コード例 #1
ファイル: eselect.php プロジェクト: rodhoff/MNW
 function onBeforeOrderCreate(&$order, &$do)
     if (parent::onBeforeOrderCreate($order, $do) === true) {
         return true;
     if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
         $this->app->enqueueMessage('The eSelect payment plugin needs the CURL library installed but it seems that it is not available on your server. Please contact your web hosting to set it up.', 'error');
         $do = false;
         return false;
     $dbg = '';
     $amount = number_format($order->cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax, 2, '.', '');
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'eselect_lib.php';
     $txnArray = array('type' => 'purchase', 'order_id' => uniqid(), 'cust_id' => $this->user->user_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'pan' => $this->cc_number, 'expdate' => $this->cc_month . $this->cc_year, 'crypt_type' => '7', 'dynamic_descriptor' => '');
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     if ($this->payment_params->ask_ccv) {
         $cvdTemplate = array('cvd_indicator' => 1, 'cvd_value' => $this->cc_CCV);
         $mpgCvdInfo = new mpgCvdInfo($cvdTemplate);
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($this->payment_params->store_id, $this->payment_params->api_token, $mpgRequest, (int) $this->payment_params->debug != 0);
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     $ret = $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
     if ($ret !== null && $ret != 'null') {
         $ret = (int) $ret;
         if ($ret < 50 && $mpgResponse->getComplete() == 'true') {
             $this->modifyOrder($order, $this->payment_params->verified_status, true, true);
         } else {
             $responseMsg = $mpgResponse->getMessage();
             if (!empty($responseMsg)) {
             } else {
                 $this->app->enqueueMessage('Eselect/Moneris Response Error');
             $do = false;
     } else {
         if (!empty($mpgHttpPost->curl_err)) {
         } else {
             $msg = $mpgResponse->getMessage();
             if (empty($msg)) {
                 $this->app->enqueueMessage('Eselect/Moneris Generic Error');
             } else {
                 $this->app->enqueueMessage('Eselect/Moneris: ' . $msg);
         $do = false;
     if ($do == false) {
         return true;
     return true;
コード例 #2
 function run_transaction($txnArray, $cvdTemplate = array(), $avsTemplate = array(), $custInfo = array())
     global $db, $config;
     if (is_file($config['root_dir'] . '/plugins/payment/moneris/lib/mpgclasses.php')) {
         require_once $config['root_dir'] . '/plugins/payment/moneris/lib/mpgclasses.php';
     } else {
     $store_id = $this->config['store_id'];
     $api_token = $this->config['api_token'];
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     if ($cvdTemplate) {
         $mpgCvdInfo = new mpgCvdInfo($cvdTemplate);
     if ($avsTemplate) {
         $mpgAvsInfo = new mpgAvsInfo($avsTemplate);
     if ($custInfo) {
         $mpgCustInfo = new mpgCustInfo($custInfo);
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $mpgRequest, $this->config['testing']);
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     return $mpgResponse;
コード例 #3
ファイル: TestIDebitPurchase.php プロジェクト: anas/feedstore

require "../mpgClasses.php";
$store_id = 'store3';
$api_token = 'yesguy';
$orderid = 'ord-' . date("dmy-G:i:s");
## step 1) create transaction hash ###
$txnArray = array('type' => 'idebit_purchase', 'order_id' => $orderid, 'cust_id' => 'my cust id', 'amount' => '50.00', 'idebit_track2' => '3728024906540591206=0609AAAAAAAAAAAAA');
## step 2) create a transaction  object passing the hash created in
## step 1.
$mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
## step 3) create a mpgRequest object passing the transaction object created
## in step 2
$mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
## step 4) create mpgHttpsPost object which does an https post ##
$mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $mpgRequest);
## step 5) get an mpgResponse object ##
$mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
## step 6) retrieve data using get methods
print "\nCardType = " . $mpgResponse->getCardType();
print "\nTransAmount = " . $mpgResponse->getTransAmount();
print "\nTxnNumber = " . $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber();
print "\nReceiptId = " . $mpgResponse->getReceiptId();
print "\nTransType = " . $mpgResponse->getTransType();
print "\nReferenceNum = " . $mpgResponse->getReferenceNum();
print "\nResponseCode = " . $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
print "\nISO = " . $mpgResponse->getISO();
print "\nMessage = " . $mpgResponse->getMessage();
print "\nAuthCode = " . $mpgResponse->getAuthCode();
print "\nComplete = " . $mpgResponse->getComplete();
print "\nTransDate = " . $mpgResponse->getTransDate();
コード例 #4
ファイル: Moneris.php プロジェクト: ksecor/civicrm
 function doDirectPayment(&$params)
     //make sure i've been called correctly ...
     if (!$this->_profile) {
         return self::error('Unexpected error, missing profile');
     if ($params['currencyID'] != 'CAD') {
         return self::error('Invalid currency selection, must be $CAD');
     /* unused params: cvv not yet implemented, payment action ingored (should test for 'Sale' value?)
