function getProducts() { global $toC_Json, $osC_Language; $osC_Tax = new osC_Tax_Admin(); $osC_Currencies = new osC_Currencies_Admin(); $osC_Order = new osC_Order($_REQUEST['orders_id']); $records = array(); foreach ($osC_Order->getProducts() as $product) { $product_info = $product['quantity'] . ' x ' . $product['name']; if (isset($product['variants']) && is_array($product['variants']) && sizeof($product['variants']) > 0) { foreach ($product['variants'] as $variants) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $variants['groups_name'] . ': ' . $variants['values_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; } } if ($product['type'] == PRODUCT_TYPE_GIFT_CERTIFICATE) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('senders_name') . ': ' . $product['senders_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; if ($product['gift_certificates_type'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_EMAIL) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('senders_email') . ': ' . $product['senders_email'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('recipients_name') . ': ' . $product['recipients_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; if ($product['gift_certificates_type'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_EMAIL) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('recipients_email') . ': ' . $product['recipients_email'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('messages') . ': ' . $product['messages'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $records[] = array('products' => $product_info, 'return_quantity' => $product['return_quantity'] > 0 ? $product['return_quantity'] : '', 'model' => $product['model'], 'tax' => $osC_Tax->displayTaxRateValue($product['tax']), 'price_net' => $osC_Currencies->format($product['final_price'], $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'price_gross' => $osC_Currencies->displayPriceWithTaxRate($product['final_price'], $product['tax'], 1, $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'total_net' => $osC_Currencies->format($product['final_price'] * $product['quantity'], $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'total_gross' => $osC_Currencies->displayPriceWithTaxRate($product['final_price'], $product['tax'], $product['quantity'], $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue())); } foreach ($osC_Order->getTotals() as $totals) { $records[] = array('products' => '', 'model' => '', 'tax' => '', 'price_net' => '', 'price_gross' => $totals['title'], 'total_net' => '', 'total_gross' => $totals['text']); } $response = array(EXT_JSON_READER_ROOT => $records); echo $toC_Json->encode($response); }
function deleteTaxRates() { global $toC_Json, $osC_Language; $error = false; $batch = explode(',', $_REQUEST['batch']); foreach ($batch as $id) { if (!osC_Tax_Admin::deleteEntry($id)) { $error = true; break; } } if ($error === false) { $response = array('success' => true, 'feedback' => $osC_Language->get('ms_success_action_performed')); } else { $response = array('success' => false, 'feedback' => $osC_Language->get('ms_error_action_not_performed')); } echo $toC_Json->encode($response); }
function listOrdersEditProducts() { global $toC_Json, $osC_Database, $osC_Language, $osC_ShoppingCart, $osC_Currencies, $osC_Weight, $osC_Tax; $osC_Tax = new osC_Tax_Admin(); $osC_Weight = new osC_Weight(); $osC_Currencies = new osC_Currencies(); $osC_Order = new osC_Order($_REQUEST['orders_id']); $records = array(); foreach ($osC_Order->getProducts() as $products_id_string => $product) { $product_info = $product['name']; if (isset($product['variants']) && is_array($product['variants']) && sizeof($product['variants']) > 0) { foreach ($product['variants'] as $variants) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $variants['groups_name'] . ': ' . $variants['values_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; } } if ($product['type'] == PRODUCT_TYPE_GIFT_CERTIFICATE) { $product_info .= ' (' . $product['gift_certificates_code'] . ')'; $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('senders_name') . ': ' . $product['senders_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; if ($product['gift_certificates_type'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_EMAIL) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('senders_email') . ': ' . $product['senders_email'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('recipients_name') . ': ' . $product['recipients_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; if ($product['gift_certificates_type'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_EMAIL) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('recipients_email') . ': ' . $product['recipients_email'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('messages') . ': ' . $product['messages'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $osC_Product = new osC_Product($product['id'], $osC_Order->getCustomer('customers_id')); $records[] = array('orders_products_id' => $product['orders_products_id'], 'products_id' => $product['id'], 'products_type' => $product['type'], 'products' => $product_info, 'quantity' => $product['quantity'] > 0 ? $product['quantity'] : '', 'qty_in_stock' => $osC_Product->getQuantity($products_id_string), 'sku' => $product['sku'], 