コード例 #1
  * User attempts to update the given site's certification status. 
  * @param \Site $site
  * @param \CertificationStatus $newCertStatus
  * @param \User $user
  * @param string $reason The reason for this change, max 300 char. 
  * @throws \Exception If access is denied or the change is invalid
 public function editCertificationStatus(\Site $site, \CertificationStatus $newCertStatus, \User $user, $reason)
     //$this->editAuthorization($site, $user);
     require_once __DIR__ . '/Site.php';
     $siteService = new \org\gocdb\services\Site();
     if (count($siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site, $user)) == 0) {
         throw new \Exception('You do not have permission to change site certification status');
     // TODO use validate service
     if (empty($reason)) {
         throw new \LogicException('A reason is required');
     if (strlen($reason) > 300) {
         throw new \LogicException('Invalid reason - 300 char max');
     // Admins can do any cert status change, e.g. to undo mistakes.
     if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
         $this->isChangeValid($site, $newCertStatus);
     $oldStatusString = $site->getCertificationStatus()->getName();
     try {
         $now = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
         // create a new CertStatusLog
         $certLog = new \CertificationStatusLog();
         // update our site
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Role.php プロジェクト: Tom-Byrne/gocdb
  * Get an array of Role names granted to the user that permit the requested 
  * action on the given OwnedEntity. If the user has no roles that 
  * permit the requested action, then return an empty array. 
  * <p>
  * @param string $action
  * @param \OwnedEntity $entity
  * @param \User $callingUser
  * @return array of RoleName values 
  * @throws LogicException If unsupported enitity type or action is passed
 public function authorizeAction($action, \OwnedEntity $entity, \User $callingUser)
     $siteService = new \org\gocdb\services\Site();
     $ngiService = new \org\gocdb\services\NGI();
     $sgService = new \org\gocdb\services\ServiceGroup();
     $projectService = new \org\gocdb\services\Project();
     if ($entity instanceof \NGI) {
         $grantingRoles = $ngiService->authorizeAction($action, $entity, $callingUser);
     } else {
         if ($entity instanceof \Site) {
             $grantingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction($action, $entity, $callingUser);
         } else {
             if ($entity instanceof \Project) {
                 $grantingRoles = $projectService->authorizeAction($action, $entity, $callingUser);
             } else {
                 if ($entity instanceof \ServiceGroup) {
                     $grantingRoles = $sgService->authorizeAction($action, $entity, $callingUser);
                 } else {
                     throw new \LogicException('Unsuppored OwnedEntity type');
     return $grantingRoles;
コード例 #3
ファイル: SiteMoveTest.php プロジェクト: Tom-Byrne/gocdb
 public function testSiteMoves()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     //Insert initial data
     $N1 = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("NGI1");
     $N2 = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("NGI2");
     $S1 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("Site1");
     $S2 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("Site2");
     $S3 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("Site3");
     $SE1 = TestUtil::createSampleService("SEP1");
     $dummy_user = TestUtil::createSampleUser('Test', 'User', '/Some/string');
     //Make dummy user a GOCDB admin so it can perfirm site moves etc.
      * Current code in TestUtil does not set sites up as being owned by an an NGI by default.
      *Add them to NGI
     //Add service end point to service 1
     //Persist initial data
     //Use DB connection to check data
     $con = $this->getConnection();
      * Check both that each NGI is present and that the ID matches the doctrine one
     $N1_ID = $N1->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM ngis WHERE name = 'NGI1' AND ID = '{$N1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $N2_ID = $N2->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM ngis WHERE name = 'NGI2' AND ID = '{$N2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
      * Check each site is: present, has the right ID & parent NGI
     $S1_id = $S1->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site1' AND ID = '{$S1_id}' AND NGI_ID = '{$N1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $S2_id = $S2->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site2' AND ID = '{$S2_id}' AND NGI_ID = '{$N2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $S3_id = $S3->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site3' AND ID = '{$S3_id}' AND NGI_ID = '{$N2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Check the SEP has correct id and Site
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM services WHERE hostname = 'SEP1' AND parentsite_id = '{$S1_id}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Move sites
     $serv = new org\gocdb\services\Site();
     $serv->moveSite($S1, $N2, $dummy_user);
     $serv->moveSite($S2, $N1, $dummy_user);
     $serv->moveSite($S3, $N2, $dummy_user);
     //No change
     //flush movement
     //Use doctrine to check movement
     //Check correct NGI for each site
     $this->assertEquals($N2, $S1->getNgi());
     $this->assertEquals($N1, $S2->getNgi());
     $this->assertEquals($N2, $S3->getNgi());
