function _on_watched_dba_update($object) { // Note: the API key has to be defined in /etc/midgard/midcom.conf $apikey = $GLOBALS['midcom_config']['qaiku_apikey']; $_MIDCOM->load_library('org.openpsa.httplib'); $message = array('channel' => 'opendata', 'source' => '', 'lang' => 'fi', 'status' => '', 'external_url' => ''); if ($object->get_parameter('fi.opengov.datacatalog', 'qaiku_id')) { // This is already on Qaiku, skip return; } if ($object instanceof midcom_baseclasses_database_article) { // Check that the article is a visible one $topic = new midcom_db_topic($object->topic); if ($topic->component != '') { return; } $message['status'] = "[blog] {$object->title}"; } elseif ($object instanceof fi_opengov_datacatalog_dataset_dba) { // Check that the dataset is a published one if (!fi_opengov_datacatalog_dataset_dba::matching_license_type($object->guid, 'free')) { // We don't publicize closed datasets return; } $message['status'] = "[dataset] {$object->title}"; } else { return; } $message['external_url'] = $_MIDCOM->permalinks->resolve_permalink($object->guid); $http = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $json = $http->post("{$apikey}", $message); $qaiku = json_decode($json); if (is_object($qaiku) && isset($qaiku->id)) { $object->set_parameter('fi.opengov.datacatalog', 'qaiku_id', $qaiku->id); } }
/** * Try geocoding an IP address. * * @param array $location Parameters to geocode with, conforms to XEP-0080 * @return org_routamc_positioning_spot containing geocoded information */ public function geocode(array $location) { if (!isset($location['ip'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No IP address provided"); } // Check that we have a valid IP if (!filter_var($location['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid IP address provided"); } $http_request = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $json = $http_request->get("{$location['ip']}"); if (!$json) { throw new RuntimeException("GeoPlugin did not return data"); } // Remove the geoPlugin() callback $json = substr($json, 10, -1); $geocoded = json_decode($json); if (!$geocoded->geoplugin_latitude || !$geocoded->geoplugin_longitude) { throw new RuntimeException("GeoPlugin did not return coordinates for IP"); } $location = array('latitude' => (double) $geocoded->geoplugin_latitude, 'longitude' => (double) $geocoded->geoplugin_longitude); $location['accuracy'] = 80; $location['source'] = 'geoplugin'; if (isset($geocoded->geoplugin_countryCode)) { $location['country'] = $geocoded->geoplugin_countryCode; $location['accuracy'] = 60; } if (isset($geocoded->geoplugin_city)) { $location['city'] = $geocoded->geoplugin_city; $location['accuracy'] = 30; } return $location; }
private function _fetch_icbm_position($url) { $client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $html = $client->get($url); $icbm = org_openpsa_httplib_helpers::get_meta_value($html, 'icbm'); if (strstr($icbm, ',')) { $icbm_parts = explode(',', $icbm); if (count($icbm_parts) == 2) { $latitude = (double) $icbm_parts[0]; if ($latitude > 90 || $latitude < -90) { // This is no earth coordinate, my friend $this->error = 'POSITIONING_HTML_INCORRECT_LATITUDE'; return null; } $longitude = (double) $icbm_parts[1]; if ($longitude > 180 || $longitude < -180) { // This is no earth coordinate, my friend $this->error = 'POSITIONING_HTML_INCORRECT_LONGITUDE'; return null; } $position = array('latitude' => $latitude, 'longitude' => $longitude); return $position; } } $this->error = 'POSITIONING_HTML_CONNECTION_NORESULTS'; return null; }
private function _fetch_qaiku_positions($qaiku_apikey) { $positions = array(); $client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $start_date = urlencode('2009-11-26 09:00:00'); $json = $client->get("{$qaiku_apikey}&since={$start_date}"); $statuses = json_decode($json); foreach ($statuses as $status) { if (!isset($status->geo->coordinates) || empty($status->geo->coordinates)) { // No location, skip continue; } $positions[] = array('qaiku' => $status->id, 'latitude' => (double) $status->geo->coordinates[1], 'longitude' => (double) $status->geo->coordinates[0], 'date' => strtotime($status->created_at)); } return $positions; }
private function _fetch_plazes_positions($plazes_username, $plazes_password) { $positions = array(); $client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $xml = $client->get("{$plazes_username}/past_activities.xml", 'User-agent: device: midgard', $plazes_username, $plazes_password); $simplexml = simplexml_load_string($xml); if (!isset($simplexml->activity)) { return null; } foreach ($simplexml->activity as $activity) { if (!isset($activity->plaze) || !isset($activity->plaze->latitude)) { // No location, skip continue; } $positions[] = array('plaze' => (int) $activity->plaze->id, 'latitude' => (double) $activity->plaze->latitude, 'longitude' => (double) $activity->plaze->longitude, 'country' => (string) $activity->plaze->country_code, 'city' => (string) $activity->plaze->city, 'date' => strtotime((string) $activity->scheduled_at)); } return $positions; }
