コード例 #1
 public function send_notification($content, $headline = NULL, $replace = array(), $force = false, $file = 'notification.html')
     if (is_null($headline)) {
         $headline = $this->subject;
     $template = mymail_option('default_template');
     if ($template) {
         require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/templates.class.php';
         $template = new mymail_templates($template, $file);
         $this->content = $template->get(true, true);
     } else {
         $this->content = $headline . '<br>' . $content;
     require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/placeholder.class.php';
     $placeholder = new mymail_placeholder($this->content);
     $placeholder->add(array('subject' => $this->subject, 'preheader' => $headline, 'headline' => $headline, 'content' => $content));
     $this->content = $placeholder->get_content();
     $this->subject = $placeholder->get_content();
     $this->add_tracking_image = false;
     $this->embed_images = mymail_option('embed_images');
     $success = $this->send($force);
     return $success;
コード例 #2
 private function autoresponder_to_campaign($id, $timeoffset, $issue = '')
     $post = get_post($id);
     if ($post->post_status != 'autoresponder') {
         return false;
     $id = $post->ID;
     $lists = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'newsletter_lists', array("fields" => "slugs"));
     $campaign_data = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'mymail-campaign', true);
     $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'mymail-data', true);
     $meta['active_autoresponder'] = $meta['autoresponder'] = $meta['date'] = $meta['time'] = $meta['timestamp'] = NULL;
     $meta['active'] = true;
     $currenttime = current_time('timestamp');
     $meta['timestamp'] = max($currenttime, $currenttime + $timeoffset);
     $meta['date'] = date('Y-m-d', $meta['timestamp']);
     $meta['time'] = date('H:i', $meta['timestamp']);
     $post->post_status = 'queued';
     //set "issue"
     $post->post_title = str_replace('{issue}', $issue, $post->post_title);
     $meta = str_replace('{issue}', $issue, $meta);
     require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/placeholder.class.php';
     //$placeholder = new mymail_placeholder($meta['subject']);
     $placeholder = new mymail_placeholder($post->post_content);
     $post->post_content = $placeholder->get_content(false, array('issue' => $issue), true);
     //remove the KSES filter which strips "unwanted" tags and attributes
     remove_filter('content_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
     $newID = wp_insert_post($post);
     if ($newID) {
         $campaign_data['sent'] = 0;
         $this->post_meta($newID, 'mymail-data', $meta);
         $this->post_meta($newID, 'mymail-campaign', $campaign_data);
         wp_set_object_terms($newID, $lists, 'newsletter_lists');
         return $newID;
     return false;
コード例 #3
 public function cronjob($cron_used = false)
     if (defined('DOING_AJAX') || defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') || defined('WP_INSTALLING')) {
         return false;
     //define a constant with the time so we can take a look
     define('MYMAIL_DOING_CRON', time());
     if (!$cron_used) {
         if (mymail_option('cron_service') != 'wp_cron') {
             return false;
         } else {
     $safe_mode = @ini_get('safe_mode');
     $memory_limit = @ini_get('memory_limit');
     $max_execution_time = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
     //lockfile exists
     if (file_exists(MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/CRON_LOCK')) {
         $age = time() - filemtime(MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/CRON_LOCK');
         if ($age < 10) {
             echo "Cron is currently running!";
             return false;
         } else {
             if ($age < ini_get('max_execution_time')) {
                 mymail_notice('<strong>' . sprintf(__('It seems your last cronjob hasn\'t been finished! Increase the %1$s, add %2$s to your wp-config.php or reduce the %3$s in the settings', 'mymail'), "'max_execution_time'", '<code>define("WP_MEMORY_LIMIT", "256M");</code>', '<a href="options-general.php?page=newsletter-settings&settings-updated=true#delivery">' . __('Number of mails sent', 'mymail') . '</a>') . '</strong>', 'error', false, 'cron_unfinished');
             } else {
     } else {
         file_put_contents(MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/CRON_LOCK', time());
     if (!$safe_mode) {
         if (intval($max_execution_time) < 300) {
             @ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
             $max_execution_time = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
         if (intval($memory_limit) < 256) {
             @ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
             $memory_limit = @ini_get('memory_limit');
     register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'finish_cron'));
     global $wpdb, $mymail_campaignID, $mymail_campaigndata;
     $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = 'newsletter' AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_status IN ('active', 'queued') GROUP BY {$wpdb->posts}.ID ORDER BY {$wpdb->posts}.post_modified ASC";
     $campaigns = $wpdb->get_results($query);
     $campaign_count = count($campaigns);
