コード例 #1
ファイル: chat-list.php プロジェクト: jesus143/fs-dev

require "fs_folders/php_functions/connect.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/function.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/myclass.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/library.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/source.php";
$mc = new myclass();
// $is_cookie_set   =  $mc->set_cookie( 'mno' , 130 , time()+3600*24 );
$_SESSION['mno'] = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
$mno = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
$variables = array();
// $mno = 133;
$limit_start = 0;
$limit_end = 10;
// response from table fs_message and lits of your all messages
$variables['response'] = $mc->fs_message(array('type' => 'get-all-message-id', 'mno' => $mno, 'orderby' => 'order by date asc', 'limit_start' => $limit_start, 'limit_end' => $limit_end));
// $mc->print_r1( $variables['response'] );
//  your all messages len
$variables['len'] = count($variables['response']);

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >
$limit_start = 0;
$limit_end = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $variables['len']; $i++) {
    //  each msgno
    $variables['msgno'] = intval($variables['response'][$i]['msgno']);
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_reply.php プロジェクト: jesus143/fs-dev
function reply_print($plcno, $plcr_no, $allow_reply, $isMainReply = null, $mno = null, $isReplyIndented = null, $userprofilepicpath = '../../../')
    $mc = new myclass();
    // echo "plcr_no = $plcr_no <br>";
    $c = 0;
    if ($isMainReply == 'YES') {
        $replies = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_reply', array('plcno' => $plcno, 'operand1' => 'and', 'mno' => $mno), 'order by plcr_no desc', 'limit 1');
    } else {
        $replies = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_reply', array('plcr_no' => $plcr_no));
    // print_r($replies);
    $rplcr_no = $replies[$c]['plcr_no'];
    $plcrno = $rplcr_no;
    $rplcno = $replies[$c]['plcno'];
    $replied_no = $replies[$c]['replied_no'];
    $rmno = $replies[$c]['mno'];
    $rplcr_message = $replies[$c]['plcr_message'];
    $rclen = strlen($rplcr_message);
    $rplcr_date = $replies[$c]['plcr_date'];
    $rmem_info = $mc->user($rmno);
    $rdformat = $mc->split_date('', '', '', $rplcr_date);
    $rmy_rate_look = my_trate_for_look($rmno, $_SESSION['plno']);
    $ryou_liked = check_if_user_liked($plcrno, $_SESSION['mno']);
    $ryou_disliked = check_if_user_disliked($plcrno, $_SESSION['mno']);
    $likeDislike_style = 'height:13px;cursor: pointer;';
    // if ( $rclen< 224) {
    // echo "if comment len lessthan $rclen ";
    $style = 'height: auto; border: 1px solid none;';
    // $cpadding = 'border: 1px solid red; height:20px;';
    // }
    // else {
    // echo "else comment len greater than $rclen ";
    // $style = 'height: auto; border: 1px solid  none; width:500px';
    // }
    // echo " i like =  $ryou_liked  | i disliked  $ryou_disliked <br>";
    // $you_liked =replyYouLikeThis($rplcno,$rmno);
    // echo "rno = $rplcr_no ";
    $ovarating = $mc->user_profile_percentage($rmno);
    $member_avatar = $mc->ppic_thumbnail . "/" . $rmno . ".jpg";
    // echo " member avatar $member_avatar";


							<table border=0   id='replied_comment_table_<?php 
    echo $plcrno;
' class='rcomment_container' style='display:block'> 
								<td  > 
									<table border=0   id='img' class='img' > 
    $mc->member_thumbnail_display($mc->ppic_thumbnail, $rmno, "{$userprofilepicpath}" . $mc->ppic_thumbnail);
											<!-- <img id='rprofile_pic_<?php 
    echo $cno;
'  src=" <?php 
    echo "{$member_avatar}";
" title="<?php 
    echo strtoupper($rmem_info['firstname'] . ' ' . $rmem_info['lastname']);
"  onclick='look_comment_attr_clicked("<?php 
    echo "profile_" . $comment[$i][2];
")' >  -->
										<td><span class='red_bold' id='percentage' title='<?php 
    echo $get_def_user_profile_percentage;
' ><?php 
    echo "{$ovarating}% ";
									<div id='rcomment_body_container' class='rcomment_body_container'> 
										<div id='comment_header_container' > 
											<table  border=0   > 
												<td><span id='rfull_name_<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' class='blue_bold' title="<?php 
    echo strtoupper($rmem_info['firstname'] . ' ' . $rmem_info['lastname']);
"  ><?php 
    echo strtoupper($rmem_info['firstname'] . ' ' . $rmem_info['lastname']);
  </span> </td> <td></td><td></td>