private function _fetch_instamapper_positions($api_key) { $url = "{$api_key}&num=10"; $client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $csv = $client->get($url); if (!$csv) { $this->error = 'POSITIONING_INSTAMAPPER_CONNECTION_NORESULTS'; return null; } $lines = explode("\n", $csv); $positions = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (strpos($line, ',') === false) { continue; } $position_data = explode(',', $line); $positions[] = array('device' => $position_data[0], 'device_label' => $position_data[1], 'time' => date('c', $position_data[2]), 'latitude' => $position_data[3], 'longitude' => $position_data[4], 'altitude' => (int) $position_data[5], 'speed' => $position_data[6], 'bearing' => $position_data[7]); } // Return latest first return array_reverse($positions); }
/** * Empty default implementation, this calls won't do much. * * @param Array $coordinates Contains latitude and longitude values * @return Array containing geocoded information */ function reverse_geocode($coordinates) { if (!isset($coordinates['latitude']) && !isset($coordinates['longitude'])) { $this->error = 'POSITIONING_MISSING_ATTRIBUTES'; return null; } $lat_str = str_replace(',', '.', (string) $coordinates['latitude']); $lon_str = str_replace(',', '.', (string) $coordinates['longitude']); $url = "{$lat_str},{$lon_str}"; $http_request = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $response = $http_request->get($url); if (empty($response)) { $this->error = 'POSITIONING_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE'; return null; } // check for errors if (strpos($response, "couldn't get") !== false) { $this->error = 'POSITIONING_DETAILS_NOT_FOUND'; return null; } $position = array(); // Walk the reponse parts in reverse order putting to fields as specified by the response_fields below $response_parts = explode(',', $response); $response_parts = array_reverse($response_parts); $response_fields = array('country', 'postalcode', 'city', 'street'); while (count($response_parts) > 0) { if (count($response_fields) > 0) { $field = array_pop($response_fields); } if (!isset($position[$field])) { $position[$field] = array_pop($response_parts); } else { //special case got more fields in response than we know how to handle, add them to the last field $position[$field] .= ' ' . array_pop($response_parts); } } return array($position); }
/** * * @param Array $coordinates Contains latitude and longitude values * @return Array containing geocoded information */ function reverse_geocode($coordinates, $options = array()) { $results = array(); $parameters = array('radius' => 10, 'maxRows' => 20, 'style' => 'FULL'); if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { if (isset($parameters[$key])) { $parameters[$key] = $value; } } } if (!isset($coordinates['latitude']) && !isset($coordinates['longitude'])) { $this->error = 'POSITIONING_MISSING_ATTRIBUTES'; return null; } $params = array(); $params[] = 'lat=' . urlencode($coordinates['latitude']); $params[] = 'lng=' . urlencode($coordinates['longitude']); foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { if (!is_null($value)) { $params[] = "{$key}=" . urlencode($value); } } $http_request = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $url = '' . implode('&', $params); $response = $http_request->get($url); $simplexml = simplexml_load_string($response); if (!isset($simplexml->geoname) || count($simplexml->geoname) == 0) { $this->error = 'POSITIONING_DETAILS_NOT_FOUND'; if (isset($simplexml->status)) { $constant_name = strtoupper(str_replace(" ", "_", $simplexml->status)); $this->error = $constant_name; } return null; } for ($i = 0; $i < $parameters['maxRows']; $i++) { if (!isset($simplexml->geoname[$i])) { break; } $entry = $simplexml->geoname[$i]; $entry_coordinates = array('latitude' => (double) $entry->lat, 'longitude' => (double) $entry->lng); $meters = round(org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_distance($coordinates, $entry_coordinates) * 1000); $entry_meters = round((double) $entry->distance * 1000); if ($entry_meters < $meters) { $meters = $entry_meters; } $position = array(); $position['latitude'] = (double) $entry->lat; $position['longitude'] = (double) $entry->lng; $position['distance'] = array('meters' => $meters, 'bearing' => org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_bearing($coordinates, $entry_coordinates)); $position['city'] = (string) $entry->name; $position['region'] = (string) $entry->adminName2; $position['country'] = (string) $entry->countryCode; $position['postalcode'] = (string) $entry->postalcode; $position['alternate_names'] = (string) $entry->alternateNames; $position['accuracy'] = ORG_ROUTAMC_POSITIONING_ACCURACY_GPS; $results[] = $position; } return $results; }
