コード例 #1

// Include the file that defines the class
require 'pivotal.php';
// Create an instance of the class
$pivotal = new pivotal();
// Set our API token and project number
$pivotal->token = 'your_token_goes_here';
$pivotal->project = 'your_project_goes_here';
// Insert a new story
$story = $pivotal->addStory('chore', 'Clean the Kitchen', 'Need to deep clean the kitchen.');
// Insert some tasks, using the story id returned
$pivotal->addTask($story->id, 'Wash the dishes');
$pivotal->addTask($story->id, 'Sweep the floor');
// Add a label to the story
$pivotal->addLabels($story->id, 'kitchen');
コード例 #2

// Include the file that defines the class
require 'pivotal.php';
// Create an instance of the class
$pivotal = new pivotal();
// Set our API token and project number
$pivotal->token = 'your_token_goes_here';
$pivotal->project = 'your_project_goes_here';
// Get an existing story
$story = $pivotal->getStory('the_story_id');
// Display some details
echo $story->name;
コード例 #3

// Include the file that defines the class
require 'pivotal.php';
// Create an instance of the class
$pivotal = new pivotal();
// Set our API token and project number
$pivotal->token = 'your_token_goes_here';
// Get an existing story
$story = $pivotal->getStories('the_project_id');
// Display some details