コード例 #1
  * simple Javascript Cloaking
  * email cloacking
  * by default replaces an email with a mailto link with email cloacked
 static function emailCloaking($mail, $mailto = 1, $text = '', $email = 1, $cloaktext = true)
     global $_CB_framework;
     static $spanId = null;
     if ($spanId == null) {
         $spanId = rand(1, 100000);
     } else {
         $spanId += 1;
     // convert text
     $mail = moscomprofilerHTML::encoding_converter($mail);
     // split email by @ symbol
     $mail = explode('@', $mail);
     if (count($mail) > 1) {
         $mail_parts = explode('.', $mail[1]);
     } else {
         $mail_parts = array('');
     // random number
     $rand = rand(1, 100000);
     $replacement = '<span id="cbMa' . $spanId . '" class="cbMailRepl">...</span>';
     $js = '	{' . "\n\t\tvar prefix='&#109;a'+'i&#108;'+'&#116;o';" . "\n\t\tvar path = 'hr'+ 'ef'+'=';" . "\n\t\tvar addy" . $rand . "= '" . @$mail[0] . "'+ '&#64;' +'" . implode("' + '&#46;' + '", $mail_parts) . "';";
     if ($mailto) {
         // special handling when mail text is different from mail addy
         if ($text) {
             if ($cloaktext) {
                 if ($email) {
                     // convert text
                     $text = moscomprofilerHTML::encoding_converter($text);
                     // split email by @ symbol
                     $text = explode('@', $text);
                     $text_parts = explode('.', $text[1]);
                     $js .= "\n\t\tvar addy_text" . $rand . " = '" . @$text[0] . "' + '&#64;' + '" . implode("' + '&#46;' + '", @$text_parts) . "';";
                 } else {
                     $text = moscomprofilerHTML::encoding_converter($text);
                     $js .= "\n\t\tvar addy_text" . $rand . " = '" . $text . "';";
             } else {
                 $js .= "\n\t\tvar addy_text" . $rand . " = '" . $text . "';";
             $js .= "\n\t\t\$('#cbMa" . $spanId . "').html(" . "'<a ' + path + '\\'' + prefix + ':' + addy" . $rand . " + '\\'>'" . " + addy_text" . $rand . " + '</a>'" . ");";
         } else {
             $js .= "\n\t\t\$('#cbMa" . $spanId . "').html(" . "'<a ' + path + '\\'' + prefix + ':' + addy" . $rand . " + '\\'>'" . " + addy" . $rand . " + '</a>'" . ");";
     } else {
         $js .= "\n\t\t\$('#cbMa" . $spanId . "').html(addy" . $rand . ");";
     $js .= "\n\t}";
     $replacement .= "<noscript> \n";
     $replacement .= _UE_CLOAKED;
     $replacement .= "\n</noscript> \n";
     return $replacement;