        [cvv2] => 000
        [ip_address] =>
        [payment_action] => Sale
        [contact_type] => Individual
        [geo_coord_id] => 1 */
     //this code based on Moneris example code #
     //create an mpgCustInfo object
     $mpgCustInfo = new mpgCustInfo();
     //call set methods of the mpgCustinfo object
     //get text representations of province/country to send to moneris for billing info
     $billing = array('first_name' => $params['first_name'], 'last_name' => $params['last_name'], 'address' => $params['street_address'], 'city' => $params['city'], 'province' => $params['state_province'], 'postal_code' => $params['postal_code'], 'country' => $params['country']);
     $my_orderid = $params['invoiceID'];
     // set orderid as invoiceID to help match things up with Moneris later
     $expiry_string = sprintf('%04d%02d', $params['year'], $params['month']);
     $txnArray = array('type' => 'purchase', 'order_id' => $my_orderid, 'amount' => sprintf('%01.2f', $params['amount']), 'pan' => $params['credit_card_number'], 'expdate' => substr($expiry_string, 2, 4), 'crypt_type' => '7', 'cust_id' => $params['contact_id']);
     // Allow further manipulation of params via custom hooks
     CRM_Utils_Hook::alterPaymentProcessorParams($this, $params, $txnArray);
     //create a transaction object passing the hash created above
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     //use the setCustInfo method of mpgTransaction object to
     //set the customer info (level 3 data) for this transaction
     // add a recurring payment if requested
     if ($params['is_recur'] && $params['installments'] > 1) {
         //Recur Variables
         $recurUnit = $params['frequency_unit'];
         $recurInterval = $params['frequency_interval'];
         $next = time();
         $day = 60 * 60 * 24;
         switch ($recurUnit) {
             case 'day':
                 $next += $recurInterval * $day;
             case 'week':
                 $next += $recurInterval * $day * 7;
             case 'month':
                 $date = getdate();
                 $date['mon'] += $recurInterval;
                 while ($date['mon'] > 12) {
                     $date['mon'] -= 12;
                     $date['year'] += 1;
                 $next = mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);
             case 'year':
                 $date = getdate();
                 $date['year'] += 1;
                 $next = mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);
                 die('Unexpected error!');
         $startDate = date("Y/m/d", $next);
         // next payment in moneris required format
         $numRecurs = $params['installments'] - 1;
         //$startNow = 'true'; -- setting start now to false will mean the main transaction doesn't happen!
         $recurAmount = sprintf('%01.2f', $params['amount']);
         //Create an array with the recur variables
         $recurArray = array('recur_unit' => $recurUnit, 'start_date' => $startDate, 'num_recurs' => $numRecurs, 'start_now' => 'true', 'period' => $recurInterval, 'recur_amount' => $recurAmount);
         $mpgRecur = new mpgRecur($recurArray);
         // set the Recur Object to mpgRecur
     //create a mpgRequest object passing the transaction object
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     // create mpgHttpsPost object which does an https post ##
     // [extra parameter added to library by AD]
     $isProduction = $this->_profile['mode'] == 'live';
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($this->_profile['storeid'], $this->_profile['apitoken'], $mpgRequest, $isProduction);
     // get an mpgResponse object
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     $params['trxn_result_code'] = $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
     if (self::isError($mpgResponse)) {
         if ($params['trxn_result_code']) {
             return self::error($mpgResponse);
         } else {
             return self::error('No reply from server - check your settings &/or try again');
     /* Check for application errors */
     $result =& self::checkResult($mpgResponse);
     if (is_a($result, 'CRM_Core_Error')) {
         return $result;
     /* Success */
     $params['trxn_result_code'] = (int) $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
     // todo: above assignment seems to be ignored, not getting stored in the civicrm_financial_trxn table
     $params['trxn_id'] = $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber();
     $params['gross_amount'] = $mpgResponse->getTransAmount();
     return $params;
コード例 #5
 public function actionCreditPayment()
     $customer_model = new Customer();
     $commande_model = new Commande();
     $credit_card = new CreditCard($_POST['ccNumber'], $_POST['cvdNumber'], $_POST['ccName'], $_POST['expYear'], $_POST['expMonth']);
     $customer_model->attributes = Yii::app()->user->getState('Customer');
     $commande_model->attributes = Yii::app()->user->getState('Commande');
     $order_totals = $this->getInvoiceTotals($customer_model, $commande_model);
     $city = Goodcity::model()->findByPk($commande_model->comgoodcitykey);
     if (sizeof($customer_model->search()->getData()) == 0) {
         $customer_model->bilsignupip = CHttpRequest::getUserHostAddress();