'tax' => $osC_Tax->displayTaxRateValue($product['tax']), 'price_net' => round($product['final_price'] * $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue(), 2), 'price_gross' => $osC_Currencies->displayPriceWithTaxRate($product['final_price'], $product['tax'], 1, $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'total_net' => $osC_Currencies->format($product['final_price'] * $product['quantity'], $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'total_gross' => $osC_Currencies->displayPriceWithTaxRate($product['final_price'], $product['tax'], $product['quantity'], $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'action' => array('class' => 'icon-delete-record', 'qtip' => '')); } $order_totals = '<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="300" border="0">'; foreach ($osC_Order->getTotals() as $totals) { $order_totals .= '<tr><td align="right">' . $totals['title'] . ' </td><td width="60">' . $totals['text'] . '</td></tr>'; } $order_totals .= '</table>'; $response = array(EXT_JSON_READER_ROOT => $records, 'totals' => $order_totals, 'shipping_method' => $osC_Order->getDeliverMethod()); echo $toC_Json->encode($response); }
function listOrdersEditProducts() { global $toC_Json, $osC_Database, $osC_Language, $osC_ShoppingCart, $osC_Currencies, $osC_Weight, $osC_Tax; $osC_Tax = new osC_Tax_Admin(); $osC_Weight = new osC_Weight(); $osC_Currencies = new osC_Currencies(); $osC_Order = new osC_Order($_REQUEST['orders_id']); $records = array(); foreach ($osC_Order->getProducts() as $products_id_string => $product) { $product_info = $product['name']; if (isset($product['variants']) && is_array($product['variants']) && sizeof($product['variants']) > 0) { foreach ($product['variants'] as $variants) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $variants['groups_name'] . ': ' . $variants['values_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; } } if (isset($product['customizations']) && !empty($product['customizations'])) { $product_info .= '<p>'; foreach ($product['customizations'] as $key => $customization) { $product_info .= '<div style="float: left">' . $customization['qty'] . ' x ' . '</div>'; $product_info .= '<div style="margin-left: 25px">'; foreach ($customization['fields'] as $orders_products_customizations_values_id => $field) { if ($field['customization_type'] == CUSTOMIZATION_FIELD_TYPE_INPUT_TEXT) { $product_info .= $field['customization_fields_name'] . ': ' . $field['customization_value'] . '<br />'; } else { $product_info .= $field['customization_fields_name'] . ': <a href="' . osc_href_link_admin(FILENAME_JSON, 'module=orders&action=download_customization_file&file=' . $field['customization_value'] . '&cache_file=' . $field['cache_filename']) . '">' . $field['customization_value'] . '</a>' . '<br />'; } } $product_info .= '</div>'; } $product_info .= '</p>'; } if ($product['type'] == PRODUCT_TYPE_GIFT_CERTIFICATE) { $product_info .= ' (' . $product['gift_certificates_code'] . ')'; $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('senders_name') . ': ' . $product['senders_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; if ($product['gift_certificates_type'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_EMAIL) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('senders_email') . ': ' . $product['senders_email'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('recipients_name') . ': ' . $product['recipients_name'] . '</i></nobr>'; if ($product['gift_certificates_type'] == GIFT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE_EMAIL) { $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('recipients_email') . ': ' . $product['recipients_email'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $product_info .= '<br /><nobr> <i>' . $osC_Language->get('messages') . ': ' . $product['messages'] . '</i></nobr>'; } $osC_Product = new osC_Product($product['id'], $osC_Order->getCustomer('customers_id')); $records[] = array('orders_products_id' => $product['orders_products_id'], 'products_id' => $product['id'], 'products_type' => $product['type'], 'products' => $product_info, 'quantity' => $product['quantity'] > 0 ? $product['quantity'] : '', 'qty_in_stock' => $osC_Product->getQuantity($products_id_string), 'sku' => $product['sku'], 'tax' => $osC_Tax->displayTaxRateValue($product['tax']), 'price_net' => round($product['final_price'] * $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue(), 2), 'price_gross' => $osC_Currencies->displayPriceWithTaxRate($product['final_price'], $product['tax'], 1, $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'total_net' => $osC_Currencies->format($product['final_price'] * $product['quantity'], $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'total_gross' => $osC_Currencies->displayPriceWithTaxRate($product['final_price'], $product['tax'], $product['quantity'], $osC_Order->getCurrency(), $osC_Order->getCurrencyValue()), 'action' => array('class' => 'icon-delete-record', 'qtip' => '')); } $order_totals = '<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="300" border="0">'; foreach ($osC_Order->getTotals() as $totals) { $order_totals .= '<tr><td align="right">' . $totals['title'] . ' </td><td width="60">' . $totals['text'] . '</td></tr>'; } $order_totals .= '</table>'; $response = array(EXT_JSON_READER_ROOT => $records, 'totals' => $order_totals, 'shipping_method' => $osC_Order->getDeliverMethod()); echo $toC_Json->encode($response); }