$indexer = midcom::get('indexer'); // Use this to check that indexer is online (and hope the root topic isn't a gigantic wiki) $root_node = $nap->get_node($nodeid); $existing_documents = $indexer->query("__TOPIC_GUID:{$root_node[MIDCOM_NAV_OBJECT]->guid}"); if ($existing_documents === false) { $msg = "Query '__TOPIC_GUID:{$root_node[MIDCOM_NAV_OBJECT]->guid}' returned false, indicating problem with indexer"; throw new midcom_error($msg); } unset($existing_documents, $root_node); // Disable ob while (@ob_end_flush()) { } echo "<pre>\n"; debug_dump_mem("Initial Memory Usage"); $reindex_topic_uri = str_replace('midcom-exec-midcom/reindex.php', 'midcom-exec-midcom/reindex_singlenode.php', $current_uri); $http_client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $http_client->set_param('timeout', 300); if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) && !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { $http_client->basicauth['user'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $http_client->basicauth['password'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; } while (!is_null($nodeid)) { // Update script execution time // This should suffice for really large topics as well. set_time_limit(5000); // Reindex the node... $node = $nap->get_node($nodeid); echo "Processing node #{$nodeid}, {$node[MIDCOM_NAV_FULLURL]}: "; flush(); //pass the node-id & the language $post_variables = array('nodeid' => $nodeid, 'language' => $language);
if (!isset($_REQUEST['url'])) { ?> <form method="post"> <h2>address and data</h2> URL: <input name="url" value="" /><br/> Key => Value array (for eval())<br/> <textarea name="variables" rows=10 cols=40>'key' => 'value', </textarea> <h2>basic auth (optional)</h2> Username: <input name="username" value="" /><br/> Password: <input name="password" value="" /><br/> <input type="submit" value="post" /> </form> <?php } else { $client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); eval("\$vars = array({$_REQUEST['variables']});"); if (isset($_REQUEST['username']) && !empty($_REQUEST['username']) && isset($_REQUEST['password']) && !empty($_REQUEST['password'])) { $client->basicauth['user'] = $_REQUEST['username']; $client->basicauth['password'] = $_REQUEST['password']; } if (!isset($vars)) { $display = "<h1>Error</h1>\n<p>Could not determine variables to post</p>"; } else { $response = $client->post($_REQUEST['url'], $vars); if (!$response) { $display = "<h1>Error</h1>\n<p>Client error: {$client->error}</p>"; } else { $display = "<h1>Success</h1>\n{$response}"; } }
<?php $url = ''; $meta_name = 'icbm'; $link_relation = 'alternate'; $anchor_relation = 'tag'; $client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $html = $client->get($url); $meta_value = org_openpsa_httplib_helpers::get_meta_value($html, $meta_name); $link_values = org_openpsa_httplib_helpers::get_link_values($html, $link_relation); $anchor_values = org_openpsa_httplib_helpers::get_anchor_values($html, $anchor_relation); echo "<p>\n"; echo " url '{$url}'<br>\n"; echo " value for meta tag {$meta_name}: {$meta_value}<br>\n"; echo " values for link rel '{$link_relation}'<pre>\n"; print_r($link_values); echo " </pre>\n"; echo " values for anchor rel '{$anchor_relation}'<pre>\n"; print_r($anchor_values); echo " </pre>\n"; echo "</p>\n";
/** * Normalizes items provided by different feed formats. * * @param Array $item Feed item as provided by MagpieRSS * @param Array Normalized feed item */ function normalize_item($item) { if (!is_array($item)) { // Broken item, skip return false; } // Fix missing titles if (!isset($item['title']) || !$item['title']) { $item['title'] = midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('untitled', 'net.nemein.rss'); $item_date = $item['date_timestamp']; // Check if this item is newer than the others if (isset($this)) { if ($item_date > $this->_feed_updated) { $this->_feed_updated = $item_date; } } if (isset($item['description'])) { // Use 20 first characters from the description as title $item['title'] = substr(strip_tags($item['description']), 0, 20) . '...'; } elseif ($item_date) { // Use publication date as title $item['title'] = strftime('%x', $item_date); } } // Fix missing links if (!isset($item['link']) || !$item['link']) { $item['link'] = ''; if (isset($item['guid'])) { $item['link'] = $item['guid']; } } if (!array_key_exists('link', $item)) { // No link or GUID defined // TODO: Generate a "link" using channel URL $item['link'] = ''; } // Fix missing GUIDs if (!isset($item['guid']) || !$item['guid']) { if (isset($item['link'])) { $item['guid'] = $item['link']; } } if (!isset($item['description']) || !