コード例 #1
  * Load the attributes for the ACLs for the context
  * @static
  * @param modX $modx A reference to the modX instance
  * @param string $context The context to load from. If empty, will use the current context.
  * @param int $userId The ID of the user to grab ACL records for.
  * @return array An array of loaded attributes
 public static function loadAttributes(&$modx, $context = '', $userId = 0)
     $attributes = array();
     $accessTable = $modx->getTableName('modAccessNamespace');
     $policyTable = $modx->getTableName('modAccessPolicy');
     $memberTable = $modx->getTableName('modUserGroupMember');
     $memberRoleTable = $modx->getTableName('modUserGroupRole');
     if ($userId > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT acl.target, acl.principal, mr.authority, acl.policy, p.data FROM {$accessTable} acl " . "LEFT JOIN {$policyTable} p ON p.id = acl.policy " . "JOIN {$memberTable} mug ON acl.principal_class = 'modUserGroup' " . "AND mug.member = :principal " . "AND mug.user_group = acl.principal " . "JOIN {$memberRoleTable} mr ON mr.id = mug.role " . "AND mr.authority <= acl.authority " . "ORDER BY acl.target, acl.principal, mr.authority, acl.policy";
         $bindings = array(':principal' => $userId);
         $query = new xPDOCriteria($modx, $sql, $bindings);
         if ($query->stmt && $query->stmt->execute()) {
             while ($row = $query->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                 $attributes[$row['target']][] = array('principal' => $row['principal'], 'authority' => $row['authority'], 'policy' => $row['data'] ? $modx->fromJSON($row['data'], true) : array());
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT acl.target, acl.principal, 0 AS authority, acl.policy, p.data FROM {$accessTable} acl " . "LEFT JOIN {$policyTable} p ON p.id = acl.policy " . "WHERE acl.principal_class = 'modUserGroup' " . "AND acl.principal = 0 " . "ORDER BY acl.target, acl.principal, acl.authority, acl.policy";
         $query = new xPDOCriteria($modx, $sql);
         if ($query->stmt && $query->stmt->execute()) {
             while ($row = $query->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                 $attributes[$row['target']][] = array('principal' => 0, 'authority' => $row['authority'], 'policy' => $row['data'] ? $modx->fromJSON($row['data'], true) : array());
     return $attributes;
コード例 #2
 protected function install($packagesDir, $dir, $packagesBaseUrl, OutputInterface $output)
     $configContent = $this->modx->fromJSON(file_get_contents($packagesDir . $dir . '/_build/config.json'));
     $this->config = new Config($this->modx, $dir);
     $this->packageCorePath = $packagesDir . $dir . "/core/components/" . $this->config->getLowCaseName() . "/";
     $this->packageCorePath = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->packageCorePath);
     $this->packageAssetsPath = $packagesDir . $dir . "/assets/components/" . $this->config->getLowCaseName() . "/";
     $this->packageAssetsPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->packageAssetsPath);
     $this->packageAssetsUrl = $packagesBaseUrl . $dir . '/assets/components/' . $this->config->getLowCaseName() . '/';
     $this->createSystemSettings($packagesDir, $packagesBaseUrl);
     /** @var \GitPackage $packageObject */
     $packageObject = $this->modx->newObject('GitPackage');
     $packageObject->set('version', $this->config->getVersion());
     $packageObject->set('description', $this->config->getDescription());
     $packageObject->set('author', $this->config->getAuthor());
     $packageObject->set('name', $this->config->getName());
     $packageObject->set('dir_name', $dir);
     $packageObject->set('config', $this->modx->toJSON($configContent));
コード例 #3
ファイル: pdotools.class.php プロジェクト: Jako/pdoTools
  * Allow user to prepare single row by custom snippet before render chunk
  * This method was developed in cooperation with Agel_Nash
  * @param array $row
  * @return array
 public function prepareRow($row = array())
     if ($this->preparing) {
         return $row;
     if (!empty($this->config['prepareSnippet'])) {
         $this->preparing = true;
         $name = trim($this->config['prepareSnippet']);
         array_walk_recursive($row, function (&$value) {
             $value = str_replace(array('[', ']', '{', '}'), array('*(*(*(*(*(*', '*)*)*)*)*)*', '~(~(~(~(~(~', '~)~)~)~)~)~'), $value);
         $tmp = $this->runSnippet($name, array('pdoTools' => $this, 'pdoFetch' => $this, 'row' => $row));
         $tmp = $tmp[0] == '[' || $tmp[0] == '{' ? $this->modx->fromJSON($tmp, 1) : unserialize($tmp);
         if (!is_array($tmp)) {
             $this->addTime('Preparation snippet must return an array, instead of "' . gettype($tmp) . '"');
         } else {
             $row = array_merge($row, $tmp);
         $this->preparing = false;
         array_walk_recursive($row, function (&$value) {
             $value = str_replace(array('*(*(*(*(*(*', '*)*)*)*)*)*', '~(~(~(~(~(~', '~)~)~)~)~)~'), array('[', ']', '{', '}'), $value);
     return $row;
コード例 #4
  * Allow user to prepare single row by custom snippet before render chunk
  * This method was developed in cooperation with Agel_Nash
  * @param array $row
  * @return array
 public function prepareRow($row = array())
     if ($this->preparing) {
         return $row;
     if (!empty($this->config['prepareSnippet'])) {
         $this->preparing = true;
         $name = trim($this->config['prepareSnippet']);
         /** @var modSnippet $snippet */
         if (!($snippet = $this->getStore($name, 'snippet'))) {
             if ($snippet = $this->modx->getObject('modSnippet', array('name' => $name))) {
                 $this->setStore($name, $snippet, 'snippet');
             } else {
                 $this->addTime('Could not load snippet "' . $name . '" for preparation of row.');
                 return '';
         $snippet->_cacheable = false;
         $snippet->_processed = false;
         $tmp = $snippet->process(array('pdoTools' => $this, 'pdoFetch' => $this, 'row' => $row));
         $tmp = $tmp[0] == '[' || $tmp[0] == '{' ? $this->modx->fromJSON($tmp, 1) : unserialize($tmp);
         if (!is_array($tmp)) {
             $this->addTime('Preparation snippet must return an array, instead of "' . gettype($tmp) . '"');
         } else {
             $row = array_merge($row, $tmp);
         $this->preparing = false;
     return $row;
コード例 #5
ファイル: fihooks.class.php プロジェクト: raadhuis/modx-basic
  * Redirect to a specified URL.
  * Properties needed:
  * - redirectTo - the ID of the Resource to redirect to.
  * @param array $fields An array of cleaned POST fields
  * @return boolean False if unsuccessful.
 public function redirect(array $fields = array())
     if (empty($this->formit->config['redirectTo'])) {
         return false;
     $redirectParams = !empty($this->formit->config['redirectParams']) ? $this->formit->config['redirectParams'] : '';
     if (!empty($redirectParams)) {
         $prefix = $this->modx->getOption('placeholderPrefix', $this->formit->config, 'fi.');
         $this->modx->setPlaceholders($fields, $prefix);
         $this->modx->parser->processElementTags('', $redirectParams, true, true);
         $redirectParams = $this->modx->fromJSON($redirectParams);
         if (empty($redirectParams)) {
             $redirectParams = '';
     $contextKey = $this->modx->context->get('key');
     $resource = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $this->formit->config['redirectTo']);
     if ($resource) {
         $contextKey = $resource->get('context_key');
     if (!is_numeric($this->formit->config['redirectTo']) && isset($fields[$this->formit->config['redirectTo']]) && is_numeric($fields[$this->formit->config['redirectTo']])) {
         $url = $this->modx->makeUrl($fields[$this->formit->config['redirectTo']], $contextKey, $redirectParams, 'full');
     } elseif (!is_numeric($this->formit->config['redirectTo']) && substr($this->formit->config['redirectTo'], 0, 4) === "http") {
         $url = $this->formit->config['redirectTo'];
     } else {
         $url = $this->modx->makeUrl($this->formit->config['redirectTo'], $contextKey, $redirectParams, 'full');
     return true;
コード例 #6
  * Get an array of settings for the container.
