コード例 #1
ファイル: contentFreePBX.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
function getContent(&$smarty, $module_name, $withList)
    require_once "libs/misc.lib.php";
    $lang = get_language();
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $lang_file = "modules/{$module_name}/lang/{$lang}.lang";
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/lang/en.lang";
    if (file_exists("{$base_dir}/{$lang_file}")) {
        $arrLangEn = $arrLangModule;
        include_once $lang_file;
        $arrLangModule = array_merge($arrLangEn, $arrLangModule);
    $skip_astman = NULL;
    // En el FreePBX original, siempre se define display y setup en GET
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['display'])) {
        $_REQUEST['display'] = 'extensions';
        $_REQUEST['type'] = 'setup';
        $_GET['display'] = 'extensions';
        $_GET['type'] = 'setup';
    /*interprete language to freepbx, todavia no funciona de todo bien :)
    	  en_US - English
    	  bg_BG - Bulgarian
    	  de_DE - Deutsch
    	  es_ES - Español
    	  fr_FR - Francais
    	  he_IL - Hebrew
    	  hu_HU - Hungarian
    	  it_IT - Italiano
    	  pt_PT - Portuguese
    	  ru_RU - Russki
    	  sv_SE - Svenska
    $arrLangFreePBX = array("en" => "en_US", "bg" => "bg_BG", "de" => "de_DE", "es" => "es_ES", "fr" => "fr_FR", "he" => "he_IL", "hu" => "hu_HU", "it" => "it_IT", "pt" => "pt_PT", "ru" => "ru_RU", "sv" => "sv_SE");
    $langFreePBX = isset($arrLangFreePBX[$lang]) ? $arrLangFreePBX[$lang] : "en_US";
    if (!isset($_COOKIE['lang'])) {
        $_COOKIE['lang'] = $langFreePBX;
    //global variables
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrLang;
    global $arrLangModule;
    $arrLang = array_merge($arrLang, $arrLangModule);
    // Scripts adicionales que pueden ser necesarios
    $sScripts = '';
    foreach (array('admin/common/jquery.toggleval.3.0.js') as $sRuta) {
        if (file_exists($sRuta)) {
            $sScripts .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='/{$sRuta}'></script>";
    $salida = "";
    $fromElastixAdminPBX = 1;
    $headerFreePBX = "\n\t<link href='/modules/pbxadmin/themes/default/mainstyle.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n\t<!--[if IE]>\n\t<link href='/modules/pbxadmin/themes/default/ie.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n\t<![endif]-->    \n\t<script type='text/javascript' src='/modules/pbxadmin/js/script.js.php'></script>\n\t<script type='text/javascript' src='/modules/pbxadmin/js/script.legacy.js'></script>\n\t<script type='text/javascript' src='/modules/pbxadmin/js/libfreepbx.javascripts.js'></script>\n    {$sScripts}\n\t<!--[if IE]>\n\t<style type='text/css'>div.inyourface a{position:absolute;}</style>\n\t<![endif]-->";
    $dir_base = "/var/www/html/modules/{$module_name}/themes";
    $local_templates_dir = file_exists("{$dir_base}/" . $arrConf['theme']) ? "{$dir_base}/" . $arrConf['theme'] : "{$dir_base}/default";
    // Obtengo el {$HEADER} anterior y le agrego lo nuevo
    $headerNuevo = @$smarty->fetch("HEADER");
    $headerNuevo .= $headerFreePBX;
    $smarty->assign("HEADER", $headerNuevo);
    // Obtengo el {$BODYPARAMS} anterior y le agrego lo nuevo
    $bodyParams = @$smarty->fetch("BODYPARAMS");
    $bodyParams .= "onload='body_loaded();'";
    $smarty->assign("BODYPARAMS", $bodyParams);
    $_SESSION["AMP_user"] = NULL;
    /* benchmark */
    function microtime_float()
        list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
        return (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
    $benchmark_starttime = microtime_float();
    $type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : 'setup';
