function pay_settings() { $this->output->admin(); $f = $this->input->f; // Set the default to be PayPal if (!$this->default[adrevenue][payment_module]) { $this->default[adrevenue][payment_module] = "paypal"; } $mod = "pay." . $this->default[adrevenue][payment_module] . ".php"; include_once $mod; $opt = payment::mod_vars(); $info = payment::mod_info(); if (count($f) > 0) { reset($f); while (list($key, $val) = each($f)) { $this->save($key, $val); } $this->output->redirect("The payment settings were updated", "index.php?section=settings&action=pay_settings", 1); exit; } // Show the form $form = new formgen(); $form->comment("<b>" . lib_lang("Enter the settings for your {$info['name']} payment module") . "</b><br> "); if ($info[extern] == TRUE) { $form->comment(lib_lang($info[extern_description]) . ": <font color=red>" . $this->default[adrevenue][hostname] . "ipn.php<p>" . "</font>"); } foreach ($opt as $rec) { $name = $rec[name]; $v = $this->db->getsql("SELECT value FROM adrev_settings WHERE name=?", array($name)); $form->input(lib_lang($rec[label]), "f[{$name}]", stripslashes($v[0][value]), $rec[length]); } $form->hidden("submit", "1"); $this->title = lib_lang("Edit {$info['name']} Payment Settings"); $this->content = $form->generate("post", lib_lang("Save Payment Settings")); $this->display(); $this->printpage(); exit; }