         $commande_model->bilkey = $customer_model->bilkey;
         $commande_model->comdebut = date("Y-m-d");
     } else {
         $customerTemp = $customer_model->search()->getData();
         $customer_model->bilkey = $customerTemp[0]->attributes['bilkey'];
     require "mpgClasses.php";
     $store_id = 'monca70830';
     $api_token = 'bFqjQoK69Li9wve1JkUk';
     $typePurchase = 'purchase';
     $typeAdd = 'res_add_cc';
     $cust_id = $customer_model->bilkey;
     $phone = $customer_model['bilphone1'];
     $email = $customer_model['bilemail'];
     $note = "Mailbox in {$city->goodcity} for {$commande_model->comperiod}";
     $order_id = 'MailNetwork-' . date("dmy-G:i:s");
     $amount = str_replace(',', '', $order_totals['total']);
     $pan = $credit_card['cardNumber'];
     $expiry_date = substr($credit_card['expYear'], 2) . $credit_card['expMonth'];
     $crypt = '7';
     $dynamic_descriptor = 'MailingNetwork';
     $status_check = 'false';
     $txnArray = array('type' => $typePurchase, 'order_id' => $order_id, 'cust_id' => $cust_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'pan' => $pan, 'expdate' => $expiry_date, 'crypt_type' => $crypt, 'dynamic_descriptor' => $dynamic_descriptor);
     $cvd_indicator = '1';
     $cvd_value = $credit_card['cardCVD'];
     $cvdTemplate = array('cvd_indicator' => $cvd_indicator, 'cvd_value' => $cvd_value);
     $mpgCvdInfo = new mpgCvdInfo($cvdTemplate);
     $mpgAvsInfo = null;
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $mpgRequest);
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     if ($mpgResponse->getComplete()) {
         if ($mpgResponse->getResponseCode() > 0 && $mpgResponse->getResponseCode() <= 49) {
             $auth_code = $mpgResponse->getAuthCode();
             //Add card to vault if first purchase worked
             $txnArray = array('type' => $typeAdd, 'order_id' => $order_id, 'cust_id' => $cust_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'phone' => $phone, 'email' => $email, 'note' => $note, 'pan' => $pan, 'expdate' => $expiry_date, 'crypt_type' => $crypt, 'dynamic_descriptor' => $dynamic_descriptor);
             $cvd_indicator = '1';
             $cvd_value = $credit_card['cardCVD'];
             $cvdTemplate = array('cvd_indicator' => $cvd_indicator, 'cvd_value' => $cvd_value);
             $mpgCvdInfo = null;
             $mpgAvsInfo = null;
             $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
             $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
             $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $mpgRequest);
             $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
             //Redirect to receipt after adding card
             $city = Goodcity::model()->findByPk($commande_model->comgoodcitykey);
             $this->render('application/2-orderform', array('goodcity' => $city, 'thanks' => true, 'payment_type' => "credit_card", 'payment_method' => "email", 'order_totals' => $order_totals, 'customer_model' => $customer_model, 'commande_model' => $commande_model, 'auth_code' => $auth_code));
             $this->sendEmailConfirmation($customer_model, $city, $commande_model, $auth_code, $order_totals);
         } else {
             $this->redirect(array('user/order', 'transactionError' => true));
     } else {
         $this->redirect(array('user/order', 'transactionError' => true));
コード例 #6
 function bill_checkout($amount, $invoice, $currency_iso, $acct_fields, $total_recurring = false, $recurr_bill_arr = false)
     # Validate currency
     if (!$this->validate_currency($currency_iso)) {
         return false;
     $ret = false;
     if (!$this->validate_card_details($ret)) {
         return false;
     # Get the country
     $country = $this->getCountry('name', $this->account["country_id"]);
     # Test Transaction
     if ($this->cfg['mode'] == "1") {
         $test = "TRUE";
     } else {
         $test = "FALSE";
     require_once "CLASS_MONERIS/mpgClasses.php";
     $storeid = $this->cfg['user'];
     $apitoken = $this->cfg['pass'];
     $txnArray = array('type' => $this->cfg['type'], 'order_id' => $invoice, 'amount' => $amount, 'pan' => $this->billing["cc_no"], 'expdate' => $this->billing["exp_year"] . $this->billing["exp_month"], 'crypt_type' => '7');
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     $mpgCustInfo = new mpgCustInfo();
     $billing = Array( 	'first_name' => $this->account["first_name"],
     'last_name' => $this->account["last_name"],
     'company_name' => $this->account["company"],
     'address' => $this->account["address1"] . ' ' . $this->account["address2"],
     'city' => $this->account["city"],
     'province' => $this->account["state"],
     'postal_code' => $this->account["zip"],
     'country' => $country);
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($storeid, $apitoken, $mpgRequest);
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     ## step 6) retrieve data using get methods
     print "\nCardType = " . $mpgResponse->getCardType();
     print "\nTransAmount = " . $mpgResponse->getTransAmount();
     print "\nTxnNumber = " . $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber();
     print "\nReceiptId = " . $mpgResponse->getReceiptId();