  * @return array
 public function getContainerSettings()
     $settings = $this->getProperties('articles');
     if (!empty($settings)) {
         $settings = is_array($settings) ? $settings : $this->xpdo->fromJSON($settings);
     return !empty($settings) ? $settings : array();
コード例 #7
ファイル: modpdf.class.php プロジェクト: vgrish/PDFresource
  * PDFresource constructor
  * @param modX $modx A reference to the modX instance.
  * @param array $options An array of options. Optional.
 function __construct(modX &$modx, array $options = array())
     $this->modx =& $modx;
     $corePath = $this->getOption('core_path', $options, $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $this->namespace . '/');
     $assetsPath = $this->getOption('assets_path', $options, $this->modx->getOption('assets_path') . 'components/' . $this->namespace . '/');
     $assetsUrl = $this->getOption('assets_url', $options, $this->modx->getOption('assets_url') . 'components/' . $this->namespace . '/');
     $pdfPath = $this->getOption('pdf_path', $options, $this->modx->getOption('assets_path') . 'pdf/');
     $pdfUrl = $this->getOption('pdf_url', $options, $this->modx->getOption('assets_url') . 'pdf/');
     // Load some default paths for easier management
     $this->options = array_merge(array('namespace' => $this->namespace, 'version' => $this->version, 'assetsPath' => $assetsPath, 'assetsUrl' => $assetsUrl, 'cssUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'css/', 'jsUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'js/', 'imagesUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'images/', 'corePath' => $corePath, 'modelPath' => $corePath . 'model/', 'vendorPath' => $corePath . 'vendor/', 'chunksPath' => $corePath . 'elements/chunks/', 'pagesPath' => $corePath . 'elements/pages/', 'snippetsPath' => $corePath . 'elements/snippets/', 'pluginsPath' => $corePath . 'elements/plugins/', 'controllersPath' => $corePath . 'controllers/', 'processorsPath' => $corePath . 'processors/', 'templatesPath' => $corePath . 'templates/', 'connectorUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'connector.php', 'pdfPath' => $pdfPath, 'pdfUrl' => $pdfUrl), $options);
     // Init mPDF options
     $mode = $this->modx->getOption('mode', $options, '');
     $format = $this->modx->getOption('format', $options, 'A4');
     $default_font_size = intval($this->modx->getOption('defaultFontSize', $options, 0));
     $default_font = $this->modx->getOption('defaultFont', $options, '');
     $mgl = intval($this->modx->getOption('mgl', $options, 15));
     $mgr = intval($this->modx->getOption('mgr', $options, 15));
     $mgt = intval($this->modx->getOption('mgt', $options, 16));
     $mgb = intval($this->modx->getOption('mgb', $options, 16));
     $mgh = intval($this->modx->getOption('mgb', $options, 9));
     $mgf = intval($this->modx->getOption('mgf', $options, 9));
     $orientation = $this->modx->getOption('orientation', $options, 'P');
     parent::mPDF($mode, $format, $default_font_size, $default_font, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $orientation);
     $customFonts = $this->modx->fromJSON($this->modx->getOption('customFonts', $options, ''));
     if (is_array($customFonts)) {
         foreach ($customFonts as $f => $fs) {
             $this->fontdata[$f] = $fs;
             if (isset($fs['R']) && $fs['R']) {
                 $this->available_unifonts[] = $f;
             if (isset($fs['B']) && $fs['B']) {
                 $this->available_unifonts[] = $f . 'B';
             if (isset($fs['I']) && $fs['I']) {
                 $this->available_unifonts[] = $f . 'I';
             if (isset($fs['BI']) && $fs['BI']) {
                 $this->available_unifonts[] = $f . 'BI';
     } else {
         $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'customFonts does not contain an array.', '', 'PDFresource');
     $this->default_available_fonts = $this->available_unifonts;
コード例 #8
 public static function getInstance(modX &$modx, $className, $properties = array())
     if (isset($properties['data'])) {
         $data = (array) $modx->fromJSON($properties['data']);
         $properties = array_merge($properties, $data);
         unset($properties['data'], $data);
     return parent::getInstance($modx, $className, $properties);
コード例 #9
  * Load the attributes for the ACLs for the Resource Group
  * @static
  * @param modX $modx A reference to the modX instance
  * @param string $context The context to load from. If empty, will use the current context.
  * @param int $userId The ID of the user to grab ACL records for.
  * @return array An array of loaded attributes
 public static function loadAttributes(&$modx, $context = '', $userId = 0)
     $attributes = array();
     if (empty($context)) {
         $context = $modx->context->get('key');
     $enabled = (bool) $modx->getOption('access_resource_group_enabled', null, true);
     if ($context !== $modx->context->get('key') && $modx->getContext($context)) {
         $enabled = (bool) $modx->contexts[$context]->getOption('access_resource_group_enabled', $enabled);
     if ($enabled) {
         $accessTable = $modx->getTableName('modAccessResourceGroup');
         $policyTable = $modx->getTableName('modAccessPolicy');
         $memberTable = $modx->getTableName('modUserGroupMember');
         $memberRoleTable = $modx->getTableName('modUserGroupRole');
         $legacyDocGroups = array();
         if ($userId > 0) {
             $sql = "SELECT acl.target, acl.principal, mr.authority, acl.policy, p.data FROM {$accessTable} acl " . "LEFT JOIN {$policyTable} p ON p.id = acl.policy " . "JOIN {$memberTable} mug ON acl.principal_class = 'modUserGroup' " . "AND (acl.context_key = :context OR acl.context_key IS NULL OR acl.context_key = '') " . "AND mug.member = :principal " . "AND mug.user_group = acl.principal " . "JOIN {$memberRoleTable} mr ON mr.id = mug.role " . "AND mr.authority <= acl.authority " . "ORDER BY acl.target, acl.principal, mr.authority, acl.policy";
             $bindings = array(':principal' => $userId, ':context' => $context);
             $query = new xPDOCriteria($modx, $sql, $bindings);
             if ($query->stmt && $query->stmt->execute()) {
                 while ($row = $query->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                     $attributes[$row['target']][] = array('principal' => $row['principal'], 'authority' => $row['authority'], 'policy' => $row['data'] ? $modx->fromJSON($row['data'], true) : array());
                     $legacyDocGroups[$row['target']] = $row['target'];
         } else {
             $sql = "SELECT acl.target, acl.principal, 0 AS authority, acl.policy, p.data FROM {$accessTable} acl " . "LEFT JOIN {$policyTable} p ON p.id = acl.policy " . "WHERE acl.principal_class = 'modUserGroup' " . "AND acl.principal = 0 " . "AND (acl.context_key = :context OR acl.context_key IS NULL OR acl.context_key = '') " . "ORDER BY acl.target, acl.principal, acl.authority, acl.policy";
             $bindings = array(':context' => $context);
             $query = new xPDOCriteria($modx, $sql, $bindings);
             if ($query->stmt && $query->stmt->execute()) {
                 while ($row = $query->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                     $attributes[$row['target']][] = array('principal' => 0, 'authority' => $row['authority'], 'policy' => $row['data'] ? $modx->fromJSON($row['data'], true) : array());
                     $legacyDocGroups[$row['target']] = $row['target'];
         $_SESSION['modx.user.' . ($userId > 0 ? (string) $userId : '0') . '.resourceGroups'] = array($context => array_values($legacyDocGroups));
     return $attributes;
コード例 #10
  * Get options for reCaptcha from snippet
  * @param array $scriptProperties
  * @return array|void
 public function getOptions(array $scriptProperties = array())
     $opt = $this->modx->getOption('recaptchaJs', $scriptProperties, '{}');
     $opt = $this->modx->fromJSON($opt);
     if (empty($opt)) {
         $opt = array();
     /* backwards compat */
     $backwardOpt = array('theme' => $this->modx->getOption('recaptchaTheme', $scriptProperties, 'clean'), 'width' => $this->modx->getOption('recaptchaWidth', $scriptProperties, 500), 'height' => $this->modx->getOption('recaptchaHeight', $scriptProperties, 300), 'lang' => $this->modx->getOption('cultureKey', null, 'en'));
     $opt = array_merge($backwardOpt, $opt);
     return $opt;
コード例 #11
  * Translate a string using a named transliteration table.