     $campaign_active_count = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $campaign_count; $i++) {
         if ($campaigns[$i]->post_status == 'active') {
     $mymail_campaignID = $mymail_campaigndata = array();
     $max_memory_usage = 0;
     //how many newsletter sent at once
     $send_at_once = mymail_option('send_at_once');
     $send_per_camp = $campaign_active_count && mymail_option('split_campaigns') ? ceil($send_at_once / $campaign_active_count) : $send_at_once;
     $max_bounces = mymail_option('bounce_attempts');
     $sent_this_turn = 0;
     $send_delay = intval(mymail_option('send_delay', 0)) * 1000;
     $bounces_only = true;
     $senderrors = array();
     $quit_cronjob = !$campaign_count;
     $unsubscribe_homepage = get_page(mymail_option('homepage')) ? get_permalink(mymail_option('homepage')) : get_bloginfo('url');
     $unsubscribe_homepage = apply_filters('mymail_unsubscribe_link', $unsubscribe_homepage);
     if ($memory_limit) {
         $this->cron_log('memory limit', '<strong>' . intval($memory_limit) . ' MB</strong>');
     $this->cron_log('safe_mode', '<strong>' . ($safe_mode ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . '</strong>');
     $this->cron_log('max_execution_time', '<strong>' . $max_execution_time . ' seconds</strong>');
     $this->cron_log('campaigns found', '<strong>' . $campaign_active_count . '</strong>');
     $this->cron_log('send max at once', '<strong>' . $send_at_once . '</strong>');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $campaign_count; $i++) {
         $time_start = microtime(true);
         $break_on_error = false;
         //current newsletter
         $campaign = $campaigns[$i];
         $campaign_permalink = get_permalink($campaign->ID);
         //get data from the newsletter
         $data = get_post_meta($campaign->ID, 'mymail-data', true);
         //if mail is less then an hour in the future and
         if (current_time('timestamp') - $data['timestamp'] > -3600) {
             $quit_cronjob = false;
         ///allready sent, not active or in the future go to next
         if (current_time('timestamp') - $data['timestamp'] < 0) {
         //change post status to active (silence)
         if ($campaign->post_status == 'queued') {
             $this->change_status($campaign, 'active', true);
         //to many this turn => break;
         if ($sent_this_turn >= $send_at_once) {
         //get more data from the newsletter
         $campaigncount = count($mymail_campaigndata);
         $mymail_campaignID[] = $campaign->ID;
         $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount] = get_post_meta($campaign->ID, 'mymail-campaign', true);
         $lists = wp_get_post_terms($campaign->ID, 'newsletter_lists', array("fields" => "ids"));
         //baselink with trailing slash required for links to work in Outlook 2007
         $baselink = add_query_arg('mymail', $campaign->ID, home_url('/'));
         $unsubscribelink = add_query_arg('unsubscribe', md5($campaign->ID . '_unsubscribe'), $unsubscribe_homepage);
         $errors = $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['errors'];
         $totalerrors = isset($mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['totalerrors']) ? $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['totalerrors'] : count($mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['errors']);
         require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/mail.class.php';
         $mail = mymail_mail::get_instance();
         //stop if send limit is reached
         if ($mail->sentlimitreached) {
         $mail->from = $data['from'];
         $mail->from_name = $data['from_name'];
         $mail->bouncemail = mymail_option('bounce');
         $mail->reply_to = $data['reply_to'];
         $mail->embed_images = $data['embed_images'];
         require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/placeholder.class.php';
         $placeholder = new mymail_placeholder($campaign->post_content);
         $placeholder->add(array('preheader' => $data['preheader'], 'subject' => $data['subject'], 'webversion' => '<a href="{webversionlink}">' . mymail_text('webversion') . '</a>', 'webversionlink' => $campaign_permalink, 'unsub' => '<a href="{unsublink}">' . mymail_text('unsubscribelink') . '</a>', 'unsublink' => $unsubscribelink, 'forward' => '<a href="{forwardlink}">' . mymail_text('forward') . '</a>', 'email' => '<a href="mailto:{emailaddress}">{emailaddress}</a>'));
         $placeholder->share_service($campaign_permalink, $campaign->post_title);
         $mail->content = $placeholder->get_content(false);
         $mail->baselink = $baselink;
         //store the base content temporary;
         $basecontent = $mail->content;
         //get all links from the basecontent
         preg_match_all('#href=(\'|")?(https?[^\'"\\#]+)(\'|")?#', $basecontent, $links);
         $links = $links[2];
         $totalsend = 0;
         $term_taxonomy_ids = wp_list_pluck(get_terms('newsletter_lists', array('fields' => 'all', 'include' => $lists)), 'term_taxonomy_id');
         //no subscribers
         if (empty($term_taxonomy_ids) || empty($lists)) {
         //get all users from all lists only once ordered by ID