     print "\nTransType = " . $mpgResponse->getTransType();
     print "\nReferenceNum = " . $mpgResponse->getReferenceNum();
     print "\nResponseCode = " . $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
     print "\nISO = " . $mpgResponse->getISO();
     print "\nMessage = " . $mpgResponse->getMessage();
     print "\nAuthCode = " . $mpgResponse->getAuthCode();
     print "\nComplete = " . $mpgResponse->getComplete();
     print "\nTransDate = " . $mpgResponse->getTransDate();
     print "\nTransTime = " . $mpgResponse->getTransTime();
     print "\nTicket = " . $mpgResponse->getTicket();
     print "\nTimedOut = " . $mpgResponse->getTimedOut();
     # Test Mode
     if ($this->cfg['mode'] == "1") {
         echo '<script language=Javascript>alert(\'Gateway response: ' . $response . '\') </script>';
     # Get return response
     if (!$response) {
         echo '<script language=Javascript>alert(\'SSL Failed!\') </script>';
         return false;
     } else {
         $response = explode(',', $response);
     # Transaction Status:
     if ($response[0] == '1') {
         $ret['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         $ret['status'] = 0;
     # Transaction ID:
     @($ret['avs'] = @$response[4]);
     # Message:
     @($ret['msg'] = @$response[3]);
     # AVS Details:
     if (@$response[5] == 'A') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_only';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'E') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_error';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'N') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_no_match';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'P') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_na';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'R') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_retry';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'S') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_not_supported';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'U') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_unavail';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'W') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_fullzip_only';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'X') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_exact';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'Y') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_zip';
     } elseif (@$response[5] == 'Z') {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_partzip_only';
     } else {
         $ret['avs'] = 'avs_na';
     if ($ret['status'] == 1) {
         return $ret;
     } else {
         global $VAR;
         @($VAR['msg'] = $ret["msg"]);
         return false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: moneris.php プロジェクト: kishoreks/gocart-1
 function process_payment()
     $settings = $this->CI->Settings_model->get_settings('moneris');
     $customer = $this->CI->go_cart->customer();
     // Load the global classes
     require APPPATH . "packages/payment/moneris/libraries/mpgClasses.php";
     /**************************** Request Variables *******************************/
     if ($settings['mode'] == 'test') {
         $store_id = 'store5';
         $api_token = 'yesguy';
     } else {
         $store_id = $settings['site_id'];
         $api_token = $settings['api_key'];
     $cc_data = $this->CI->session->userdata('cc_data');
     /*********************** Transactional Associative Array **********************/
     $txnArray = array('type' => 'purchase', 'order_id' => 'trans-' . date("dmy-G:i:s"), 'cust_id' => @$customer['id'], 'amount' => (string) number_format((double) $this->CI->go_cart->total(), 2), 'pan' => $cc_data['card_num'], 'expdate' => $cc_data['exp_date_yy'] . $cc_data['exp_date_mm'], 'cvd_value' => $cc_data['card_code'], 'cvd_indicator' => 1, 'crypt_type' => '7', 'dynamic_descriptor' => $settings['descriptor']);
     /**************************** Transaction Object *****************************/
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     /****************************** Request Object *******************************/
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     /***************************** HTTPS Post Object *****************************/
     /* Status Check Example
     			$mpgHttpPost  =new mpgHttpsPostStatus($store_id,$api_token,$status_check,$mpgRequest);
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $mpgRequest);
     /******************************* Response ************************************/
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     /* for debugging 
     			print("\nCardType = " . $mpgResponse->getCardType());
     			print("\nTransAmount = " . $mpgResponse->getTransAmount());
     			print("\nTxnNumber = " . $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber());
     			print("\nReceiptId = " . $mpgResponse->getReceiptId());
     			print("\nTransType = " . $mpgResponse->getTransType());
     			print("\nReferenceNum = " . $mpgResponse->getReferenceNum());
     			print("\nResponseCode = " . $mpgResponse->getResponseCode());
     			print("\nISO = " . $mpgResponse->getISO());
