コード例 #1

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
// every page relies on the platformPage, in this case the olympicPage
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
$page->addItem("InputField", "company", "in_template");
$page->m_items['company']->addValidation("NotEmpty", "1");
$page->m_items['company']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("Please enter the company name!");
$page->addItem("InputField", "emailadres", "in_template");
$page->m_items['emailadres']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("Please enter a valid emailaddress!");
$page->addItem("PasswordField", "passwd", "in_template");
$page->m_items['passwd']->addValidation("NotEmpty", "4");
$page->m_items['passwd']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("Please enter passwd with at least 5 characters!");
// show the page
// also show some debug information
function processForm()
    global $page;
    // check whether this account already exists
    // we skip this for now.
    if ($page->subscribeUser($_POST['emailadres'], $_POST['passwd'], 'user', $_POST['company'])) {
        $page->login($_POST['emailadres'], $_POST['passwd'], "user");
コード例 #2

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
// every page relies on the platformPage, in this case the olympicPage
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
$page->addItem("InputField", "name", "in_template");
if ($_POST['name'] != "") {
$page->m_items['name']->addValidation("NotEmpty", "3");
$page->m_items['name']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("please  provide a full Name");
$page->addItem("InputField", "height", "in_template");
if ($_POST['height'] != "") {
$page->m_items['height']->addValidation("MinMaxFloat", "0", "240", "2");
$page->m_items['height']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("Please enter a height");
$page->addItem("InputField", "weight", "in_template");
if ($_POST['weight'] != "") {
$page->m_items['weight']->addValidation("MinMaxFloat", "0", "240", "1");
$page->m_items['weight']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("Please enter a weight");
$page->addItem("Hidden", "token", "in_template");
コード例 #3

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
// show the page
// also show some debug information
function processForm()
    global $page;
コード例 #4

ini_set("display_startup_errors", 1);
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
// every page relies on the platformPage, in this case the olympicPage
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
// first we get the schedule of the assigned round.
$round_id = 1;
$scheduleround = $page->getRoundSchedule($round_id);
//  var_dump(count($scheduleround));
for ($i = 0; count($scheduleround) > $i; $i++) {
    $players[$scheduleround[$i]['player_id']] = $scheduleround[$i]['surname'];
// first get the players of this session_id in sequence how it is scheduled.
if (count($players) == 0) {
    if ($_GET['alternative']) {
        $page->m_smarty->assign("message", "The selected round is already judged, please choose another...");
    $page->m_smarty->assign("noplayers", "true");
    $page->addItem("DropDown", "roundname", "in_template");
    $page->m_items['roundname']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("Please select a round");
} else {
    $page->addItem("InputFieldNoEdit", "roundname", "in_template");
コード例 #5

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
// every page relies on the platformPage, in this case the olympicPage
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
// show the page
// also show some debug information
function processForm()
    global $page;
コード例 #6

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
// every page relies on the platformPage, in this case the olympicPage
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
$rounds = $page->getRoundsData();
$page->m_smarty->assign("rounds", $rounds);
// show the page
// also show some debug information
function processForm()
    global $page;
コード例 #7

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
$page->addItem("InputField", "search", "in_template");
$page->m_items['search']->addValidation("NotEmpty", "2");
$page->m_items['search']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("Please provide an search term with at least 3 characters...");
$page->addItem("RadioButton", "criteria", "in_template");
$page->m_items['criteria']->setValues(array("players.surname" => "name", "countries.country" => "nationality", "players.history" => "history"));
$page->m_items['criteria']->addValidation("NotEmpty", "1");
$page->m_items['criteria']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("Please select one of the search criterion");
if (count($_GET) > 0) {
    $results = $page->searchOn($_GET['criteria'], $_GET['search']);
    $page->m_smarty->assign("results", $results);
// show the page
// also show some debug information
function processForm()
    global $page;
    if ($_POST != "") {
        $results = $page->searchOn($_POST['criteria'], $_POST['search']);
        if (count($results) > 0) {
コード例 #8

ini_set("display_startup_errors", 1);
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
// every page relies on the platformPage, in this case the olympicPage
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
$results = $page->getResult($_GET['result_id']);
$page->m_smarty->assign("results", $results);
// show the page
// also show some debug information
function processForm()
    global $page;
コード例 #9

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
// every page relies on the platformPage, in this case the olympicPage
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
$page->addItem("InputField", "name", "in_template");
$page->m_items['name']->addValidation("NotEmpty", "2");
$page->m_items['name']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("please enter a name");
$page->addItem("InputField", "height", "in_template");
$page->m_items['height']->addValidation("MinMaxFloat", "1", "10", "2");
$page->m_items['height']->m_validationrule->setErrorMessage("please enter the grade between 1 and 10 and at most 2 decimals");
// show the page
// also show some debug information
function processForm()
    global $page;
コード例 #10

include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
$page = new olympicPage();
コード例 #11

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
include_once "class.olympicPage.inc";
// every page relies on the platformPage, in this case the olympicPage
$page = new olympicPage();
// presentation layer. actually an html page
if ($_GET['round_id'] != "") {
    $round = $page->getRoundResults($_GET['round_id']);
    if (is_array($round) && count($round) > 0) {
        $page->m_smarty->assign("round", $round);
    } else {
        // shit no round data?
} else {
    // no round_id so forward
// show the page
// also show some debug information
function processForm()
    global $page;