												<td><span class='blue_bold' > ( </span> <span  id='gender' class='blue'  > <?php 
    echo strtoupper($rmem_info['sub_gen']);
  RATED </span> 
													<span class='rating_view' >

    $rmy_rate_look = 1;
    $get_def_mem_rating_look = "weee";
    echo "<img src='{$mc->img_attr_source}/rate_{$rmy_rate_look}.jpg'  title='{$get_def_mem_rating_look}' class='rating' />";
													</span>  <span class='blue_bold'>)</span></span> 
													<!--new user name replied --> 
														<span class='blue_bold'> ( </span>  
									 					<span class='blue_bold' onmouseover="replied_name_hover(<?php 
    echo "{$replied_no}";
    echo "{$rplcno}";
 )" onmouseout="replied_name_leaved(<?php 
    echo "{$replied_no}";
    echo "{$rplcno}";
  )"  style='cursor: pointer;' >@<?php 
    echo comment_repplied_name($replied_no, $rplcno);
									 				 	<span class='blue_bold'> ) </span>

								 				 	<!-- end user name replied -->
										<div class='rcomment' id='rcomment_<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' style="<?php 
    echo $style;
"  >
											<span id='rcomment_span_<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
    echo "{$rplcr_message}";
										<div id='comment_footer_Container' > 
										 	 <table border=0 > 
										 	 		<span id='comment_time'>  POSTED ON  <?php 
    echo $rdformat['month'] . ' , ' . $rdformat['day'] . ' , ' . $rdformat['year'] . ' | ' . $rdformat['hour'] . ':' . $rdformat['min'] . ' ' . $rdformat['stat'];
										 	 	<td></td> <td></td>
    // $you_liked = false;
    // $ryou_disliked = false;
    // new can only like once --> remove this to relike redislike manny times
    if ($ryou_disliked == true || $ryou_liked == true) {
        $cno_for_like_dislike = 0;
    } else {
        $cno_for_like_dislike = $rplcr_no;
    //end can only like once
    if ($ryou_liked) {
												 		 		<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/like_green.jpg"  class='img_like'  id="<?php 
        echo "rimg_like_" . $rplcr_no;
" title='helpful comment'  />
    } else {
        if (!$ryou_disliked) {
											 		 	 				<img src="<?php 
            echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/like.jpg"  class='img_like'  id="<?php 
            echo "rimg_like_" . $rplcr_no;
" title='helpful comment'  onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php 
            echo "replyLike_{$rplcr_no}";
")'  style='<?php 
            echo $likeDislike_style;
'   /> <?php 
        } else {
																		<img src="<?php 
            echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/like.jpg"  class='img_like'  id="<?php 
            echo "rimg_like_" . $rplcr_no;
" title='helpful comment' /> <?php 

											 		 	 	<span class='red_bold' id="<?php 
    echo "like_" . $comment[$i][0];
" >  
    // if ($ryou_liked) {
    // 	echo  0 ;
    // }else {
    // 	echo   0 ;
    // }
    echo countReplyLike($plcrno);
    // echo " 99999 ";