    // Ojo, modifique ligeramente la sgte. linea para que la opcion por omision sea extensions
    if (isset($_REQUEST['display'])) {
        $display = $_REQUEST['display'];
    } else {
        $display = 'extensions';
        $_REQUEST['display'] = 'extensions';
    $extdisplay = isset($_REQUEST['extdisplay']) ? $_REQUEST['extdisplay'] : null;
    $skip = isset($_REQUEST['skip']) ? $_REQUEST['skip'] : 0;
    $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : null;
    $quietmode = isset($_REQUEST['quietmode']) ? $_REQUEST['quietmode'] : '';
    // determine module type to show, default to 'setup'
    $type_names = array('tool' => 'Tools', 'setup' => 'Setup', 'cdrcost' => 'Call Cost');
    /* Este bloque pertenece en su mayoria al archivo header.php */
    /* ya que no estaban registrando ciertas variables globales; */
    /* asi que lo repito aqui y evito parchar dicho archivo y    */
    /* otros mas.                                                */
    // include base functions
    global $amp_conf_defaults;
    require_once '/var/www/html/admin/functions.inc.php';
    require_once '/var/www/html/admin/common/php-asmanager.php';
    // Hack to avoid patching admin/functions.inc.php
    $GLOBALS['amp_conf_defaults'] = $amp_conf_defaults;
    // get settings
    $amp_conf = parse_amportal_conf("/etc/amportal.conf");
    $asterisk_conf = parse_asterisk_conf($amp_conf["ASTETCDIR"] . "/asterisk.conf");
    $astman = new AGI_AsteriskManager();
    // attempt to connect to asterisk manager proxy
    if (!isset($amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPROXYPORT"]) || !($res = $astman->connect("" . $amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPROXYPORT"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRUSER"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRPASS"]))) {
        // attempt to connect directly to asterisk, if no proxy or if proxy failed
        if (!($res = $astman->connect("" . $amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPORT"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRUSER"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRPASS"]))) {
            // couldn't connect at all
    if (!isset($astman) || is_null($astman)) {
        return _tr('Failed to connect to Asterisk Manager Interface') . ' - ' . "" . $amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPORT"];
    $GLOBALS['amp_conf'] = $amp_conf;
    $GLOBALS['asterisk_conf'] = $asterisk_conf;
    $GLOBALS['astman'] = $astman;
    // Hack to avoid patching common/db_connect.php
    // I suppose the used database is mysql
    require_once 'DB.php';
    //PEAR must be installed
    $db_user = $amp_conf["AMPDBUSER"];
    $db_pass = $amp_conf["AMPDBPASS"];
    $db_host = $amp_conf["AMPDBHOST"];
    $db_name = $amp_conf["AMPDBNAME"];
    $datasource = 'mysql://' . $db_user . ':' . $db_pass . '@' . $db_host . '/' . $db_name;
    $db = DB::connect($datasource);
    // attempt connection
    $GLOBALS['db'] = $db;
    if (!isset($_SESSION['AMP_user'])) {
        $_SESSION['AMP_user'] = new ampuser($amp_conf['AMPDBUSER']);
    // Requiring header.php
    include '/var/www/html/admin/header.php';
    // The next block is to fix a music on hold issue
    $category = strtr(isset($_REQUEST['category']) ? $_REQUEST['category'] : '', " ./\"\\'\\`", "------");
    if ($category == null) {
        $category = 'default';
    if ($category == "default") {
        $path_to_dir = $asterisk_conf['astvarlibdir'] . "/" . $amp_conf["MOHDIR"] . "/";
    } else {
        $path_to_dir = $asterisk_conf['astvarlibdir'] . "/" . $amp_conf["MOHDIR"] . "/{$category}";
    //path to directory u want to read.