  * @param string $string The string to transliterate.
  * @return string The translated string.
 public function translate($string)
     $exclude = $this->modx->getOption('friendly_alias_ytranslit_exclude', '', '/^[_-a-zA-z\\d\\s\\:\\(\\)]+$/i', true);
     if (empty($string) || preg_match($exclude, $string)) {
         return $string;
     $extension = '';
     if (preg_match('#\\.[0-9a-z]+$#i', $string, $matches)) {
         $extension = $matches[0];
         $string = preg_replace('#' . $extension . '$#', '', $string);
     $trim = $this->modx->getOption('friendly_alias_trim_chars', null, '/.-_', true);
     $string = str_replace(str_split($trim), ' ', $string);
     $service = $this->modx->getOption('friendly_alias_ytranslit_url', null, 'https://translate.yandex.net/api/v1.5/tr.json/translate?key=[[+key]]&lang=ru-en&text=', true);
     $key = trim($this->modx->getOption('friendly_alias_ytranslit_key', null, ''));
     if (empty($key)) {
         $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[yTranslit] You must specify the API key! Please, get it from http://api.yandex.ru/key/form.xml?service=trnsl.');
         return $string;
     } else {
         $request = str_replace('[[+key]]', $key, $service) . urlencode($string);
         if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
             $url = parse_url($request);
             parse_str($url['query'], $params);
             /** @var modRestCurlClient $client */
             $client = $this->modx->getService('rest.modRestCurlClient');
             $result = $client->request($url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'], $url['path'], 'GET', $params, array('curlopt_timeout' => $this->modx->getOption('friendly_alias_ytranslit_timeout', null, 1, true), 'curlopt_returntransfer' => 1));
         } else {
             $result = file_get_contents($request);
         $arr = $this->modx->fromJSON($result);
         if (!is_array($arr)) {
             $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "[yTranslit] Service unavailable.\nRequest: {$request}.\nResponse: {$result}");
         } elseif ($arr['code'] != 200 || empty($arr['text'][0])) {
             $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[yTranslit] Service returned an error. ' . print_r($arr, true));
         } else {
             $string = $arr['text'][0];
         return $string . strtolower($extension);
コード例 #12
  * Constructor
 public function __construct(modX &$modx)
     $this->modx = $modx;
     // require original phpconsole class
     $phpconsole_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/phpconsole.php';
     if (file_exists($phpconsole_file)) {
         require_once $phpconsole_file;
     } else {
         return false;
     // make sure phpconsole should be enabled
     if (!$this->modx->getOption('phpconsole.enabled', null, false)) {
         return false;
     // load config
     $this->config = new \Phpconsole\Config();
     // set default project
     $this->project = $this->modx->getOption('phpconsole.project', null, 'default');
     $configSetting = $this->modx->fromJSON($this->modx->getOption('phpconsole.config', null, ''));
     if (!empty($configSetting)) {
         // load config from system setting
     } else {
         if (file_exists(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'config/phpconsole-config.inc.php')) {
             // load config from file
             $this->config->loadFromLocation(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'config/phpconsole-config.inc.php');
         } else {
             // if no config exists, switch back to the FILE logTarget
             return false;
     // initialize phpconsole
     $this->phpconsole = new \Phpconsole\Phpconsole($this->config);
     // set logTarget to ARRAY_EXTENDED to store all log() calls in an array
     $this->modx->setLogTarget(array('target' => 'ARRAY_EXTENDED', 'options' => array('var' => &$this->logArray)));
     // register a shoutdown function to log fatal errors in phpconsole
コード例 #13
  * Function for formatting price
  * @param string $price
  * @return string $price
 public function formatPrice($price = '0')
     $pf = $this->modx->fromJSON($this->modx->getOption('ms2_price_format', null, '[2, ".", " "]'));
     if (is_array($pf)) {
         $price = number_format($price, $pf[0], $pf[1], $pf[2]);
     if ($this->modx->getOption('ms2_price_format_no_zeros', null, true)) {
         if (preg_match('/\\..*$/', $price, $matches)) {
             $tmp = rtrim($matches[0], '.0');
             $price = str_replace($matches[0], $tmp, $price);
     return $price;
コード例 #14
 public function getQuery($currentParent)
     /* build query */
     $c = $this->modx->newQuery('modResource');
     $c->leftJoin('modResource', 'Children');
     $c->select($this->modx->getSelectColumns('modResource', 'modResource'));
     $c->select(array('COUNT(Children.id) AS children'));
     $c->where(array('parent' => $currentParent));
     /* if restricting to contexts */
     if (!empty($this->config['context'])) {
         $ctxs = $this->prepareForIn($this->config['context']);
         $c->where(array('modResource.context_key:IN' => $ctxs));
     } else {
         $c->where(array('modResource.context_key' => $this->modx->context->get('key')));
     /* if excluding resources */
     if (!empty($this->config['excludeResources'])) {
         $ex = $this->prepareForIn($this->config['excludeResources']);
         $c->where(array('modResource.id:NOT IN' => $ex));
     /* if excluding all children of certain resources */
     if (!empty($this->config['excludeChildrenOf'])) {
         $excludingParents = is_array($this->config['excludeChildrenOf']) ? $this->config['excludeChildrenOf'] : explode(',', $this->config['excludeChildrenOf']);
         $excludedChildren = array();
         foreach ($excludingParents as $excludingParent) {
             $childrenIds = $this->modx->getChildIds($excludingParent, 10);
             $excludedChildren = array_merge($excludedChildren, $childrenIds);
         $excludedChildren = array_unique($excludedChildren);
         $c->where(array('modResource.id:NOT IN' => $excludedChildren));
     /* if restricting to templates */
     if (!empty($this->config['allowedtemplates'])) {
         $tpls = $this->prepareForIn($this->config['allowedtemplates']);
         $c->innerJoin('modTemplate', 'Template');
         $c->where(array('Template.' . $this->config['templateFilter'] . ':IN' => $tpls));
     /* where filtering */
     if (!empty($this->config['where'])) {
         $where = is_array($this->config['where']) ? $this->config['where'] : $this->modx->fromJSON($this->config['where']);
     /* sorting/grouping */
     $c->sortby($this->config['sortBy'], $this->config['sortDir']);
     return $c;
コード例 #15
  * Loads the access control policies applicable to this template variable.
