/** * Executes parent::render(), assigns template name and returns it * * @return string */ public function render() { parent::render(); if ($sTpl = $this->getViewParameter("sWidgetType")) { $sTemplateName = 'widget/' . basename($sTpl) . '/categorylist.tpl'; if ($this->getConfig()->getTemplatePath($sTemplateName, $this->isAdmin())) { $this->_sThisTemplate = $sTemplateName; } } return $this->_sThisTemplate; }
/** * Executes parent::render(). * Returns name of template file to render. * * @return string $this->_sThisTemplate current template file name */ public function render() { /** @var toxidCurl $toxid */ $toxid = oxRegistry::get('toxidCurl'); if (!$toxid->getInitialized()) { $toxid->init(oxNew('Toxid_Curl_Smarty_Parser')); } $cmsSnippet = $toxid->getCmsSnippet('content', true, 'toxid-teaser'); parent::render(); $this->_aViewData['content'] = $cmsSnippet; return $this->_sThisTemplate; }
/** * Renders template based on widget type or just use directly passed path of template * * @return string */ public function render() { parent::render(); $sWidgetType = $this->getViewParameter('sWidgetType'); $sListType = $this->getViewParameter('sListType'); if ($sWidgetType && $sListType) { $this->_sTemplate = "widget/" . $sWidgetType . "/" . $sListType . ".tpl"; } $sForceTemplate = $this->getViewParameter('oxwtemplate'); if ($sForceTemplate) { $this->_sTemplate = $sForceTemplate; } return $this->_sTemplate; }
/** * Sets self::$_aCollectedComponentNames to null, as views and widgets * controllers loads different components and calls parent::init() */ public function init() { self::$_aCollectedComponentNames = null; if (!empty($this->_aComponentNames)) { foreach ($this->_aComponentNames as $sComponentName => $sCompCache) { $oActTopView = $this->getConfig()->getTopActiveView(); if ($oActTopView) { $this->_oaComponents[$sComponentName] = $oActTopView->getComponent($sComponentName); if (!isset($this->_oaComponents[$sComponentName])) { $this->_blLoadComponents = true; break; } else { $this->_oaComponents[$sComponentName]->setParent($this); } } } } parent::init(); }
/** * Executes parent::render(). Check if need to hide cookie note. * Returns name of template file to render. * * @return string current template file name */ public function render() { parent::render(); return $this->_sThisTemplate; }
/** * Returns default category sorting for selected category * * @return array */ public function getDefaultSorting() { $aSorting = parent::getDefaultSorting(); $oCategory = $this->getActiveCategory(); if ($this->getListType() != 'search' && $oCategory && $oCategory instanceof \OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Application\Model\Category) { if ($sSortBy = $oCategory->getDefaultSorting()) { $sSortDir = $oCategory->getDefaultSortingMode() ? "desc" : "asc"; $aSorting = array('sortby' => $sSortBy, 'sortdir' => $sSortDir); } } return $aSorting; }