    $GLOBALS['path_to_dir'] = $path_to_dir;
    $path_to_moh_dir = $amp_conf['ASTVARLIBDIR'] . '/' . $amp_conf['MOHDIR'];
    $GLOBALS['path_to_moh_dir'] = $path_to_moh_dir;
    /* Fin del bloque                                            */
    $GLOBALS['title'] = isset($title) ? $title : '';
    $GLOBALS['type'] = isset($type) ? $type : '';
    $GLOBALS['display'] = isset($display) ? $display : '';
    $GLOBALS['extdisplay'] = isset($extdisplay) ? $extdisplay : '';
    $GLOBALS['skip'] = isset($skip) ? $skip : '';
    $GLOBALS['action'] = isset($action) ? $action : '';
    $GLOBALS['quietmode'] = isset($quietmode) ? $quietmode : '';
    $GLOBALS['message'] = isset($message) ? $message : '';
    $GLOBALS['fpbx_menu'] = isset($fpbx_menu) ? $fpbx_menu : '';
    $GLOBALS['recordings_save_path'] = "/tmp/";
    //This _guielement_tabindex and _guielement_formfields fixed bug in extensions freePBX embedded
    $GLOBALS['_guielement_tabindex'] = 1;
    $GLOBALS['_guielement_formfields'] = 0;
    //This $fc_save var fixed bug in System Recording en freePBX embedeed
    global $fc_save;
    global $fc_check;
    global $recordings_save_path;
    global $itemid;
    // handle special requests
    if (isset($_REQUEST['handler'])) {
        switch ($_REQUEST['handler']) {
            case 'reload':
                /** AJAX handler for reload event
                include_once '/var/www/html/admin/common/json.inc.php';
                $response = do_reload();
                $json = new Services_JSON();
                //echo $json->encode($response);
            case 'file':
                /** Handler to pass-through file requests 
                 * Looks for "module" and "file" variables, strips .. and only allows normal filename characters.
                 * Accepts only files of the type listed in $allowed_exts below, and sends the corresponding mime-type, 
                 * and always interprets files through the PHP interpreter. (Most of?) the freepbx environment is available,
                 * including $db and $astman, and the user is authenticated.
                if (!isset($_REQUEST['module']) || !isset($_REQUEST['file'])) {
                //TODO: this could probably be more efficient
                $module = str_replace('..', '.', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-\\_\\.]/', '', $_REQUEST['module']));
                $file = str_replace('..', '.', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-\\_\\.]/', '', $_REQUEST['file']));
                $allowed_exts = array('.js' => 'text/javascript', '.js.php' => 'text/javascript', '.css' => 'text/css', '.css.php' => 'text/css', '.html.php' => 'text/html', '.jpg.php' => 'image/jpeg', '.jpeg.php' => 'image/jpeg', '.png.php' => 'image/png', '.gif.php' => 'image/gif');
                foreach ($allowed_exts as $ext => $mimetype) {
                    if (substr($file, -1 * strlen($ext)) == $ext) {
                        $fullpath = 'modules/' . $module . '/' . $file;
                        if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
                            // file exists, and is allowed extension
                            // image, css, js types - set Expires to an hour in advance so the client does
                            // not keep checking for them. Replace from header.php
                            if (!$amp_conf['DEVEL']) {
                                @header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 3600) . ' GMT', true);
                                @header('Cache-Control: ', true);
                                @header('Pragma: ', true);
                            @header("Content-type: " . $mimetype);
                            include $fullpath;
                die_freepbx("not allowed");
    $framework_asterisk_running = checkAstMan();
    // get all enabled modules
    // active_modules array used below and in drawselects function and genConf function
    // $active_modules = module_getinfo(false, MODULE_STATUS_ENABLED);
    $active_modules = module_getinfo(false, MODULE_STATUS_ENABLED);
    $GLOBALS['active_modules'] = $active_modules;
    // Esto lo he puesto aqui porque el modulo blacklist lo requiere
    // en caso de que o exista la clase extension
    require_once "/var/www/html/admin/extensions.class.php";
    $fpbx_menu = array();
    // pointer to current item in $fpbx_menu, if applicable
    $cur_menuitem = null;
    // add module sections to $fpbx_menu
    // Aqui lleno el arreglo fpbx_menu que es quien contiene los elementos del menu
    // Tambien cargo unas funciones y se hacen otras cositas mas como setear la variable
    // que contiene el item actual
    $types = array();
    if (is_array($active_modules)) {
