コード例 #1
phViewLoader::setInstance(new phFileViewLoader(dirname(__FILE__)));
 * also need to include our custom class phDateTime
require_once 'phDateTime.php';
$form = new phForm('event', 'eventView');
 * last 2 params say the only available year should
 * be 2011
$timeForm = new phDateTime('time', 'dateTimeView', 2011, 2011);
 * Add the datetime form as a subform to the master event
 * form.
 * add validators to the time so the date time chosen must be between
 * the start and end of January
$errorMessage = array(phCompareValidator::INVALID => 'The event must occur sometime in January');
 * setup a validator that says the datetime value given must be greater
 * or equal to the start of January 2011
$start = new phCompareValidator(strtotime('2011-01-01 00:00:00'), phCompareValidator::GREATER_EQUAL, $errorMessage);
 * setup a validator that says the datetime value given must be less
 * or equal to the end of January 2011
$end = new phCompareValidator(strtotime('2011-01-31 23:59:59'), phCompareValidator::LESS_EQUAL, $errorMessage);
コード例 #2
phViewLoader::setInstance(new phFileViewLoader(dirname(__FILE__)));
 * create the main form
$form = new phForm('deliver', 'deliveryForm');
 * create the address form, the first argument
 * needs to match what we have in the form helper
 * on the deliveryForm template
$address = new phForm('address', 'addressForm');
 * add the sub form to the main form
     * data has been posted back, bind it to the form
    if ($form->isValid()) {
		<p>We will deliver to 
        echo $form->address->address . ', ' . $form->address->city . ', ' . $form->address->zip;