/** * Check submited data */ $text->validate(); $text->makeClean('trim', 'slash_if_needed'); $c = $text->clean; if ($text->is_missing_required) { $baddata = true; } else { // deal with options. $c['bb'] = empty($c['bb']) ? 1 : 0; $c['html'] = empty($c['html']) ? 1 : 0; $c['smiles'] = empty($c['smiles']) ? 1 : 0; badHtmlSecond($c['body']); // make the updates $update = new nlb_blog($db); $update->fetchFromDB($_GET['id']); foreach (array('subject', 'custom', 'body', 'bb', 'html', 'smiles', 'access') as $item) { $update->setItem($item, $c[$item]); } // deal with comments. if (empty($c['comments'])) { // comments are allowed $update->recountComments(); } else { // no comments $update->setItem('comments', -1); } // deal with blog count $user->recountBlogs(); // set it in stone
----------------------------------------- */ require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'system/functions.php'; require_once 'system/ets_file.php'; require_once 'system/sqldb2.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_user.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_config.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_blog.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_mail.class.php'; require_once 'system/text.class.php'; require_once 'ets.php'; $db = new sqldb2($DB_CONFIG); $user = new nlb_user($db); $config = new nlb_config($db); $blog = new nlb_blog($db); $user->checkLogin(); // check for loged in user. if ($user->isLogedIn) { jsRedirect("index.php"); } include $config->langfile(); $start = mymicrotime(); $text = new Text($_POST, array('username', 'password', 'confirm-password', 'email', 'template', 'timezone'), array('custom')); $text->validate(); $clean = $text->clean; $baddata = false; $problems = array(); if (!empty($_POST)) { if ($text->is_missing_required) { $baddata = true;
// Sweet template library $start = mymicrotime(); $db = new sqldb2($DB_CONFIG); $config = new nlb_config($db); $user = new nlb_user($db); // is someone trying to access a persons blog $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && ($id = $user->getIdByName($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) > -1) { // die($id); //jsRedirect( script_path . 'blog.php/user/' . $id ); jsRedirect(build_link('blog.php', array('user' => $id))); } $user->checklogin(); require_once $config->langfile(); // include lang file $b = new nlb_blog($db); if ($user->isLogedIn) { // timezone settings $b->setDateOffset($config->get('server_timezone'), $user->get('timezone')); } $script_path = script_path; $_PATH = fetch_url_data(); $action = 'news'; if (isset($_PATH['action'])) { $action = $_PATH['action']; } $ets = new stdClass(); switch ($action) { // Display Recent News news default: case 'news':
*/ require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'system/functions.php'; require_once 'system/ets_file.php'; require_once 'ets.php'; require_once 'system/text.class.php'; require_once 'system/sqldb2.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_user.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_blog.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_mail.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_config.class.php'; $start = mymicrotime(); $db = new sqldb2($DB_CONFIG); $config = new nlb_config($db); $user = new nlb_user($db); $b = new nlb_blog($db); include $config->langfile(); if ($user->isLogedIn) { $b->setDateOffset($config->get('server_timezone'), $user->get('timezone')); } $action = 'login'; if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; } switch ($action) { // build login form. default: case 'login': $ets_outter->main_title = $config->get('site_name') . ": " . $l['title-login']; $ets_outter->page_title = $l['title-login']; $logedin = $user->checklogin();