        foreach ($active_modules as $key => $module) {
            //include module functions
            if (is_file("/var/www/html/admin/modules/{$key}/functions.inc.php")) {
                require_once "/var/www/html/admin/modules/{$key}/functions.inc.php";
            //create an array of module sections to display
            // stored as [items][$type][$category][$name] = $displayvalue
            if (isset($module['items']) && is_array($module['items'])) {
                // loop through the types
                foreach ($module['items'] as $itemKey => $item) {
                    // check access, unless module.xml defines all have access
                    if (!isset($item['access']) || strtolower($item['access']) != 'all') {
                        if (!$_SESSION["AMP_user"]->checkSection($itemKey)) {
                            // no access, skip to the next
                    if (!$framework_asterisk_running && (isset($item['needsenginedb']) && strtolower($item['needsenginedb'] == 'yes') || isset($item['needsenginerunning']) && strtolower($item['needsenginerunning'] == 'yes'))) {
                        $item['disabled'] = true;
                    } else {
                        $item['disabled'] = false;
                    if (!in_array($item['type'], $types)) {
                        $types[] = $item['type'];
                    if (!isset($item['display'])) {
                        $item['display'] = $itemKey;
                    // reference to the actual module
                    $item['module'] =& $active_modules[$key];
                    // item is an assoc array, with at least array(module=> name=>, category=>, type=>, display=>)
                    $fpbx_menu[$itemKey] = $item;
                    // allow a module to replace our main index page
                    if ($item['display'] == 'index' && $display == '') {
                        $display = 'index';
                    // check current item
                    if ($display == $item['display']) {
                        // found current menuitem, make a reference to it
                        $cur_menuitem =& $fpbx_menu[$itemKey];
    // new gui hooks
    // Este bloque al parecer almacena en el arreglo configpageinits el nombre de ciertas funciones
    // estandar que se deben cargar si es que se encuentran.
    // Al parecer no todo modulo las trae, es opcional. Por eso se buscan en todos los modulos...
    if (is_array($active_modules)) {
        foreach ($active_modules as $key => $module) {
            if (isset($module['items']) && is_array($module['items'])) {
                foreach ($module['items'] as $itemKey => $itemName) {
                    //list of potential _configpageinit functions
                    $initfuncname = $key . '_' . $itemKey . '_configpageinit';
                    if (function_exists($initfuncname)) {
                        $configpageinits[] = $initfuncname;
            //check for module level (rather than item as above) _configpageinit function
            $initfuncname = $key . '_configpageinit';
            if (function_exists($initfuncname)) {
                $configpageinits[] = $initfuncname;
    // extensions vs device/users ... this is a bad design, but hey, it works
    // Este bloque distingue entre si mostrar el menu de extensiones o en su lugar
    // mostrar los menus de devices y users. Esto es porque existe la posibilidad de
    // disasociar dispositivos de usuarios.
    if (isset($amp_conf["AMPEXTENSIONS"]) && $amp_conf["AMPEXTENSIONS"] == "deviceanduser") {
    } else {
    // check access
    if (!is_array($cur_menuitem) && $display != "") {
        return '(internal) No active FreePBX modules found. Please enable Unembedded FreePBX for troubleshooting.';
    // load the component from the loaded modules
    if ($display != '' && isset($configpageinits) && is_array($configpageinits)) {
        $currentcomponent = new component($display, $type);
        $GLOBALS['currentcomponent'] = $currentcomponent;
        // call every modules _configpageinit function which should just
        // register the gui and process functions for each module, if relevent
        // for this $display
        foreach ($configpageinits as $func) {
        // now run each 'process' function and 'gui' function
    //  note: we buffer all the output from the 'page' being loaded..
    // This may change in the future, with proper returns, but for now, it's a simple
    // way to support the old page.item.php include module format.
    $module_name = "";
    $module_page = "";
    $module_file = "";
    // hack to have our default display handler show the "welcome" view
    // Note: this probably isn't REALLY needed if there is no menu item for "Welcome"..