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function findPolicy($context = '')
     $policy = array();
     $context = !empty($context) ? $context : $this->xpdo->context->get('key');
     if ($context === $this->xpdo->context->get('key')) {
         $catEnabled = (bool) $this->xpdo->getOption('access_category_enabled', null, true);
         $rgEnabled = (bool) $this->xpdo->getOption('access_resource_group_enabled', null, true);
     } elseif ($this->xpdo->getContext($context)) {
         $catEnabled = (bool) $this->xpdo->contexts[$context]->getOption('access_category_enabled', true);
         $rgEnabled = (bool) $this->xpdo->contexts[$context]->getOption('access_resource_group_enabled', true);
     $enabled = $catEnabled || $rgEnabled;
     if ($enabled) {
         if (empty($this->_policies) || !isset($this->_policies[$context])) {
             if ($rgEnabled) {
                 $accessTable = $this->xpdo->getTableName('modAccessResourceGroup');
                 $policyTable = $this->xpdo->getTableName('modAccessPolicy');
                 $resourceGroupTable = $this->xpdo->getTableName('modTemplateVarResourceGroup');
                 $sql = "SELECT Acl.target, Acl.principal, Acl.authority, Acl.policy, Policy.data FROM {$accessTable} Acl " . "LEFT JOIN {$policyTable} Policy ON Policy.id = Acl.policy " . "JOIN {$resourceGroupTable} ResourceGroup ON Acl.principal_class = 'modUserGroup' " . "AND (Acl.context_key = :context OR Acl.context_key IS NULL OR Acl.context_key = '') " . "AND ResourceGroup.tmplvarid = :element " . "AND ResourceGroup.documentgroup = Acl.target " . "ORDER BY Acl.target, Acl.principal, Acl.authority";
                 $bindings = array(':element' => $this->get('id'), ':context' => $context);
                 $query = new xPDOCriteria($this->xpdo, $sql, $bindings);
                 if ($query->stmt && $query->stmt->execute()) {
                     while ($row = $query->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                         $policy['modAccessResourceGroup'][$row['target']][] = array('principal' => $row['principal'], 'authority' => $row['authority'], 'policy' => $row['data'] ? $this->xpdo->fromJSON($row['data'], true) : array());
             if ($catEnabled) {
                 $accessTable = $this->xpdo->getTableName('modAccessCategory');
                 $categoryClosureTable = $this->xpdo->getTableName('modCategoryClosure');
                 $sql = "SELECT Acl.target, Acl.principal, Acl.authority, Acl.policy, Policy.data FROM {$accessTable} Acl " . "LEFT JOIN {$policyTable} Policy ON Policy.id = Acl.policy " . "JOIN {$categoryClosureTable} CategoryClosure ON CategoryClosure.descendant = :category " . "AND Acl.principal_class = 'modUserGroup' " . "AND CategoryClosure.ancestor = Acl.target " . "AND (Acl.context_key = :context OR Acl.context_key IS NULL OR Acl.context_key = '') " . "ORDER BY CategoryClosure.depth DESC, target, principal, authority ASC";
                 $bindings = array(':category' => $this->get('category'), ':context' => $context);
                 $query = new xPDOCriteria($this->xpdo, $sql, $bindings);
                 if ($query->stmt && $query->stmt->execute()) {
                     while ($row = $query->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                         $policy['modAccessCategory'][$row['target']][] = array('principal' => $row['principal'], 'authority' => $row['authority'], 'policy' => $row['data'] ? $this->xpdo->fromJSON($row['data'], true) : array());
             $this->_policies[$context] = $policy;
         } else {
             $policy = $this->_policies[$context];
     return $policy;
コード例 #16
 public function __construct(modX &$modx, array $config = array())
     $this->modx =& $modx;
     $corePath = $this->modx->getOption('msearch2.core_path', $config, $this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/msearch2/');
     $assetsUrl = $this->modx->getOption('msearch2.assets_url', $config, $this->modx->getOption('assets_url') . 'components/msearch2/');
     $actionUrl = $this->modx->getOption('msearch2.action_url', $config, $assetsUrl . 'action.php');
     $connectorUrl = $assetsUrl . 'connector.php';
     $this->config = array_merge(array('assetsUrl' => $assetsUrl, 'cssUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'css/', 'jsUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'js/', 'imagesUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'images/', 'customPath' => $corePath . 'custom/', 'connectorUrl' => $connectorUrl, 'actionUrl' => $actionUrl, 'corePath' => $corePath, 'modelPath' => $corePath . 'model/', 'templatesPath' => $corePath . 'elements/templates/', 'processorsPath' => $corePath . 'processors/', 'cacheTime' => 1800, 'languages' => array('ru_RU' => array('storage' => 'file'), 'en_EN' => array('storage' => 'file')), 'min_word_length' => $this->modx->getOption('mse2_index_min_words_length', null, 3, true), 'exact_match_bonus' => $this->modx->getOption('mse2_search_exact_match_bonus', null, 5, true), 'all_words_bonus' => $this->modx->getOption('mse2_search_all_words_bonus', null, 5, true), 'introCutBefore' => 50, 'introCutAfter' => 250, 'filter_delimeter' => '|', 'method_delimeter' => ':', 'values_delimeter' => ',', 'split_words' => $this->modx->getOption('mse2_search_split_words', null, '#\\s#', true), 'split_all' => '#\\s|[,.:;!?"\'(){}\\/\\#]#', 'suggestionsRadio' => array()), $config);
     if (!is_array($this->config['languages'])) {
         $this->config['languages'] = $modx->fromJSON($this->config['languages']);
     if (!is_array($this->config['suggestionsRadio'])) {
         $this->config['suggestionsRadio'] = array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->config['suggestionsRadio']));
     $this->modx->addPackage('msearch2', $this->config['modelPath']);
コード例 #17
  * Redirect to a specified URL.
  * Properties needed:
  * - redirectTo - the ID of the Resource to redirect to.
  * @param array $fields An array of cleaned POST fields
  * @return boolean False if unsuccessful.
 public function redirect(array $fields = array())
     if (empty($this->quip->config['redirectTo'])) {
         return false;
     $redirectParams = !empty($this->quip->config['redirectParams']) ? $this->quip->config['redirectParams'] : '';
     if (!empty($redirectParams)) {
         $prefix = $this->modx->getOption('placeholderPrefix', $this->quip->config, 'fi.');
         $this->modx->setPlaceholders($fields, $prefix);
         $this->modx->parser->processElementTags('', $redirectParams, true, true);
         $redirectParams = $this->modx->fromJSON($redirectParams);
         if (empty($redirectParams)) {
             $redirectParams = '';
     $url = $this->modx->makeUrl($this->quip->config['redirectTo'], '', $redirectParams, 'abs');
     return true;
コード例 #18
 /** @inheritdoc} */
 public function submit($data = array())
     $response = $this->ms2->invokeEvent('msOnSubmitOrder', array('data' => $data, 'order' => $this));
     if (!$response['success']) {
         return $this->error($response['message']);
     if (!empty($response['data']['data'])) {
     $response = $this->getDeliveryRequiresFields();
     if ($this->ms2->config['json_response']) {
         $response = $this->modx->fromJSON($response);
     $requires = $response['data']['requires'];
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($requires as $v) {
         if (!empty($v) && empty($this->order[$v])) {
             $errors[] = $v;
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         return $this->error('ms2_order_err_requires', $errors);
     $user_id = $this->ms2->getCustomerId();
     $cart_status = $this->ms2->cart->status();
     $delivery_cost = $this->getCost(false, true);
     $createdon = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     /* @var msOrder $order */
     $order = $this->modx->newObject('msOrder');
     $order->fromArray(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'createdon' => $createdon, 'num' => $this->getnum(), 'delivery' => $this->order['delivery'], 'payment' => $this->order['payment'], 'cart_cost' => $cart_status['total_cost'], 'weight' => $cart_status['total_weight'], 'delivery_cost' => $delivery_cost, 'cost' => $cart_status['total_cost'] + $delivery_cost, 'status' => 0, 'context' => $this->ms2->config['ctx']));
     // Adding address
     /* @var msOrderAddress $address */
     $address = $this->modx->newObject('msOrderAddress');
     $address->fromArray(array_merge($this->order, array('user_id' => $user_id, 'createdon' => $createdon)));
     // Adding products
     $cart = $this->ms2->cart->get();
     $products = array();
     foreach ($cart as $v) {
         /* @var msOrderProduct $product */
         $product = $this->modx->newObject('msOrderProduct');
         $product->fromArray(array_merge($v, array('product_id' => $v['id'], 'cost' => $v['price'] * $v['count'])));
         $products[] = $product;
     $response = $this->ms2->invokeEvent('msOnBeforeCreateOrder', array('msOrder' => $order, 'order' => $this));
     if (!$response['success']) {
         return $this->error($response['message']);
     if ($order->save()) {
         $response = $this->ms2->invokeEvent('msOnCreateOrder', array('msOrder' => $order, 'order' => $this));
         if (!$response['success']) {
             return $this->error($response['message']);
         if (empty($_SESSION['minishop2']['orders'])) {
             $_SESSION['minishop2']['orders'] = array();
         $_SESSION['minishop2']['orders'][] = $order->get('id');
         // Trying to set status "new"
         $response = $this->ms2->changeOrderStatus($order->get('id'), 1);
         if ($response !== true) {
             return $this->error($response, array('msorder' => $order->get('id')));