} else { // delete the blog? if ($c['delete'] == 'x') { $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . db_blogs . ' WHERE blog_id=' . $blog_id . ' LIMIT 1;'); $author->recountBlogs(); $author->updatedb(); $ets->page_body = $l['item-deleted']; } else { // deal with options. $c['bb'] = empty($c['bb']) ? 1 : 0; $c['html'] = empty($c['html']) ? 1 : 0; $c['smiles'] = empty($c['smiles']) ? 1 : 0; // anti bad html badHtmlSecond($c['body']); // make the updates $update = new nlb_blog($db); $update->fetchFromDB($blog_id); foreach (array('subject', 'custom', 'body', 'mood', 'bb', 'html', 'smiles') as $item) { $update->setItem($item, $c[$item]); } // deal with comments. if (empty($c['comments'])) { // comments are allowed $update->recountComments(); } else { // no comments $update->setItem('comments', -1); } // deal with blog count $author->recountBlogs(); // set it in stone
should be packaged with this product. ----------------------------------------- */ require_once 'config.php'; // require_once this before others! require_once 'system/functions.php'; require_once 'system/ets_sql.php'; require_once 'system/sqldb2.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_blog.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_user.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_config.class.php'; require_once 'system/text.class.php'; require_once 'ets.php'; $path = fetch_url_data(); $db = new sqldb2($DB_CONFIG); $blog = new nlb_blog($db); $config = new nlb_config($db); require_once $config->langfile(); $user = new nlb_user($db); $user->checkLogin(); if (isset($path['user'])) { /** * Show page of blogs for user */ $USERID = $path['user']; if (!is_numeric($USERID)) { jsRedirect(script_path . 'index.php'); } $u = new nlb_user($db, $USERID); // $u is the user who's friends page we are viewing $page = 0;
*/ $text->validate(); $text->makeClean('trim', 'slash_if_needed'); $c = $text->clean; if ($text->is_missing_required) { $baddata = true; } else { /** * U P D A T E I T E M */ // deal with options. $bb = empty($c['bb']) ? 1 : 0; $html = empty($c['html']) ? 1 : 0; $smiles = empty($c['smiles']) ? 1 : 0; badHtmlSecond($c['subject']); $update = new nlb_blog($db); $update->fetchFromDB($_GET['id']); $update->setItem("subject", $c['subject']); $update->setItem("body", $c['body']); $update->setItem("bb", $bb); $update->setItem("html", $html); $update->setItem("smiles", $smiles); if (empty($c['comments'])) { $update->recountComments(); } else { $update->setItem("comments", -1); } $update->updateToDB(); $ets->page_body = $l['goodedit']; } }
$USESKIN = skin_basic; $ets_outter->main_title = $config->get('site_name') . ": " . $l['title-editcomment']; $ets_outter->page_title = $l['title-editcomment']; $text = new text($_POST, array('body'), array('delete')); $missing = false; if (!empty($_POST)) { $text->validate(); if ($text->is_missing_required) { $missing = true; } else { $text->makeClean('trim', 'slash_if_needed'); $clean = $text->clean; if ($clean['delete'] == 'x') { // remove comment $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . db_comments . ' WHERE comment_id="' . $comment_id . '" LIMIT 1;'); $updatecount = new nlb_blog($db); $updatecount->fetchFromDB($comment['parent_id']); $updatecount->recountComments(); $updatecount->updateToDB(); $ets->page_body .= $l['acp-com-deleted']; } else { // just update the comment badHtmlSecond($clean['body']); $db->query('UPDATE ' . db_comments . ' SET body="' . $clean['body'] . '" WHERE comment_id="' . $comment_id . '" LIMIT 1;'); $ets->page_body .= $l['goodedit']; } } } if (empty($_POST) || $missing) { if ($missing) { $ets->page_body = '<div class="error">' . $l['data-problems'] . "\n";
GPL liscense. A copy of that liscense should be packaged with this product. ----------------------------------------- */ require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'system/functions.php'; require_once 'system/ets_sql.php'; require_once 'system/sqldb2.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_blog.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_user.class.php'; require_once 'system/nlb_config.class.php'; require_once 'system/text.class.php'; require_once 'ets.php'; $path = fetch_url_data(); $db = new sqldb2($DB_CONFIG); $blog = new nlb_blog($db); $config = new nlb_config($db); require_once $config->langfile(); $user = new nlb_user($db); $user->checkLogin(); if (isset($path['id'])) { /** * ======================================= * Show single blog & Comments * ======================================= */ $blog_id = $path['id']; if (!is_numeric($blog_id)) { jsRedirect(script_path . 'index.php'); } // blog exists?