    // but it doesn't really hurt, and it provides a handler in case some page links
    // to "?display=index"
    if ($display == 'index' && $cur_menuitem['module']['rawname'] == 'builtin') {
        $display = '';
    // show the appropriate page
    switch ($display) {
            //display the appropriate module page
            $module_name = $cur_menuitem['module']['rawname'];
            $module_page = $cur_menuitem['display'];
            $module_file = '/var/www/html/admin/modules/' . $module_name . '/page.' . $module_page . '.php';
            //TODO Determine which item is this module displaying. Currently this is over the place, we should standarize on a "itemid" request var for now, we'll just cover all possibilities :-(
            $possibilites = array('userdisplay', 'extdisplay', 'id', 'itemid', 'category', 'selection');
            $itemid = '';
            foreach ($possibilites as $possibility) {
                if (isset($_REQUEST[$possibility]) && $_REQUEST[$possibility] != '') {
                    $itemid = $_REQUEST[$possibility];
            // create a module_hook object for this module's page
            $module_hook = new moduleHook();
            // populate object variables
            $module_hook->install_hooks($module_page, $module_name, $itemid);
            // let hooking modules process the $_REQUEST
            $module_hook->process_hooks($itemid, $module_name, $module_page, $_REQUEST);
            // include the module page
            if (isset($cur_menuitem['disabled']) && $cur_menuitem['disabled']) {
                showview("menuitem_disabled", $cur_menuitem);
                // we break here to avoid the generateconfigpage() below
            } else {
                if (file_exists($module_file)) {
                    // load language info if available
                    if (extension_loaded('gettext')) {
                        if (is_dir("/var/www/html/admin/modules/{$module_name}/i18n")) {
                            bindtextdomain($module_name, "/var/www/html/admin/modules/{$module_name}/i18n");
                            bind_textdomain_codeset($module_name, 'utf8');
                    // Aqui es donde se dibuja el GUI
                    include $module_file;
                } else {
                    // TODO: make this a showview()
                    echo "404 Not found";
            // global component
            if (isset($currentcomponent)) {
                echo $currentcomponent->generateconfigpage();
        case 'modules':
            // set these to avoide undefined variable warnings later
            $module_name = 'modules';
            $module_page = $cur_menuitem['display'];
            include '/var/www/html/admin/page.modules.php';
        case '':
            if ($astman) {
                showview('welcome', array('AMP_CONF' => &$amp_conf));
            } else {
                // no manager, no connection to asterisk
                showview('welcome_nomanager', array('mgruser' => $amp_conf["AMPMGRUSER"]));
    //$salida .= @ob_get_flush();
    $htmlFPBX = @ob_get_contents();
    // Aqui reviso si hay modulos deshabilitados
    $modulos_desabilitados = 0;
    foreach ($active_modules as $modulo) {
        if ($modulo['status'] == '3') {
            $modulos_desabilitados = 1;
    if ($modulos_desabilitados == 1) {
        $salida .= "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align='center' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#cccccc'><td align='center'>There is at least one freePBX module that has been automatically disabled because it needs an update. Please go to the unembedded freePBX option and update this module(s). Otherwise unexpected things could happen with your PBX configuration.</td></tr></table>";
    if (check_reload_needed()) {
        // Reviso si el REQUEST_URI tiene ya variables tipo get. Solo busco por un signo de ?