    if ($ryou_disliked) {
												 		 				<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/unlike_green.jpg"  class='img_like'   id="<?php 
        echo "rimg_dislike_" . $rplcr_no;
" title='not helpful comment'   /> <?php 
    } else {
        if (!$ryou_liked) {
											 		 	 			 		<img src="<?php 
            echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/unlike.jpg"  class='img_like'   id="<?php 
            echo "rimg_dislike_" . $rplcr_no;
" title='not helpful comment'  onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php 
            echo "replyDisLike_{$rplcr_no}";
")' style='<?php 
            echo $likeDislike_style;
' />
        } else {
										 		 	 	  			<img src="<?php 
            echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/unlike.jpg"  class='img_like'   id="<?php 
            echo "rimg_dislike_" . $rplcr_no;
" title='not helpful comment' />
										 		 	 	<span class='red_bold' id="<?php 
    echo "dislike_" . $comment[$i][0];
" >  
    // if ($you_liked) {
    // 	echo  count_rdislike($rplcr_no);
    // }else {
    // 	echo  count_rdislike($rplcr_no);
    // }
    echo countReplyDislike($plcrno);
    // echo " 99999 ";
    if ($_SESSION['mno'] == $rmno) {
								 		 	 			<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/reply.jpg"  class='img_like'  title='reply comment' onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php 
        echo "replyEdit_" . $rplcr_no;
")' />
									 		 	 		<span class='red_bold' > 
    //if ( $_SESSION['mno'] !=  $rmno /* and  $allow_reply == true */ ) {
								 		 	 			<img src="<?php 
    echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/reply.jpg"  class='img_like'  title='reply comment' onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php 
    echo "replyReply_{$rplcr_no}";
									 		 	 		<span class='red_bold' > 
    // }
    if ($_SESSION['mno'] != $rmno) {
								 		 	 			<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/flag.jpg"  class='img_like'  title='flag comment'  onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php 
        echo "replyFlag_{$rplcr_no}";
								 		 	 			<div id='<?php 
        echo "flag_{$rplcr_no}";
									 		 	 		<span class='red_bold' > 
    if ($_SESSION['mno'] == $rmno or $_SESSION['mno'] == get_look_owner($_SESSION['plno'])) {
								 		 	 			<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->img_attr_source;
/delete.jpg"  class='img_like' title='delete comment'  onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php 
        echo "replyDelete_" . $rplcr_no;
")'   />
								 		 	 			<div id='<?php 
        echo "flag_{$rplcr_no}";
									 		 	 		<span class='red_bold' > 
								<td id='TA_main_comment_reply_td'> 
									<div          id ='TA_main_comment_reply_div_reply'   class='TA_main_comment_reply_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
										<textarea id='TA_main_comment_reply_reply'        class='TA_main_comment_reply_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' placeholder='type your reply here..' ></textarea> 
										<input    id='TA_main_comment_reply_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_reply_button_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
'  onclick="send_data('cancel reply reply','.TA_main_comment_reply_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
')"  type='button' value='CANCEL' >
										<input    id='TA_main_comment_reply_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_reply_button_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
'  onclick="send_data('save reply reply','.TA_main_comment_reply_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
    echo $rplcr_no;
    echo $rplcr_no;
,'reply of a reply', <?php 
    echo $plcno;
, '<?php 
    echo $isReplyIndented;
' )"   type='button' value='POST A COMMENT' >

									<div          id ='TA_main_comment_edit_div_reply'   class='TA_main_comment_edit_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
										<textarea id='TA_main_comment_edit_reply'        class='TA_main_comment_edit_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
'  ></textarea> 
										<input    id='TA_main_comment_edit_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_edit_button_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' onclick="send_data('cancel edit reply','.TA_main_comment_edit_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
')"  type='button' value='CANCEL'  >
										<input    id='TA_main_comment_edit_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_edit_button_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' onclick="send_data('save edit reply','.TA_main_comment_edit_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
    echo $rplcr_no;
    echo $rplcr_no;
,'edit of a reply')"   type='button' value='SAVE COMMENT'  >

									<div          id ='TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply'   class='TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
    $mc->unflagged_design_auto_hide(array('table' => 'fs_plcm_rflag', 'where' => 'plcrno', 'whereV' => $rplcr_no));

										<!-- new  not yet flag  -->
										 	<table id='flagTable1' class='notflaggedReply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' style="<?php 
    echo $mc->notflaggedStyle;
"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > 
										 		 	<td id='flagTitle1Td' > 
										 		 		<span id='flagTitle1'> If you want to flag this comment fill up bellow.</span>
										 		 		<table id='flagTable2' border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  > 
										 		 			 		<input type="checkbox" class='check_box1Reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
'  >
										 		 			 	<td > 
										 		 			 		 <span id='flagTitle2'>NO SPAM or Unsolicited Advertising</span>
										 		 			 		<input type="checkbox" class='check_box2Reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' >
										 		 			 		 <span id='flagTitle2'>NO Offensive or Harmful Content</span>
										 		 			 		<input type="checkbox" class='check_box3Reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
										 		 			 	<td id='flagTitle2Td3'> 
										 		 			 		 <span id='flagTitle2'>NO Stolen or Copyright Infriging Content</span>
										 		 		<textarea id='TA_main_comment_flag_reply'        class='TA_main_comment_flag_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
'  ></textarea> 
										 		 		<input    id='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' onclick="send_data('cancel flag reply','.TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
')"  type='button' value='CANCEL'  >
														<input    id='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' onclick="send_data('save edit reply','.TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
    echo $rplcr_no;
    echo $rplcr_no;
,'flag of a reply')"  type='button' value='SEND FLAG'  >
								 		<!-- new  not yet flag  -->

