コード例 #1
ファイル: pear-database-user.php プロジェクト: stof/pearweb
 static function activate($uid, $karmalevel = 'pear.dev')
     require_once 'Damblan/Karma.php';
     global $dbh, $auth_user;
     $karma = new Damblan_Karma($dbh);
     $user = user::info($uid, null, 0);
     if (!isset($user['registered'])) {
         return false;
     @($arr = unserialize($user['userinfo']));
     include_once 'pear-database-note.php';
     $data = array();
     $data['registered'] = 1;
     $data['active'] = 1;
     /* $data['ppp_only'] = 0; */
     if (is_array($arr)) {
         $data['userinfo'] = $arr[1];
     $data['created'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i');
     $data['createdby'] = $auth_user->handle;
     $data['handle'] = $user['handle'];
     user::update($data, true);
     $karma->grant($user['handle'], $karmalevel);
     if ($karma->has($user['handle'], 'pear.dev')) {
         include_once 'pear-rest.php';
         $pear_rest = new pearweb_Channel_REST_Generator(PEAR_REST_PATH, $dbh);
     include_once 'pear-database-note.php';
     note::add($uid, "Account opened");
     $msg = "Your PEAR account request has been opened.\n" . "To log in, go to http://" . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . "/ and click on \"login\" in\n" . "the top-right menu.\n";
     $xhdr = 'From: ' . $auth_user->handle . '@php.net';
     if (!DEVBOX) {
         mail($user['email'], "Your PEAR Account Request", $msg, $xhdr, '-f ' . PEAR_BOUNCE_EMAIL);
     return true;
コード例 #2
 function activate($uid)
     global $dbh, $auth_user;
     $user =& new PEAR_User($dbh, $uid);
     if (@$user->registered) {
         return false;
     @($arr = unserialize($user->userinfo));
     note::removeAll("uid", $uid);
     $user->set('registered', 1);
     /* $user->set('ppp_only', 0); */
     if (is_array($arr)) {
         $user->set('userinfo', $arr[1]);
     $user->set('created', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i'));
     $user->set('createdby', $auth_user->handle);
     $user->set('registered', 1);
     note::add("uid", $uid, "Account opened");
     $msg = "Your PECL/PEAR account request has been opened.\n" . "To log in, go to http://pecl.php.net/ and click on \"login\" in\n" . "the top-right menu.\n";
     $xhdr = "From: " . $auth_user->handle . "@php.net";
     mail($user->email, "Your PECL Account Request", $msg, $xhdr, "-f noreply@php.net");
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: karma.php プロジェクト: stof/pearweb
     include_once 'pear-database-note.php';
     switch ($_GET['action']) {
         case "remove":
             $res = $karma->remove($handle, $_GET['level']);
             if ($res) {
                 echo "Successfully <b>removed</b> karma &quot;" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['level']) . "&quot;<br /><br />";
                 note::add($handle, 'removed ' . $_GET['level'] . ' karma', $auth_user->handle);
         case "grant":
             $res = $karma->grant($handle, $_POST['level']);
             if ($res) {
                 echo "Successfully <b>added</b> karma &quot;" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['level']) . "&quot;<br /><br />";
                 note::add($handle, 'added ' . $_POST['level'] . ' karma', $auth_user->handle);
 $user_karma = $karma->get($handle);
 if (count($user_karma) == 0) {
     echo 'No karma yet';
 } else {
     $table = new HTML_Table('style="width: 90%"');
     $table->setCaption('Karma levels for ' . htmlspecialchars($handle), 'style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"');
     $table->addRow(array("Level", "Added by", "Added at", "Remove"), null, 'th');
     foreach ($user_karma as $item) {
         $remove = sprintf("karma.php?action=remove&amp;handle=%s&amp;level=%s", htmlspecialchars($handle), htmlspecialchars($item['level']));