        $pos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?');
        if ($pos > 0) {
            $URL_RELOAD = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "&handler=reload";
        } else {
            $URL_RELOAD = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "?handler=reload";
        $salida .= "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align='center' width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#f6bbbb'><td align='center'><a href='{$URL_RELOAD}'>Apply Configuration Changes Here</a></td></tr></table>";
    if ($withList) {
        $smarty->assign("Option", _tr('Option'));
        $smarty->assign("Unembedded_freePBX", _tr('Unembedded freePBX'));
        $smarty->assign("Basic", _tr('Basic'));
        $smarty->assign("Extensions", _tr('Extensions'));
        $smarty->assign("Feature_Codes", _tr('Feature Codes'));
        $smarty->assign("General_Settings", _tr('General Settings'));
        $smarty->assign("Outbound_Routes", _tr('Outbound Routes'));
        $smarty->assign("Trunks", _tr('Trunks'));
        $smarty->assign("Inbound_Call_Control", _tr('Inbound Call Control'));
        $smarty->assign("Inbound_Routes", _tr('Inbound Routes'));
        $smarty->assign("Announcements", _tr('Announcements'));
        $smarty->assign("Follow_Me", _tr('Follow Me'));
        $smarty->assign("IVR", _tr('IVR'));
        $smarty->assign("Misc_Destinations", _tr('Misc Destinations'));
        $smarty->assign("Queues", _tr('Queues'));
        $smarty->assign("Ring_Groups", _tr('Ring Groups'));
        $smarty->assign("Time_Conditions", _tr('Time Conditions'));
        $smarty->assign("Internal_Options_Configuration", _tr('Internal Options & Configuration'));
        $smarty->assign("Conferences", _tr('Conferences'));
        $smarty->assign("Misc_Applications", _tr('Misc Applications'));
        $smarty->assign("Music_on_Hold", _tr('Music on Hold'));
        $smarty->assign("PIN_Sets", _tr('PIN Sets'));
        $smarty->assign("Paging_Intercom", _tr('Paging and Intercom'));
        $smarty->assign("Parking_Lot", _tr('Parking Lot'));
        $smarty->assign("System_Recordings", _tr('System Recordings'));
        $smarty->assign("Remote_Access", _tr('Remote Access'));
        $smarty->assign("Callback", _tr('Callback'));
        $smarty->assign("DISA", _tr('DISA'));
        $smarty->assign("Zap_Channel_DIDs", _tr('Zap Channel DIDs'));
        $smarty->assign("Blacklist", _tr('Blacklist'));
        $smarty->assign("CallerID_Lookup_Sources", _tr('CallerID Lookup Sources'));
        $smarty->assign("Day_Night_Control", _tr('Day/Night Control'));
        $smarty->assign("Queue_Priorities", _tr('Queue Priorities'));
        $smarty->assign("Time_Groups", _tr('Time Groups'));
        $smarty->assign("Languages", _tr('Languages'));
        $smarty->assign("VoiceMail_Blasting", _tr('VoiceMail Blasting'));
        $smarty->assign("INFO", _tr("Warning: Updating FreePBX through its web interface will cause it to install versions that may have not yet been properly integrated with Elastix. To avoid conflicts, it is always recommended to search/install updates only through the linux command \"yum update freePBX\"."));
    $smarty->assign("htmlFPBX", $htmlFPBX);
    $salida .= $smarty->fetch("{$local_templates_dir}/main.tpl");
    return $salida;
コード例 #2
ファイル: config.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
 $module_name = $cur_menuitem['module']['rawname'];
 $module_page = $cur_menuitem['display'];
 $module_file = 'modules/' . $module_name . '/page.' . $module_page . '.php';
 //TODO Determine which item is this module displaying. Currently this is over the place, we should standarize on a "itemid" request var for now, we'll just cover all possibilities :-(
 $possibilites = array('userdisplay', 'extdisplay', 'id', 'itemid', 'selection');
 $itemid = '';
 foreach ($possibilites as $possibility) {
     if (isset($_REQUEST[$possibility]) && $_REQUEST[$possibility] != '') {
         $itemid = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST[$possibility], ENT_QUOTES);
         $_REQUEST[$possibility] = $itemid;
 // create a module_hook object for this module's page
 $module_hook = new moduleHook();
 // populate object variables
 $module_hook->install_hooks($module_page, $module_name, $itemid);
 // let hooking modules process the $_REQUEST
 $module_hook->process_hooks($itemid, $module_name, $module_page, $_REQUEST);
 // include the module page
 if (isset($cur_menuitem['disabled']) && $cur_menuitem['disabled']) {
     showview("menuitem_disabled", $cur_menuitem);
     // we break here to avoid the generateconfigpage() below
 } else {
     if (file_exists($module_file)) {
         // load language info if available
         if (extension_loaded('gettext')) {
             if (is_dir("modules/{$module_name}/i18n")) {
                 bindtextdomain($module_name, "modules/{$module_name}/i18n");
                 bind_textdomain_codeset($module_name, 'utf8');