     			print("\nMessage = " . $mpgResponse->getMessage());
     			print("\nIsVisaDebit = " . $mpgResponse->getIsVisaDebit());
     			print("\nAuthCode = " . $mpgResponse->getAuthCode());
     			print("\nComplete = " . $mpgResponse->getComplete());
     			print("\nTransDate = " . $mpgResponse->getTransDate());
     			print("\nTransTime = " . $mpgResponse->getTransTime());
     			print("\nTicket = " . $mpgResponse->getTicket());
     			print("\nTimedOut = " . $mpgResponse->getTimedOut());
     			print("\nStatusCode = " . $mpgResponse->getStatusCode());
     			print("\nStatusMessage = " . $mpgResponse->getStatusMessage());
     if ($mpgResponse->getResponseCode() == 'null') {
         // Incomplete Transaction
         return lang('processing_error');
     $responseCode = (int) $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
     if ($responseCode >= 0 && $responseCode < 50) {
         // Transaction is good
         return false;
         // no errors
     } else {
         // Transaction Declined
         return lang('transaction_declined');
コード例 #8
ファイル: payment_moneris.php プロジェクト: annggeel/tienda
  * @return HTML
 function _process()
     $data = JRequest::get('post');
     $order = JTable::getInstance('Orders', 'TiendaTable');
     $items = $order->getItems();
     $orderpayment_id = $data['orderpayment_id'];
     $orderpayment_amount = $data['orderpayment_amount'];
     $amount = $data['orderpayment_amount'];
     /************************ Request Variables ***************************/
     $store_id = $this->_store_id;
     $api_token = $this->_api_token;
     /************************** Recur Variables *****************************/
     $is_recurring = $order->isRecurring();
     // Check recurring items are present or not
     if ($is_recurring) {
         $vars->cmd = '_cart';
         $vars->mixed_cart = true;
         // Adjust the orderpayment amount since it's a mixed cart
         // first orderpayment is just the non-recurring items total
         // then upon return, ask user to checkout again for recurring items
         $recurAmount = $order->recurring_trial ? $order->recurring_trial_price : $order->recurring_amount;
         $recurInterval = $order->recurring_trial ? $order->recurring_trial_period_interval : $order->recurring_period_interval;
         // '10';
         $numRecurs = recurring_payments;
         $recurUnit = $order->recurring_trial ? $order->recurring_trial_period_unit : $order->recurring_period_unit;
         // (day | week | month)
         $orderpayment->orderpayment_amount = $orderpayment->orderpayment_amount - $recurAmount;
         $amount = $orderpayment->orderpayment_amount;
         $startNow = 'true';
         $startDate = date("Y/m/d");
         // '2006/11/30'; //yyyy/mm/dd
         /****************************** Recur Array **************************/
         $recurArray = array('recur_unit' => $recurUnit, 'start_date' => $startDate, 'num_recurs' => $numRecurs, 'start_now' => $startNow, 'period' => $recurInterval, 'recur_amount' => $recurAmount);
         /****************************** Recur Object **************************/
         $mpgRecur = new mpgRecur($recurArray);
     /****************** Transactional Variables ************************/
     $type = 'purchase';
     // genrate the unique Order Id to preserve the payment Id also
     $orderid = 'ord-' . $orderpayment_id . '-' . date("dmy-G:i:s");
     //Check decimal (.) exist or not
     $temp_amount = explode('.', $amount);
     if (count($temp_amount) <= 1) {
         $amount = $amount . ".0";
     $cust_id = JFactory::getUser()->id;
     $pan = $data['cardnum'];
     // '4242424242424242';
     $expiry_date = $data['cardexp'];
     // YYMM, so 0812 = December 2008
     $crypt = '7';
     // SSL-enabled merchant
     $commcard_invoice = '';
     $commcard_tax_amount = '';
     /******************* Customer Information Variables ********************/
     $instructions = '';
     $billing = $this->_getBillingAddress($data);
     /************************** AVS Variables *****************************/
     $avs_street_number = intval($billing['address']);
     $avs_street_name = $billing['address'];
     $avs_zipcode = $billing['postal_code'];
     /************************** CVD Variables *****************************/
     $cvd_indicator = '1';
     // yes, we're using CVD
     $cvd_value = $data['cardcvv'];
     /********************** AVS Associative Array *************************/
     $avsTemplate = array('avs_street_number' => $avs_street_number, 'avs_street_name' => $avs_street_name, 'avs_zipcode' => $avs_zipcode);
     /********************** CVD Associative Array *************************/
     $cvdTemplate = array('cvd_indicator' => $cvd_indicator, 'cvd_value' => $cvd_value);
     /************************** AVS Object ********************************/
     $mpgAvsInfo = new mpgAvsInfo($avsTemplate);
     /************************** CVD Object ********************************/
     $mpgCvdInfo = new mpgCvdInfo($cvdTemplate);
     /******************** Customer Information Object *********************/
     $mpgCustInfo = new mpgCustInfo();
     /********************** Set Customer Information **********************/
     $shipping = $this->_getShippingAddress($data);
