = $route[$_route]; if (strpos($_route, 'http://') !== false) { self::curlStartup($_route); } } $route_tmp = explode('/', $_route); if (isset($route_tmp[0])) { $controllerName = $route_tmp[0]; } if (isset($route_tmp[1])) { $actionName = $route_tmp[1]; } if (isset($route_tmp[2])) { if (is_numeric($route_tmp[2])) { $param1 = (int) $route_tmp[2]; } elseif ($route_tmp[2] == 'true') { $param1 = true; } elseif ($route_tmp[2] == 'false') { $param1 = false; } else { $param1 = $route_tmp[2]; } } if (isset($route_tmp[3])) { if (is_numeric($route_tmp[3])) { $param2 = (int) $route_tmp[3]; } elseif ($route_tmp[3] == 'true') { $param2 = true; } elseif ($route_tmp[3] == 'false') { $param2 = false; } else { $param2 = $route_tmp[3]; } } if (isset($route_tmp[4])) { if (is_numeric($route_tmp[4])) { $param3 = (int) $route_tmp[4]; } elseif ($route_tmp[4] == 'true') { $param3 = TRUE; } elseif ($route_tmp[4] == 'false') { $param3 = FALSE; } else { $param3 = $route_tmp[4]; } } if (isset($route_tmp[5])) { if (is_numeric($route_tmp[5])) { $param4 = (int) $route_tmp[5]; } elseif ($route_tmp[5] === 'true') { $param4 = TRUE; } elseif ($route_tmp[5] === 'false') { $param4 = FALSE; } else { $param4 = $route_tmp[5]; } } } //Valida controlador, defecto IndexController if (empty($controllerName)) { $controllerName = "DefaultController"; } //Valida accion , defecto index if (empty($actionName)) { $actionName = "index"; } $controllerPath = APPS_CONTROL . $controllerName . '.php'; if (is_file($controllerPath)) { include $controllerPath; } else { $plantilla = new plantilla(); $plantilla->load("no_controller", 38388737400.0, 'core/vista/error/'); $tps_error_control = array(); $tps_error_control['base_url'] = URL_BASE; $tps_error_control['name_control'] = $controllerName; $tps_error_control['dir_control'] = APPS_CONTROL; $plantilla->set($tps_error_control); header("HTTP/1.0 400"); echo $plantilla->get(); exit; } //die('El controlador no existe - 404 not found'); //Si no existe la clase que buscamos y su acción, tiramos un error 404 if (is_callable(array($controllerName, $actionName)) == false) { $plantilla = new plantilla(); $plantilla->load("no_accion", 38388737400.0, 'core/vista/error/'); $tps_error_control = array(); $tps_error_control['base_url'] = URL_BASE; $tps_error_control['name_control'] = $controllerName; $tps_error_control['name_funcion'] = $actionName; $tps_error_control['dir_control'] = APPS_CONTROL; $plantilla->set($tps_error_control); header("HTTP/1.0 400"); echo $plantilla->get(); if ($controllerName != 'monitor' && $actionName != 'bmonitor') { trigger_error($controllerName . '->' . $actionName . '` no existe', E_USER_NOTICE); } return false; } //Si todo esta bien, creamos una instancia del controlador y llamamos a // la accion $controller = new $controllerName(); if (!isset($param1)) { $controller->{$actionName}(); } elseif (!isset($param2)) { $controller->{$actionName}($param1); } elseif (!isset($param3)) { $controller->{$actionName}($param1, $param2); } elseif (!isset($param4)) { $controller->{$actionName}($param1, $param2, $param3); } else { $controller->{$actionName}($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4); } }
<?php $tipo = $_GET['tipo']; $usuario = $_GET['usuario']; include ("validar.php"); include ("header.php"); include_once("clases.class.php"); $sql=new mysql(); $tpl=new plantilla(); $f=new funciones(); $transaccion = $_GET['transaccion']; ?> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"><div class="titulostaf"></div></td> </tr> <!-- ======================================== AQUI VA TODO EL CONTENIDO DEL SITIO DIVIDIDO EN 3 COLUMNAS ======================== --> <tr> <td> <table width="1150" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <!-- primera columna, aqui va el menu de links xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --> <td width="200" valign="top" align="left"> <?php