function getint32(&$data) { if (empty($data)) { return ""; } $lower = parse::getint16($data); $higher = parse::getint16($data); return $higher << 16 | $lower; }
$flieLoad->delete(); } else { $errorMessage = $is_loaded; } } // upload and parse all npcs. if ($files->get('npc_zip')) { $npc_zip = FLUX_ROOT . '/'; $is_loaded = $flieLoad->load($files->get('npc_zip'), $npc_zip); if ($is_loaded === true) { $dirExtract = FLUX_ROOT . '/upload_npc'; $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($npc_zip) === true) { $zip->extractTo($dirExtract); $zip->close(); $parse = new parse($server); $file = $parse->getFiles(); $successMessage = 'Successfull load ' . sizeof($file) . ' files'; } else { $errorMessage = 'file must be ZIP ARCHIVE'; } if (sizeof($file) == 0) { $errorMessage = 'files in the archive not found'; } $flieLoad->delete(); } else { $errorMessage = $is_loaded; } } // get data from tables $tables = array('`mob_spawns`' => 'MobSpawnBase', '`map_index`' => 'mapIndexBase', '`warps`' => 'warpsBase', '`npcs` where is_shop = 0' => 'npcsBase', '`npcs` where is_shop = 1' => 'shopsBase');
function rules($rule = "") { $this->getchallenge(); $response = $this->communicate(A2S_RULES . $this->challenge); $control_byte = parse::getchar($response); //DEBUG echo "control byte for rules is: {$control_byte}. "; if ($control_byte != S2A_RULES) { return FALSE; } $result = array(); $count = parse::getint16($response); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $key = parse::getstring($response); $value = parse::getstring($response); $result[$key] = $value; } if (!empty($rule)) { return $result[$rule]; } return $result; }
$title = textFilter($_POST['title'], false, true); $alt_name = totranslit($_POST['alt_name']); $text = $parse->BBparse(textFilter($_POST['text'])); if (isset($title) and !empty($title) and isset($text) and !empty($text) and isset($alt_name) and !empty($alt_name)) { $db->query("UPDATE`" . PREFIX . "_static` SET alt_name = '" . $alt_name . "', title = '" . $title . "', text = '" . $text . "' WHERE id = '" . $id . "'"); header("Location: ?mod=static"); } else { msgbox('Ошибка', 'Все поля обязательны к заполнению', 'javascript:history.go(-1)'); } die; } echoheader(); $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['title']); //Подключаем парсер include_once ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/parse.php'; $parse = new parse(); $row['text'] = $parse->BBdecode(myBrRn(stripslashes($row['text']))); echohtmlstart('Редактирование страницы'); echo <<<HTML <form method="POST" action=""> <style type="text/css" media="all"> .inpu{width:458px;} textarea{width:300px;height:300px;} </style> <div class="fllogall" style="width:130px">Заголовок:</div><input class="inpu" type="text" name="title" value="{$row['title']}" /><div class="mgcler"></div> <div class="fllogall" style="width:130px">Адрес: (например <b>test</b>):</div><input class="inpu" type="text" name="alt_name" value="{$row['alt_name']}" /><div class="mgcler"></div> <div class="fllogall" style="width:130px">Текст:</div><textarea class="inpu" name="text">{$row['text']}</textarea><div class="mgcler"></div>
<?php require_once './model/file.php'; require_once './model/parse.php'; $view = isset($_GET['view']) ? $_GET['view'] : 'pg9.3'; $list = ['pg9.3' => 'pg-9.3.5', 'MySQL' => 'my', 'MariaDB' => 'maria', 'pg9.4' => 'pg-9.4.0']; $path = isset($list["{$view}"]) ? $list["{$view}"] : 'pg-9.3.5'; $file = new file($path); $parse = new parse($file); $parse_delete_date = $parse->get(); ksort($parse_delete_date); $fp = fopen('php://temp', 'r+b'); fputcsv($fp, $fields); $header[] = "全実行時間(sec.)"; $header[] = "r"; $header[] = "b"; $header[] = "buff"; $header[] = "cache"; $header[] = "bi"; $header[] = "bo"; $header[] = "in"; $header[] = "cs"; $header[] = "us"; $header[] = "sy"; $header[] = "id"; $header[] = "wa"; fputcsv($fp, $header); foreach ($parse_delete_date as $file_name => $value) { unset($fields); $fields[] = $file_name; $fields[] = $value['out_parse_data']["全実行時間(sec.):"];
$tpl->compile('content'); } else { Hacking(); } } else { Hacking(); } break; //################### Сохранение отредактированых ###################// //################### Сохранение отредактированых ###################// case "save": NoAjaxQuery(); if ($user_group[$user_info['user_group']]['addnews']) { //Подключаем парсер include ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/parse.php'; $parse = new parse(); $title = ajax_utf8(textFilter($_POST['title'], false, true)); $text = $parse->BBparse(ajax_utf8(textFilter($_POST['text']))); $id = intval($_POST['id']); function BBimg($source) { return "<img src=\"{$source}\" alt=\"\" />"; } $text = preg_replace("#\\[img\\](.*?)\\[/img\\]#ies", "\\BBimg('\\1')", $text); if (isset($title) and !empty($title) and isset($text) and !empty($text)) { $db->query("UPDATE `" . PREFIX . "_blog` SET title = '{$title}', story = '{$text}' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); } } die; break; //################### Загрузка фотографии ###################//
function parseXmlFile($file, $str) { $file = $this->checkfileSlash($this->cfg['style']) . $file; include './libraries/class.parse.php'; $c = new parse($file); $content = $c->getLoopStr($str); return array("main" => $content['main'], "loop" => $content['loop']); }