								 		<!--  new already flagged -->
									 		<div id='flagged' class='flaggedReply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' style="<?php 
    echo $mc->flaggedStyle;
" > 
										 			<table > 
										 					<td> <span id='flagTitle2' > This comment is already flagged.  </span> </td>
										 					<td> <input    id='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' onclick="send_data('cancel flag reply','.TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
')"  type='button' value='OK'  ></td>
								 		<!--  new already flagged -->
								<td id='padding' style="padding-top:25px"> 

							<hr class='rline_<?php 
    echo $rplcr_no;
' id='rhr'  >
							<!-- <hr> -->

    // echo " isReplyIndented = $isReplyIndented";
    if ($isReplyIndented == 'yes') {
							<ul  onclick="autopost_reply(<?php 
        echo $rplcr_no;
)" id='autopost_<?php 
        echo $rplcr_no;
' > 
					 			 	<!-- auto post here please click me <?php 
    } else {
							<div  onclick="autopost_reply(<?php 
        echo $rplcr_no;
)" id='autopost_<?php 
        echo $rplcr_no;
' > 
					 			 	<!-- auto post here please click me <?php 
        //echo  $rplcr_no;
コード例 #3
ファイル: testPage.php プロジェクト: jesus143/fs-dev
  function tag_buble() {  

      // );  
                $mc = new myclass();
            <!-- <div id='tag-circle-tag-div' >  -->
                <div id='tag-bubble-body' >  
                    <img id='tag-bubble-arrow-left-img' src="<?php  echo "$mc->genImgs/tag-bubble-arrow-left.png";  ?>"> 
                   <center> <span id='tag-bubble-title' >ABOUT ITEM NUMBER ONE</span>  </center>
                    <table id='tag-bubble-table' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' > 
                          <td >  <span  id='tag-name' >  COLOR:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #BLACK   </span>  </td> <tr> 
                          <td > <span id='tag-name' >  BRAND:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #YSL     </span>  </td> <tr>
                          <td > <span id='tag-name' >  GARMENT:  </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #PAYCOAT </span>  </td> <tr>
                          <td > <span id='tag-name' >  MATERIAL: </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #WALL    </span>  </td> <tr>
                          <td > <span id='tag-name' >  PATTERN:  </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #PAIN    </span> 
                                <span id='tag-name' >  PRICE:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #1400    </span>  </td>  <tr>
                          <td > <span id='tag-url' > <a href='www.google.com' target="_blank"> www.google.com </a> </span> </td>  
                    <hr id='tag-bubble-body-hr' >  
                     <a href='www.google.com' target="_blank" id='visit-store' > <img src="<?php echo "$mc->button/visit-store.png"; ?>">  </a> 
                <div id='tag-bubble-body' >  
                    <img id='tag-bubble-arrow-right-img' src="<?php  echo "$mc->genImgs/tag-bubble-arrow-right.png";  ?>"> 
                   <center> <span id='tag-bubble-title' >ABOUT ITEM NUMBER ONE</span>  </center>
                    <table id='tag-bubble-table' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' > 
                          <td >  <span  id='tag-name' >  COLOR:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #BLACK   </span>  </td> <tr> 
                          <td > <span id='tag-name' >  BRAND:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #YSL     </span>  </td> <tr>
                          <td > <span id='tag-name' >  GARMENT:  </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #PAYCOAT </span>  </td> <tr>
                          <td > <span id='tag-name' >  MATERIAL: </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #WALL    </span>  </td> <tr>
                          <td > <span id='tag-name' >  PATTERN:  </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #PAIN    </span> 
                                <span id='tag-name' >  PRICE:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #1400    </span>  </td>  <tr>
                          <td > <span id='tag-url' > <a href='www.google.com' target="_blank"> www.google.com </a> </span> </td>  
                    <hr id='tag-bubble-body-hr' >  
                     <a href='www.google.com' target="_blank" id='visit-store' > <img src="<?php echo "$mc->button/visit-store.png"; ?>">  </a> 
            <!-- </div> --> 
            <style type="text/css">  
                body { 
                    background-color: #Ccc;
                #tag-bubble-body { box-shadow: 0 4px 10px #000;  background-color: #fff;  padding-top: 10px; padding-left:15px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-right: 15px; height: 170px; width: 280px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;  }
                    #tag-bubble-body img { cursor: pointer;  }
                    #tag-bubble-title {  font-weight: bold;font-size: 14px;text-decoration: underline;font-family: "arial"; color: #ac1c22; }
                    #tag-bubble-table { position: absolute;  margin-top: 10px; float: left; font-size: 12px;  }
                    #tag-name {  color: #ccc; font-family: "arial";font-weight: bold; }
                    #tag-desc { color: #ac1c22; font-family: "arial"; font-weight: bold;  }  
                    #tag-url a  { text-decoration: none; color: #1a386a;  }
                    #tag-bubble-body-hr{  border: 1x solid red;   width: 99%; float: left; margin-top: 105px; /*position: absolute;*/ } 
                    #visit-store img { margin-top: 7px; width: 100%;   }
                    #tag-bubble-arrow-left-img { position: absolute; margin-left: -185px; margin-top: 10px;   }
                    #tag-bubble-arrow-right-img { position: absolute;  margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 150px;   }