     //Check correct sites for each NGI
     $ngisites = $N1->getSites();
     foreach ($ngisites as $site) {
         $this->assertEquals($S2, $site);
     $ngisites = $N2->getSites();
     foreach ($ngisites as $site) {
         $this->assertTrue($site == $S1 or $site == $S3);
     //check Service End Point
     $this->assertEquals($S1, $SE1->getParentSite());
     //Use database connection to check movememrnt
     $con = $this->getConnection();
     //Check NGIs are still present and their ID is unchanged
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM ngis WHERE name = 'NGI1' AND ID = '{$N1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM ngis WHERE name = 'NGI2' AND ID = '{$N2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Check each NGI has the correct number of sites
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE NGI_ID = '{$N1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE NGI_ID = '{$N2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $result->getRowCount());
     //check Site IDs are unchanged and they are assigned to the correct NGI
     //Site 1
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site1' AND ID = '{$S1_id}' AND NGI_ID = '{$N2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Site 2
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site2' AND ID = '{$S2_id}' AND NGI_ID = '{$N1_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
     //Site 3
     $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM sites WHERE shortname = 'Site3' AND ID = '{$S3_id}' AND NGI_ID = '{$N2_ID}'";
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('', $sql);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result->getRowCount());
コード例 #4
ファイル: ServiceService.php プロジェクト: Tom-Byrne/gocdb
  * Array
  * (
  *     [Service_Type] => 21
  *     [EndpointURL] => Testing://host.com
  *     [Scope] => 2
  *     [Hosting_Site] => 377
  *     [SE] => Array
  *     (
  *         [ENDPOINT] => my.new.host.com21
  *         [HOSTNAME] => my.new.host.com
  *         [HOST_IP] =>
  *         [HOST_DN] => /cn=JCasson
  *         [HOST_IP_V6] => 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000[/int]
  *         [DESCRIPTION] => hithere
  *         [HOST_OS] =>
  *         [HOST_ARCH] =>
  *         [BETA] => Y
  *         [PRODUCTION_LEVEL] => Y
  *         [IS_MONITORED] => Y
  *         [EMAIL] =>
  *     )
  * )
  * @param Array $values Balues for the new SE (defined above)
  * @param org\gocdb\services\User $user The user adding the SE
 public function addService($values, \User $user = null)
     // get the parent site
     $dql = "SELECT s from Site s WHERE s.id = :id";
     $site = $this->em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('id', $values['hostingSite'])->getSingleResult();
     // get the service type
     $st = $this->getServiceType($values['serviceType']);
     $siteService = new \org\gocdb\services\Site();
     if (count($siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_ADD_SERVICE, $site, $user)) == 0) {
         throw new \Exception("You don't hold a role over {$site}.");
     $this->validate($values['SE'], 'service');
     $this->uniqueCheck($values['SE']['HOSTNAME'], $st, $site);
     //check there are the required number of scopes specified
     // validate production/monitored combination
     if ($st != 'VOMS' && $st != 'emi.ARGUS') {
         if ($values['PRODUCTION_LEVEL'] == "Y" && $values['IS_MONITORED'] != "Y") {
             throw new \Exception("If Production flat is set to True, Monitored flag must also be True (except for VOMS and emi.ARGUS)");
     $se = new \Service();
     try {
         // Set production
         if ($values['PRODUCTION_LEVEL'] == "Y") {
         } else {
         // Set Beta
         if ($values['BETA'] == "Y") {
         } else {
         // Set monitored
         if ($values['IS_MONITORED'] == "Y") {
         } else {
         // Set the scopes
         foreach ($values['Scope_ids'] as $scopeId) {
             $dql = "SELECT s FROM Scope s WHERE s.id = :id";
             $scope = $this->em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('id', $scopeId)->getSingleResult();
         /* With version 5.3 a service does not have to have an endpoint. 
            $el = new \EndpointLocation();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $se;
コード例 #5
  * Delete site1 and ensure only site2 and the orphan downtime remain.  
 public function testSiteService_removeSite()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     include __DIR__ . '/resources/sampleFixtureData4.php';
     $adminUser = TestUtil::createSampleUser('some', 'admin', '/some/admin');
     $siteService = new org\gocdb\services\Site();
     $siteService->deleteSite($site1, $adminUser, false);
     // use DB connection to check data has been deleted
     $con = $this->getConnection();
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM EndpointLocations");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0);
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Downtimes");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 1);
     // orphanDT
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Sites");
     $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 1);
     // site2
コード例 #6
  * Persist some seed data - roletypes, user, Project, NGI, sites and SEs and 
  * assert that the user has the expected number of roles that grant specific 
  * actions over the owned objects. For example, assert that the user has 'n' 
  * number of roles that allow a particular site to be edited, or 'n' number 
  * of roles that allow an NGI certification status change.  