         } elseif ($payment = $this->modx->getObject('msPayment', array('id' => $order->get('payment'), 'active' => 1))) {
             $response = $payment->send($order);
             if ($this->config['json_response']) {
                 exit(is_array($response) ? $this->modx->toJSON($response) : $response);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($response['data']['redirect'])) {
                 } elseif (!empty($response['data']['msorder'])) {
                     $this->modx->sendRedirect($this->modx->makeUrl($this->modx->resource->id), array('msorder' => $response['data']['msorder']));
                 } else {
         } else {
             if ($this->ms2->config['json_response']) {
                 return $this->success('', array('msorder' => $order->get('id')));
             } else {
                 $this->modx->sendRedirect($this->modx->makeUrl($this->modx->resource->id), array('msorder' => $response['data']['msorder']));
     return $this->error();
コード例 #19
 /** @inheritdoc} */
 public function formatOutcoming($sum = '0')
     $pf = $this->modx->fromJSON($this->MlmSystem->getOption('format_outcoming', null, '[2, ".", " "]'));
     $noZeros = $this->MlmSystem->getOption('format_outcoming_no_zeros', null, true);
     return $this->sumFormat($sum, $pf, $noZeros);
コード例 #20
  * Find all policies for this object
  * @param string $context
  * @return array
 public function findPolicy($context = '')
     $policy = array();
     $enabled = true;
     $context = 'mgr';
     if ($context === $this->xpdo->context->get('key')) {
         $enabled = (bool) $this->xpdo->getOption('access_media_source_enabled', null, true);
     } elseif ($this->xpdo->getContext($context)) {
         $enabled = (bool) $this->xpdo->contexts[$context]->getOption('access_media_source_enabled', true);
     if ($enabled) {
         if (empty($this->_policies) || !isset($this->_policies[$context])) {
             $accessTable = $this->xpdo->getTableName('sources.modAccessMediaSource');
             $sourceTable = $this->xpdo->getTableName('sources.modMediaSource');
             $policyTable = $this->xpdo->getTableName('modAccessPolicy');
             $sql = "SELECT Acl.target, Acl.principal, Acl.authority, Acl.policy, Policy.data FROM {$accessTable} Acl " . "LEFT JOIN {$policyTable} Policy ON Policy.id = Acl.policy " . "JOIN {$sourceTable} Source ON Acl.principal_class = 'modUserGroup' " . "AND (Acl.context_key = :context OR Acl.context_key IS NULL OR Acl.context_key = '') " . "AND Source.id = Acl.target " . "WHERE Acl.target = :source " . "GROUP BY Acl.target, Acl.principal, Acl.authority, Acl.policy";
             $bindings = array(':source' => $this->get('id'), ':context' => $context);
             $query = new xPDOCriteria($this->xpdo, $sql, $bindings);
             if ($query->stmt && $query->stmt->execute()) {
                 while ($row = $query->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                     $policy['sources.modAccessMediaSource'][$row['target']][] = array('principal' => $row['principal'], 'authority' => $row['authority'], 'policy' => $row['data'] ? $this->xpdo->fromJSON($row['data'], true) : array());
             $this->_policies[$context] = $policy;
         } else {
             $policy = $this->_policies[$context];
     return $policy;
コード例 #21
ファイル: vapor.php プロジェクト: Tramp1357/atlasorg
         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaging " . $include['source']);
         $package->put($include, array('vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle'));
 if (!XPDO_CLI_MODE && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
 /* package up the vapor model for use on install */
 $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaging vaporVehicle class");
 $package->put(array('source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'model/vapor', 'target' => "return MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/vapor/model/';"), array('vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle', 'validate' => array(array('type' => 'php', 'source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'scripts/validate.truncate_tables.php', 'classes' => $classes)), 'resolve' => array(array('type' => 'php', 'source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'scripts/resolve.vapor_model.php'))));
 $attributes = array('preserve_keys' => true, 'update_object' => true);
 /* get the extension_packages and resolver */
 $object = $modx->getObject('modSystemSetting', array('key' => 'extension_packages'));
 if ($object) {
     $extPackages = $object->get('value');
     $extPackages = $modx->fromJSON($extPackages);
     foreach ($extPackages as &$extPackage) {
         if (!is_array($extPackage)) {
         foreach ($extPackage as $pkgName => &$pkg) {
             if (!empty($pkg['path']) && strpos($pkg['path'], '[[++') === false) {
                 if (substr($pkg['path'], 0, 1) !== '/' || strpos($pkg['path'], $base_path) !== 0 && strpos($pkg['path'], $core_path) !== 0) {
                     $path = realpath($pkg['path']);
                     if ($path === false) {
                         $path = $pkg['path'];
                     } else {
                         $path = rtrim($path, '/') . '/';
                 } else {
                     $path = $pkg['path'];
コード例 #22
  * Loads a variable number of topic areas. They must reside as topicname.
  * inc.php files in their proper culture directory. Can load an infinite
  * number of topic areas via a dynamic number of arguments.
  * They are loaded by language:namespace:topic, namespace:topic, or just
  * topic. Examples: $modx->lexicon->load('en:core:snippet'); $modx->lexicon-
  * >load ('demo:test'); $modx->lexicon->load('chunk');
  * @access public
 public function load()
     $topics = func_get_args();
     /* allow for dynamic number of lexicons to load */
     if ($this->modx->context && $this->modx->context->get('key') == 'mgr') {
         $defaultLanguage = $this->modx->getOption('manager_language', null, $this->modx->getOption('cultureKey', null, 'en'));
     } else {
         $defaultLanguage = $this->modx->getOption('cultureKey', null, 'en');
     foreach ($topics as $topicStr) {
         if (!is_string($topicStr) || $topicStr == '') {
         if (in_array($topicStr, $this->_loadedTopics)) {
         $nspos = strpos($topicStr, ':');
         $topic = str_replace('.', '/', $topicStr);
         /** @deprecated 2.0.0 Allow for lexicon subdirs */
         /* if no namespace, search all lexicons */
         if ($nspos === false) {
             foreach ($this->_paths as $namespace => $path) {
                 $entries = $this->loadCache($namespace, $topic);
                 if (is_array($entries)) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($defaultLanguage, $this->_lexicon)) {
                         $this->_lexicon[$defaultLanguage] = array();
                     $this->_lexicon[$defaultLanguage] = is_array($this->_lexicon[$defaultLanguage]) ? array_merge($this->_lexicon[$defaultLanguage], $entries) : $entries;
         } else {
             /* if namespace, search specified lexicon */
             $params = explode(':', $topic);
             if (count($params) <= 2) {
                 $language = $defaultLanguage;
                 $namespace = $params[0];
                 $topic_parsed = $params[1];
             } else {
                 $language = $params[0];
                 $namespace = $params[1];
                 $topic_parsed = $params[2];
             $englishEntries = $language != 'en' ? $this->loadCache($namespace, $topic_parsed, 'en') : false;
             $entries = $this->loadCache($namespace, $topic_parsed, $language);
             if (!is_array($entries)) {
                 if (is_string($entries) && !empty($entries)) {
                     $entries = $this->modx->fromJSON($entries);
                 if (empty($entries)) {
                     $entries = array();
             if (is_array($englishEntries) && !empty($englishEntries)) {
                 $entries = array_merge($englishEntries, $entries);
             if (is_array($entries)) {
                 $this->_loadedTopics[] = $topicStr;
                 if (!array_key_exists($language, $this->_lexicon)) {
                     $this->_lexicon[$language] = array();
                 $this->_lexicon[$language] = is_array($this->_lexicon[$language]) ? array_merge($this->_lexicon[$language], $entries) : $entries;
コード例 #23
ファイル: create.class.php プロジェクト: Tramp1357/atlasorg
 public function process()
     //$startTime = microtime(true);
     try {
         $vaporOptions = array('excludeExtraTablePrefix' => array(), 'excludeExtraTables' => array(), 'excludeFiles' => array(MODX_BASE_PATH . 'vapor', MODX_BASE_PATH . 'phpmyadmin', MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets', MODX_BASE_PATH . 'core'));
         if (is_readable(VAPOR_DIR . 'config.php')) {
             $vaporConfigOptions = @(include VAPOR_DIR . 'config.php');
             if (is_array($vaporConfigOptions)) {
                 $vaporOptions = array_merge($vaporOptions, $vaporConfigOptions);
         if (!XPDO_CLI_MODE && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
         $options = array('log_level' => xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, 'log_target' => array('target' => 'FILE', 'options' => array('filename' => 'vapor-' . strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', $this->getProperty('startTime')) . '.log')), xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB => false, xPDO::OPT_SETUP => true);
         $modx = new modX('', $options);
         $modx->setOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB, false);
