コード例 #1
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: PseudoAj/mfcs
 private static function createTable($data, $headers = NULL, $pagination = TRUE, $formID = NULL)
     $table = new tableObject("array");
     $table->summary = "Object Listing";
     $table->sortable = FALSE;
     $table->class = "table table-striped table-bordered";
     $table->id = "objectListingTable";
     $table->layout = TRUE;
     if (isnull($headers)) {
         $headers = array();
         $headers[] = "System IDNO";
         $headers[] = "Form IDNO";
         $headers[] = "Title";
         $headers[] = "View";
         $headers[] = "Edit";
         // $headers[] = "Revisions";
     $userPaginationCount = users::user('pagination', 25);
     if ($pagination && sizeof($data) > $userPaginationCount) {
         $engine = mfcs::$engine;
         $pagination = new pagination(sizeof($data));
         $pagination->itemsPerPage = $userPaginationCount;
         $pagination->currentPage = isset($engine->cleanGet['MYSQL'][$pagination->urlVar]) ? $engine->cleanGet['MYSQL'][$pagination->urlVar] : 1;
         $startPos = $userPaginationCount * ($pagination->currentPage - 1);
         $dataNodes = array_slice($data, $startPos, $userPaginationCount);
         $tableHTML = $table->display($dataNodes);
         $tableHTML .= $pagination->nav_bar();
         $tableHTML .= sprintf('<p><span class="paginationJumpLabel">Jump to Page:</span> %s</p>', $pagination->dropdown());
         $tableHTML .= sprintf('<p><span class="paginationJumpLabel">Records per page:</span> %s</p>', $pagination->recordsPerPageDropdown());
         $tableHTML .= sprintf('<p><form id="jumpToIDNOForm"><span class="paginationJumpLabel">Jump to IDNO:</span> <input type="text" name="jumpToIDNO" id="jumpToIDNO" data-formid="%s" value="" /></form></p>', isnull($formID) ? "" : htmlSanitize($formID));
         return $tableHTML;
     } else {
         return $table->display($data);