<?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) { exit; } error_reporting(0); function rmdirs($dir) { if ($objs = glob($dir . '/*')) { foreach ($objs as $obj) { is_dir($obj) ? rmdirs($obj) : unlink($obj); } } rmdir($dir); } if ($params->get('type') == 'delDir') { rmdirs(FLUX_ROOT . '/upload_npc'); die; } require_once 'Flux/ParseNPC.php'; $file = $params->get('file_name'); try { $parse = new parse($server); $data = array('isError' => false, 'data' => $parse->loadFiles(array($file))); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array('isError' => true, 'data' => $e->getMessage()); } $data['file'] = $file; $data['file_short'] = array_pop(explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $file))); echo json_encode($data); die;
/* Appointment: Заметки File: notes.php */ if (!defined('MOZG')) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } //Редактирование if ($_GET['act'] == 'edit') { $note_id = intval($_GET['id']); //SQL Запрос на вывод информации о заметке $row = $db->super_query("SELECT title, full_text FROM `" . PREFIX . "_notes` WHERE id = '" . $note_id . "'"); if ($row) { //Подключаем парсер include ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/parse.php'; $parse = new parse(); if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $title = textFilter($_POST['title'], false, true); $text = $parse->BBparse(textFilter($_POST['full_text'])); if (isset($title) and !empty($title) and isset($text) and !empty($text)) { $db->query("UPDATE `" . PREFIX . "_notes` SET title = '" . $title . "', full_text = '" . $text . "' WHERE id = '" . $note_id . "'"); msgbox('Информация', 'Заметка успешно сохранена', '?mod=notes'); } else { msgbox('Ошибка', 'Заполните все поля', '?mod=notes&act=edit&id=' . $note_id); } } else { $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['title']); $row['full_text'] = $parse->BBdecode(stripslashes(myBrRn($row['full_text']))); echoheader(); echohtmlstart('Редактирование заметки'); echo <<<HTML
include 'includes/'; echo "</td><td class=\"content\">"; // main content title echo "<div class=\"content_header\">PARSER <strong>«</strong></div>"; /* * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE *************************************************** */ echo "<div class=\"content_subheader\">PASTE MISSIONS OR GALAXY STATUS <strong>«</strong></div>"; if (!isset($_POST['parse'])) { echo "<div class=\"content_item\" style=\"text-align: center;\">"; echo "<br />"; echo "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<textarea name=\"parse\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"60\" />"; echo "</textarea>"; echo "<br /><br />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" />"; echo "</form>"; echo "</div>"; } else { $parse = new parse($_POST['parse'], $my_user_id); $parse->process_parse(); echo $parse->get_feedback(); } /* * MAIN CONTENT ENDS HERE ***************************************************** */ // close main table echo "</td></tr></table>"; // footer include 'includes/'; include 'includes/';
public function running_scans($xml_v1, $xml_v2, $account_name) { $now = date('c'); $parsed = parse::running_scans($xml_v1, $xml_v2, $account_name, $now); $insert = $this->insert(SCANS_RUNNING_TABLE, $parsed); return $insert; }
$vulndb = Model::factory('vulndb_main'); Logger::msg('info', array('message' => 'Starting the vulnDB updater')); $accounts = $vulndb->getaccounts(); foreach ($accounts as $account) { $now = date('c'); $account_name = $account['account']; $username = $account['username']; $password = CryptAES::decrypt($account['password']); $url1 = 'https://' . $account['api_url'] . '/msp/'; $url2 = 'https://' . $account['api_url'] . '/api/2.0/fo/'; $api1 = new QualysAPI_v1(); $api2 = new QualysAPI_v2($url2, $username, $password); Logger::msg('info', array('account' => $account_name, 'message' => "starting with account {$account_name}")); Logger::msg('info', array('account' => $account_name, 'message' => "polling scan list", 'timeframe' => $timeframe, 'api_call' => 'pollscans', 'api_version' => 2)); $scanlist_xml = $api2->pollscans($timeframe); $scanlist = parse::scanlist($scanlist_xml); $scans_in_vulndb = $vulndb->getscans($account_name); // Filter out the scans we already have vulnDB and move onto scans we need to get $scans_to_get = $vulndb->prunescanlist($scanlist, $account_name); // Lets get those scans if (count($scans_to_get)) { foreach ($scans_to_get as $scan_to_get) { $scanstatus = $scan_to_get['SCAN_STATUS']; $scanid = (string) $scan_to_get['SCAN_ID']; $scantitle = (string) $scan_to_get['SCAN_TITLE']; $scandate = (string) $scan_to_get['SCAN_DATE']; $scantypestoget = $vdb_config['scan_types_to_get']; if (in_array($scanstatus, $scantypestoget)) { Logger::msg('info', array('account' => $account_name, 'message' => "downloading scan", 'scan_id' => $scanid, 'scan_title' => $scantitle, 'scan_date' => $scandate)); $filename = "{$account_name}-" . str_replace("/", "_", $scanid) . ".csv"; $report_path = REPORTPATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $account_name;