コード例 #1
$t->is($guestCart->getProductCount(), 2, '2 products in cart');
$t->is($guestCart->getNetSum(), 0.84, 'cart net sum is correct');
$t->is($guestCart->getGrossSum('de'), 0.9, 'cart gross sum is correct');
$t->comment('Increase count of first cart item by 9.');
$guestCart->addProduct($product_1, 9);
$t->is($guestCart->isEmpty(), false, 'cart is not empty');
$t->is($guestCart->getItemCount(), 2, '2');
$t->is($guestCart->getProductCount(), 11, '11 products in cart');
$t->is($guestCart->getNetSum(), 8.4, 'cart net sum is correct');
$t->is($guestCart->getGrossSum('de'), 9, 'cart gross sum is correct');
$t->comment('Remove first cart item from cart.');
$t->is($guestCart->isEmpty(), false, 'cart is not empty');
$t->is($guestCart->getItemCount(), 1, '1 item in cart');
$t->is($guestCart->getProductCount(), 1, '1 product in cart');
$t->is($guestCart->getNetSum(), 0, 'cart net sum is correct');
$t->comment('Remove second cart item from cart.');
$t->is($guestCart->isEmpty(), true, 'cart is empty again');
$t->is($guestCart->getItemCount(), 0, 'no item in cart');
$t->is($guestCart->getProductCount(), 0, 'no product in cart');
$t->is($guestCart->getNetSum(), 0, 'cart net sum is correct');
$t->comment('Now let\'s have a look for logged in users!.');
$_SERVER['session_id'] = 'test_user';
$dispatcher = new sfEventDispatcher();
$sessionPath = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'symfony_tests_' . rand(1, 999);
$storage = new sfSessionTestStorage(array('session_path' => $sessionPath));
$logged_in_user = new myUser($dispatcher, $storage);
$sfGuardUser = sfGuardUserTable::getInstance()->findOneById(1);