$item['description']) { // Ensure description is always set $item['description'] = ''; } if (isset($item['content']) && is_array($item['content']) && isset($item['content']['encoded'])) { // Some RSS feeds use "content:encoded" for storing HTML-formatted full item content, // so we prefer this instead of simpler description $item['description'] = $item['content']['encoded']; } if ($item['description'] == '') { // Empty description, fallbacks for some feed formats if (isset($item['dc']) && isset($item['dc']['description'])) { $item['description'] = $item['dc']['description']; } elseif (isset($item['atom_content'])) { // Atom 1.0 feeds store content in the atom_content field $item['description'] = $item['atom_content']; } elseif (strpos($item['link'], '') !== false) { // Deal with the funky RSS format provided by Hugin Online // Link points to actual news item in hexML format $http_client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $news_xml = $http_client->get($item['link']); $news = simplexml_load_string($news_xml); if (isset($news->body->press_releases->press_release->main)) { $item['description'] = (string) $news->body->press_releases->press_release->main; } } } return $item; }
<?php midcom::get('auth')->require_admin_user(); midcom::get()->disable_limits(); $http_request = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $csv = $http_request->get(''); $csv = str_replace('"', '', $csv); $lines = explode("\n", $csv); foreach ($lines as $line) { $aerodromeinfo = explode(',', $line); // Skip the non-ICAO ones if (empty($aerodromeinfo[0]) || strlen($aerodromeinfo[0]) != 4) { continue; } // Skip non-WMO ones if (empty($aerodromeinfo[1])) { continue; } echo "<br />Importing {$aerodromeinfo[0]} {$aerodromeinfo[2]}...\n"; $aerodrome = new org_routamc_positioning_aerodrome_dba(); $aerodrome->icao = $aerodromeinfo[0]; $aerodrome->wmo = $aerodromeinfo[1]; $aerodrome->name = $aerodromeinfo[2]; $aerodrome->country = substr($aerodromeinfo[4], 0, 2); $aerodrome->latitude = (double) $aerodromeinfo[5]; $aerodrome->longitude = (double) $aerodromeinfo[6]; $aerodrome->altitude = (int) $aerodromeinfo[7]; $aerodrome->create(); echo midcom_connection::get_error_string(); flush(); }
private function _get_data_from_url($url) { //We have to hang on to the hKit object, because its configuration is done by require_once //and will thus only work for the first instantiation... static $hkit; if (is_null($hkit)) { require_once MIDCOM_ROOT . '/external/hkit.php'; $hkit = new hKit(); } $data = array(); // TODO: Error handling $client = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $html = $client->get($url); // Check for ICBM coordinate information $icbm = org_openpsa_httplib_helpers::get_meta_value($html, 'icbm'); if ($icbm) { $data['icbm'] = $icbm; } // Check for RSS feed $rss_url = org_openpsa_httplib_helpers::get_link_values($html, 'alternate'); if ($rss_url && count($rss_url) > 0) { $data['rss_url'] = $rss_url[0]['href']; // We have a feed URL, but we should check if it is GeoRSS as well midcom::get('componentloader')->load_library('net.nemein.rss'); $rss_content = net_nemein_rss_fetch::raw_fetch($data['rss_url']); if (isset($rss_content->items) && count($rss_content->items) > 0) { if (array_key_exists('georss', $rss_content->items[0]) || array_key_exists('geo', $rss_content->items[0])) { // This is a GeoRSS feed $data['georss_url'] = $data['rss_url']; } } } $hcards = @$hkit->getByURL('hcard', $url); if (is_array($hcards) && count($hcards) > 0) { // We have found hCard data here $data['hcards'] = $hcards; } return $data; }
<?php midcom::get('auth')->require_admin_user(); $http_request = new org_openpsa_httplib(); $xml = $http_request->get('' . midcom::get('i18n')->get_current_language()); $simplexml = simplexml_load_string($xml); foreach ($simplexml->country as $id => $countryinfo) { echo "<br />Importing {$countryinfo->countryName}...\n"; $country = new org_routamc_positioning_country_dba(); $country->code = (string) $countryinfo->countryCode; $country->name = (string) $countryinfo->countryName; $country->codenumeric = (string) $countryinfo->isoNumeric; $country->code3 = (string) $countryinfo->isoAlpha3; $country->fips = (string) $countryinfo->fipsCode; $country->continent = (string) $countryinfo->continent; $country->area = (double) $countryinfo->areaInSqKm; $country->population = (int) $countryinfo->population; $country->currency = (string) $countryinfo->currencyCode; $country->bboxwest = (double) $countryinfo->bBoxWest; $country->bboxnorth = (double) $countryinfo->bBoxNorth; $country->bboxeast = (double) $countryinfo->bBoxEast; $country->bboxsouth = (double) $countryinfo->bBoxSouth; $capital = org_routamc_positioning_city_dba::get_by_name((string) $countryinfo->capital); if ($capital) { $country->capital = $capital->id; } $country->create(); echo midcom_connection::get_error_string(); }