コード例 #1
 public function execute($filterChain)
     // Execute this filter only once
     if ($this->isFirstCall()) {
         if ($this->getParameter("enable") == TRUE) {
             if ($this->getParameter("health_check") == TRUE) {
             if ($this->getParameter("security") == TRUE) {
         $request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
         $partner_id = $request->getParameter("partner_id");
         if (!$partner_id) {
             $partner_id = $request->getParameter("p");
         if ($partner_id == -1) {
             // add an extra logfile for specific partners - the directory will be the same as the kaltura_prod
             // the name will be p_<partner_id>.log
             $log_path = sfConfig::get("sf_log_dir");
             $logger = sfLogger::getInstance();
             $log = new sfFileLogger();
             $log->initialize(array('file' => $log_path . "/p_{$partner_id}.log"));
     // Execute next filter
     // use this point to flush all the modified objects in mystatisticsMgr
コード例 #2
 public function execute()
     // set the memory size to be able to serve big files in a single chunk
     ini_set("memory_limit", "64M");
     // set the execution time to be able to serve big files in a single chunk
     ini_set("max_execution_time", 240);
     $meta = $this->getRequestParameter("meta", false);
     $file_info = $this->getRequestParameter("file_info");
     $this->entry_id = 0;
     $this->kshow_id = 0;
     $version = $this->getRequestParameter("version", null);
     // returned the version feature to allow rollback
     $addPadding = false;
     if (!empty($file_info)) {
         $file_info_arr = explode("-", $file_info);
         // the format of file_info is assumed <kshow_id>-<video|audio|voice>-<1|2|3>
         // OR
         // e<entry_id>-<video|audio|voice>-<1|2|3>
         if (count($file_info_arr) == 0) {
             $this->error = "Invalid request format [{$file_info}]";
             return sfView::ERROR;
         if ($file_info_arr[0][0] == 'e') {
             $this->entry_id = substr($file_info_arr[0], 1);
         } else {
             $this->kshow_id = $file_info_arr[0];
         if (count($file_info_arr) == 1) {
             // on this case we assume that the single info parameter is an entry id
             // we redirect to it !
             $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($this->entry_id);
             if (!$entry) {
                 // very bad - no such entry !!
                 echo "no entry " . $this->entry_id;
             $dataKey = $entry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA);
             // replaced__getDataPath
             $path = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyLocalFilePathForKey($dataKey);
             $host = requestUtils::getHost();
             $this->redirect($host . $path);
         $this->timeline = $file_info_arr[1];
         if (count($file_info_arr) > 2) {
             // this migth include a .flv suffix
             $last_token = $file_info_arr[2];
             $last_token_srr = explode(".", $last_token);
             $this->streamNum = $last_token_srr[0];
             if (count($file_info_arr) > 3) {
                 $version = $file_info_arr[3];
             if (count($file_info_arr) > 4 && $file_info_arr[4] == "padding") {
                 $addPadding = true;
         } else {
             $this->streamNum = 3;
     } else {
         $this->kshow_id = @$_GET["kshow_id"];
         $this->entry_id = @$_GET["entry_id"];
         $this->timeline = @$_GET["timeline"];
         $this->streamNum = $this->getRequestParameter('num', 3);
     $entry = null;
     if ($this->entry_id) {
         $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($this->entry_id);
         if (!$entry) {
             $this->error = "No such entry " . $this->entry_id;
             return sfView::ERROR;
         $this->kshow_id = $entry->getKshowId();
     $kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK($this->kshow_id);
     if (!$kshow) {
         $this->error = "No such kshow " . $this->kshow_id;
         return sfView::ERROR;
     if (!$entry) {
         // if we received only the kshow (old widgets) retrieve the entry
         $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($kshow->getShowEntryId());
     if (!$entry) {
         $this->error = "No such entry for kshow " . $this->kshow_id;
         return sfView::ERROR;
     // update the widget log only for video && stream 1
     if ($this->timeline == "video" && $this->streamNum == 1) {
         $referer = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
         //since we're using a cdn this is useless
         //WidgetLog::incPlaysIfExists( $this->kshow_id , $this->entry_id );
     $dataKey = $entry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA, $version);
     // replaced__getDataPath
     $path = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyLocalFilePathForKey($dataKey);
     $this->flv_streamer = new myFlvStreamer($path, $this->timeline, $this->streamNum, $addPadding);
     $this->total_length = $this->flv_streamer->getTotalLength(true);
     // $total_length;
     //$this->getController()->setRenderMode ( sfView::RENDER_CLIENT );
     //if ( $meta )		return "Meta";
     return sfView::SUCCESS;