     $email = JFactory::getUser()->email;
     /*********************** Set Line Item Information *********************/
     foreach ($items as $itemObject) {
         $items_temp[0] = array('name' => $itemObject->orderitem_name, 'quantity' => $itemObject->orderitem_quantity, 'product_code' => $itemObject->orderitem_name, 'extended_amount' => $itemObject->orderitem_price);
     /***************** Transactional Associative Array ********************/
     $txnArray = array('type' => $type, 'order_id' => $orderid, 'cust_id' => $cust_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'pan' => $pan, 'expdate' => $expiry_date, 'crypt_type' => $crypt, 'commcard_invoice' => '', 'commcard_tax_amount' => '');
     /********************** Transaction Object ****************************/
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     /******************** Set Customer Information ************************/
     /************************ Set AVS and CVD *****************************/
     /************************* Request Object *****************************/
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     /************************ HTTPS Post Object ***************************/
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $mpgRequest);
     /****************8********** Response *********************************/
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     return $this->_evaluateResponse($mpgResponse);
コード例 #9
 function doDirectPayment(&$params)
     # make sure i've been called correctly ...
     if (!$this->_profile) {
         return CRM_Contribute_Payment_Moneris::error();
     if ($params['currencyID'] != 'CAD') {
         return CRM_Contribute_Payment_Moneris::error();
     /* unused params: cvv not yet implemented, payment action ingored (should test for 'Sale' value?)
        [cvv2] => 000
        [ip_address] =>
        [payment_action] => Sale
        [contact_type] => Individual
        [geo_coord_id] => 1 */
     # this code based on Moneris example code #
     ## create an mpgCustInfo object
     $mpgCustInfo = new mpgCustInfo();
     ## call set methods of the mpgCustinfo object
     ## get text representations of province/country to send to moneris for billing info #
     $province = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince($params['state_province_id']);
     $country = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country($params['country_id']);
     $billing = array(first_name => $params['first_name'], last_name => $params['last_name'], address => $params['street_address'], city => $params['city'], province => $province, postal_code => $params['postal_code'], country => $country);
     $my_orderid = $params['invoiceID'];
     // set orderid as invoiceID to help match things up with Moneris later
     $expiry_string = sprintf('%04d%02d', $params['year'], $params['month']);
     $txnArray = array(type => 'purchase', order_id => $my_orderid, amount => sprintf('%01.2f', $params['amount']), pan => $params['credit_card_number'], expdate => substr($expiry_string, 2, 4), crypt_type => '7', cust_id => $params['contact_id']);
     ## create a transaction object passing the hash created above
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     ## use the setCustInfo method of mpgTransaction object to
     ## set the customer info (level 3 data) for this transaction
     ## create a mpgRequest object passing the transaction object
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     ## create mpgHttpsPost object which does an https post ##
     // [extra parameter added to library by AD]
     $isProduction = $this->_profile['mode'] == 'live';
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($this->_profile['storeid'], $this->_profile['apitoken'], $mpgRequest, $isProduction);
     ## get an mpgResponse object ##
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     $params['trxn_result_code'] = $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
     if (CRM_Contribute_Payment_Moneris::isError($mpgResponse)) {
         return CRM_Contribute_Payment_Moneris::error($mpgResponse);
     /* Check for application errors */
     $result =& CRM_Contribute_Payment_Moneris::checkResult($mpgResponse);
     if (is_a($result, 'CRM_Core_Error')) {
         return $result;
     /* Success */
     $params['trxn_result_code'] = (int) $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
     // todo: above assignment seems to be ignored, not getting stored in the civicrm_financial_trxn table
     $params['trxn_id'] = $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber();
     $params['gross_amount'] = $mpgResponse->getTransAmount();
     return $params;
コード例 #10
ファイル: moneris.php プロジェクト: billyprice1/whmcs
function moneris_refund($params)
    $txnArray = array("type" => "ind_refund", "crypt_type" => 7);
    $store_id = $params['testmode'] ? "store1" : $params['store_id'];
    $api_token = $params['testmode'] ? "yesguy" : $params['api_token'];
    $test_mode = $params['testmode'] ? true : false;
    $txnArray['order_id'] = sprintf($params['order_id_format'], uniqid($params['invoiceid'] . "."));
    $txnArray['cust_id'] = $params['clientdetails']['email'];
    $txnArray['amount'] = $params['amount'];