         $modx->setOption(xPDO::OPT_SETUP, true);
         $modx->startTime = $this->getProperty('startTime');
         $modxVersion = $modx->version['full_version'];
         if (version_compare($modxVersion, '2.2.1-pl', '>=')) {
             $modx->initialize('mgr', $options);
         } else {
         $modx->setOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB, false);
         $modx->setOption(xPDO::OPT_SETUP, true);
         $modxDatabase = $modx->getOption('dbname', $options, $modx->getOption('database', $options));
         $modxTablePrefix = $modx->getOption('table_prefix', $options, '');
         $core_path = realpath($modx->getOption('core_path', $options, MODX_CORE_PATH)) . '/';
         $assets_path = realpath($modx->getOption('assets_path', $options, MODX_ASSETS_PATH)) . '/';
         $manager_path = realpath($modx->getOption('manager_path', $options, MODX_MANAGER_PATH)) . '/';
         $base_path = realpath($modx->getOption('base_path', $options, MODX_BASE_PATH)) . '/';
         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "core_path=" . $core_path);
         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "assets_path=" . $assets_path);
         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "manager_path=" . $manager_path);
         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "base_path=" . $base_path);
         $modx->loadClass('transport.modPackageBuilder', '', false, true);
         $builder = new modPackageBuilder($modx);
         /** @var modWorkspace $workspace */
         $workspace = $modx->getObject('modWorkspace', 1);
         if (!$workspace) {
             $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "no workspace!");
         $package = $builder->createPackage(PKG_NAME, PKG_VERSION, PKG_RELEASE);
         /* Defines the classes to extract (also used for truncation) */
         $classes = $this->getClassesList();
         $attributes = array('vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle');
         /* get all files from the components directory */
         /*$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaging " . MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components');
                   'source' => MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components',
                   'target' => 'return MODX_CORE_PATH;'
                   'vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle'
         /* get all files from the assets directory */
         /*$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaging " . MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets');
                   'source' => MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets',
                   'target' => 'return MODX_BASE_PATH;'
                   'vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle'
         /* get all files from the manager/components directory */
         /*$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaging " . MODX_MANAGER_PATH . 'components');
                   'source' => MODX_MANAGER_PATH . 'components',
                   'target' => 'return MODX_MANAGER_PATH;'
                   'vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle'
         /* find other files/directories in the MODX_BASE_PATH */
         $excludes = array('_build', 'setup', 'assets', 'ht.access', 'index.php', 'config.core.php', dirname(MODX_CORE_PATH) . '/' === MODX_BASE_PATH ? basename(MODX_CORE_PATH) : 'core', dirname(MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH) . '/' === MODX_BASE_PATH ? basename(MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH) : 'connectors', dirname(MODX_MANAGER_PATH) . '/' === MODX_BASE_PATH ? basename(MODX_MANAGER_PATH) : 'manager');
         if (isset($vaporOptions['excludeFiles']) && is_array($vaporOptions['excludeFiles'])) {
             $excludes = array_unique($excludes + $vaporOptions['excludeFiles']);
         /*if ($dh = opendir(MODX_BASE_PATH)) {
           $includes = array();
           while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
               /* ignore files/dirs starting with . or matching an exclude */
         /*if (strpos($file, '.') === 0 || in_array(strtolower($file), $excludes)) {
                   $includes[] = array(
                       'source' => MODX_BASE_PATH . $file,
                       'target' => 'return MODX_BASE_PATH;'
               foreach ($includes as $include) {
                   $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaging " . $include['source']);
                           'vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle'
         foreach ($this->getProperty('sources') as $source_id) {
             // Try to get mediaSource
             $loaded = $this->getSource($source_id);
             if ($loaded !== true) {
                 return $this->failure($loaded);
             /* Why for??
                if (!$this->source->checkPolicy('delete')) {
                    return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('permission_denied'));
             if ($properties = $this->source->getBases('') and $properties['pathIsRelative'] and $path = $properties['path']) {
                 if ($dh = opendir(MODX_BASE_PATH . $path)) {
                     $includes = array();
                     while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                         /* ignore files/dirs starting with . or matching an exclude */
                         if (strpos($file, '.') === 0 || in_array(strtolower($file), $excludes)) {
                         $includes[] = array('source' => MODX_BASE_PATH . $path . $file, 'target' => "return MODX_BASE_PATH . '{$path}/';");
                     foreach ($includes as $include) {
                         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaging " . $include['source']);
                         $package->put($include, array('vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle'));
         if (!XPDO_CLI_MODE && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
         /* package up the vapor model for use on install */
         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaging vaporVehicle class");
                   'source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'model/vapor',
                   'target' => "return MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/vapor/model/';"
                   'vehicle_class' => 'xPDOFileVehicle',
                   'validate' => array(
                           'type' => 'php',
                           'source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'scripts/validate.truncate_tables.php',
                           'classes' => $classes
                   'resolve' => array(
                           'type' => 'php',
                           'source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'scripts/resolve.vapor_model.php'
         $attributes = array('preserve_keys' => true, 'update_object' => true);
         /* get the extension_packages and resolver */
         if ($this->getProperty('includeExtensionPackages')) {
             $object = $modx->getObject('modSystemSetting', array('key' => 'extension_packages'));
             if ($object) {
                 $extPackages = $object->get('value');
                 $extPackages = $modx->fromJSON($extPackages);
                 foreach ($extPackages as &$extPackage) {
                     if (!is_array($extPackage)) {
                     foreach ($extPackage as $pkgName => &$pkg) {
                         if (!empty($pkg['path']) && strpos($pkg['path'], '[[++') === false) {
                             if (substr($pkg['path'], 0, 1) !== '/' || strpos($pkg['path'], $base_path) !== 0 && strpos($pkg['path'], $core_path) !== 0) {
                                 $path = realpath($pkg['path']);
                                 if ($path === false) {
                                     $path = $pkg['path'];
                                 } else {
                                     $path = rtrim($path, '/') . '/';
                             } else {
                                 $path = $pkg['path'];
                             if (strpos($path, $core_path) === 0) {
                                 $path = str_replace($core_path, '[[++core_path]]', $path);
                             } elseif (strpos($path, $assets_path) === 0) {
                                 $path = str_replace($assets_path, '[[++assets_path]]', $path);
                             } elseif (strpos($path, $manager_path) === 0) {
                                 $path = str_replace($manager_path, '[[++manager_path]]', $path);
                             } elseif (strpos($path, $base_path) === 0) {
                                 $path = str_replace($base_path, '[[++base_path]]', $path);
                             $pkg['path'] = $path;
                 $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Setting extension packages to: " . print_r($extPackages, true));
                 $object->set('value', $modx->toJSON($extPackages));
                 $package->put($object, array_merge($attributes, array('resolve' => array(array('type' => 'php', 'source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'scripts/resolve.extension_packages.php')))));
         /* loop through the classes and package the objects */
         foreach ($classes as $class) {
             if (!XPDO_CLI_MODE && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
             $instances = 0;
             $classCriteria = null;
             $classAttributes = $attributes;
             switch ($class) {