         $query = "SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID, {$wpdb->posts}.post_name AS hash, {$wpdb->posts}.post_title AS email, {$wpdb->posts}.post_status as status, {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value as meta FROM {$wpdb->posts} INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->term_relationships}.object_id) LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->postmeta}.post_id AND {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key = 'mymail-campaigns') WHERE ( {$wpdb->term_relationships}.term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(',', $term_taxonomy_ids) . ") ) AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = 'subscriber' AND ({$wpdb->posts}.post_status IN ('subscribed', 'unsubscribed')) GROUP BY {$wpdb->posts}.ID ORDER BY {$wpdb->posts}.ID ASC";
         $result = mysql_query($query, $wpdb->dbh);
         $subscribers_count = mysql_num_rows($result);
         $this->cron_log('Campaign', '<strong>' . $campaign->post_title . '</strong>');
         $this->cron_log('Subscribers found', '<strong>' . $subscribers_count . '</strong>');
         $this->cron_log('send max for camp', '<strong>' . $send_per_camp . '</strong>');
         if ($error = mysql_error($wpdb->dbh)) {
         $subscribercounter = $totalsend;
         $campaign_send_counter = 0;
         //foreach subscribers
         while ($subscriber = @mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
             if (!$safe_mode) {
             touch(MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/CRON_LOCK');
             if (connection_aborted()) {
             //to many send for this campaign;
             if ($campaign_send_counter >= $send_per_camp) {
             if ($break_on_error) {
             //to many this turn => break;
             if ($sent_this_turn >= $send_at_once) {
             //stop if send limit is reached
             if ($mail->sentlimitreached) {
             if (!isset($subscriber)) {
             $usercampaigndata = $subscriber->meta ? unserialize($subscriber->meta) : array();
             //check if campaign was sent
             if ($usercampaigndata[$campaign->ID]['sent'] || $subscribercounter <= 0) {
                 //campaign was sent
             } else {
                 //stop if user isn't subscribed
                 if ($subscriber->status != 'subscribed') {
                 //not sent
                 //user reaches bouncelimit
                 if ($usercampaigndata[$campaign->ID]['bounces'] >= $max_bounces) {
                 $time_mail_start = microtime(true);
                 $userdata = get_post_meta($subscriber->ID, 'mymail-userdata', true);
                 if (!is_array($userdata)) {
                     $userdata = array();
                 $mail->to = $subscriber->email;
                 $mail->hash = $subscriber->hash;
                 $mail->subject = $data['subject'];
                 //restore from the base
                 //unset meta property if set
                 if (isset($userdata['_meta'])) {
                 $placeholder->add(array_merge(array('fullname' => trim($userdata['firstname'] . ' ' . $userdata['lastname']), 'forwardlink' => add_query_arg('forward', $subscriber->email, $campaign_permalink)), array('emailaddress' => $subscriber->email), $userdata));
                 //replace links
                 $placeholder->replace_links($baselink, $links, $subscriber->hash);
                 $mail->content = $placeholder->get_content();
                 //placeholders in subject
                 $mail->subject = $placeholder->get_content();
                 //set headers for bouncing
                 $mail->add_header('X-MyMail', $subscriber->hash);
                 $mail->add_header('X-MyMail-Campaign', $campaign->ID);
                 $mail->add_header('List-Unsubscribe', add_query_arg(array('k' => $campaign->ID, 'unsubscribe' => $subscriber->hash), $unsubscribelink));
                 try {
                     $success = $mail->send();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $success = false;
                 //send mail
                 if ($success) {
                     //mark as send and increase total with 1
                     $usercampaigndata[$campaign->ID]['sent'] = true;
                     $usercampaigndata[$campaign->ID]['timestamp'] = current_time('timestamp');
                     $this->post_meta($subscriber->ID, 'mymail-campaigns', $usercampaigndata);
                     if (!isset($usercampaigndata[$campaign->ID]['bounces'])) {
                         $bounces_only = false;
                     //campaign was sent
                     $this->cron_log('#' . $subscribercounter . ' <strong>' . $subscriber->email . '</strong> sent', 'try ' . ($usercampaigndata[$campaign->ID]['bounces'] + 1) . '.', microtime(true) - $time_mail_start);
                 } else {
                     $e_array = $mail->get_errors('array');
                     $errormsg = trim($e_array[count($e_array) - 1]);
                     if (!$errormsg) {
                         if (!$campaign->post_content) {
                             $errormsg = 'no content';
                         } else {
                             $errormsg = '';
                     $subscriber_errors = apply_filters('mymail_subscriber_errors', array('SMTP Error: The following recipients failed', 'The following From address failed', 'Invalid address:', 'SMTP Error: Data not accepted'));
                     $is_subscriber_error = !mymail_is_email($subscriber->email);
                     //check for subscriber error
                     foreach ($subscriber_errors as $subscriber_error) {
