コード例 #1
$y = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// all values in this array has been assigned 0 so that if any null values arises then it will be saved as 0.
for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
    $query[$i] = "SELECT total FROM `unofficial` WHERE `date` BETWEEN '2013-{$i}-01' AND '2013-{$i}-31'";
    // selects total from unofficial
    $t[$i] = mysql_query($query[$i]);
    $y[$i] = 0;
    while ($x[$i] = mysql_fetch_array($t[$i])) {
        $v[$i] = $x[$i]['total'];
        // storing values of total per month in an array
        $y[$i] = $y[$i] + $v[$i];
these set of statements forms the graph using phpMyGraph5.0.php API
include_once 'phpMyGraph5.0.php';
header("Content-type: image/png");
$cfg['title'] = 'ExPENSES';
$cfg['width'] = 900;
$cfg['height'] = 550;
$cfg['column-color-random'] = 1;
$cfg['jpg-quality'] = 600;
$cfg['title-font-size'] = 6;
$cfg['title-color'] = '#754719';
$cfg['key-color'] = '#OOOOOO';
$cfg['key-font-size'] = 6;
$data = array('JAN' => $y[1], 'FEB' => $y[2], 'MAR' => $y[3], 'APR' => $y[4], 'MAY' => $y[5], 'JUN' => $y[6], 'JULY' => $y[7], 'AUG' => $y[8], 'SEP' => $y[9], 'OCT' => $y[10], 'NOV' => $y[11], 'DEC' => $y[12]);
$graph = new phpMyGraph();
$graph->parseVerticalColumnGraph($data, $cfg);