                 case 'modSession':
                     /* skip sessions */
                     continue 2;
                 case 'modSystemSetting':
                     $classCriteria = array('key:!=' => 'extension_packages');
                 case 'modWorkspace':
                     /** @var modWorkspace $object */
                     foreach ($modx->getIterator('modWorkspace', $classCriteria) as $object) {
                         if (strpos($object->path, $core_path) === 0) {
                             $object->set('path', str_replace($core_path, '{core_path}', $object->path));
                         } elseif (strpos($object->path, $assets_path) === 0) {
                             $object->set('path', str_replace($assets_path, '{assets_path}', $object->path));
                         } elseif (strpos($object->path, $manager_path) === 0) {
                             $object->set('path', str_replace($manager_path, '{manager_path}', $object->path));
                         } elseif (strpos($object->path, $base_path) === 0) {
                             $object->set('path', str_replace($base_path, '{base_path}', $object->path));
                         if ($package->put($object, $classAttributes)) {
                         } else {
                             $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Could not package {$class} instance with pk: " . print_r($object->getPrimaryKey(), true));
                     $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaged {$instances} of {$class}");
                     continue 2;
                 case 'transport.modTransportPackage':
                     $response = $modx->call('modTransportPackage', 'listPackages', array(&$modx, $workspace->get('id')));
                     if (isset($response['collection'])) {
                         foreach ($response['collection'] as $object) {
                             $packagesDir = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'packages/';
                             if ($object->getOne('Workspace')) {
                                 $packagesDir = $object->Workspace->get('path') . 'packages/';
                             $pkgSource = $object->get('source');
                             $folderPos = strrpos($pkgSource, '/');
                             $sourceDir = $folderPos > 1 ? substr($pkgSource, 0, $folderPos + 1) : '';
                             $source = realpath($packagesDir . $pkgSource);
                             $target = 'MODX_CORE_PATH . "packages/' . $sourceDir . '"';
                             $classAttributes = array_merge($attributes, array('resolve' => array(array('type' => 'file', 'source' => $source, 'target' => "return {$target};"))));
                             if ($package->put($object, $classAttributes)) {
                             } else {
                                 $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Could not package {$class} instance with pk: " . print_r($object->getPrimaryKey(), true));
                     $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaged {$instances} of {$class}");
                     continue 2;
                 case 'sources.modMediaSource':
                     foreach ($modx->getIterator('sources.modMediaSource') as $object) {
                         $classAttributes = $attributes;
                         /** @var modMediaSource $object */
                         if ($object->get('is_stream') && $object->initialize()) {
                             $sourceBases = $object->getBases('');
                             $source = $object->getBasePath();
                             if (!$sourceBases['pathIsRelative'] && strpos($source, '://') === false) {
                                 $sourceBasePath = $source;
                                 if (strpos($source, $base_path) === 0) {
                                     $sourceBasePath = str_replace($base_path, '', $sourceBasePath);
                                     $classAttributes['resolve'][] = array('type' => 'php', 'source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'scripts/resolve.media_source.php', 'target' => $sourceBasePath, 'targetRelative' => true);
                                 } else {
                                     /* when coming from Windows sources, remove "{volume}:" */
                                     if (strpos($source, ':\\') !== false || strpos($source, ':/') !== false) {
                                         $sourceBasePath = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($source, strpos($source, ':') + 1));
                                     $target = 'dirname(MODX_BASE_PATH) . "/sources/' . ltrim(dirname($sourceBasePath), '/') . '/"';
                                     $classAttributes['resolve'][] = array('type' => 'file', 'source' => $source, 'target' => "return {$target};");
                                     $classAttributes['resolve'][] = array('type' => 'php', 'source' => VAPOR_DIR . 'scripts/resolve.media_source.php', 'target' => $sourceBasePath, 'targetRelative' => false, 'targetPrepend' => "return dirname(MODX_BASE_PATH) . '/sources/';");
                         if ($package->put($object, $classAttributes)) {
                         } else {
                             $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Could not package {$class} instance with pk: " . print_r($object->getPrimaryKey(), true));
                     $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaged {$instances} of {$class}");
                     continue 2;
             /** @var xPDOObject $object */
             foreach ($modx->getIterator($class, $classCriteria) as $object) {
                 if ($package->put($object, $classAttributes)) {
                 } else {
                     $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Could not package {$class} instance with pk: " . print_r($object->getPrimaryKey(), true));
             $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaged {$instances} of {$class}");
         /* collect table names from classes and grab any additional tables/data not listed */
         $coreTables = array();
         $extraTables = array();
         foreach ($classes as $class) {
             $coreTables[$class] = $modx->quote($modx->literal($modx->getTableName($class)));
         if ($coreTables) {
             $stmt = $modx->query("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '{$modxDatabase}' AND TABLE_NAME NOT IN (" . implode(',', $coreTables) . ")");
             $extraTables = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
         if (is_array($extraTables) && !empty($extraTables)) {
             //$modx->loadClass('vapor.vaporVehicle', VAPOR_DIR . 'model/', true, true);
             $modx->loadClass('vapor.vaporVehicle', VAPOR_DIR, true, true);
             $excludeExtraTablePrefix = isset($vaporOptions['excludeExtraTablePrefix']) && is_array($vaporOptions['excludeExtraTablePrefix']) ? $vaporOptions['excludeExtraTablePrefix'] : array();
             $excludeExtraTables = isset($vaporOptions['excludeExtraTables']) && is_array($vaporOptions['excludeExtraTables']) ? $vaporOptions['excludeExtraTables'] : array();
             foreach ($extraTables as $extraTable) {
                 if (in_array($extraTable, $excludeExtraTables)) {
                 if (!XPDO_CLI_MODE && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
                 $instances = 0;
                 $object = array();
                 $attributes = array('vehicle_package' => 'vapor', 'vehicle_class' => 'vaporVehicle');
                 /* remove modx table_prefix if table starts with it */
                 $extraTableName = $extraTable;
                 if (!empty($modxTablePrefix) && strpos($extraTableName, $modxTablePrefix) === 0) {
                     $extraTableName = substr($extraTableName, strlen($modxTablePrefix));
                     $addTablePrefix = true;
                 } elseif (!empty($modxTablePrefix) || in_array($extraTableName, $excludeExtraTablePrefix)) {
                     $addTablePrefix = false;
                 } else {
                     $addTablePrefix = true;
                 $object['tableName'] = $extraTableName;
                 $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Extracting non-core table {$extraTableName}");
                 /* generate the CREATE TABLE statement */
                 $stmt = $modx->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$modx->escape($extraTable)}");
                 $resultSet = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
                 if (isset($resultSet[1])) {
                     if ($addTablePrefix) {
                         $object['drop'] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$modx->escape('[[++table_prefix]]' . $extraTableName)}";
                         $object['table'] = str_replace("CREATE TABLE {$modx->escape($extraTable)}", "CREATE TABLE {$modx->escape('[[++table_prefix]]' . $extraTableName)}", $resultSet[1]);
                     } else {
                         $object['drop'] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$modx->escape($extraTableName)}";
                         $object['table'] = $resultSet[1];
                     /* collect the rows and generate INSERT statements */
                     $object['data'] = array();
                     $stmt = $modx->query("SELECT * FROM {$modx->escape($extraTable)}");
                     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                         if ($instances === 0) {
                             $fields = implode(', ', array_map(array($modx, 'escape'), array_keys($row)));