                         if (stripos($errormsg, $subscriber_error) !== false) {
                             $is_subscriber_error = true;
                     //caused by the subscriber
                     if ($is_subscriber_error) {
                         $this->cron_log('#' . $subscribercounter . ' <strong>' . $subscriber->email . '</strong> <span style="color:#f33">not sent</span>', '<br><span style="color:#f33">' . $errormsg . '</span>', microtime(true) - $time_mail_start);
                         $usercampaigndata[$campaign->ID]['sent'] = false;
                         //change status
                         $this->change_status(get_post($subscriber->ID), 'error');
                         $errors[$subscriber->email] = $errormsg;
                         do_action('mymail_subscriber_error', $campaign, $subscriber, $errormsg);
                         //campaign failure
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($e_array)) {
                             $senderrors[] = $mail->get_errors('br');
                             $break_on_error = true;
                         } elseif ($errormsg) {
                             $senderrors[] = $errormsg;
                             $break_on_error = true;
                         if ($break_on_error) {
                             $this->cron_log('Campaign paused cause of a sending error: <span style="color:#f33">' . $errormsg . '</span>');
                     $this->post_meta($subscriber->ID, 'mymail-campaigns', $usercampaigndata);
                 $max_memory_usage = max($max_memory_usage, memory_get_peak_usage(true));
                 $took_mail = (microtime(true) - $time_mail_start) * 1000;
                 if ($send_delay) {
                     usleep(max(1, round($send_delay - $took_mail)));
         $max_memory_usage = max($max_memory_usage, memory_get_peak_usage(true));
         $took = microtime(true) - $time_start;
         if ($max_memory_usage) {
             $this->cron_log('max. memory usage', '<strong>' . size_format($max_memory_usage, 2) . '</strong>');
         $this->cron_log('sent this turn', $sent_this_turn);
         if ($sent_this_turn) {
             $this->cron_log('time', round($took, 2) . ' sec., (' . round($took / $sent_this_turn, 4) . '/mail)');
         //close connection if smtp
         //load it again cause it may changed during sending
         wp_cache_delete($campaign->ID, 'post' . '_meta');
         $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount] = get_post_meta($campaign->ID, 'mymail-campaign', true);
         //count users and save to campaign
         $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['sent'] = $totalsend;
         $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['errors'] = $errors;
         $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['totalerrors'] = $totalerrors;
         if ($break_on_error) {
             $this->change_status($campaign, 'paused');
             mymail_notice(sprintf(__('Campaign %1$s has been paused cause of a sending error: %2$s', 'mymail'), '<a href="post.php?post=' . $campaign->ID . '&action=edit"><strong>' . $campaign->post_title . '</strong></a>', '<strong>' . implode('', $senderrors)) . '</strong>', 'error', false, 'camp_error_' . $campaign->ID);
             do_action('mymail_break_on_error', $campaign, $senderrors);
             //campaign is finished (or no mail was sent cause no subscriber)
         } else {
             //recalc totals
             $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['total'] = $this->get_totals_by_id($campaign->ID) + $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['unsubscribes'] + $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['hardbounces'] - $totalerrors;
             //stop with no subscribers
             if ($mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['total'] == 0) {
             //recalculate totals if sent is more or equal the once in the database
             				if($mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['sent'] >= $subscribers_count){
             					//$mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['total'] = $this->get_totals_by_id($campaign->ID, true, true)+$mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['unsubscribes']-$totalerrors;
             //obviously finished
             if ($mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['sent'] + $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['hardbounces'] >= $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['total']) {
                 $mymail_campaigndata[$campaigncount]['timestamp'] = current_time('timestamp');
                 //change campaign to finished and replace the dyamic content
                 //remove the KSES filter which strips "unwanted" tags and attributes
                 remove_filter('content_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
                 wp_update_post(array('ID' => $campaign->ID, 'post_content' => $placeholder->get_content(false)));
                 //change status silencly if only bounces where sent
                 $this->change_status($campaign, 'finished', $bounces_only);
                 //do third party plugins stuff
             } else {
             if ($sent_this_turn) {
                 do_action('mymail_cron_mails_sent', $campaign);
     if ($cron_used && is_user_logged_in()) {
     if ($quit_cronjob && !$cron_used) {
     return true;