<?php /* $Id$ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions Copyright (c) 2007 osCommerce This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 (1991) as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ require 'includes/classes/tax.php'; $osC_Tax = new osC_Tax_Admin(); $osC_Order = new osC_Order($_GET['oID']); ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="pageHeading"><?php echo nl2br(STORE_NAME_ADDRESS); ?> </td> <td class="pageHeading" align="right"><?php echo osc_image('../images/store_logo.jpg', STORE_NAME); ?> </td>
function getTaxClasses() { global $toC_Json, $osC_Database, $osC_Language; require_once 'includes/classes/tax.php'; $osC_Tax = new osC_Tax_Admin(); $Qtc = $osC_Database->query('select tax_class_id, tax_class_title from :table_tax_class order by tax_class_title'); $Qtc->bindTable(':table_tax_class', TABLE_TAX_CLASS); $Qtc->execute(); $tax_class_array = array(array('id' => '0', 'rate' => '0', 'text' => $osC_Language->get('none'))); while ($Qtc->next()) { $tax_class_array[] = array('id' => $Qtc->valueInt('tax_class_id'), 'rate' => $osC_Tax->getTaxRate($Qtc->valueInt('tax_class_id')), 'text' => $Qtc->value('tax_class_title')); } $response = array(EXT_JSON_READER_ROOT => $tax_class_array); echo $toC_Json->encode($response); }
function listProducts() { global $toC_Json, $osC_Database, $osC_Language; $start = empty($_REQUEST['start']) ? 0 : $_REQUEST['start']; $limit = empty($_REQUEST['limit']) ? MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS : $_REQUEST['limit']; $osC_Tax = new osC_Tax_Admin(); $Qtc = $osC_Database->query('select tax_class_id, tax_class_title from :table_tax_class order by tax_class_title'); $Qtc->bindTable(':table_tax_class', TABLE_TAX_CLASS); $Qtc->execute(); $tax_class_array = array(); while ($Qtc->next()) { $tax_class_array[$Qtc->valueInt('tax_class_id')] = $osC_Tax->getTaxRate($Qtc->valueInt('tax_class_id')); } $Qproducts = $osC_Database->query('select p.products_id, pd.products_name, p.products_tax_class_id from :table_products p, :table_products_description pd where p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = :language_id and p.products_type <> :products_type'); $Qproducts->appendQuery(' order by pd.products_name'); $Qproducts->bindTable(':table_products', TABLE_PRODUCTS); $Qproducts->bindTable(':table_products_description', TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION); $Qproducts->bindInt(':language_id', $osC_Language->getID()); $Qproducts->bindInt(':products_type', PRODUCT_TYPE_GIFT_CERTIFICATE); $Qproducts->setExtBatchLimit($start, $limit); $Qproducts->execute(); $records = array(); while ($Qproducts->next()) { $rate = $Qproducts->valueInt('products_tax_class_id') == 0 ? 0 : $tax_class_array[$Qproducts->valueInt('products_tax_class_id')]; $records[] = array('products_id' => $Qproducts->value('products_id'), 'products_name' => $Qproducts->value('products_name'), 'rate' => $rate); } $response = array(EXT_JSON_READER_TOTAL => $Qproducts->getBatchSize(), EXT_JSON_READER_ROOT => $records); echo $toC_Json->encode($response); }
<?php /* $Id$ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions Copyright (c) 2007 osCommerce This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 (1991) as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ require 'includes/classes/tax.php'; $osC_Tax = new osC_Tax_Admin(); $osC_Order = new osC_Order($_GET['oID']); if (!$osC_Order->isValid()) { $osC_MessageStack->add($osC_Template->getModule(), sprintf(ERROR_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, $_GET['oID']), 'error'); } $tabIndex = 0; if (isset($_GET['tabIndex']) && !empty($_GET['tabIndex'])) { switch ($_GET['tabIndex']) { case 'tabProducts': $tabIndex = 1; break; case 'tabTransactionHistory': $tabIndex = 2; break; case 'tabStatusHistory': $tabIndex = 3;
function listProducts() { global $toC_Json, $osC_Database, $osC_Language; $start = empty($_REQUEST['start']) ? 0 : $_REQUEST['start']; $limit = empty($_REQUEST['limit']) ? MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS : $_REQUEST['limit']; $variants = isset($_POST['variants']) ? $_POST['variants'] : 0; $osC_Tax = new osC_Tax_Admin(); $Qtc = $osC_Database->query('select tax_class_id, tax_class_title from :table_tax_class order by tax_class_title'); $Qtc->bindTable(':table_tax_class', TABLE_TAX_CLASS); $Qtc->execute(); $tax_class_array = array(); while ($Qtc->next()) { $tax_class_array[$Qtc->valueInt('tax_class_id')] = $osC_Tax->getTaxRate($Qtc->valueInt('tax_class_id')); } //get the variants products if ($variants == 1) { $result = osC_Specials_Admin::getVariantsProducts($start, $limit); //get the general products } else { $result = osC_Specials_Admin::getProducts($start, $limit); } $records = array(); if (count($result['products']) > 0) { foreach ($result['products'] as $product) { $rate = $product['products_tax_class_id'] == 0 ? 0 : $tax_class_array[$product['products_tax_class_id']]; $records[] = array('products_id' => $product['products_id'], 'products_name' => $product['products_name'], 'rate' => $rate); } } $response = array(EXT_JSON_READER_TOTAL => $result['total'], EXT_JSON_READER_ROOT => $records); echo $toC_Json->encode($response); }