         $table->addRow(array(htmlspecialchars($item['level']), htmlspecialchars($item['granted_by']), htmlspecialchars($item['granted_at']), make_link($remove, make_image("delete.gif"), false, 'onclick="javascript:return confirm(\'Do you really want to remove the karma level ' . htmlspecialchars($item['level']) . '?\');"')));
コード例 #4
 function confirmRequest($handle, $password, $name)
     $sql = 'SELECT handle FROM users WHERE handle = ?';
     if ($handle == $this->dbh->getOne($sql, array($handle))) {
         $id = $this->dbh->nextId("karma");
         $query = 'INSERT INTO karma VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())';
         $sth = $this->dbh->query($query, array($id, $this->handle, 'pear.bug', 'pearweb'));
         return true;
     list($firstname, $lastname) = explode(' ', $name, 2);
     $data = array('handle' => $handle, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'email' => $this->email, 'purpose' => 'bug tracker', 'password' => $password, 'password2' => $password, 'purpose' => 'Open/Comment on bugs', 'moreinfo' => 'Automatic Account Request', 'homepage' => '');
     include_once 'pear-database-user.php';
     $useradd = user::add($data, true, true);
     if ($useradd !== true) {
         return $useradd;
     $sql = 'SELECT handle from bug_account_request WHERE salt = ?';
     $temphandle = $this->dbh->getOne($sql, array($this->salt));
     // update all relevant records to the new handle
     $this->dbh->query('UPDATE bugdb_comments set reporter_name = ? WHERE handle = ?', array($name, $temphandle));
     $this->dbh->query('UPDATE bugdb set reporter_name = ? WHERE handle = ?', array($name, $temphandle));
     $this->dbh->query('UPDATE users set handle = ? WHERE handle = ?', array($handle, $temphandle));
     $this->dbh->query('UPDATE bugdb set registered = 1, handle = ? WHERE handle = ?', array($handle, $temphandle));
     $this->dbh->query('UPDATE bugdb_comments set handle = ? WHERE handle = ?', array($handle, $temphandle));
     $this->dbh->query('UPDATE bugdb_patchtracker set developer = ? WHERE developer = ?', array($handle, $temphandle));
     $this->handle = $handle;
     // activate the handle and grant karma
     // implicitly without human intervention
     // copied from the user class and Damblan_Karma
     include_once 'pear-database-user.php';
     $user = user::info($handle, null, 0);
     if (!isset($user['registered'])) {
         return false;
     @($arr = unserialize($user['userinfo']));
     include_once 'pear-database-note.php';
     $data = array();
     $data['registered'] = 1;
     $data['password'] = $password;
     $data['name'] = $name;
     if (is_array($arr)) {
         $data['userinfo'] = $arr[1];
     $data['create'] = gmdate('Y-m-d');
     $data['createBy'] = SITE . 'web';
     $data['handle'] = $handle;
     user::update($data, true);
     $query = 'INSERT INTO karma VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())';
     $id = $this->dbh->nextId('karma');
     $sth = $this->dbh->query($query, array($id, $this->handle, 'pear.bug', SITE . 'web'));
     $id = $this->dbh->nextId('karma');
     $sth = $this->dbh->query($query, array($id, $this->handle, 'pear.voter', SITE . 'web'));
     if (!DB::isError($sth)) {
         require_once 'bugs/pear-bugs-utils.php';
         $pbu = new PEAR_Bugs_Utils();
         note::add($this->handle, 'Account opened', SITE . 'web');
         $bugs = $this->dbh->getAll('SELECT * FROM bugdb WHERE handle = ?', array($this->handle), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
         foreach ($bugs as $bug) {
         $patches = $this->dbh->getAll('SELECT bugdb.package_name, bugdb_patchtracker.*
             FROM bugdb_patchtracker, bugdb
             WHERE bugdb_patchtracker.developer = ?
