} elseif (isset($_POST['type'])) { $type = $_POST['type']; } else { // TODO exit(100); } if (isset($_GET['port'])) { $port = $_GET['port']; } elseif (isset($_POST['port'])) { $port = $_POST['port']; } else { // TODO exit(100); } $server = new server($deviceId); $osM = new osManager($deviceId); if ($osM->getId($type, $port) == 0) { $osM->create($type, $port); } // TODO - add result echo '<script>location.reload();</script>'; break; case 'osCreateForm': if (isset($_GET['deviceId'])) { $deviceId = $_GET['deviceId']; } elseif (isset($_POST['deviceId'])) { $deviceId = $_POST['deviceId']; } else { // TODO exit(100); }
<?php // Parse the data $itemCount = 0; while (is_object($items = $item_DATA->getElementsByTagName("SERVERS")->item($itemCount))) { foreach ($items->childNodes as $item) { $hostname = $item->getElementsByTagName("NAME")->item(0)->nodeValue; $serverStatus = $item->getElementsByTagName("CONNECT_STATUS")->item(0)->nodeValue; $serverCode = $item->getElementsByTagName("CONNECT_CODE")->item(0)->nodeValue; // $devM = new deviceManager(); $dev = new device($devM->getId('server', $hostname)); $server = new server($dev->id); $osM = new osManager($dev->id); $osItemCount = 0; while (is_object($osItems = $item->getElementsByTagName("OSES")->item($osItemCount))) { foreach ($osItems->childNodes as $osItem) { $osName = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("NAME")->item(0)->nodeValue; $osPort = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("PORT")->item(0)->nodeValue; $osStatus = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("CONNECT_STATUS")->item(0)->nodeValue; $osCode = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("CONNECT_CODE")->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($osM->getId($osName, $osPort) == 0) { $osM->create($osName, $osPort); } } $osItemCount++; } } $itemCount++; }
<?php // Parse the data $itemCount = 0; while (is_object($items = $item_DATA->getElementsByTagName("SERVERS")->item($itemCount))) { foreach ($items->childNodes as $item) { $hostname = $item->getElementsByTagName("NAME")->item(0)->nodeValue; $devM = new deviceManager(); $dev = new device($devM->getId('server', $hostname)); $server = new server($dev->id); $osM = new osManager($dev->id); $osItemCount = 0; while (is_object($osItems = $item->getElementsByTagName("OSES")->item($osItemCount))) { foreach ($osItems->childNodes as $osItem) { $osType = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("TYPE")->item(0)->nodeValue; $osPort = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("PORT")->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($osM->getId($osType, $osPort) == 0) { $osM->create($osType, $osPort); } $os = new os($osM->getId($osType, $osPort)); $cpuM = new cpuManager($os->id); $diskM = new diskManager($os->id); $fsM = new fsManager($os->id); $serviceM = new serviceManager($os->id); $dbInstanceM = new dbInstanceManager($os->id); if (isset($osItem->getElementsByTagName("NAME")->item(0)->nodeValue)) { $osName = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("NAME")->item(0)->nodeValue; } else { $osName = ''; } if (isset($osItem->getElementsByTagName("VERSION")->item(0)->nodeValue)) {