private function _handle_save_template() { // handle post back for save template template. $template_id = (int) $_REQUEST['template_id']; // delete. if (isset($_REQUEST['butt_del']) && self::can_i('delete', 'Templates')) { $template_data = self::get_template($template_id); if (module_form::confirm_delete('template_id', _l("Really delete template: %s", $template_data['template_key']), self::link_open($template_id))) { $this->delete($template_id); // todo: delete company template as well if exists. set_message("Template deleted successfully"); redirect_browser(self::link_open(false)); } } $data = $_POST; $already_saved = false; if ((int) $template_id > 0 && class_exists('module_company', false)) { module_company::template_handle_save($template_id, $data); // we have to redirect to a company specific version of this template // each company template must have a matching parent template id/key. cannot change keys in company unique config. } // write header/footer html based on uploaded images. // pass uploaded images to the file manager plugin. $template_id = update_insert('template_id', $template_id, 'template', $data); // redirect upon save. set_message('Template saved successfully!'); if (isset($_REQUEST['return']) && $_REQUEST['return']) { redirect_browser($_REQUEST['return']); } redirect_browser($this->link_open($template_id)); exit; }