                         $values = array();
                         while (list($key, $value) = each($row)) {
                             switch (gettype($value)) {
                                 case 'string':
                                     $values[] = $modx->quote($value);
                                 case 'NULL':
                                 case 'array':
                                 case 'object':
                                 case 'resource':
                                 case 'unknown type':
                                     $values[] = 'NULL';
                                     $values[] = (string) $value;
                         $values = implode(', ', $values);
                         if ($addTablePrefix) {
                             $object['data'][] = "INSERT INTO {$modx->escape('[[++table_prefix]]' . $extraTableName)} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})";
                         } else {
                             $object['data'][] = "INSERT INTO {$modx->escape($extraTable)} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})";
                 if (!$package->put($object, $attributes)) {
                     $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Could not package rows for table {$extraTable}: " . print_r($object, true));
                 } else {
                     $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Packaged {$instances} rows for table {$extraTable}");
         if (!XPDO_CLI_MODE && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
         if (!$package->pack()) {
             $message = "Error extracting package, could not pack transport: {$package->signature}";
             $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $message);
             //echo "{$message}\n";
         } else {
             $message = "Completed extracting package: {$package->signature}";
             $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $message);
             //echo "{$message}\n";
         $endTime = microtime(true);
         $msg = sprintf("Vapor execution completed without exception in %2.4fs", $endTime - $this->getProperty('startTime'));
         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $msg);
         return $this->success($msg, array('signature' => $package->signature));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (empty($endTime)) {
             $endTime = microtime(true);
         if (!empty($modx)) {
             $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $e->getMessage());
             $msg = sprintf("Vapor execution completed with exception in %2.4fs", $endTime - $this->getProperty('startTime'));
             $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $msg);
             return $this->failure($msg);
         } else {
             //echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
         $msg = sprintf("Vapor execution completed with exception in %2.4fs\n", $endTime - $this->getProperty('startTime'));
         $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $msg);
         return $this->failure($msg);
     return $modx->success(printf("Vapor execution completed without exception in %2.4fs\n", $endTime - $this->getProperty('startTime')));
コード例 #24
  * Convert JSON into an array
  * @param string $data
  * @return array
 protected function fromJSON($data)
     return $this->modx->fromJSON($data);
コード例 #25
  * Create a PDF with the options set in the class
  * @param modResource $resource
  * @param string|boolean $aliasPath
  * @return string
 public function createPDF($resource, $aliasPath)
     // Create folders
     if (!@is_dir($this->getOption('pdfPath'))) {
         if (!@mkdir($this->getOption('pdfPath'), $this->modx->getOption('new_folder_permissions', null, 0775))) {
             $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not create the pdf output path: ' . $this->getOption('pdfPath'), '', 'PDFresource');
     if ($aliasPath && !@is_dir($this->getOption('pdfPath') . $aliasPath)) {
         if (!@mkdir($this->getOption('pdfPath') . $aliasPath, $this->modx->getOption('new_folder_permissions', null, 0775))) {
             $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not create the pdf alias path: ' . $this->getOption('pdfPath') . $aliasPath, '', 'PDFresource');
     // Get options
     $id = $resource->get('id');
     $pdfTpl = $this->getOption('pdfTpl', null, 'tplPDF');
     $cssTpl = $this->getOption('cssTpl', null, 'tplCSS');
     $optionsTV = $this->getOption('pdfTvOptions', null, 'pdf_options');
     $processTVs = $this->getOption('processTVs', null, false);
     $tvPrefix = $this->getOption('tvPrefix', null, 'tv.');
     $placeholder = $resource->toArray();
     // Prepare template variables and resource based options
     $pdfOptions = null;
     $tvs = $this->modx->getCollection('modTemplateVar');
     foreach ($tvs as $tv) {
         /** @var modTemplateVar $tv */
         $placeholder[$tvPrefix . $tv->get('name')] = $processTVs ? $tv->renderOutput($id) : $tv->getValue($id);
         if ($tv->get('name') == $optionsTV && $tv->getValue($id) != '') {
             $pdfOptions = $this->modx->fromJSON($tv->getValue($id));
             if ($pdfOptions) {
                 $pdfTpl = $this->modx->getOption('pdfTpl', $pdfOptions, $pdfTpl);
                 $cssTpl = $this->modx->getOption('cssTpl', $pdfOptions, $cssTpl);
     // Parse template chunks
     $placeholder['tplPath'] = $this->modx->getOption('assets_path');
     $html = $this->getChunk($pdfTpl, $placeholder);
     $this->modx->getParser()->processElementTags('', $html, false, false, '[[', ']]', array(), $this->modx->getOption('max_iterations'));
     $this->modx->getParser()->processElementTags('', $html, true, true, '[[', ']]', array(), $this->modx->getOption('max_iterations'));
     $css = $this->getChunk($cssTpl, $placeholder);
     // Generate PDF file
     $this->initPDF(array('mode' => $this->getOption('mode', $pdfOptions, 'utf-8'), 'format' => $this->getOption('format', $pdfOptions, 'A4'), 'defaultFontSize' => intval($this->getOption('defaultFontSize', $pdfOptions, 8)), 'defaultFont' => $this->getOption('defaultFont', $pdfOptions, ''), 'mgl' => intval($this->getOption('mgl', $pdfOptions, 10)), 'mgr' => intval($this->getOption('mgr', $pdfOptions, 10)), 'mgt' => intval($this->getOption('mgt', $pdfOptions, 7)), 'mgb' => intval($this->getOption('mgb', $pdfOptions, 7)), 'mgh' => intval($this->getOption('mgh', $pdfOptions, 10)), 'mgf' => intval($this->getOption('mgf', $pdfOptions, 10)), 'orientation' => $this->getOption('orientation', $pdfOptions, 'P')));
     $this->pdf->SetAuthor($this->getOption('author', $pdfOptions, $this->modx->getOption('site_name')));
     $this->pdf->SetCreator($this->getOption('creator', $pdfOptions, $this->modx->getOption('site_url') . ' powered by PDFresource/mPDF'));
     // Password protection
     $userPassword = $this->getOption('userPassword', $pdfOptions, '');
     $ownerPassword = $this->getOption('ownerPassword', $pdfOptions, '');
     $permissions = $this->modx->fromJSON($this->getOption('permissions', $pdfOptions, ''));
     if ($userPassword || $ownerPassword) {
         // Set default permissions if needed
         $permissions = $permissions ? $permissions : array();
         // Random owner password if needed
         $ownerPassword = $ownerPassword ? $ownerPassword : null;
         $this->pdf->SetProtection($permissions, $userPassword, $ownerPassword, 128);
     // Call additional mPDF methods
     $mpdfMethods = $this->modx->fromJSON($this->getOption('mPDFMethods', $pdfOptions, ''));
     $mpdfMethods = is_array($mpdfMethods) ? $mpdfMethods : array();
     foreach ($mpdfMethods as $methodName) {
         $value = $this->getOption($methodName, $pdfOptions, '');
         $value = is_array($value) ? $value : $this->modx->fromJSON($value);
         if ($value && method_exists($this->pdf, $methodName)) {
             call_user_func_array(array($this->pdf, $methodName), $value);
     $this->pdf->WriteHTML($css, 1);
     $this->pdf->WriteHTML($html, 2);
     if ($aliasPath) {
         return $this->pdf->Output($this->getOption('pdfPath') . $aliasPath . $resource->get('alias') . '.pdf', 'F');
     } else {
         return $this->pdf->Output('', 'S');
コード例 #26
  * Check a MODX processor response and return results
  * @param string $result The response
  * @return array
 public function getResults(&$result)
     $response = ltrim(rtrim($result->response, ')'), '(');
     $response = $this->modx->fromJSON($response);
     return !empty($response['results']) ? $response['results'] : array();
コード例 #27
ファイル: Event.php プロジェクト: ashliewebb/ashliewebb
 public function init()
     if (isset($this->sp['resource'])) {
         if (!$this->sp['resource']->richtext) {
             return false;
     $useEditor = $this->modx->getOption('use_editor', false);
     $whichEditor = $this->modx->getOption('which_editor', '');
     if ($useEditor && $whichEditor != 'MarkdownEditor') {
         $initCondition = $this->md->getOption('init.condition');
         if (empty($initCondition)) {
             $initCondition = '[]';
         $initCondition = $this->modx->fromJSON($initCondition);
         if (!empty($initCondition)) {
             $c = $this->modx->newQuery('modResource');
             $c->where([['id' => $this->sp['resource']->id], $initCondition]);
             $check = $this->modx->getObject('modResource', $c);
             if ($check) {
                 $this->modx->setOption('which_editor', 'MarkdownEditor');
                 $whichEditor = 'MarkdownEditor';
     if ($useEditor && $whichEditor == 'MarkdownEditor') {
         return true;
     return false;