                 AND bugdb.id = bugdb_patchtracker.bugdb_id', array($this->handle), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
         foreach ($patches as $patch) {
         $bugs = $this->dbh->getAll('SELECT bugdb_comments.email,bugdb_comments.comment,
                 bugdb_comments.reporter_name, bugdb.id,
                 bugdb.ldesc,bugdb.php_version, bugdb.php_os,bugdb.status,
              FROM bugdb_comments, bugdb
              WHERE bugdb.id = bugdb_comments.bug AND
              bugdb_comments.handle = ?', array($this->handle), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
         foreach ($bugs as $bug) {
         $msg = "Your PEAR bug tracker account has been opened.\n" . "Bugs you have opened will now be displayed, and you can\n" . "add new comments to existing bugs";
         $xhdr = "From: " . PEAR_WEBMASTER_EMAIL;
         if (!DEVBOX) {
             mail($user['email'], "Your PEAR Bug Tracker Account Request", $msg, $xhdr, "-f " . PEAR_BOUNCE_EMAIL);
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #5
 function confirmRequest($salt)
     if (!$this->find($salt)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('cannot find request');
     // activate the handle and grant karma
     // implicitly without human intervention
     // copied from the user class and Damblan_Karma
     include_once 'pear-database-user.php';
     $user = user::info($this->handle, null, 0);
     if (!isset($user['registered'])) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Error - user request was deleted, please try again');
     include_once 'pear-database-note.php';
     $data = array();
     $data['handle'] = $user['handle'];
     $data['registered'] = 1;
     $data['created'] = gmdate('Y-m-d');
     $data['createdby'] = SITE . 'web';
     $e = user::update($data, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($e) || !$e) {
         return $e;
     $query = 'INSERT INTO karma VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())';
     $id = $this->dbh->nextId('karma');
     $sth = $this->dbh->query($query, array($id, $this->handle, 'pear.voter', SITE . 'web'));
     $id = $this->dbh->nextId('karma');
     $sth = $this->dbh->query($query, array($id, $this->handle, 'pear.bug', SITE . 'web'));
     if (!DB::isError($sth)) {
         note::add($this->handle, 'Account opened', SITE . 'web');
         $msg = "Your PEAR voter account has been opened.\n" . "You can now participate in the elections  by going to\n" . "    http://" . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . "/election/";
         $xhdr = "From: " . PEAR_WEBMASTER_EMAIL;
         if (!DEVBOX) {
             mail($user['email'], "Your PEAR Account Request", $msg, $xhdr, "-f " . PEAR_BOUNCE_EMAIL);
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: peclKarmaUpgrade.php プロジェクト: stof/pearweb
$packages = $dbh->getAssoc($sql, false, null, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
foreach ($packages as $n => $id) {
    $m = maintainer::get((int) $id);
    if (!empty($m)) {
        echo "\nAltering karma for maintainers of {$n} package id {$id}\n";
        foreach ($m as $handle => $m_data) {
            if (!$karma->has($handle, $karma_level)) {
                echo "Giving {$handle} {$karma_level} karma\n";
                // Bypassing damblan karma because it needs a logged in user
                $id = $dbh->nextId('karma');
                if (DB::isError($id)) {
                    echo "Couldn't get a new id from the karma table\n";
                $query = 'INSERT INTO karma (id, user, level, granted_by, granted_at)
                          VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())';
                $sth = $dbh->query($query, array($id, $handle, $karma_level, 'peclweb'));
                if (DB::isError($sth)) {
                    echo "Giving karma to {$handle} failed!\n";
                // Adding a note about it
                note::add($handle, 'karma ' . $karma_level . ' granted', 'peclweb');
            } else {
                echo "{$handle} already has {$karma_level}\n";
    } else {
        echo "Couldn't find any maintainers for {$n} id {$id} possibily an error!\n";
コード例 #7
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: stof/pearweb
        $i = $this->indent;
        echo "{$i}    <tr>\n";
        echo "{$i}     <td style=\"background-color: #E8E8E8;\"";
        if ($this->cols > 1) {
            echo " colspan=\"{$this->cols}\"";
        echo ">{$text}</td>\n";
        echo "{$i}    </tr>\n";
response_header('PEAR Administration');
// {{{ adding and deleting notes
if (!empty($_REQUEST['cmd'])) {
    if ($_REQUEST['cmd'] == "Add note" && !empty($_REQUEST['note']) && !empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
        include_once 'pear-database-note.php';
        note::add($_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['note']);
    } elseif ($_REQUEST['cmd'] == "Delete note" && !empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
        include_once 'pear-database-note.php';
        // Delete note
    } elseif ($_REQUEST['cmd'] == "Open Account" && !empty($_REQUEST['uid'])) {
         * Open account
        $karmalevel = empty($_REQUEST['karma']) ? 'pear.pepr' : $_REQUEST['karma'];
        // another hack to remove the temporary "purpose" field
        // from the user's "userinfo"
        include_once 'pear-database-user.php';
        if (user::activate($_REQUEST['uid'], $karmalevel)) {
            $uid = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['uid']));