 public function testAuthorizeAction1()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     // Create roletypes
     $siteAdminRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN);
     $ngiManRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN);
     $rodRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD);
     $codRT = TestUtil::createSampleRoleType(RoleTypeName::COD_ADMIN);
     // edit site1 (but not cert status)
     // edit owned site1/site2 and cert status
     // edit owned sites 1and2 (but not cert status)
     // edit all sites cert status only
     // Create a user
     $u = TestUtil::createSampleUser("Test", "Testing", "/c=test");
     // Create a linked object graph
     // NGI->Site1->SE
     //   |->Site2
     $ngi = TestUtil::createSampleNGI("MYNGI");
     $site1 = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME");
     $se1 = TestUtil::createSampleService('somelabel');
     $site2_userHasNoDirectRole = TestUtil::createSampleSite("SITENAME_2");
     // Create ngiManagerRole, ngiUserRole, siteAdminRole and link user and owned entities
     $ngiManagerRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $ngiManRT, $ngi, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     $rodUserRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $rodRT, $ngi, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     $siteAdminRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $siteAdminRT, $site1, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // ********MUST******** start a new connection to test transactional
     // isolation of RoleService methods.
     $em = $this->createEntityManager();
     $siteService = new org\gocdb\services\Site();
     // Assert user can edit site using 3 enabling roles
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can only edit cert status through his NGI_OPS_MAN role
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     // Add a new project and link ngi and give user COD_ADMIN Project role (use $this->em to isolate)
     // Project->NGI->Site1->SE
     //            |->Site2
     $proj = new Project('EGI project');
     //$ngi->addProject($proj); // not strictly needed
     $codRole = TestUtil::createSampleRole($u, $codRT, $proj, RoleStatus::GRANTED);
     // Assert user now has 2 roles that enable SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS change action
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::COD_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can edit SE using SITE_ADMIN, NGI_OPS_MAN, REG_STAFF_ROD roles (but not COD role)
     $seService = new org\gocdb\services\ServiceService();
     $enablingRoles = $seService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $se1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Assert User can only edit Site2 through his 2 indirect ngi roles
     // (user don't have any direct site level roles on this site and COD don't give edit perm)
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's Project COD role
     // Assert user can only SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS through 1 role for both sites
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::NGI_OPS_MAN, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's NGI manager role
     // Assert user can't edit site2 cert status
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::SITE_EDIT_CERT_STATUS, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can still edit site via his ROD role
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::REG_STAFF_ROD, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete the user's NGI ROD role
     // User can't edit site2
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site2_userHasNoDirectRole, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
     // Assert user can still edit SITE1 through his direct site level role (this role has not been deleted)
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($enablingRoles));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array(\RoleTypeName::SITE_ADMIN, $enablingRoles));
     // Delete user's remaining Site role
     // User can't edit site1
     $enablingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction(\Action::EDIT_OBJECT, $site1, $u);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($enablingRoles));
コード例 #7
ファイル: ExtensionsTest.php プロジェクト: Tom-Byrne/gocdb
  * An example test showing the creation of a site and properties and that 
  * all data is removed on deletion of a site or property
 public function testSitePropertyDeletions()
     print __METHOD__ . "\n";
     //Create a site
     $site = TestUtil::createSampleSite("TestSite");
     //Create site property
     $prop1 = TestUtil::createSampleSiteProperty("VO", "Atlas");
     $prop2 = TestUtil::createSampleSiteProperty("VO", "CMS");
     $prop3 = TestUtil::createSampleSiteProperty("VO", "Alice");
     //Set some extra details of the site
     $site->setLocation("United Kingdom");
     //Persist the site & property in the entity manager
     //Commit the site to the database
     //Check that the site has 3 properties associated with it
     $properties = $site->getSiteProperties();
     $this->assertTrue(count($properties) == 3);
     //Create an admin user that can delete a property
     $adminUser = TestUtil::createSampleUser('my', 'admin', '/my/admin');
     //Delete the property from the site
     $siteService = new org\gocdb\services\Site();
     $siteService->deleteSiteProperty($site, $adminUser, $prop1);
     //Check that the site now only has 2 properties
     $properties = $site->getSiteProperties();
     $this->assertTrue(count($properties) == 2);
     //Print names of properties
     //foreach($properties as $prop){
     //	print($prop->getKeyName()."-");
     //	print($prop->getKeyValue()."\n");
     //Check this via the database
     $con = $this->getConnection();
     //Get site id to use in sql statements
     $siteId = $site->getId();
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results', "SELECT * FROM site_properties WHERE PARENTSITE_ID = '{$siteId}'");
     //Assert that only 2 site properties exist in the database for this site
     $this->assertEquals(2, $result->getRowCount());
     //Now delete the site and check that it cascades the delete to remove the sites associated properties
     $siteService->deleteSite($site, $adminUser, false);
     //Check site is gone
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results', "SELECT * FROM Sites WHERE ID = '{$siteId}'");
     $this->assertEquals(0, $result->getRowCount());
     //Check properties are gone
     $result = $con->createQueryTable('results', "SELECT * FROM site_properties WHERE PARENTSITE_ID = '{$siteId}'");
     $this->assertEquals(0, $result->getRowCount());