    $txnArray['pan'] = $params['cardnum'];
    $txnArray['expdate'] = substr($params['cardexp'], 2, 2) . substr($params['cardexp'], 0, 2);
    $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
    $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
    $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $mpgRequest, $test_mode);
    $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
    $m_result = array("CardType" => $mpgResponse->getCardType(), "TransAmount" => $mpgResponse->getTransAmount(), "TxnNumber" => $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber(), "ReceiptId" => $mpgResponse->getReceiptId(), "TransType" => $mpgResponse->getTransType(), "ReferenceNum" => $mpgResponse->getReferenceNum(), "ResponseCode" => $mpgResponse->getResponseCode(), "ISO" => $mpgResponse->getISO(), "Message" => $mpgResponse->getMessage(), "AuthCode" => $mpgResponse->getAuthCode(), "Complete" => $mpgResponse->getComplete(), "TransDate" => $mpgResponse->getTransDate(), "TransTime" => $mpgResponse->getTransTime(), "Ticket" => $mpgResponse->getTicket(), "TimedOut" => $mpgResponse->getTimedOut());
    $responseCode = "null" == $mpgResponse->getResponseCode() ? null : intval($mpgResponse->getResponseCode());
    if (null === $responseCode) {
        $result = array("status" => "error", "rawdata" => $m_result);
    } else {
        if (0 <= $responseCode && $responseCode < 50) {
            $result = array("status" => "success", "transid" => $m_result['TxnNumber'], "rawdata" => $m_result);
        } else {
            $result = array("status" => "declined", "rawdata" => $m_result);
    return $result;
コード例 #11
ファイル: PaymentMethod.php プロジェクト: ph/magento-moneris
  * Receive a moneris transaction object and send it to the moneris webservice
  * @var mpgTransaction $transaction
 public function _send(mpgTransaction $transaction)
     $store_id = $this->getConfigData('store_id');
     $api_token = $this->getConfigData('api_token');
     $request = new mpgRequest($transaction);
     $mpgHttpsPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $request);
     return $mpgHttpsPost->getMpgResponse();
コード例 #12
ファイル: edd-mondca.php プロジェクト: mintplugins/edd_mondca
function mondca_process_payment($purchase_data)
    global $edd_options;
    // check there is a gateway name
    if (!isset($purchase_data['post_data']['edd-gateway'])) {
    // collect payment data
    $payment_data = array('price' => $purchase_data['price'], 'date' => $purchase_data['date'], 'user_email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'purchase_key' => $purchase_data['purchase_key'], 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'downloads' => $purchase_data['downloads'], 'user_info' => $purchase_data['user_info'], 'cart_details' => $purchase_data['cart_details'], 'gateway' => 'mondca', 'status' => 'pending');
    if (!mondca_is_credit_card_number($purchase_data['post_data']['card_number'])) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_card_number', __('Credit Card Number is not valid.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!mondca_is_correct_expire_date(date("y", strtotime($purchase_data['post_data']['card_exp_month'])), $purchase_data['post_data']['card_exp_year'])) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_card_expiry', __('Card Expire Date is not valid.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!$purchase_data['post_data']['card_cvc']) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_card_cvc', __('Card CVV is not entered.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!$purchase_data['post_data']['card_name']) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_card_name', __('CardHolder Name is not entered.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!$purchase_data['post_data']['card_address']) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_card_address', __('Billing Address is not entered.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!$purchase_data['post_data']['card_zip']) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_card_zip', __('Post Code is not entered.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!$purchase_data['post_data']['card_state']) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_card_state', __('State is not entered.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!$purchase_data['post_data']['card_city']) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_card_city', __('City is not entered.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!$purchase_data['post_data']['edd_first']) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_edd_first', __('First Name is not entered.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    if (!$purchase_data['post_data']['edd_last']) {
        edd_set_error('invalid_edd_last', __('Last Name is not entered.', 'mondca_patsatech'));
    $errors = edd_get_errors();
    if ($errors) {
        // problems? send back
        edd_send_back_to_checkout('?payment-mode=' . $purchase_data['post_data']['edd-gateway']);
    } else {
        // record the pending payment
        $payment = edd_insert_payment($payment_data);
        // check payment
        if (!$payment) {
            // problems? send back
            edd_send_back_to_checkout('?payment-mode=' . $purchase_data['post_data']['edd-gateway']);