<?php } ?> 
コード例 #4
ファイル: reply.php プロジェクト: jesus143/fs-dev
function main()
    $mc = new myclass();
    $plcno = !empty($_GET['plcno']) ? intval($_GET["plcno"]) : "";
    $rcomment = !empty($_GET['rcomment']) ? $_GET['rcomment'] : "";
    $plcrno = !empty($_GET['plcrno']) ? intval($_GET['plcrno']) : 0;
    $mno = intval($_SESSION['mno']);
    $status = $_GET['status'];
    $date_time = $mc->date_time;
    $flag_note = !empty($_GET['flag_note']) ? $_GET['flag_note'] : 0;
    $cboxes = !empty($_GET['cboxes']) ? $_GET['cboxes'] : 0;
    $replyEdited = !empty($_GET['replyEdited']) ? $_GET['replyEdited'] : 0;
    $replied_no = !empty($_GET['replied_no']) ? $_GET['replied_no'] : 0;
    $isReplyIndented = !empty($_GET['isReplyIndented']) ? $_GET['isReplyIndented'] : 0;
    // echo " status = [$status]  replied_no = $replied_no <br> ";
    if ($status == 'replySave') {
        save_reply_comment($status, $plcno, $replied_no, $mno, $rcomment, $date_time);
        $posted_comment = false;
        // require ('replyDesign.php');
        require '../test_reply.php';
        // echo "result of the output";
        reply_print($plcno, 0, true, 'YES', $mno, $isReplyIndented, '../../../../');
        // echo "reply design print here !";
    } else {
        if ($status == 'replyLike') {
            replyLike($mno, $plcrno);
        } else {
            if ($status == 'replyDisLike') {
                replyDisLike($mno, $plcrno);
            } else {
                if ($status == 'check_flag') {
                    // echo "chekcing flagged ";
                    // echo "$flag_note $cboxes";
                    // echo "1";
                } else {
                    if ($status == 'replySaveFlag') {
                        // echo " 	save flag reply  note = $flag_note  check box options = $cboxes <br>";
                        save_reply_flagged($plcrno, $mno, tcleaner($flag_note), $cboxes, $date_time);
                    } else {
                        if ($status == 'replyDelete') {
                            // echo "delete reply   plcrno = $plcrno ";
                            $del_array = $mc->get_multiple_reply($plcrno);
                            // for ($i=0; $i < count($del_array) ; $i++)
                            // {
                            // 	 // replyDelete  ($del_array[$i]);
                            // 	echo " plcrno to del =  ".$del_array[$i].'<br>';
                            // }
                        } else {
                            if ($status == 'replyEdit') {
                                // echo " edit reply plcrno = $plcrno edited reply = $replyEdited <br> ";
                                replyEdit($plcrno, $replyEdited);