コード例 #1
 public static function delete_old_posts()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     // Check if deletion is turned off
     if (empty($CFG->forumng_permanentdeletion)) {
     mtrace('Beginning forum deleted/edit message cleanup...');
     // Work out how long ago things have to have been 'deleted' before we
     // permanently delete them
     $deletebefore = time() - $CFG->forumng_permanentdeletion;
     // Handle all posts which were deleted (that long ago) or which are in
     // discussions which were deleted (that long ago)
     $mainparams = array();
     $mainquery = "\nFROM\n    {forumng_posts} fp\n    INNER JOIN {forumng_discussions} fd ON fd.id = fp.discussionid\n    INNER JOIN {forumng} f ON fd.forumngid = f.id\n    INNER JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.instance = f.id AND cm.module =\n        (SELECT id FROM {modules} WHERE name='forumng')\n    INNER JOIN {context} x on x.instanceid=cm.id AND x.contextlevel=?\nWHERE\n    (fp.deleted<>0 AND fp.deleted<? AND\n    NOT EXISTS (SELECT id from {forumng_posts} where parentpostid = fp.id and deleted = 0))\n    OR (fp.oldversion<>0 AND fp.modified<?)\n    OR (fd.deleted<>0 AND fd.deleted<?)";
     $idquery = "SELECT fp.id {$mainquery} ";
     $mainparams[] = CONTEXT_MODULE;
     $mainparams[] = $deletebefore;
     $mainparams[] = $deletebefore;
     $mainparams[] = $deletebefore;
     $before = microtime(true);
     mtrace('Message search: ', '');
     $count = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(1) {$mainquery}", $mainparams);
     mtrace(round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's');
     if ($count == 0) {
         mtrace("No old deleted / edited messages to clean up.");
     } else {
         mtrace("Permanently deleting {$count} old deleted / edited messages.");
     if ($count) {
         $before = microtime(true);
         mtrace('Database post deletion: ', '');
         $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
         // Delete all ratings
         $DB->execute("DELETE FROM {forumng_ratings} WHERE postid IN ({$idquery})", $mainparams);
         // Delete all read post records.
         $DB->execute("DELETE FROM {forumng_read_posts} WHERE postid IN ({$idquery})", $mainparams);
         // Find all messages...
         $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("\nSELECT\n    fp.id AS postid, x.id AS contextid, fp.attachments\n{$mainquery}", $mainparams);
         // Delete all attachments - this is very very slow (at least 1 query
         // per post being deleted), it could be done faster in the database
         // but I thought it might be safer to use the API
         $fs = get_file_storage();
         foreach ($rs as $attachmentrecord) {
             // Delete both attachments & message attachments
             if ($attachmentrecord->attachments) {
                 // Only if marked as existing
                 $fs->delete_area_files($attachmentrecord->contextid, 'mod_forumng', 'attachment', $attachmentrecord->postid);
             // Always (there is no marker for this one)
             $fs->delete_area_files($attachmentrecord->contextid, 'mod_forumng', 'message', $attachmentrecord->postid);
         // Delete all posts
         mod_forumng_utils::update_with_subquery_grrr_mysql("DELETE FROM {forumng_posts} WHERE id %'IN'%", $idquery, $mainparams);
         // Now delete all discussions
         $DB->execute("DELETE FROM {forumng_discussions} WHERE deleted<>0 AND deleted<?", array($deletebefore));
         mtrace(round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's');
コード例 #2
 private function mark_mailed($time)
     global $DB;
     list($wheresql, $whereparams) = $this->get_query_where($time, 'forumng_posts');
     $querychunk = $this->get_query_from() . $wheresql;
     $before = microtime(true);
     mtrace('Marking processed posts: ', '');
     mod_forumng_utils::update_with_subquery_grrr_mysql("\nUPDATE\n    {forumng_posts}\nSET\n    mailstate = " . $this->get_target_mail_state() . "\nWHERE\n    id %'IN'%", "SELECT fp.id {$querychunk}", $whereparams);
     mtrace(round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's.');
     unset_config($this->get_pending_flag_name(), 'forumng');