        } else {
            $store_id = $edd_options['mondca_storeid'];
            $api_token = $edd_options['mondca_apitoken'];
            $type = 'purchase';
            //$cust_id = $order->order_key;
            $amount = number_format($purchase_data['price'], 2, '.', '');
            $pan = $purchase_data['post_data']['card_number'];
            $cavv = $purchase_data['post_data']['card_cvc'];
            $expiry_date = substr($purchase_data['post_data']['card_exp_year'], -2) . sprintf("%02s", $purchase_data['post_data']['card_exp_month']);
            $crypt = '7';
            $status_check = 'false';
            $stamp = date("YdmHisB");
            $orderid = $stamp . '|' . $payment;
            /***************** Transactional Associative Array ********************/
            $txnArray = array('type' => $type, 'order_id' => $orderid, 'cust_id' => '', 'amount' => $amount, 'pan' => $pan, 'expdate' => $expiry_date, 'cavv' => $cavv);
            /********************** Transaction Object ****************************/
            $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
            /************************ Request Object ******************************/
            $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
            /*********************** HTTPSPost Object ****************************/
            $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($store_id, $api_token, $mpgRequest);
            /*************************** Response *********************************/
            $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
            $txnno = $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber();
            $receipt = explode("|", $mpgResponse->getReceiptId());
            $respcode = $mpgResponse->getResponseCode();
            $refnum = $mpgResponse->getReferenceNum();
            $auth = $mpgResponse->getAuthCode();
            $mess = $mpgResponse->getMessage();
            if ($respcode < '50' && $respcode > '0') {
                edd_update_payment_status($payment, 'publish');
                edd_insert_payment_note($payment, sprintf(__('Moneris CA Payment %s. The Transaction Id is %s', 'mondca_patsatech'), $mess, $txnno));
            } else {
                edd_insert_payment_note($payment, sprintf(__('Transaction Error. Message : %s', 'mondca_patsatech'), $mess));
                edd_set_error('error_tranasction_failed', sprintf(__('Transaction Error. Message : %s', 'mondca_patsatech'), $mess));
                edd_send_back_to_checkout('?payment-mode=' . $purchase_data['post_data']['edd-gateway']);
コード例 #13
 function purchase($customerID, $orderID, $amount, $ccNum, $ccDate)
     /************************* Transactional Variables ****************************/
     $type = CreditCardProcessor::TRANSACTION_TYPE_PURCHASE;
     // 		$cust_id='CUST13343';
     // 		$order_id='ord-'.date("dmy-G:i:s");
     // 		$amount='10.68';
     // 		$pan='4242424242424242';
     // 		$expiry_date='0812';		//YYMM -- yes, it is opposite to what is shown on card...
     $crypt = CreditCardProcessor::CRYPT_SSL;
     /*********************** Transactional Associative Array **********************/
     $txnArray = array('type' => $type, 'order_id' => $orderID, 'cust_id' => $customerID, 'amount' => $amount, 'pan' => $ccNum, 'expdate' => $ccDate, 'crypt_type' => $crypt);
     //  		echo "<br>Trans. Array: <pre>".print_r($txnArray,true)."</pre>";
     //  		echo "<br>store id = ".$this->store_id;
     //  		echo "<br>api token = ".$this->api_token;
     /**************************** Transaction Object *****************************/
     $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray);
     /****************************** Request Object *******************************/
     $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn);
     /***************************** HTTPS Post Object *****************************/
     $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($this->store_id, $this->api_token, $mpgRequest);
     /******************************* Response ************************************/
     $mpgResponse = $mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse();
     // 		print("\nCardType = " . $mpgResponse->getCardType());
     // 		print("\nTransAmount = " . $mpgResponse->getTransAmount());
     // 		print("\nTxnNumber = " . $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber());
     // 		print("\nReceiptId = " . $mpgResponse->getReceiptId());
     // 		print("\nTransType = " . $mpgResponse->getTransType());
     // 		print("\nReferenceNum = " . $mpgResponse->getReferenceNum());
     // 		print("\nResponseCode = " . $mpgResponse->getResponseCode());
     // 		print("\nISO = " . $mpgResponse->getISO());
     // 		print("\nMessage = " . $mpgResponse->getMessage());
     // 		print("\nAuthCode = " . $mpgResponse->getAuthCode());
     // 		print("\nComplete = " . $mpgResponse->getComplete());
     // 		print("\nTransDate = " . $mpgResponse->getTransDate());
     // 		print("\nTransTime = " . $mpgResponse->getTransTime());
     // 		print("\nTicket = " . $mpgResponse->getTicket());
     // 		print("\nTimedOut = " . $mpgResponse->getTimedOut());
     return $mpgResponse;